- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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@RCAPromo: . @adamlambert partnered w/ AT&T to support the Trevor Project in Hollywood! #LIVEPROUD http://t.co/h5a7lEvVLf http://t.co/K2b5yEGz1p
Now this tweet is funny! Really? Now RCA?
One last thought, I wonder if he could be moving to Queen’s label so they can put out new music and get all royalty’s as well as his solo efforts.
aely Now that is an idea I strongly endorse!
Here is another thought: Since Queen has been talked to Psy maybe they just are about to launch a new label with international type new talent. It would be much easier on Brian (physically) that being on the road.
What is Queen’s label? Do they have their own?
I don’t love Queen, but they would treat Adam right, so this would get a big thumbs up.

Island Records, under Universal, Hollywood Records distribution in the US.
At the risk of (unintentionally) upsetting some of you again, I agree with Reese in this.
(Reese’s Comment:I would just like to say this: I find Adam to be an incredibly intelligent man. I have FULL faith that he will carve out a career for himself, and likely on his terms; haters, naysayers and record execs be damned!)
I would much rather spend my time enjoying the music and videos, not angsting over what I have no control over.
I’ll take Adam’s music any way it comes…pop,dance,funk,rock,covers,duets,with Queen,acoustic etc.
aely says:
That sums me up as well. The “and he is happy” part is important to me, and I believe it is the tricky part. But I’ll try not to be angsting too much, it just brings me down and does no good. I just know I’ll buy a dozen of whatever he puts out next.
Thanks for the back-up: kiwi, aely, rs and risky!
Appreciate it immensely.
Add me Reese!
We ALL love Adam and care a great deal about him and want him to be happy and successful. From there everyone is going to have different opinions and no one is right or wrong. Sharing all the different views is what makes this blog interesting and fun and honestly, what I enjoy most. If we all agreed all the time – BORING!
My hope for him: I want him to have a label because he has said over and over it is important to him and that is why he tried out for Idol. Selfishly, I want him to have the label so he can continue to do the big tours with the monetary support needed. (plus, then we all have a place to vacation and meet up!)
Personally, I like things to make rational sense….yeah, I know, never going to happen…but it makes me feel better if I can put those thoughts out in writing but it all comes from a place of care for Adam and his career. I hope that comes across. Anyway, more rationalization……
After all that said, when it comes right down to it “I don’t give a rats ass what he does as long as he sings and I can see him live and he is happy.”
Unfortunately, being so far away, I don’t get much chance for the “live” part.I will take all the videos from those wonderful people who film for us. Much appreciated!But I agree with the ‘as long as he sings, and is happy’.May I say, he sure doesn’t seem miserable lately!
Add me to your list too Reese! I’ll take him any way I can get him!
But, I do enjoy some speculation.
Who knows, maybe a covers CD would be a gateway
drug.You know, who can eat only one chip? Don’t you just want more?
Couple of random things
One chip is never enough for me. I’d love to hear a classic rock CD and see what the Lambert twist would bring to it.
kiwi. But what a great place to plan a vacation – New Zealand and/or Australia to see Adam! Sign me up for that.
Appreciate the positive posts here today – nice to read.
Hopefully Adam will return to NZ one day. he certainly seemed to enjoy the Auckland show (as did I) Yes, great place to holiday….as long as it’s summer. Shivering in the cold at the moment.
Sign me up for the rock CD. Right now.
Kiwi, you were there to see Sandman, right?
There’s so much awesome there, I don’t have adjectives.
OMG. The weather forecast in NZ I still watch anytime I need a laugh. Best bit ever! Literally, laughed til I cried. Kept having to pause and rewind. LOVED IT!
Oh, and YES to a rock CD.
The Australian Open is my last major tennis tournament to go to so yes, if I could plan an Adam concert over there – summertime in January!
Is there anyway that H.A. is Adam over at the other posting place?????
Do we have this yet? From AT&T. They used TALC. Incredible.
That finale just slays me. The vocals. The open shirt. The dancing. The open shirt.
Did I mention the open shirt?
My son’s take on a CD of 80s covers: “and then he can play Vegas for the rest of his life”.

That article posted above about the financial aspects of the music indusstry was very sobering. Makes me definitely want a movie career for Adam in addition to his music.
Miss Chaos, did ya see my response to HA over there?
What would HA stand for? His Adamness?
Still no power. Apparently the transformer that serves our grid is still under water. Eating out (with everybody in my neighbourhood) and hoping for the best.
Lots of great thoughts posted here and on MJ’s, where I did look. Reese is certainly right about a piece of news like this putting angst about Adam’s facial hair and tattoos in perspective. Nice to compare notes on likes and dislikes but in the end we all support Adam whatever way he comes.
I want him to be happy and my biggest concern: how does he feel about this? He does look happy lately, though. Maybe he knows something RCA doesn’t know. Something about Queen.
I just have a feeling that something good is coming his way. That New York trip was not for naught.
Maybe he is having a convergence of powers that be, and many good things are brewing. He does look quite happy and content. He has had many performances in hot weather, he does do best when hot, IMHO. He has been keeping things under wraps. Including possible couplings. We know he’s not lonely, that’s for sure. Ahem.
I’m thinking all is good. Even speculation. Look how much attention has come of this rumor. Love it.
I don’t feel like wading through all of that at MJs. What is being said?
Ya know…the idea that H.A. could be Adam doesn’t seem far off after reading the posts. Little things that he/she says “stay tuned”…smiley face.
and this:
Another one:
lol, mils…saw your reply to this one!
Speculation (from Wiktionary):
From Old French speculation (French: spéculation), from Late Latin speculationem, from Latin speculatio.
1. The process of thinking or meditating on a subject.
2. A judgement or conclusion reached by speculating.
3. An investment involving higher-than-normal risk in order to obtain a higher-than-normal return.
4. Examination by the eye; view.
5. The act or process of reasoning a priori from premises given or assumed.
6. A conclusion to which the mind comes by speculating; mere theory; notion; conjecture.
7. (obsolete) Power of sight.
Also: an activity regularly engaged in by members of a particular fandom, in their quest to resolve thorny issues related to the object of their obsession.
Related entries: stan (noun), to stan (verb), to angst (verb, intransitive), to bert (verb, intransitive)

A lot of good stuff, even from people who usually make cracks or bait us (his fans.) The general tenor is that Adam should walk from the label and that they didn’t serve him well with trespassing. One thing to keep in mind: according to the keeners, Shirley Halperin has a thing for covers. She often suggests that former Idols should do this. Some people think it may be wishful thinking on her part. Reading it made me feel better.
Too early to say whether this story has any legs.
Adam has the best PR in the business.
He actually does, at least some of the best:
We were very excited back when he signed with them, remember?

And yet…it is hard to figure out the respective roles of label and PR firm sometimes.
luval, that is very interesting. It would totally not be out of character for Adam to “talk” directly to his fans in this way.
A good clue will be if there are misspellings in HA’s posts!

Re: Adam and the NZ weather forecast. He was pretty good at pronouncing the Maori place names. EG: Whakatane…pronounced F..k-a-tah-knee. He did well and it made him chuckle.From memory he said it was his favourite. I must go back and rewatch.
lol,Kradamour…The posts are too short. A little bit longer and we might have some of those misspellings!
And that wink gets to me too…in all three posts.
Hate to break this to you but H.A. is probably one of us or at least reads this site. Another of her posts ends: “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!” Lol.
I see, TLKC

Did you guys see this?
Looks like Pretty Little Liars had Adam’s EW weekly cover on a table in tonight’s show.
But H.A. says something about stay tuned bitches, lol Adam speak.
Who knows what the boy is concocking!
Just watched the NZ weather again. Still laughing.
On MJs I started reading yesterday and posted a couple of times but it just got to be to much. If any one is interested I post as lexa. cwm asked if that was me in San Diego. Busted! Anyway, sounds like HA is trying to just be positive. But, if I remember right last night HA was angry and pissed saying no one would EVER buy that album. Going to check.
Happy Adam!!???
Yes, here is HA’s first post
“If Adam is putting out an album of covers I’m out. RCA sucks. Them making idols do covers and Christmas albums is a no for me. Looking at twitter the fans have NO intention of buying the album and they are already spreading the word to NOT give RCA a penny. Let RCA drop him and Adam go Indie. Even if they are just throwing the idea out there it’s time for Adam to move on. He has an excellent management team and I just can’t see Adam or his management going along with this idea. There is no way in hell he should go the Clay Aiken route. I hope Shirley is trolling.”
Quite the turnaround huh? Interesting. But no, no way I think it is Adam. Like he cares what non fans think at MJs. All 20 of them.
OK, H.A. Said Trust a Bitch! That is pure Adam speak!!
If you go read H.A. posts from the beginning on all the topics, it is kinda scary how much he or she knows about Adam, and rights stuff, I dont know its kinda freaky. Research needs to be done on this. Or can H.A. be his Mom, or Neil or better yet, Eber
Reese, I agree with all that was in your post from earlier today, as I would guess, does every other member on this site. As much as we angst about the little things, we all wish for Adam’s success and happiness, and to hear that voice.
If Adam wants to do a covers album, then his will be the best covers album ever, and I will buy many of them. If he doesn’t want to go there yet, then I hope he doesn’t.
It’s wonderful to be a part of this community that expresses differences of opinion but our unwavering support of Adam is always a constant.
TLKC: Smooth!

What am I missing? What is smooth?
Took the boys to see Despicable Me 2 today – three songs written by Pharrell. (He wrote score for first DM.)