A very exciting past month for Adam – and for ALL of us, as well. Events from Chatty Man to Live Aid to Fallon to GMA to Trailblazers – and the interviews so numerous they became hard to keep track of. In addition, more beautiful photos including the stunning FAULT magazine with a more “uncovered” Adam than we’re used to seeing. Then, all through the later part of the month the watching for the Adds on radio/Spotify/Shazam/VH1, etc., and the resultant confusion about what should be done to make it happen.

Congrats to Adam for The Original High debuting at #3 on the Billboard 200 albums sales chart. He may not have been number one but the album is getting good reviews and promotion is going well. The single, Ghost Town, is slowly moving up the HAC, CHR and AC charts. To top it all off, though, was the gay marriage ruling which must have given Adam, considering all he’s been through and all he’s done for the cause, immense gratification and happiness.

And onto July…summer may be vacation time for most but to Adam it will be more TV and radio promotion with some special performances thrown in – Splashion, The Trevor Project – and more.

Enjoy the chat!

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

#ThanksJames50 – Adam’s Tribute (7/16/15) – The Late Late Show with James Corden

Ghost Town (7/17/15) – The Late Late Show with James Corden


2,079 Responses to July 2015 Chat

  1. luval says:

    I know, sparkle…very weird! I think I will tweet them a thank you. I see other people on twitter thank the radio stations.

  2. ultimathule says:
  3. luval says:

    I think smirk-face is my favorite


  4. luval says:

    Another strange thing. I went to my cumulous station’s facebook page and under “photos” there is Adam’s TOH album cover photo. So I requested on their facebook page if they could please add GT to their playlist.We’ll see what happens.

  5. luval says:
  6. TLKC says:

    YAY luval! Let’s hope Q3’s idea that fans should request and vote with top GT-playing HAC stations is paying dividends at other stations.

    BTW, some adamtopia fans who are radio-aware were discussing GT’s progress a few weeks ago and one of them said it is not good for a song to rise too fast. It is part of the promo team’s job to manage it’s exposure so that the sales and audience growth keeps pace with it’s rise on the charts. This week’s plateau is perhaps part of that process.

    GT has only been out for 8 weeks. A Top 10 hit takes several months to gel with the public. There are singles that pop immediately and dominate for months but they are rare.

  7. luval says:

    Thanks,TLKC! The information you bring from Adamtopia is so informative.

    And apal123, it will be my mission to get you to an AL concert some day! Is there anyone else here who hasn’t seen him live? It’s time!!!

  8. luval says:

    This young rock group is singing Feelin’ Good on AGT. It’s great!

  9. riskylady says:

    So.. Today GT got 3 more U.S. Top40 (CHR) adds, and 2 new Canada HAC adds. I believe yesterday it got 1 U.S. HAC and 1 U.S. AC stations. So, still picking up some additional Audience Impression and spins!
    So I did register for that event next Monday too, started following the station on Twitter, and two fans on Twitter heard them spin GT today in daytime, so we’ll see what happens.

  10. luval says:

    Good luck, riskylady!

  11. luval says:

    AGT tonight has been the best of the season! Another Feelin’ Good done by an amazing dancer.

    Just had on a drag queen singing country he/she was great! They put him through to the next round.

  12. riskylady says:

    Thanks, luval! All I can say is, if we win tickets they’re in for a big surprise lol!

  13. luval says:

    if we win tickets they’re in for a big surprise lol!


  14. luval says:

    I wish Adam would get on Hollywood Game Night. Won’t be watching it tonight but I think he’d be perfect. He’s so funny!

  15. ultimathule says:

    Sad GhostTown didn’t make Sirius CD again tonight. Here is the voting link. Vote daily.


  16. ultimathule says:


    A takedown by Hank Stuever of the Washington Post of programs like Hollywood Game Night, luval – not nice –

  17. riskylady says:

    Correction, GT got 4 Top40 adds today!

    @AnnieWT: Adam Lambert Ghost Town 4 adds for Top 40! http://t.co/abr8AV8hO0

  18. ultimathule says:

    Like those stats, riskylady!

  19. ultimathule says:
  20. riskylady says:

    OMG hope this is true, would be so fun! Says Chris told a friend.

    @Colferyou: Chris is gonna be on The Talk in two weeks with Adam Lambert! Smile

  21. riskylady says:

    AND A BIG OMG!!! This revue!!! Never expected from this blog, they always seemed meh on Adam, but posted this revue.

    @Jasonatdabeach: Adam Lambert’s “The Original High” the “clever modern pop album Madonna didn’t quite make” http://t.co/fapFKKCnnA #review #adamlambert

    ETA: don’t try the “source” it’s not free. It’s here: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/entertainment/music/album-reviews-adam-lambert-methyl-ethel-alpine-paul-weller-and-giorgio-moroder/story-fni0bvjn-1227393269250

  22. sparkle says:

    Sweet Smirking Angel Dreams, ALL!!

  23. jlurksacto says:
  24. nkd says:

    Surprise surprise, I got South too! Laugh

  25. nkd says:

    AND A BIG OMG!!! This revue!!!

    risky, that was a great review!
    Thanks for posting it.

    I also love Malcolm’s song by song review. Just 2 songs in, but he is so passionate!

  26. HK fan says:

    I got west coast……but obviously I had to make a few up, I picked sneakers, but we call them trainers. And I have never heard of either kitty corner or catty corner??? didn’t know what the bug was….

  27. nkd says:

    I selected tennis shoes, but we actually say tenny shoes.
    I chose roly poly, but I think I called them doodle bugs when I was little and played with them. They close into a ball when you touch them.

  28. luval says:

    I’m from the East.

  29. luval says:

    Btw I got another tweet last night about 11pm saying my 107.9 station would be playing GT again. Don’t know if they did as I was in bed. Will have to check their playlist later.

  30. luval says:

    Adam is getting ready to give everyone a kiss goodnight in front of the owl painting. Smile

  31. Ron says:

    Born and raised in Connecticut and I got East Coast. Yes

    HK fan says:
    07/08/2015 at 4:12 am

    And I have never heard of either kitty corner or catty corner???

    Hi HK fan Hug Right

    Here’s an example of Kitty/Catty corner where furniture isn’t placed flat against a wall but instead is angled:


    nkd says:
    07/08/2015 at 4:27 am

    I called them doodle bugs when I was little and played with them. They close into a ball when you touch them.

    So do I. Laugh

    AL! Post something so everyone can see your new avi! Love it! (Until then, one can go back to the very first page of this July Chat and scroll down just a bit). Wink

  32. TLKC says:

    OMG! Adam AND Chris Colfer together on The Talk!!!!! And all the radio adds yesterday!!! Just goes to show – chin up until someone actually puts it on the pavement.

    With the remix EP coming out on Friday, GT is poised for a nice sales boost over the weekend. ALSO, the remixes will be in the clubs and that means MORE exposure for the song and more regular sales followed by more radio and more sales….

    WB is doing a really good job (wouldn’t be surprised if Max is in on this as well – the CD is his baby, too.)

  33. TLKC says:

    Well this Canadian is apparently from the Pacific Northwest. In a couple of case, I had to choose between words that we don’t use here. We generally say running shoes, runners or gym-shoes.

    “Kitty corner” would be used here. Ron actually had to make a “kitty-corner” decision when he bought his new furniture a few months ago.

    BTW, jlurksacto, congratulations on scoring your copy of this month’s OUT magazine by subscription. It will be coming out next week here and we will have to be on our toes to collect one from the stores.

  34. sparkle says:

    Well, I got Mid-West and I’ve never lived outside of the North-East!! Wonder if I had picked crawfish instead of crayfish whether it would of made a difference!

  35. ultimathule says:

    “Adam Lambert by Giuliano Bekor for Fault Magazine”


  36. ultimathule says:

    “Adam Lambert’s first love is music”


  37. ultimathule says:

    “Beats 1, Apple’s Radio Station, Looks Like It’s A Hit — and Maybe a New Digital Direction”


  38. riskylady says:

    nkd, on Twitter they said that reviewer is very tough! Such a good one, and I so agree – he called the album “smart pop” – I’ve always said Adam’s music is cerebral too. And I am so over critics complaining about “haterade” or “grown-ass man” or even Velcro. Really? Do they listen to much pop music? And, people talk like that nowadays, use those expressions, it’s pop culture. Better than the tired overused “I know you want it,” “gonna give it to you,” and all the other sexual innuendo or outright word porn. So, THERE I SAID IT Devil
    I loved Malcolm’s review too, talented writer! Wonder what he’s studying? Seems a good number of male fans openly berting lately!

  39. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert Would Like to Start His Own Foundation Soon – See more at: http://www.samaritanmag.com/musicians/adam-lambert-would-start-his-own-foundation-soon#sthash.g6lxwmwZ.dpuf

  40. ultimathule says:

    Tritonal @Tritonal
    The response to our remix of @adamlambert #GhostTown has been HUGE! As a thank you, we’ve just released it FOR FREE! hive.co/l/r97


    What about this?

  41. riskylady says:

    If that Tritonal remix is on Adam’s EP what does it mean them giving it away for free? I don’t understand how these things work.

    This happened on Adam’s Facebook….

    Adam Lambert shared Tritonal’s video.
    1 hr ·
    Thank you guys for the killer remix! Appreciate the love.
    Download Tritonal’s remix of ‪#‎GhostTown‬ free before the ‘Ghost Town Remix’ albums drops this Friday at http://bit.ly/1NOTS4F.

  42. sparkle says:

    risky – I have no problem with haterade or grown-ass man. They fit the song they are in. I do have a problem with Velcro because it seems to stick out like a sore thumb in Underground and I can’t believe the writers couldn’t have written something else that rhymed. Something like “it’s a no-no” instead of “like Velcro” (It literally took me 30 seconds to come up with that one – LOL). However, as Adam was not a writer on that track, he shouldn’t be criticized for this choice!

  43. nkd says:

    I suppose you could download the Tritonal remix and then buy the others. That would be the one you don’t buy from the EP, so that you don’t complete the album. YES?

  44. sparkle says:

    On a related note, I feel strongly that TOH and ALN will be the next singles released from the album. Which comes first will be the decision and I think there are several factors that go into that. If the release is in July-August, I hope they pick TOH for the summertime feel of the song. Don’t think EITN will be released as a single unless they get to 5 or 6. I think Adam wants to promote the songs that he wrote a bit more than the others (they are more personal to him). Just MHO!

  45. LadyNorth says:

    riskylady, thank you so much for all your wise posts full of knowledge, figures and numbers Heart I always feel better after reading them!

    sparkle, I agree with you about the single choices. TOH would be a great August single. ButI think they wait first GT to climb up the charts… Another lonely night has a feel of “summer has ended, I have lost my hot summer love, I feel lonely…”. That would be great later in fall.

    I am so in love with the album. It’s hooked in my ears permanently. No cure.

  46. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert | Ghost Town | Choreography by Rilan


  47. nkd says:

    Seems to be a disagreement on twitter regarding the best way to purchase the remixes.
    One says buy singles, leave one off.
    Another says buy the EP, it helps.

    I don’t see that the EP purchase would help anything except a temporary charting on itunes.
    Buying singles adds to the GT charting on BB100 which is what counts the most.
    So I’m going to purchase singles as was discussed here earlier.

  48. ultimathule says:

    Hey – how about this!

    “Who is Michelle Collins? Six things to know about ‘The View’s’ new host”


    Adam mention –

  49. ultimathule says:

    “Shazam launches artist playlist discovery service”


    0:33 and 3:05 –

  50. TLKC says:

    Seems to be a disagreement on twitter regarding the best way to purchase the remixes.
    One says buy singles, leave one off.
    Another says buy the EP, it helps.

    It depends whether you want to help the EP CD or the single. IMHO, it is better to help the single at this point, since it will count towards GT sales and radio will look at that.

    If Q3 and 411 The music are saying this, they know what they are talking about.

    I am not going to buy or download the Tritonal remix this week, now I know that I can get it for free that will be the one I sacrifice.

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