- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
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- AL’s Games
Been hearing Oreo commercial quite a bit lately.
eta: just found some Oreo cookie minis in my cupboard while I was scrounging around for ANYTHING! Gosh they are good.
Sandy @heretohearyou 6m6 minutes ago
ABCPress Release
Izzy @izzy_mar0720 51m51 minutes ago
Found a description for the show https://twitter.com/headlineplanet/status/755174624384745472 …
I’d be surprised if this show was on for another season.
Looked up Tears for Fears and it’ll be performing in the UK through the end of July. Could be available with Adam –
How do we know that it will be Mad World? Just assuming?
He’s always surprising us.
He could be doing just about anything.
I’ve never heard of this show.
Maybe he’s got interviews or finally he’ll be on The View or The Talk again.
Anyhoo, DVR is locked and loaded. Episode 3 is this week. Never saw any ads for this show….
Well, I’d like to hear him sing something different for a change…
Yeah, just assuming Mad World. The one show I saw had the original artists singing their old hits. It’s on this thursday. If I remember I’ll remind peeps here to take a peek at it.
Just saw Oreo commercial again! Combined youtubes has views almost 1,700,00.
Just assuming here, mils – would actually love a “surprise” – fun to think about all the possibilities –
Haha, here’s one of the whole shows!
Or one performance (love these guysJ)
According to that ABC release, the songs will be between 1980 – 2005 so it wouldn’t be anything current for Adam or any guest.
there are duets
Jewell & Tori Kelly for example
Each show is in 5 year increments.
It seems to jump around ….
And this was the complaint I read in reviews when the show started.
#CapitolSexiestMale The one, the only, Adam Lambert! @CapitalOfficial
Very nice, indeed –
Geez, guess Queen couldn’t stop it. We Are the Champions just played as Melania Trump came on stage.
Queen is everywhere – lol –
Nancy Sinatra @NancySinatra
I liked Twitter better when you could read conversations. Now it’s just confusing.
Excited for Adam on the Greatest hits, I like the show, I like the oldies. lol, and the BSB were so good, Nick Carter is still sexy, they Sang with Megan Trainor. it seems the stars are singing their songs, so that doesnt make sense for Adam in that date slot, I glad he will be on there tho. What greatest hit could he be singing? Something for Queen maybe? What were hits from those years that Adam may sing? A Bowie song?
I love that Sexy picture from Capitol.
Queen played at the convention, lol, Should have played WTTS!!
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
Hollywood Reporter @THR
Trump again risked the wrath of @Queen after playing #WeAreTheChampions at the #RNCinCLE thr.cm/V3G5zC pic.twitter.com/tNv3QHmdjS
(same as BB)
Remember this? – three years ago –
Take a behind-the-scenes look with Adam Lambert as he comes to the AOL Studios to record some songs off his latest album. Welcome to Behind the Sessions @ AOL.
ADAM LAMBERT – Whataya Want From Me – Morongo 7/18/15
Nipplegate –
ADAM IG adamlambert #truth #queen #freddiemercury https://www.instagram.com/p/BICJZesDhec/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/13767495_814137958722805_1570262487_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI5NzY0MDk3NTk5MzAxODI2OA%3D%3D.2 …
So he’s going back to Australia next week
Gelly Retweeted
S.C. @MiaChenanne Jul 18
@thexfactorau Are the judges, especially @adamlambert gonna b at these sessions? I need to know before I get tixs?
TALCvids @TALCvids 23m23 minutes ago
TY RT @heathermarie_87: Adam Lambert’s snapchat
Heather ♎
Janis Joplin? from TV?
Queen has spoken
An unauthorised use at the Republican Convention against our wishes – Queen
Getting a substantial amount of play –
#CapitalSexiestMale ? #AdamLambert #アダムランバート
Another nice one –
Flipped crop –
“Top 25 Brian May’s guitar solos”
“GOP Under Pressure From Queen to Stop Using Its ‘Champions’ Anthem”
Adam mention –
Whatta great shot!
Happy Birthday @DrBrianMay !!!!
More Adam mention –
Some legit sites reporting the WATC debacle…abc, dailybeast, washington times & yes TMZ which seems to be legit these days.
Adam waking up?
IWONA @IvaaLambert 44m44 minutes ago
adamlambert’s snapchat video
Sun is up! Move your body ?
I don’t see a video
Hmmm. TMZ is saying GaGa and her boyfriend have broken up. I feel bad if this is so.
2016-07-19 Adam Lambert on Snapchat #2 – Rotated
Does anyone think this is possibly a clue for something?
So JLo is getting into the dance competition tv thing.
He probably was just channel surfing but you never know!
David Wild @Wildaboutmusic 15m15 minutes ago
Looking forward to seeing @adamlambert’s smiling face at our LIVE @greatesthitsabc finale August 4th! #GreatestHits
ABC Greatest Hits David W ild is writer/producer. http://www.disneyabcpress.com/abc/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dap_drawer&id=302202&type=pressrelease … He was writer/producer at Diva’s when Adam was presenting
.@AdamLambert si esibirà alla finale di “Greatest Hits” il 4 agosto, con lui
Cute –
People who don’t think I see anything about Queen
are sending me links about WATC.
On CNN right now (after the commercial) they’re going to talk about Queen & the RNC
Adam again –
Just saw a preview of the Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon is going to play Trump…his entrance like last night…with WATC and other music. Should be a hoot.
Is this “new”?
Rolling Stone @RollingStone 4h4 hours ago
Queen have issued a new statement against Donald Trump after #RNCinCLE song usage http://rol.st/2a9LIIM
Not wanting to get political here. Everyone has their own views. I’m sure the DNC is going to get lots of snark too. If it involves anything to do with Queen or Adam or any connection to them, I’ll probably post it.