- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oh, a video of his bedroom snap. Tiny glimpse of his bedroom. ( very tiny, lol)
“Queen asks GOP to stop using ‘We Are the Champions’ at convention”
Nice Adam/Brian pic – boy is getting some publicity out of this –
We now know that Adam’s bedroom curtains are opened with a remote, or a command center. A far cry from the ‘The Clapper.’
Adam probably thinks back to when he had his small studio apartment, and went to all the Thrift store to find clothes and treasures. Now he has his very own home with curtains, that are automatically opened with a remote.
It’s very nice of him to share these little marvels, and even letting us into his bedroom.
Im not political at all and this isnt that in the blog, but Trump needs to respect Brian and Queen and stop using the song, it doesnt fit with what he is doing anyhow, What kind of Champion does he think he is anyhow? He needs to pick a better song. BUT, I dont think most people even associate it with Queen and Freddie, I bet most people dont really pay attention to the song. But Queen and Brian dont want him using it and I dont blame him, so Trump needs to respect his wishes and stop.
AGT contestant just sang Feelin’ Good. He was actually good! But he’s no Adam. lol
Now playing Under Pressure in the background. AGT really does play lots of Queen
What I was thinking too, ultimathule…getting lots of mentions & publicity with major online sites.
That LATimes link is the best one so far IMO. Explains legalities which I never understood.
CBS Evening News
Media Matters @mmfa 38m38 minutes ago
CBS evening news highlights irony of anti-LGBT GOP using unauthorized Queen song At RNC: http://mm4a.org/2a6N3Sd
Don’t Stop Me Now on AGT background…. a cover band recording
Adam’s friend just sang on AGT. He’ll make it through. Nice voice but he just doesn’t have the “it” factor IMO.
So that’s not his bedroom? He’s on the ocean. Or maybe he spent a night on the beach.
TALCvids @TALCvids 3m3 minutes ago
Adam Lambert’s snapchat story 19/7/16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esn0pnycgnk … via @heathermarie_87
Cozy beach vibes ???
Yaaaaaas ma’am
@adamlambert was so fun seeing you! ??
Last year
Adam/Laverne Cox SnapChat
So, he IS with the cast of RHPS!
And Victoria Justice’s too!
LOL and another
Cast pic, needs to be rotated.
Rotated –
? Adam Lambert at #RHPS screening, Malibu July 19th w/ @Lavernecox and @VictoriaJustice
Another Brian/Adam pic – but doesn’t show Adam’s name (maybe they think he’s so famous, doesn’t need identifying – lol)
Stay fierce @DrBrianMay ? Happy Birthday!!!??? #foreveryoung @QueenWillRock
Adam on da floor – another great pic with Brian –
Adam mention –
Some great head shots here –
How fun seeing the cast of RHPS together!
Screening of the movie! Hope they liked it!
Btw luval, Adam doesn’t live that far from the ocean!!

It can still be in his bedroom. Great blackout curtains!
IslandGirl @islandgirljams 8h8 hours ago
I see so many comments like this one on random QAL vids now…such a shift by the Q diehards
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambert/posts/10153845317073651 …
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
adamlambert Floral w @ victoriajustice https://www.instagram.com/p/BIE45ddjkzz/
https://instagram.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/13737007_1143371915685883_1691300252_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI5ODQxMjgzMTgzODcxOTIxOQ%3D%3D.2 …
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 3h3 hours ago
Well said!
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 3h3 hours ago
Who created this meme!!??? It’s so spot on!
(I thought Adam did!)
♈️ Aries Heart @SASpurs21Fan 45m45 minutes ago
♈️ Aries Heart Retweeted Kathy Katz
LOL that’s Adam, heard in the background
Hollywood Reporter @THR 35m35 minutes ago
Earth, Wind & Fire Slam Donald Trump for Unauthorized Use of “September” at #RNCinCLE http://thr.cm/XNbSwb
And Brian replied!
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 1h1 hour ago
@OutlandoGirl @jam2885 ha ha ! That’s a very funny idea ! I like it ! Bri
Hmmmmm. ASCAP, re use of songs, copywrites/brands etc.
RadarEcho (RadarLuv) @RadarEcho 13h13 hours ago
RadarEcho (RadarLuv) Retweeted Nile Rodgers
Yay! @adamlambert mention too!
Nile Rodgers Verified account
HIGH! My name is @nilerodgers My Bio Clip- http://bit.ly/1MtJp2S
mmadamimadamm Retweeted
Kathleen Wimpelberg @Jaksox 39m39 minutes ago
@lilybop2010 @izzy_mar0720 The Python Boots! Adams wardrobe is “green”! Never throws anything out recycles re-wears!
I love this
More pics of Brian and Adam, plus a video –
Thanks luval, for posting this. It’s one of my all time favorite Adam moments.

Blowing kisses.
Oh, and I absolutely love the hair!!!!!
Took a few moments in the park today to remind myself to be grateful to be alive. I recommend it ! Bri
Don’t miss the two hour live Finale to ABC’s biggest summer hit, @greatesthitsabc August 4th with guest stars Ariana Grande, Cyndi Lauper, Adam Lambert, Nelly, New Edition, Sheryl Crow & other surprise guests perform their biggest hits! Tickets available now at http://www.axs.com
Shoshanna responded to a fan that Adam will
not be attending this event, but I’ll leave the info
on the calendar in case anyone wants to watch for
picture or video posts about the movie preview.
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
Laverne Cox @Lavernecox
I love me some @adamlambert rockyhorrorfox #RHPS
Lead Guitarist of British Rock Band Queen Wants Adam Lambert to Sing in Hebrew During Upcoming Israel Concert
https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/07/20/lead-guitarist-of-british-rock-band-queen-wants-adam-lambert-to-sing-in-hebrew-during-upcoming-israel-concert/ …
6:04 PM – 20 Jul 2016
Queen mentioned again on NBC news tonight in a segment about music & politics.
Wouldn’t it be great if he sang that song, luval – am sure it would be much appreciated by the audience –
ultimathule, I’m still thinking they will incorporate a couple of lines of The Song for Peace at the beginning of one of their’s. Maybe WWTLF?? We should take guesses. Like Morongo OOL before GT.
Brian liking Brian Justin Crum’s performance on AGT last night
ABC News @ABC 20m20 minutes ago
Queen may dislike Donald Trump, but artists have limited say in who uses their music. http://abcn.ws/29UCDDb
I love that too! So cute!
He’s never getting rid of those boots.
“5 reasons Queen + Adam Lambert live in Bangkok will be part of rock history”
Talk about a tangled web. This website is the one run by that Milo guy who got taken off Twitter. I was surprised that the comments mentioning Brian/Adam were favorable.
Queen’s Guitarist Asks Adam Lambert to Sing in Hebrew http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2016/07/21/queens-lead-guitarist-asks-adam-lambert-sing-hebrew-israel-concert/