- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Adam released this video at the very best time. His mantra is getting a lot of positive supportive feedback. You know, that Australia is all over anything Adam.
Iggy is going to have a run for her money. His touring and especially with Queen, has given him even more confidence to create what he wants.
It tickles me to think that Adam produced his own video, and it’s kicking *ss! Now there’s a confidence builder!
‘Welcome to the Show’ video, has more power and deep meaning that will just keep going & going.
I truly feel this song will be used for the Olympics. It connects us all, and unveils how we all have flaws, but to focus on our good points & to take pride in that.
Hope he is OK. Brian May comes to mind with this news.
… Adam must be home now. Photo with Terrance.
Ok, where is his new ginger hair color? Unless he had a wig on?

♈️ Aries Heart @SASpurs21Fan
From #AdamLambert snap chat
Here is the hair .. twilight
♈️ Aries Heart @SASpurs21Fan
Thanks for sharing your FUN, Adam! (From adamlambert snap chat)
I have been here since day 1 and since MJs, we worried about Adam since AI and the AMAs’ wanted his success and hoped for good things for him. Now he almost has it all and more, we feel (in my own words) now let down because we dont have anything to worry about or look forward too, everyone has been to many concerts, getting our fill of him, I looked forward to his first round of Queen, this time (and I love Queen songs) I didnt watch much of it, partly because of what happened in my life as some know. Adam is a success now, and even tho there still is a lot on the horizon, are we let down in some way, hes grown up and doesnt need our worrying about him anymore. We love him, want to see and hear him sing, but is it all the same? I dont know, just putting things out there to toss around. Many are gone on now, I dont see their posts anymore. Just a few, the blog may close, I hope not, I dont go anywhere else for Adam news, but why not the excitement like it used to be? Hes a star now, is everything over?? Dont throw tomatoes at me please, I am just rambling my thoughts. Im here till the end,
sjg66 @sjg66
Adam & Terrance’s Snapchats
It makes me sad to read all these posts saying the shine has worn off following Adam for you,especially with the blog potentially closing next year…..makes me think there will be no one willing to take it over.
Throwing kisses and roses to you here … Miss Chaos.
I feel the same. But don’t know how to explain. I was wondering a while back about how quiet it is here.
I don’t know what happened to you but hope things will get better. Hope you come out stronger and find peace and happiness at the end.

Hi … HK fan! Are you ready for your Q+AL in Hong Kong?
About Adam’s stanning … as Axxxel saying … “Seven Years Itch”
It’s late here and I need some ZZZZ.
Good night … ALL.
“Sweet Seven Years Itch Dreams”
I’m still around!
Although I can’t guarantee that I will take over the blog, I will do my best to keep it going. This thing called life often
gets in the waytakes precedence. I, too, have thought about leaving the blog but then I hear a concert and the reception that Adam gets and I am reminded why I started following him and his career. It’s not just about the music but it’s about the journey. And I’m not one to quit even if I do take a detour from time to time.Oh guys, I’m not going anywhere, I still stan and flail, just lurk more than post.
The bloom isn’t off the rose, his voice and gorgeousness still kill me plenty.
I’ve been with him since mama, and will always be here.
Real life is busy. But , this fandom has become part of my real life. If that makes any sense.
Sorry if I upset any of you. I just haven’t spent the amount of time here lately that I used to.
Off to get ready for work. Crap. Vacay is over….
On with the news…will give my thoughts later
Brian was on @GMB this morning…Good Morning Britain I think (videos)
Piers Morgan in feathers
600, 312
Adam’s snapchat story from the club
Sorry to hear about Joe Perry. The Hollywood Vampires were just here to rave reviews.
Glad to see Adam is home and having fun with his good friends. Muwahaha. Wink wink.
dog grooving to George Michael. (I think the dog just has anal gland problems)
Impressionist sings BoRap in celebrity voices
the whole GMB interview
The yt video is missing the end where Piers is asking to be the lead singe
Out-of-town family here all week – heading out to D.C. museums today – be dropping in now and then to see what’s happening – and agree with AL – it’s the journey – and I’m definitely here for the ride –
It’s not just about the music but it’s about the journey
Yup, exactly what I think. I don’t understand the thinking “ok, he’s made it, has his money, no need to be a mother hen anymore”. Who ever was a mother hen? Not me! Being a fan is just that. I follow an artist because of who they are as a person & what they produce…music, movies, whatever it may be.
About Adam: I don’t think he’s even close to the end of the journey. He wants more IMO. I don’t care how many QAL shows he does, how many modeling contracts he gets, how many commercials he does…he wants more. I think of Adam’s letter where he gives thanks to everyone who listened & shared his songs & giving him purpose to keep moving forward. There he said it! That really got to me. He WANTS to move forward to whatever that may be. He’s got enough money to never work again. It’s not about the money to him. I just love that.
IMO Adam is nowhere near Super Bowl status of his career yet, even if he & Queen play the Super Bowl. I had lunch with my drummer friend the other day and we talked about how something can “be in your blood”. He drums constantly, listens & buys music all the time. He’s obsessed with his music. He told me it will never leave him & his musician friends feel the same way. Like Adam, I believe.
Such a struggle since the AMA’s and it’s not over.And as it gets further from Idol, people will really forget or don’t know who he is anymore unless he has the “big one” (radio hit?) in the USA. I liken this fan abandonment to sports. If your favorite team you’ve been following since you were a kid loses the Super Bowl, do you stop following them? No, you continue cheering from season to season. You’re a fan for life generally. Sports pulling in people from toddler to senior & everything in between. It’s for the long haul. And it’s fun!
The blog: What a wonderful place to share Adam’s journey. Surprises on every turn. Yeah, there’s Adamtopia, 24/7…nice places but not the same. And most of us have met wonderful people who will be friends for life, even if our get togethers have no show involved. I post for the lurkers. Some people just prefer to lurk & that’s fine. I’m a talker & it’s probably annoying sometimes…even to me! lol. I hope the blog can continue. Right now it’s summer. People are on vacation, maybe just peek in periodically. If the blog does continue maybe the registration can open up again. Also, people who haven’t been on for a bit might have lost their log-in information. It happens
So I end this ramble by thinking of what Joni Mitchell said in one of her songs.
You don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone”
OvationImpact @ovationimpact 5m5 minutes ago
OvationImpact Retweeted IneL
Great fun to watch ?
Allison Iraheta Verified account
It is an incredible honor to be nominated for four Los Angeles Music Critic Awards. It’s amazing to start getting… http://fb.me/3JQ7xyVim
asifclueless I am going to have those dreams now…yawning at 11.05 ish pm…zzz
Here’s the complete video from Brian May’s channel including intro (she calls him fabulous and they play Under Pressure) and including the “hiring” of Piers which becomes he’s “in the queue.”
Agree, luval, AL, ulti, mils and anyone I missed, it’s Adam’s journey and I want to be on it with him all the way. He’s making history in several ways already and he’s nowhere near done. He has completely eclipsed anyone else from Idol as far as being a true WORLDWIDE star, he’s known and loved in many countries where Carrie/Kelly/JHud will never set foot.
I still love watching videos and seeing him live when possible – love that roar when he appears on stage or the curtain goes up for QAL. The absolute joy from him and the audiences’ loving him right back – haven’t felt that euphoria in any other event, it’s just several notches higher with him/them. More than with McCartney, U2, Elton, Neil Diamond – all well loved too.
Btw mils, lovely post. And I thought of Boy George too, you know he was in Australia last week launching his own tour. Maybe they met. Wonder if the XFactor people have a strong say in the choice.
Anyway, it would be so sad to lose this blog – it’s a community now IMHO. Unlike any other I’ve seen. I would be happy to join in keeping it alive – I do have the time, being retired, but also travel a lot. I’m thinking it will take a few people to share responsibilities. So there’s that.
Full Brian May interview
Hm so many posts about his journey and the end…
No its not the end. He is just at the beginning of what he can and WILL achieve. Just look at him… So much energy, so much fun and happiness. Just seeing him, listening to him helps me through dark days…even makes me want to be a better person.
Finding him was like a gift to me. I thank the universe and Queen every day for it.
And I will be there with him even when we are all old, gray and in need of wheelchairs.
And I forget something so very important… I found so many new friends, found a home here for my thoughts and craziness, found help and joy, happiness and a place to be just like me when real life is getting too much. Even though my posts are rare – because of me starting to ramble on and on and on without stop when I post and right now I dont have enough time AND trying to cut myself from my rambling – I am here every day, enjoying your joy and happiness, crying and suffering with you when real life is a pain…. I dont want to miss all this. I dont want to miss you guys. And I dont think we will go anywhere
haha Piers answers Adam
So GaGa’s recording with RedOne
People Magazine @people Jul 7
Producer @redone_official says he and @ladygaga have recorded 8 great songs so far http://peoplem.ag/SqhOgm4
Adam doesn’t miss a thing, does he?
WTTS ….618,807 views
MJE @MJE4Peace 45m45 minutes ago
@piersmorgan Better bring fabulous footwear to that sing-off with @adamlambert Piers!! @GMB @DrBrianMay
Rocky Horror fanclub @TRHPSFanClub 10m10 minutes ago
New teaser for the Rocky Horror Picture Show TV special this fall on Fox! #RockyHorror @Lavernecox @RockyHorrorFOX
Eventually, it would be great if Adam had a lead part in a movie!

I know, take small steps. It’s about the journey.
Can anyone see this?
luval, I think it is just right, of the right side leg facing us. If you really concentrate you can make out a shape. This is brain teaser for sure!
It has the dark indigo background with white booms on it. The blooms are in a V, triangle shape.
I may be wrong though?
Can see the pic luval….but not the mobile phone..you?
And thanks for your post, thats how I feel too…
Can see the pic!
The only difference I can distinguish is below the right table leg on the inner border. There is a patch where the coloring is just a touch darker, and you can see a bit of an edge line.
Geez that’s good camouflage!
‘Welcome to the Show’ Official video: 629,403 views
Kind of wondering how long it will take, to get to a million? Maybe the end of the week
ETA: 633,326 views
Gonna take a look again, nkd
RadioWave Monitor @radiowavemon 1h1 hour ago
Review:Adam Lambert’s #WelcomeToTheShow video is an infectious celebration of diversity and independence
http://www.radiowavemonitor.com/articles/2016/review_adam_lambert_welcome.html … #reviews
Fantastic review!! Can’t get a better score than that!

Adam must feel proud, when he reads a review like this one.
He produced this one, along with Lee Cherry… Brilliant!
That patch of dark blue?