Having wrapped up a short 15-city Festival tour with Queen, Adam isn’t taking much time off. He’s already in Australia filming Season 8 (naturally) of the X-Factor there for broadcast later in the fall. It seems that some episodes are pre-taped in June/July with the live shows starting at the end of September (based on last year’s schedule). That timing works out perfectly as Q+AL can fit in a few Asian shows and Adam can record some new music before he is tied up with the live shows. And we thought that it would be a quiet summer!

Enjoy the chat!

Photos by @dragosionitaa and @Minnie_Glambert. Click on the photo above to go to a special gif (and don’t forget to view it full size)!

And during this quiet time why not check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Welcome To The Show – Official Video (7/6/16)

“Hands” – A Song for Orlando – Interscope Records (7/5/16)

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)
Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,216 Responses to July 2016 Chat

  1. magiclady says:

    Thanks for the links asifclueless!

  2. magiclady says:


    I just looked at her drawings of Adam and I am blown away! She definitely has Adam’s expressions down. I can’t get over the life in her drawings. I would buy some of these if I could. Even with all of his changes in appearance they are all right on.
    Thank you again for bringing her site to my attention!

  3. luval says:

    oy He’s bored. That means no good.
    He started following this person.

    Katerina ‏@Jadelle1 13m13 minutes ago

  4. nkd says:

    oy, is right!

    Tattoo your ass Adam, we don’t see it anyway! Put a big ole starburst on it! Rolls Eyes Sarcasm

    Sorry Razz

  5. HK fan says:

    nkd Big Smile

  6. twilightmagic8 says:

    Tattoo your ass Adam, we don’t see it anyway! Put a big ole starburst on it! Rolls Eyes Sarcasm

    Ha Ha Ha…Just peeked in here. nkd Yes ROTFL !!!

  7. Axxxel says:

    nkd agree with you but does that means that he will have a painful butt for a few days ?

  8. Axxxel says:

    I hope he wont do the whole body tattoo like Adam Levine.

  9. nkd says:


  10. luval says:

    So it’s vaping & tattoos. He needs a hobby! Smile Maybe Pokemon Go so he can get outta his house!

    eta; It must be so hard for him to be on vacation…a person who always wants to be doing something, has no partner that we know of, going to the clubs may be the only entertainment but that gets so old.

    eta again. He should be one of those singers who just pops up in a club without any advertisement and sings a capella for a set. What a surprise that would be!

  11. luval says:

    Robert Plant ‏@RobertPlant 5m5 minutes ago

    Robert Plant’s appearance at @nicejazzfest has been cancelled.
    Our thoughts are with all those affected by the horrific events this week.

  12. luval says:

    838,132 Seems to be getting approx 2,000 views an hour.

  13. nkd says:

    OMG! That snapchat. He is sooo bored!!

  14. luval says:

    Talk about bored…lol! I just saw a video for the Olympics using the music from The Script “Hall of Fame”. Love this song! I believe it was used at the 2012 Olympics but this time it uses cats instead of athletes! Can’t find it on youtube yet but here’s the song. Much better than Katy Perry’s IMO

    Was at my local farmers market this morning… had my QAL tee on. Got a tap on my shoulder from a guy who says “I love your shirt”. Course I had to ‘splain it was Queen & Adam Lambert not Queen/Freddie. He knew of Adam from AI but had no idea Queen was touring with him. Like I tell them all… youtube and see for yourself!

  15. luval says:

    nkd…this sounds like fun!

    Entertainment Weekly ‏@EW 18m18 minutes ago

    Alcohol, dirty jokes, and Starbucks gift cards—What a live taping of #MatchGame is like:

  16. ultimathule says:
  17. luval says:

    Each one is better than the last, ultimathule

  18. twilightmagic8 says:

    I also like this song, so there is HOPE for ‘Welcome to the Show”. Music Note Clover

  19. luval says:

    Another entry for Sexiest Male

  20. luval says:

    Adam & GaGa

    ♈️ Aries Heart

    Found on Facebook, need deets! ? @FoxVegas @glitzylady @lilybop2010 @katzolicious

    eta: oops…they took down the facebook pic.Hope someone on twitter saved it.

  21. luval says:

    Oh…did she just drop him off?

    Lady Gaga Facts ‏@LGMonsterFacts 44m44 minutes ago

    Lady Gaga got pulled over in Malibu yesterday. She went from Mother Monster to Traffic Monster real quick ?

  22. luval says:

    Here’s the facebook pic

    eta: wonder why they’re assuming it’s Adam? So many guys have staches & sunglasses. Sure looks like him, though.

  23. luval says:

    If it is him, wonder where they’re going? Maybe a beach party, maybe a recording studio?? Wink

  24. nkd says:

    wonder why they’re assuming it’s Adam?

    Because it IS! Laugh
    Looks exactly like him!

    This is actually really exciting to me!
    Unless they got tats together.

  25. nkd says:
  26. luval says:

    This is actually really exciting to me!
    Unless they got tats together.


  27. nkd says:

    nkd…this sounds like fun!

    We should go luval!

  28. nkd says:

    We all know it’s going to happen. He has some off time, starts browsing IG, saves a few, gets ideas, finds a spot.
    It’s just a matter of what and where it will be.

  29. luval says:

    Aw, not him. Her fiance. I thought the hair (what we could see of it) was not Adam’s

    eta: not counting the hair, I still think it looks more like Adam than Taylor Kinney

  30. luval says:

    Nooooooooo, nkd…about the tats. Isn’t there something in his contracts? No bungy jumping, no more tats! (just wishing)

  31. luval says:

    Looks like the Match Game is on hiatus

  32. nkd says:

    I still think that looks more like Adam than Taylor.
    It’s the cheekbones.

    My excitement has diminished.

  33. magiclady says:

    Geez those sexy pics are amazing!

    I think it is Adam with Gaga

  34. HK fan says:

    It looks much more like Adam than taylor Kinney (love him in Chicago fire), doesn’t look anything like gaga thoughSmile

  35. Axxxel says:

    Despite everything, still many are not aware of QAL… hope to wear such T-shirt soon.

  36. Axxxel says:

    Adam bored ? Oh oh… I guess he is still too tired to do hiking…

  37. Axxxel says:

    HK fan Lady Gaga looks so different in daily life compared to her stage life. Unlike Adam …

  38. Axxxel says:

    Just wondering what Adam likes to eat…Just read “food diary” from the actor Chris Colfer. This is the link .Remember him from the TV series Glee ? Adam played the antagonist of Chris’ character in that TV serie. Chris recently gave an interview about what he eats and while reading it… it reminds me of all of you talking about food in your concert reviews.

  39. luval says:
  40. ultimathule says:

    Malcolm @Mal23692
    @adamlambert Ty so much for ‘Broken Open’, dude. For 6 years it’s been a comforting salve for minor and major events. Just helped again

  41. nkd says:

    Lilybop ‏@lilybop2010 Jul 15
    ☪ Retro Video of @AdamLambert in Redken 2005 “A Rock Musical”
    Great find via @tattoojo

  42. nkd says:

    Clearer pic. Not Adam. It doesn’t look like him now. Doesn’t look like Taylor either.

  43. Axxxel says:

    luval that Lambert vs Levine guide is hilarious. Then again I had no idea that Lambert has become a model at a boutique model agency.

  44. Axxxel says:

    luval The Suicide Squad movie seems to be popular with teenagers. So it is an interesting way to introduce Borap to a new audience.

  45. milwlovesadam says:

    Gorgeous beach day yesterday, much hiking on the sand,rock collecting, and sunshine.

    Today, storming. Going for a swim now.

    BB prolly got his ass tatted. Or his other arm and shoulder.

    He prolly already has tats none of us will ever see, in always covered places.


  46. adamized says:

    Morning everyone. I guess if I had to pick, I would prefer a new tattoo over a bizarre haircut though hair grows. There is a company developing a tattoo ink that fades over 12 months and that can be removed with only one procedure. I love that idea. Gives someone time to decide if they really like the tattoo and then get it done permanently if they want to.

    I’m thinking that downtime is hard for Adam especially if he doesn’t have a special someone at home making him Finnish meatballs. OTOH this is really the first time he has had to spend at his house for more than a year. Hopefully he will focus his energy on decorating his house/yard vs himself.

  47. ultimathule says:
  48. luval says:

    Hi adamized! Oh I hope that tattoo company gets themselves out on the market soon!!

  49. luval says:

    Will it ever end…2 possibly 3 police officers shot dead in Baton Rouge, LA

  50. luval says:

    Escorpio Wink ‏@ScorpioBert 18s19 seconds ago

    Singer Adam Lambert wearing an all black outfit as he left The Nice Guy in West Hollywood July 16, 2016.

    hardly any scruff

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