- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oh my, you picked a great photo AL!

Adam looks like ‘a gift from God’. Just love this photo!
Ha Ha Ha! Thanks for the hidden gif!
Going to the corner now! 
ETA: I wonder if Adam has seen this photo? Such a powerful stance. It shows such quiet confidence & commands your attention.
ADAM …. YAY …..
And look at me up there. Sexy Zeus of thong!
Thanks AL!!!

The best pic yet –
ETA – lol – a double treat –
But AL when I view the gif full size I only get crotch!

Thanks for the pic and surprise!
That outfit – ready to hit the beach or the sack – lol
Gelly @14gelly
There is another awesome ballet move he did in Padova. Watch him from 12.05 but the awesome move is at 12.20
Can’t believe how much Adam looks like Elvis in this pic
Adam: http://api.ning.com/files/VLBXqExj5M5bxBqidU9ivDZtORJ212KUiy1YEYGsZ4x5K6FjBD6vgdIdd2CFU6tq2cqrMTTIMRTGyKeNwpjRygsTv81W6rb8/greyscale2.jpg
Wish I could put the two side by side
And Brian May’s tribute to the guitarist in the pic, Scotty Moore. Elvis’s guitar player in the picture who died recently.
TALCvids @TALCvids 49m49 minutes ago
Day 3 auditions on X Factor Au snapchat
Couple of these could be from June thread.
So Adam’s wearing his jammies! Yes, comfortable I’m sure!
Couple more. He looks rested
his face lol
The clip from an interview with Adam and Brian with the girl who talked about Brian’s curly hair was from an hour long nightly entertainment show. QAL was given major air time, especially considering that they were competing with news of Kanye’s new music video, Wiz Khalifa’s performance here the night before, and local entertainment news. QAL clips were shown in the background the whole time that they were talking about what was going to be on the show.
The female presenter was in Bucharest, and she said that it was one of the best, if not THE best show she had ever seen. She is especially infatuated with Brian.
I don’t know how many of the interview clips you saw, so I will try try to summarize what was said.
They began by showing clips of Adam with Queen and said that when he comes on stage he has something to prove, and he can’t forget it because he is reminded again and again… It isn’t something that can be swept under the table. They showed clip if him saying he isn’t Freddie and loves Freddie as much as audience..” So Freddie he isn’t, make no mistake, but Freddie is no more”. Then there were some clips of Freddie’s last performance 30 years ago and they talked about his death and that he left a great band, strong songs and a hole that couldn’t be filled….until a guy came along to the reality show American Idol and went to his first audition. Then they showed the clip of his audition with Paula’s comments, along with the hand kissing. Then they cut to the present interview, asking Brian when was the first time he knew that Adam existed in this world. Brian talked about an email he received from a friend in LA saying that he had to see this guy who was a contestant on AI. He can do everything that you need and he should be your singer. That was the first drop of a storm that followed, an avalanche that followed. So they watched vids of the audition and said WOW! This guy has an extraordinary voice. Then they cut to a recent clip of DSMN. Now she is sitting down with them while on tour filling stadiums around the world. In the interview Adam talks about his reaction when first asked to sing with them. More QAL clips, “the songs of queen continue to live. The theatricality of Freddie turned them into entertainment for the new generations, but generation gap still exists. Brian is 68 and Adam is 33”…Cut to the interview where Brian wishes occasionally he had Adams energy because he isn’t he was 35 anymore, and it is a tough tour, playing in the rain every night. Brian doesn’t think that the generation gap is a problem, they never talked about it. Adam says that they just think this is great music and they want to perform it. Brian is asked if he misses Freddie… Every day. They mention that Freddie was gay, and Brian says that it wasn’t discussed in the press. He remembers that when asked, Freddie said that he was a gay as a daffodil but it wasn’t picked up on. They talked about the differences between then and now. Asked if Freddie were alive now, would it be easier? Adam says that if Freddie wanted to come out, it would be easier in music to be a rock star. If he made the choice to stay in the closet, his private life would be harder because in today’s world everybody wants to know what is going on in your bedroom. We have to know! With the media and the gossip, it is much harder to conceal it. Adam considers Freddie a gay icon and he is very happy to be part of those continuing the legacy through to the next generation. Then they talk about Brian and show clips of him performing and talk about his PhD, all the while showing QAL in the background. Then the part of the interview that you all saw where she talks to Brian about his curly hair.
Then talk about the show this September, hoping that the classics will fill the park, and if anyone is interested, Adam is Jewish with deep feelings about his heritage and for Israel but he doesn’t speak Hebrew. Then they show the clip if him singing the song of peace. Maybe he will learn some Hebrew while here. You see Brian gushing about Adam’s voice during the clip and commenting that maybe they should sing it while here (I wish they would. It is the Israeli anthem to peace and was sung the night Rabin was assassinated). They finished with the presenter saying that she was with friends at the bar later that evening when Brian came along. He sat with them and they show cute pics if them together.
The whole segment was more than ten minutes long and was very good. Of course they talked about Freddie and showed clips of him, but Adam was shown much more and got a lot of respect. Remember that this is the first time QAL has come here and Adam hasn’t toured here either. I think that they wanted to put the show in historical perspective. We might be tired of the Freddie comparisons, but people here remember him and don’t know Adam, so it was a good way to introduce him to the Israeli public.
My friend is saving me the newspaper article from last week and when I get it I will let you know what it says.
Thanks for your wonderful recap of that interview, rs. I love details and any behind the scenes information. We saw a few clips but it would be nice to see the whole interview.
(tweet was just deleted!) Guess show doesn’t want “secrets” being put out there just now.
Tokyo promo
Done for today
Looks like he’s singing here
Couple of pics (not from filming)
The X Factor News @TheXFactorInfo
@TheRealDuckBert @adamlambert full episodes just hours after being aired episode in Australia
rs, WOW!! I believe that is your longest post ever, and btw excellent recap of the show segment! Definitely vindicates the short clip we saw – a whole other impression!
Happy for you, I think it will be a great show with an appreciative audience. I too hope they do the “Song for Peace,” it’s so beautiful. Brian wants it, so probably will happen in some form, maybe not the entire song. Will be interesting to see.
Flipped –
Really appreciate that recap, rs – and happy to see the segment was such a prominent part of the show –
HAPPY CANADA DAY! to all my fellow (and gals too) Canucks!

Thanks to glambotgram Here’s the side by side pic I was looking for.
Did he really say to someone “you make me want to jump off a cliff”?????
ETA – Now removed –
The new Simon Cowell
@ovationimpact: GREAT Glambert NEWS! Seems we will be able to view full @xfactor_AU episodes…. best news ever. https://t.co/7wyU1sFJYx
Great picture(s) up top AL
Thanks for that long recap rs……I wish i could see the full interview….don’t even remember seeing the clips you mentioned.
What was the sad story with iggy
s boyfriend?
I can’t imagine Adam saying those things like making him want to jump off a cliff…guess we’ll have to wait and see.
rs … Thank you very much for your long and up-lifting translation of the interview.
Great job! I know it took time to translate from one language to another to get the real essence of it.
What was the sad story with Iggy’s boyfriend?
HK fan I read that he got his ex pregnant while he and Iggy were engaged.
HAPPY CANADA DAY to all of our lovely Canadian friends!!!
Cheer!!! With #Queen #Bohemian #Beer
@Mel_Tea: @heretohearyou The sessions I’ve been to he is honest but always fair & kind.Said he always wants to considerate of peoples feelings because
@Mel_Tea: @heretohearyou he knows what it feels like to be in their position. And yes funny and charming. he’s 100% himself on there.
Any of you watch Dancing With the Stars? I’m at the Max and Val show. Intermission now. They are fabulous!
@_TIDS_: Guys just FYI the “jumping off a cliff” comment and the “daddy” stuff are fake. I asked to ppl that were there.
@Mel_Tea: @Sonia_Rose1 @_TIDS_ once again sounds like ppl are making shit up. We were there. Adam never said anything remotely like that. He’s honest
I don’t even know what the daddy stuff was.
☕ @creativesharka
NEW chibi “stretching??” @adamlambert #adamlambert #chibi #fanart @thexfactor_au #xfactorau
rs, you’re a girl after my own heart.
Love the details! Thanks for all the time you took, to try to have us envision what you saw. 

It is going to be ‘piece meal’ here for a bit, so your manuscript is a beautiful thing.
Supposedly the comments come from here, but others there say he didn’t say these things. Remember, they made up the Laleh thing too. https://instagram.com/p/BHT3ck-Bz-w/
Really not right to reveal things before shows air, don’t think the producers approve, makes Glamberts look bad.
AL talked about Adam’s crown yesterday.
Another look of the crown … Very beautiful. Not expensive for all the details and pretty jewelry. Adam’s clothes cost a lot more than his crown.
❌TAG HIM❌ @adamlambert “So guys you all want to know bout the paper! I’m so sorry for that, but the security pushed us away and I tried my best but what can i do!? I really wanted to give him the paper?love you all ?
Four third-day pics –
Second-day pic –
I’m not the one recording bUT WHEN HE SAID HI HE SAID IT TO ME I CANT DEAL @adamlambert I FUCKING LOVE YOU
Gelly @14gelly 23m23 minutes ago
Adam with a contestant on stage
So he was alone on stage but w a contestant too, who knows
Yikes. Face swap with Guy Sebastian
Gelly @14gelly 27m27 minutes ago
Guy Sebastian’s snapchat story ft Adam Lambert 2/7/16 https://youtu.be/MDNymkEA0XQ?list=PLTVnxS3gL5BcFhgpcP7cG2ygNbYslKaQ0 … via @YouTube
TALCvids @TALCvids 1h1 hour ago
Adam Lambert & Guy Sebastian via Guy’s snap. ? RT @katzolicious: Flipped. Don’t look much different aren’t they?
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 4h4 hours ago
Twitter cut the last 2 seconds of the video, Adam said “That’s what’s weird!” Lol. They are filming #XfactorAU promos today.
Laurie Motley @LaurieMotley 7h7 hours ago
Someone cast this man in a movie. #Moviestarlooks