Having wrapped up a short 15-city Festival tour with Queen, Adam isn’t taking much time off. He’s already in Australia filming Season 8 (naturally) of the X-Factor there for broadcast later in the fall. It seems that some episodes are pre-taped in June/July with the live shows starting at the end of September (based on last year’s schedule). That timing works out perfectly as Q+AL can fit in a few Asian shows and Adam can record some new music before he is tied up with the live shows. And we thought that it would be a quiet summer!

Enjoy the chat!

Photos by @dragosionitaa and @Minnie_Glambert. Click on the photo above to go to a special gif (and don’t forget to view it full size)!

And during this quiet time why not check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Welcome To The Show – Official Video (7/6/16)

“Hands” – A Song for Orlando – Interscope Records (7/5/16)

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)
Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,216 Responses to July 2016 Chat

  1. nkd says:


    This video is mesmerizing! His eyes look right into you. Cannot help but watch again, and then again!

  2. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert – Welcome to the Show feat. Laleh [Official Music Video] 308,067 views

  3. asifclueless says:

    Hi … nkd!
    How are you doing? I’m glad to see you more here. Grin Heart

  4. nkd says:
  5. nkd says:

    Hi asif! I’m ok! Kiss

  6. milwlovesadam says:

    Nkd, your state needs a break. First the floods, now this. Such heartbreak.

    Thinking of you….

  7. twilightmagic8 says:

    ‘Welcome To The Show’ Official Video: 321,655 views Grin

  8. ultimathule says:

    In the minority here, but don’t particularly like that gristly, lobster-tail abs look on Skarsgard – or anyone else really – looks like they spend too much time on their bods. Prefer normal, but reasonably in-shape, physiques.

    Like this –

  9. ultimathule says:
  10. nkd says:

    Haha ulti, I had that pic copied to post here but decided not to.
    I’m a smile and eyes girl myself. Love beautiful eyes! Like a nice tush too! Razz

    But I will not turn away well defined abs!! Wink

  11. nkd says:

    mils, thanks, but our nation needs a break. This violence is so horrible.

  12. nkd says:

    Has anyone caught the new Match Game with Alec Baldwin as host? It’s so dirty! There was a schweddy log question last night. OMG!
    Ana Gasteyer was on the panel. She wrote the schweddy balls sketch. ROTFL

  13. glambotgram says:

    That Tarzan review was the best thing I have read in ages. Still laughing.

    nkd I can’t tell you how good it is to see you post, I have missed you.

    Love the WTTS video and Adam’s letter. Such a beautiful man inside and out.

  14. nkd says:

    Aw thanks glambotgram!
    I lurk almost everyday, so I’m always here!

    Is it just me but I could sure use an expanded version in the video at about 2:34. I’d really like to see those hips moving! And a longer look at the smile! Grin

    I need a gif of those few seconds!

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    Well, Adam likes art, so I’ll post this very interesting article on Van Gogh –

  17. asifclueless says:

    The Tarzan review is hilarious to me because I think of our fandom when I’m reading it. Laugh
    I’ve never seen Alexander Skargards .. only the photo the reviewer posted. So it’s not the comparison of Adam and Alex. But the way she reviews the movie is like us when we are at Adam’s concerts. We see only Adam and he is the best evah. Laugh Everything else is a blurr.

    Her style of writing is similar to mils .. Haha … goo goo gaa gaa over what she sees. It’s so funny.

    We need something to laugh at right now. Laugh

  18. asifclueless says:

    Where is Adam?
    Is he home yet?
    Miss him already! Grin

  19. nkd says:


  20. twilightmagic8 says:

    WTTS video: 364,521 views

  21. milwlovesadam says:

    Lots of articles about how hard he worked out, and his special diet. He didn’t look quite as buff on Conan. His bod on True Blood was gorgeous, not so much of a lobster.

    Thanks for the sunbathing pics!

    Yes, this is a nice diversion from reality.

    Thanks for thinking my writing is like the Tarzan after Wines gal!!

  22. milwlovesadam says:

    Does anybody else think that strawberry Instagram was a hint about the new hair color?

    Bora Bora? Fiji? New Zealand? London? Sauli???

  23. HK fan says:

    mils…I was team Eric on True Blood toAngel

  24. glambotgram says:

    Pictures of Adam at Sydney Int Airport. Coming Home?

    I love the woman in the background bending over the stroller, like “wait a minute kid, Adam Lambert is over there” Big Smile

    ETA If you click on the right arrow towards the top there are 5 or 6 pages of pictures

  25. milwlovesadam says:

    Beard looks very trimmed.

    Warm weather bound, IMHO.


  26. glambotgram says:

    That’s what I was wondering too mils

  27. luval says:

    So I guess it’s shazamable now?

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 3m3 minutes ago
    NEW VIDEO: Adam Lambert on Shazam, take a look:

  28. luval says:

    OT..speaking about movies. Wondered about this one.

    Madness ‏@madnessinmotion 11h11 hours ago

    Just got home from seeing #SecretLifeOfPets If you love pets you must see this movie! If you don’t love pets, see it anyway. You’ll love it

  29. luval says:

    So he was arriving in Sydney? Thought he’d be leaving Sydney.

  30. twilightmagic8 says:

    I can see ‘Welcome to the Show’ being played during the Olympics, along with Queen’s music! Grin Clover Music Note Clover Smile Clover Island Clap Clover Fingers Crossed Clover

  31. twilightmagic8 says:

    ‘Welcome to the Show’ video: 397,738 views

    Announce $400,000 in a very short time! Clap

    ETA: Now 400,182views Grin

  32. glambotgram says:

    So he was arriving in Sydney? Thought he’d be leaving Sydney.

    I think he was leaving Sydney. You can see he is waiting in either ticket or security lines. Maybe they meant arriving at airport?

    He should be in LA around 6 or 7 tonight if he was leaving.

    Luval my daughter can’t wait to see Secret Life of Pets with the kids.

  33. luval says:

    Think you’re right, glambotgram…arriving at the airport to leave the airport. Smile

    I want to see that Secret Life of Pets too.

    Watching WTTS, I let it play after.. .If I Had You. Has over 56 million views with comments in the last few days & weeks!

  34. luval says:


    One of my favorite “screen caps” is near the beginning when he sings “I’m happy to..” Such a sweet tiny smile.

    I love him in the button up shirt.

  35. twilightmagic8 says:

    I think he was leaving Sydney. You can see he is waiting in either ticket or security lines. Maybe they meant arriving at airport?

    He should be in LA around 6 or 7 tonight they are leaving.

    I hope Adam gets to sleep in his own bed! ??
    He had some additional property changes in the works, so hopefully they are completed. Fingers Crossed

    Adam will need any write off’s he can take, especially since he can work out of his home.
    Didn’t Adam mention a recording studio being added? Music Note Question

  36. glambotgram says:

    He had some additional property changes in the works, so hopefully they are completed.

    What is this, twilightmagic8?

  37. twilightmagic8 says:

    He had some additional property changes in the works, so hopefully they are completed.

    What is this, twilightmagic8?

    I read/ heard it, that he was remodeling for entertaining, Pool, etc.? Adam always grew up with a swimming pool in San Diego.
    Also, I read/heard about a recording studio possibly? He has the room for it. It really doesn’t have to be a huge one.
    That would be a nice write off, for his home.
    I don’t know where I read or heard it. Anyone here recall? Question
    You know how we are with any Adam news. We store in our brains, and it just stays there. Hypnotized

  38. twilightmagic8 says:

    WTTS Official Video: 435,554 views
    Fast as a Bunny!

    ETA:444,041 views

  39. luval says:

    A review

    laurieb ‏@LibraLaurie 35m35 minutes ago

    I think he lip syncs perfectly too.

    eta: 454,290

  40. Axxxel says:

    asifcluess and luval, I have to admit, I had a bit of an Adam burnout… Despite my fixed plans for QAL HongKong… Then suddenly I read his personal letter and it brought me back to the moment I fell in love with him… The backstage pressconference he gave after he lost the American Idol finals… This is the link : .. At the 3:06 mark until 3:46 he started to to talk about how to find the common “stuff” despite being different from his fellow Idol finalists… and that is how he was able to get along with Kris Allen and find a way to do the Queen duet together…

  41. Axxxel says:

    milwlovesadam for the flavour on your screen, may I suggest the coconut jelly that Guy and Adam seem to love so much….

  42. Axxxel says:

    Thank goodness I did not take my male cousin to that Tarzan movie…. Maybe better to the Ghostbusters reboot with all the ladies as the busters when I secretely fawn over Chris Hemsworth….

  43. twilightmagic8 says:

    I’ll take Chris Hemsworth as Thor any day over Tarzan.
    Now there’s a man with a twinkle in his eyes. Wink

  44. Axxxel says:

    asifclueless so what is next for Adam ? A sex video ? You really got me ROTFL with that one…

    Maybe a whirlwind romance like Taylor Swift and her new beau ( who happens to be my favorite actor Pissed Off )…. I can understand why this couple seems to be in a hurry because her beau had only one month free… and now is about to start shooting a movie for 5 months…

    Maybe Adam doesnt want to be in a hurry…
    When will Adam have the chance to have romance ? Hopefully after the Australian X factor in November 2016….

  45. twilightmagic8 says:

    WTTS video: 473,188 views Grin

    Almost 20,000 in 1 1/2 hours.Bunny

  46. Axxxel says:

    twilightmagic8 High five !!!! Laugh

  47. riskylady says:

    twilight, I remember the work on the house too, I think Adam mentioned it in an interview where he was asked what he does when he’s able to be in his lovely house.

    We went to see the Tarzan movie yesterday (we’re both fans of the books, and other Edgar Rice Burroughs writings). It was an interesting story actually about the early plundering of Africa and the Congo by Europeans. Gorgeous photography!! Skarsgard was good in the role, never realized he’s such a big guy, but not into that muscular look. Much prefer a finer subdued masculine look such as the FIIINNNNE specimen at the top of the page. Damn, I know he still thinks he’s that chubby high school kid, but the only body issues I can see are too much humm-ana-humm-ana for his own good!!! 0r ours! Devil Evil Grin

  48. twilightmagic8 says:

    Much prefer a finer subdued masculine look such as the FIIINNNNE specimen at the top of the page. Damn, I know he still thinks he’s that chubby high school kid, but the only body issues I can see are too much humm-ana-humm-ana for his own good!!! 0r ours! Devil Grin

    Ditto riskylady, I will be sad when August is here! I just love that photo! Heart In Love Grin Clap Clap Drunken Razz
    I wish it could be on the each month, because it is a work of
    art, how that photo captured that moment in time. It’s a masterpiece!
    AL, just a little photo, to tied us over till September?
    Please!!! Fingers Crossed Blowing Kisses

  49. twilightmagic8 says:

    twilight, I remember the work on the house too, I think Adam mentioned it in an interview where he was asked what he does when he’s able to be in his lovely house.

    In my mind it was an interview, not a written article. Just a shorter interview, with him briefly mentioning his home. Question
    We’ll find out eventually. Grin

  50. asifclueless says:

    Erzsébet Molnar ‏@erzsebet_molnar
    Adam Lambert arriving at Sydney International Airport, Australia /July 9, 2016/

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