- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Remember his saying quite a while ago that he wasn’t going to speak much about the new music as he talked too much during the Trespassing album. Seems to be following through on that.
TLKC, how awful that you are still without electricity. Everyone I have spoken to here already got there’s back, the last this morning. Thank goodness for charged cellphones and iPads, right?
Cuckoo remix with video
Went to a place I so rarely go. So sorry I took that journey there, reading posts about how Adam’s career is over, blah blah blah. Imma try not to make that mistake again!

Enjoyed that remix, nkd – thanks!
aely: re What’s smooth? TLKC’s hint that H.A. was either from here or reads here. A bit of googling helped my memory about who uses certain phrases. Sorry I am being so obtuse, but I don’t want to “out” anyone before the person comes forward on their own. No big deal. Please don’t feel left out.
Very interesting convo here. I’m pretty sure I’d love anything Adam sings (almost), so I am greedy and want covers AND new music
But whatever it is, I rely on Adam on this. I have taken an attitude not to worry too much any more. Somehow he finds his way, he is so talented. And during that, I enjoy his past and present music. But as many of you have said, I love this intelligent diversity of opinions.
I spent a long weekend at our country cottage, the first two days with my old friend from primary school. Her nest is empty now, so she has time for new things
We barbecued, had a bottle of wine and listened to the radio on the background. At some point I took my lap top and played/showed her Adam’s version of Stay. She liked it and asked do you have something where he moves, not just sits down. Ok. I showed him some queenbert. She agreed our guy sings amazing. But what amazed her most was how he moves and how incredibly sexy he is in those leather pants. She asked do you fan him just because of his voice or is there something else. I said because of everything he is, as a singer and showman and person. Then I showed her WLL of Milwaukee and she was dead 
I had a nice date yesterday
It felt very good after all the misery and heart ache this spring. I don’t know if it’s gonna lead to anything, but hell yes I’m gonna date a damn gorgeous and nice Creek god who is almost 10 years younger than me
“Now my body language is broken English…” ;D He asked do I have any other foreign friends. I said yes, I have met them online and we share a common interest. For some reason I didn’t go to details yet 
LadyNorth,I loved your story about introducing your friend to Adam. I wish I could find someone in my small town that shared my interest(read mania). I make no secret of being an Adam fan, but I’m treated rather as a quirky oddball who may just grow up someday! It’s OK but I have no intention of growing up (or joining the local country and western club!!!!)
Hi aely! As turquoisewaters suggests, we all leave identifiers in our posts. If you are into words, you can play a little detective. I figured out who one of the the biggest trolls on Adam 24 7 was because her posts mirrored her tweets.
All I know about H.A. is that she spends some time here because she repeated the “story-sticking-to-it” line. A lot of people on twitter use Adam’s phrases a lot so the use of them doesn’t mean much (except that someone may be hoping we’ll think it’s him.) Now that turquoise waters mentions it, I can think of a couple of cheeky tweeters who might be doubling over there. (Not me, I post under my twitter name.)
Hi rs! Still no power here but a little flicker in the middle of the night tells me they are working on it. The transformer in our neighbourhood was under water but they must have dried it out. Soon, they say.
Half the community arrived at Starbucks at 5:30am this morning and we are all powered up and wi-fi-ing as if our lives depended on it. Someone in line told us that all of their hot water is gone. Now I am desolate at the thought of a cold shower when I go home. (Yes, I am that deperate for a morning coffee.)
To make matters worse, I changed my internet and phone provider a few months back and they are coaxial cable-based (i.e. they need power.) I have been powering my iPhone at work so I can post, email and text from it but I slammed a car door on it just before San Diego and the microphone broke.
So I can call anyone in the city and listen to them yell HELLO! five times before they hang up on me.
In the scheme of things, we are doing pretty well. Everyone keeps saying how bad they feel about Calgary and Lac Megantic. People in both cities are going through hell. This is mere purgatory.
Aw TLKC, do you have a landline at home, or is that out, too? I hope that you didn’t have a lot of stuff in your freezer. Your spirits are amazingly high for this situation. I would be whining and bitching my head off, lol. Good you have work to go to. Keep us posted.
ooohhhh. TLKC…come on name names!!!! The trolls are driving me crazy on 24/7
LadyNorth, I love that your friend likes Adam’s vids. When I tell people about my Adam “thing” they are mostly impressed with the social aspect and the friends I have made. NOBODY ever asks to listen to his voice or see his vids. I have to force him on some people who then have to agree that he has a good voice
Kiwi, I am sorry that you don’t have any glamsis near you to share
I don’t have a real glambert near, many of my friends have been curios to see something, but they are not enough interested in music to watch it all over again. My friend probably could stare those leather pants again, but she said she likes to listen to the radio, gets bored soon if she listens to the same artist many songs one after another. She couldn’t understand how I get kicks for listening to Adam almost daily 
But I have to say I was surprised to see her reaction about A’s sex appeal. I didn’t think she was like that, I innocently tried to introduce the voice…
You learn new things about old friends, we haven’t met much during years. She thought A is incredibly sexy whatever he wears, it shines from him. She really got it.
rs, just keep pushing it to your friends
But I think it’s not just an Adam thing, some people are not that interested in music, or just listen to it randomly. We have to be glad to have found something that gives so much! But why can’t other people understand it, because I try to understand someone gets big kicks from knitting socks or riding horses?
I have had a full Adam day today, watched full previous concerts and Queenbert. I just have to say boy has been rocking like hell lately. I love this new organic Adam (except stache but it’s not that deep
LadyNorth, I have said it before. It is the Adam gene. We were born with it. Nothing we can do to prevent it, and the others just don’t have it.
Sorry about the bold. It is this iPad
Posting from work. Breaking the rules but it would appear that my boss has “suddenly” become an honourary Glambert so I might be okay if he ever finds out.
An interesting postscript to our San Diego trip. I returned to work last Thursday and found a note that he had gone to Florida with his elderly mother for a funeral. When I arrived in the office on Monday, I received a second message saying that his mum had taken ill and was in hospital.
On Monday night Cher sent out an email to the San Diego road trippers saying that her husband’s aunt from Toronto had fallen ill and was taken to a Florida hospital; her son was with her.
Being the Einstein that I am, it occurred to me that her husband’s cousin and my boss might be the same person, so I emailed both of them.
My boss and I are a two person team working for a non-profit. He is a lot like Cher and we are a little less formal than most workplace colleagues. Translation: he knows all about Adam, road trips, Ste-Agathe, London and San Diego. So I did not tell him that I had just seen Cher in San Diego. I just said “a friend” etc.
Here’s the tricky part: Cher, God bless her, hadn’t told her husband that her west coast trip included an Adam detour and, I gather, it was her preference to keep it that way. When Cher told him she knew me and had been with me in San Diego, the gig was up!
Cher emailed me last night that she and Billy were in stitches over his Glambert connections. (I gather at least one other aunt is in on the secret.) Included in Cher’s email was a request to confirm what a fabulous person she is LOL! (That will be easy to do.)
When I got to work this morning I had an email from my boss asking for details. I told him that when Queenbert comes to Toronto, he has to come and see them with Cher and the gang.
He emailed me back: “It was meant to be.”
Hi HKfan. I sometimes wonder how you put up with Adam 24/7 – and you post your own name, too. I identified only one troll. She left twitter and A24/7 about a month ago. Maybe I will email you. WHEN I GET MY POWER BACK. No phone yet.
Your post looks good in bold, rs. It reads like a manifesto or a proclamation. So true.
sigh. Same here. I have given out some CDs to people (FYE and Trespassing) but never get a response in return, and when I ask I only get a noncommittal answer along the lines that he is pretty talented but not really their taste, but yes a great voice.
I have given this a lot of thought. My friends listen to music on the radio and would probably go to a concert (not necessarily an Adam concert, just a concert) if a friend asked them and they weren’t too busy, but I don’t think any one of them would spontaneously think of going to a concert on their own. As a data point, most of my local friends are younger than me (by up to a decade or so).
For me it is the person as well as the music. I don’t think that I would care one way or the other about Adam if he was just a voice on a CD. I have said here that I don’t even like his CDs that much, even though I have bought dozens of them. But his live performances? Heck, I went all the way to Paris for the opportunity to see him in a small venue of 700. In live performance, no one can touch him (IMHO).
And as a person, Adam is interesting, generous, thoughtful, articulate, intelligent, fundamentally decent…he has interesting and talented friends, an interesting and intelligent family, and a great backstory. For me, that is an integral part of what makes me a stan and keeps me so fully invested.
TBH, I think I could drift away if it was just the music, life is busy and and there is always someone new to catch my attention. Right now I am loving Capital Cities, for example, but I know that by next week I will be over them.
So…what does all that mean? Maybe nothing. Just some musings.

TLKC, that is the best story that I have heard in YEARS!

I know TLKC…I have been close to leaving that site many times recently, but it was the first Adam site I found and started commenting on, so I feel a bit nostalgic for it, and feel I need to keep popping in there to show support for the few long time posters left there…and I don’t sign my own name…..I’m not really called HK fan!!!
Talking of 24/7, I am now ‘friends’ with Glitzylady on facebook….she said she tried to log onto this site a couple of weeks ago but was having problems. Hope she can sort it out.
I know for a couple of years I was unable to post on MJ’s…its very frustrating when you want to join in a conversation but can’t…
Its now midnight here, so now 11/7….a year since the first Queenbert concert..
Loving many of the posts here over the past day.
aely – I like way you think with your new glass-half-full speculations! I like your scenario!
Reese – I loved your post yesterday and agree with every word 100%, and I join others here in declaring that Adam has me for the long haul, no matter what, and that I just want to see him be happy, creating, successful, and respected for his talent, however that ends up unfolding for him.
TLKC and cher – your connection through Billy is AMAZING! What a small world! That story really cracked me up. Now I’m picturing cher just a tad bit nervous about having been outed to a family member!
TLKC, Ron, rs, Calgary, and all those dealing with the aftermath of the storms in Canada – I’m so sorry to hear of your travails and I hope that things start to settle down and get back to normal soon!
re: H.A. at MJs. I’m quite sure that it is NOT Adam. He/she occasionally uses a quote from Adam but lots of people do that. If H.A. is someone who also visits here, that’s cool – all I can say is that it’s not me, even though I occasionally use the phrase “that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” Just wanted to clarify in case you were suspecting me!
Has this beauty been posted here yet? OMG
This is wonderfully complimentary of Adam.
This is a radio interview with “Greg in Hollywood.” He was at the ATT Live Proud concert that Adam gave last week. Start listening at 12:40 for the segment about Adam.
Love what they said about Adam’s genuineness and commitment to what’s important.
I’ll also post this on the ATT Live Proud thread.

Picture of the week presented without comment….OMG
Another beautiful picture.
Hi cwm! That’s very thoughtful of you to express concern. I was lucky in that I didn’t lose electricity. I live downtown and the downtown core wasn’t effected.
What TLKC hasn’t mentioned … and how frustrating … is that just a few doors away from her house, those homes do have power. Her house and others further down the street just happen to be on another grid – the one underwater – and remain without power. So close and yet so far.
HK Fan – Glitzylady, and others who want to register on this blog, it’s my understanding that if they have registered on other “WordPress” websites – MJ’s would be a perfect example – it’s imperative that they use the same username and password here that was used when they first registered on “WordPress”, on MJ’s, or any other “WordPress” site, to be able to log on here.
Would someone please buy this for me?
Thanks a lot.
Ooooh, Ron, someone should definitely buy that for you!

Very sobering news from Canada – sending karma to those on the blog who are personally affected or who have family or friends who are affected by the happenings there.
TLKC, the same thing happens to my mother every time there is a power outage…her building is left in darkness because of the strange location of the service to her building. So frustrating for her to look out her dark window to see bright lights and big city across the street, next door, everywhere she can see! Except, of course, in her own home. Sending sympathy and best wishes.

mils Just sent you mail on the fan site. I am “lola” there.
AMA’s – Aftermath. Most inspiring lyrics #2
Funny, great tweet:
So funny, jlurk – Wonder if the mistakes are more in our Adam’s way or the other Adam’s way.
Thanks for the good wishes, cwm, krads, and anyone else I have missed. My family are all okay but many friends not. The devastation here is pretty bad. No deaths, like in Lac Megantic in Quebec, but hundreds of businesses gone or in jeopardy, thousands of homes ruined, landmarks destroyed, the zoo damaged, our neighbourhood school – a heritage building – condemned. They say the cost of the floods is nearing $4 billion. It’s hard to believe.
Fan art
I don’t usually like fan art much but that sketch is wonderful, ulti! Thanks for posting!
Thought the sketch was great, too, Krad – very skillful – a lot of them are a little hokey.
New pics from today I guess
A proud doll
kardamdoll is unbelievably talented! It is amazing how she finds just the right pieces and fabric to make her creations, down to the tiny details. And she is so productive! I assume that she doesn’t work for a salary, I can’t imagine how she could find the time to do the shopping and the creating.

I wish that she would publish a book with large pix of the dolls and some commentary. She has put up pix on the internet, but I would like a bio of her, how she became an Adam fan, how she decided to make the dolls, some stories of looking for details, etc. etc.
Love his outfit, aely – #3 is my favorite.
Yes, me too… He looks hot even with a dumpster as his background! That shirt really looks great on him.
@MrRPMurphy: I am thrilled to announce that the super talented Adam Lambert is joining the cast of Glee this fall.
Holy sheeeet – is that true, aely?
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s incredible!