A very exciting past month for Adam – and for ALL of us, as well. Events from Chatty Man to Live Aid to Fallon to GMA to Trailblazers – and the interviews so numerous they became hard to keep track of. In addition, more beautiful photos including the stunning FAULT magazine with a more “uncovered” Adam than we’re used to seeing. Then, all through the later part of the month the watching for the Adds on radio/Spotify/Shazam/VH1, etc., and the resultant confusion about what should be done to make it happen.

Congrats to Adam for The Original High debuting at #3 on the Billboard 200 albums sales chart. He may not have been number one but the album is getting good reviews and promotion is going well. The single, Ghost Town, is slowly moving up the HAC, CHR and AC charts. To top it all off, though, was the gay marriage ruling which must have given Adam, considering all he’s been through and all he’s done for the cause, immense gratification and happiness.

And onto July…summer may be vacation time for most but to Adam it will be more TV and radio promotion with some special performances thrown in – Splashion, The Trevor Project – and more.

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

#ThanksJames50 – Adam’s Tribute (7/16/15) – The Late Late Show with James Corden

Ghost Town (7/17/15) – The Late Late Show with James Corden


2,079 Responses to July 2015 Chat

  1. luval says:

    Adam at Sydney airport. The hair!


  2. riskylady says:

    List of the new stations from today, including 2 new HAC adds too.

    @LambertMusic411: FANS: 17 more Top 40/Pop adds (Atlanta) & 2 Hot AC (Boston) for @adamlambert’s #GhostTown! New stations, full list http://t.co/A4K5maEpFj

  3. luval says:

    No adds in my area. I did tweet the dj who was on a couple of hours ago and requested Ghost Town.

    He replied “Thanks!!!!”. Smile 4 exclamation points.

  4. luval says:

    Loads of pictures of Adam at the airport Seems like old times. As usual he looks amazing!


  5. luval says:
  6. glambotgram says:

    Funny how his bags disappear, or rather get handled by someone behind him.

    Love how people in the background are noticing him.

    Looks like he has an escort.

    No nail polish

    Great hair.

  7. luval says:

    I see his cell phone in his right front pocket. Smile

    yup, noticed the “no nail polish”. Only one ring. Isn’t that his grandfather’s?

    She’s out of the picture but I think it’s the long haired woman from Edge I believe to his right…cell phone in hand.

    He looks so fresh & relaxed after the long flight. First class is great.

  8. glambotgram says:

    There are more pics now, 55 in the link you posted luval

    ETA Yes that is his Grandfather’s ring

  9. glambotgram says:


    They are dancing to a SS song on SYTYCD.

    Why oh Why won’t they do an Adam song

  10. luval says:

    I have SYTYCD on mute. You’re right, glambotgram. Not thrilled with most of the contestants this season. They don’t have “power” like previous seasons IMO. Fave is JaJa (or ya ya?).

    During the Trespassing era I tweeted Underneath to Travis Walls. Lotta good that did. Smirk

    eta: That Asaf guy is quite good looking. Too bad he can’t dance.

  11. glambotgram says:

    I like JaJa too.

  12. luval says:

    Lol Runnin’ on SYTYCD. But another Runnin’ I never heard of.

  13. asifclueless says:

    Dr. Brian May retweeted

    The Sound Gallery ‏@TheSoundGallery · Jul 17

    We are giving away a limited edition @QueenWillRock turntable! #vinylwillrockyou Retweet & Follow to play.

  14. asifclueless says:

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay

    Please contribute to a great cause ! Help save our badgers
    and please RT – Bri

  15. asifclueless says:

    I’m watching “Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine” on LOGO channel 183.
    After this they will air “2015 Logo Trailblazer Honors” The one Adam sings GT at the end. (9:40-10:45)
    Then “Matt Shepard … ” again at 10:45-12:24)

  16. milwlovesadam says:

    Happy Anniversary my ALL travel friends. One year ago tonight so many of us were reunited in Toronto, and seeing Bruno Mars at the Air Canada Center. What a ball we had. And then, tomorrow is one year from the last North America QAL show. Toronto 2. Such an outstanding concert. Such great company. Such great seats on the floor, that lead to those right on the barricade of the thrust prime views of it all. Adam so close you could almost touch him, Brian and his guitar cam, and Roger’s drums, and so close you could see all the tats. That Killer Queen chez long, and just everything. A year ago already.

  17. milwlovesadam says:

    Still listening to Wicked Game here.

  18. asifclueless says:

    Happy anniversary … mils and all the ALLERS who were lucky to attend the last NA Q+AL show. What an EPIC night!!! Grin Drink Drink Star


    ‏@brianmaycom 28 JULY @QueenWillRock 82MSG NY;
    +@AdamLambert 14 wrapUS/CanadaTour @AirCanadaCentre Toronto


  19. asifclueless says:

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert

    I can’t wait to hit @TheVoiceAu stage this coming Sunday! See you soon @JessieJ, @DeltaGoodrem, @MaddenBrothers & @Ricky_Martin!

  20. asifclueless says:


    Thanks #QANTAS


  21. ultimathule says:

    #Famousmotivation ❗️ “I’ve got nothing to hide. I am who I am” -#AdamLambert ❗️ Be brave. Be You?


  22. ultimathule says:

    Qantas replied to Adam’s IG post:


  23. ultimathule says:

    Congratulations .@adamlambert for getting into the .@AttitudeMag Hot 100! See you at #1 next year


    Like what the Mag said –

  24. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    Hot Damn! @samsmithworld @disclosure this is the JAM

  25. ultimathule says:
  26. ultimathule says:
  27. ultimathule says:

    shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
    Exciting! #GhostTown verging on US top 40, gets 17 more pop radio adds, plus hello Germany! ( And so excited re Australia)!

  28. ultimathule says:

    “Adam Lambert Covers August 2015 Issue Of “OutBoise” Magazine + Interview”



  29. ultimathule says:
  30. Axxxel says:

    @TLKC About techical difficulties during a concert…Do you remember Glamnation tour when Adam sort of walked briefly off stage because he said he had a cough ? but I think there was also a bit of a technical difficulty… It was during “Strut” while the dancers were wearing those masks….

    I remember Adam saying in an interview that during the The Voice China perfromance of Trespassing, he could only hear the “clicking”… nothing else…

    And that difference in pitch in that Madonna song during “Diva’s” because Adam could not hear anything through his earpiece…

  31. luval says:
  32. glambotgram says:

    Lol luval. One of the comments said it was probably Adam Levine.

  33. TLKC says:

    Kanye’s technical difficulties, Axxxel, may not be technical at all. After seeing his walkouts at Glastonbury and PANAM, many people have concluded that it is part of his act.

    IMHO, Kanye wouldn’t do this at a concert of his own. Tour promoters could never afford the insurance required to cover possible refund requests and property damage due to fan exasperation. He’s just doing it at multi-act events where most of the audience isn’t even there for him. (Most noticeably, he hasn’t done it in the US so far. He knows where his bread and butter comes from.)

  34. TLKC says:

    I LOVE the way people keep confusing Adam Levine and our Adam. It reinforces how large our BB still looms in the public imagination. It probably bugs Levine but, heh, when you are as big as he is, the ego-check is probably a good thing. Razz

  35. glitterpatti says:

    I was fortunate to be at the Toronto concert also. We arrived too late to see Bruno Mars. I remember seeing Ron and Mils there. I recognized Ron from his picture, and Mils because I stood right behind her in the Hawaii meet and greet line. We talked while waiting to see Adam. Of all the Queen +Adam concerts I have been to, this Somebody to Love is my absolute favorite.

  36. TLKC says:

    Happy Anniversary indeed! July 28, 2015 was one of the best concerts ever because we were ALL together, whether we witnessed it online or in-person. It was amazing but it was also a bittersweet goodbye to an incredible summer of Adam and Queen love.

    It is sad that, for the first time in 6 years, ALL didn’t have a major get-together in July. We will have to settle for the combined get-togethers of the June GMA concert and the July Miami Splashion/Morongo Casino events.

    We really can’t complain: the main thing is that we ARE getting to see Adam performing his own music. Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

  37. ultimathule says:

    “Ghost Town crooner Adam Lambert ditches the dye to go back to his auburn roots! ?”


  38. ultimathule says:

    101.3 KISS-FM @1013KISSFM
    Voting is already going on for today’s iHeartRadio Top 5@5! @adamlambert “Ghost Town” is there waiting for ur votes!


  39. ultimathule says:

    original high † ADAM @saharjojo10


  40. ultimathule says:

    OMG! #GhostTown is listed on Hot Tracks on iTunes Mexico too! o/ o/

  41. ultimathule says:
  42. ultimathule says:
  43. ultimathule says:

    @adamdownunder Guys, @adamlambert will be on Studio10 this FRIDAY in Sydney! If you’re free come! studio10tickets@networkten.com.au for TIX

    Host of Eleven’s Music show – The Loop ABC3’s #PrankPatrol and #Splatalot.

  44. ultimathule says:

    @POPTHATFEVER we’re recording with @adamlambert for @Studio10au on Fri July 31 at midday. Free tickets: studio10tickets@networkten.com.au

    t_m_coulter @T_M_Coulter
    @rob_mcknight @POPTHATFEVER @adamlambert @Studio10au looking at booking flight for fri morning then back to nz in hope to see adam there ♥

    Robert McKnight @rob_mcknight
    @T_M_Coulter @POPTHATFEVER @adamlambert @Studio10au if you do that I’ll make sure you get a ticket.. but we only have him for a short time

  45. luval says:

    So SS retweeted his tweet…..why am I annoyed at this?

  46. leoblueeys says:

    Luval, I agree with you!! I’m sorry, but I just cannot stand his whiney voice in every song he sings. I really cannot believe his star will be up there for long! At least I hope not. Every time I hear him on the radio, I switch the channel.

  47. sparkle says:

    Hi ALL! Was away for the weekend. I’m caught up now and I see sistasif saying her Silly Sauli Dreams comment was my fault! LOL! I guess for not being here with my nightly (mostly) Sweet Dreams message. Sistasif, so glad that you keep tabs on everyone – a shout out to you to getting cher to post!! Yay!

  48. luval says:

    Haven’t looked at this but Adam talking about the first time he shaved.


  49. luval says:



    Lol. This is bedtime stories part I

  50. ultimathule says:

    lol –



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