- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Agree with ulti on Gaga. Not to mention that I started counting the “I, me, mines” in her July 4th Pride speech and had to stop watching.
She has a great voice and is talented but she is riding a wave, not making it or living it. Waving the rainbow flag while she sang SSB is running to the front of the LGBTQ civil rights parade in a week where people (like Andrew Sullivan, Ted Olsen and Davd Boies) who have worked tirelessly in the background for decades should be getting the thanks and attention they deserve.
The SCOTUS rulings made a major moment in civil rights history; a moment born of of hard work, persistence in the face of ridicule and lots of pro bono hours by dedicated believers in the constitution.
Where is that *sshole owner of SFGN when you need him?
Her speech 4 years ago on the mall in Washington DC said it all: the greatest day of my CAREER.
Spike Lee pointed out that Driving Miss Daisy won an Oscar because it discussed race in a context that white people could feel comfortable with: the African American chauffeur and the wealthy, genteel lady he worked for.
Lady Gaga is “Driving Miss Daisy”. Adam is “Do the Right Thing” – closer to the truth and harder to take. She’s a light lunch. He’s the real meal.
Of course she tops the charts.
I’ll shut up now.
There was nothing dignified or real about her performance – melodramatically clutching the flag to her breast as though she’s on the barricades with the community – a repulsive fraud.
I am in New York waiting to go to the airport but I want to start a campaign here to get M from our power couple M&p to delurk and start posting here. For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting them in St. agathe, London, or San Diego, he is a photographer who takes great shots of Adam and she is funny girl, superfan,and sweetheart all rolled up into one ball of energy and laughs. She follows ALL avidly and knows all of us.
So I will be the first to ask,M please come and play with us here. Don’t be skeered! After the first jump it is painless. Now if some more people
bugask her enough, maybe she will show herself here.Hi M….
I remember meeting you briefly at the dinner in London…..I second rs, please come out of lurkdom and join us here, we’ll be nice, we promise
I get where you’re coming from with Gaga, no need to shut up, it was a well worded rant…
(waving to M)

Come out, come out!
(the sand in our happy little box is totally free of cat poop!)
ulti, loved the subtitled documentary, especially the section that starts at 17:00 and ends with Mad World.

I can NEVER hear that song enough.
Hi M, crazygirl! Please just take the plunge and join us here. We know you’re out there!

TLKC, love your rant and mostly agree.
I think it is those like Adam Lambert, Neil Patrick Harris, Ellen Degeneres, Elton John and others who visibly live their lives out and proud who are contributing to the acceptance of gay in the mainstream.
But I also think it is important for others who are not a part of the community to express their support. As self-serving as I personally think Gaga is, she reaches a lot of young fans, and if her words can foster the acceptance of differences among those youth, then it’s all good, except the changing of the SSB lyrics.
Hi M! (Waving at you). I miss your bubbly enthusiasm. Com’on join us.
Adam and puppy….I think Markus has a crush! (and I don’t mean on the dog)
This Saturday, I’ll not only have the pleasure of meeting rs for the first time but I’ll also get to see M and her husband JP again!
M, I know you read this blog and it would be wonderful if you would participate!
(Don’t worry everyone. I’ll talk her into it)
aely did you see Chunky’s comment to that picture?
Hi rs! I hope you had or will have a pleasant flight.
What a muggy hot day though for you to arrive. You can see the humidity hanging in the air. Ugh!
For some reason, I don’t have a current phone book but the last time that I checked, I am listed.
Please feel free to phone, if you’d like, anytime before 9pm.
Talk to – see you – soon!
Missed that but just spit my water laughing at that one because it is so true…Too funny!
This is an interesting point of view on Adam’s branding…..
Energy Radio is doing an hour of Adam music right now. Every Monday at 2pm CT.
aely, I started listening about 15 minutes ago. Just great to hear Adam on the radio! Mixture of old and new.
I’m counting on you. Whatever it takes.
80’s covers for an album? Actually, it makes sense. Almost every favorite those that listed favs for 2013 are covers. Interesting…..
80’s covers?
I guess TPTB are thinking about what everyone in the US seems to consider his core fans, us 29 year olds.
I’d buy a copy but I wouldn’t be enthusiastic. I did 80’s. Back in the 80’s.
But whatever.
Had to LOL though that (according to rumors) they wanted control over his cover art…they must be thinking of FYE…
Would explain why Adam doesn’t seem to be spending much time in a studio or writing.
But thinking about it, his covers get way more buzz than his own music. Plus, think of all the creative ways he will change them up and make them his own. Just like Idol. Maybe to remind people of his talent, play to what people like. I thought it was interesting that the label “insider” said there wasn’t much enthusiasm in Trespassing. I bet because Adam took Exec Producer role so they didn’t have the investment. If it “failed” it was on Adam not them. This time they are calling the shots. Don’t know, having all kinds of mixed feelings about this one.
Even more interesting eywflyer and I just had this exact conversation in line. He said Adam is much better known for his covers and that is what people respond to and I agreed. We were talking about where to go from here with a new album. Smart man.
ETA: Yes, this could all be BS but I do think they are trying to think differently and will have total control this time around. I am just happy they are talking about a new album. Glass half full!
I largely agree with TLKC about Gaga. She is ambitious and very good at what she is doing. But IMHO for someone who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she is pushing the “I was a bullied outcast” story line too much. When I was at the concert in January she sounded very desperate asking the gays in the audience to promise eternal loyalty to her. She gave off a somewhat negative, almost hostile vibe and was hiding so much behind the make-up, outfits, dancers, production. I got the impression that she was not in a good place herself at that time. (I hear she had health issues.) Such a contrast to the friendly, joyful, open Adam we get to see. But: if her songs and shows and persona have helped young kids feel more comfortable in their skin (and I think they did), I applaud that. I wish her well, even if I think she is exploiting the gay shtick way too much. My sense is she might be in a little identity crises of her own right now what with new singers coming up and her becoming out of fashion.
Oh wow. Eighties covers. Not sure what to think. My first reaction is that I want him to do original music, not become known as someone who sings covers. As a side project, fine, but not as a final destination. Of course he would be very good at this, but still some part of me does not like this at all. I wish the execs had put their marketing weight behind Trespassing, say what you want, that is a quality album. ( ETA: And now I went and bought 2 more copies of the Trespassing UK version, darnit. Just felt like it.)
One more post.
Re Gaga and her motivations.
I definitely agree that Gaga is uniquely self-absorbed.
But she is also uniquely talented, and when she speaks, her Little Monsters – millions of them – listen.
I don’t think that there is any question that she has changed minds and hearts, regardless of her motivation.
And my understanding of her demographics is that they include numerous gay and questioning youth – and if she makes them feel accepted and welcome on her team, then I am not going to look too deeply into her personal reality or motivations.
Sometimes the ends make the means or the motivations of the messenger irrelevant.
(And she gave Adam a great song, so I will cut her some slack…!)
Re modifying the SSB…I don’t have a problem with that. Remember Hendrix? the world as we know it was going to end because of that ghastly version of the SSB. And of course it didn’t. Changing the music, changing the lyrics…what is the difference?

Our national anthem belongs to every American to use for the messages that we want to proclaim with it, just like the flag. (See Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 1989 one of the most elegant and moving pieces of writing that the Supreme Court has ever produced.)
I was raised not so very far from Ft. McHenry, and regularly visited the original SSB at the Smithsonian when I was growing up. Both the song and the flag are, to my mind, powerful tools for delivering a message, and the United States is all about the freedom to do so.
End of
lecture,rant, statement.IMHO, of course.
Here is my glass half empty thoughts. This is a set up for a “parting of the ways” announcement. Citing creative differences so Adam can “leave” RCA. (Shoshanna is in LA) And honestly, that might not be a bad thing. I don’t think they know what to do with him.
I think I would rather have music….and I would always like to think glass half full but again, I am all over the place with my feelings on this one.
Several of us talked about this at length in SD. No matter what the talk of Adam & his career was, it always ended with “they don’t know what to do with him”.
I guess I would be happy with any music done by Adam out there. Goodness, after a while something has got to hit. I still don’t understand why Love Wins Over Glamour wasn’t put out on itunes. Guess they don’t want our money.
I’m sure the behind the scenes issues going on are very complicated.
Okay, for lighter news and a chuckle
I see a black nail polished thumb on this cute pit of Adam & the puppy that aely posted earlier. Either polish or he smashed it in the car door.
Trying to take in all of what has been discussed the last day or so. Guess I opened a can of worms here with my posting of Gaga’s speech and singing of SSB at NY Pride.
There are many thoughtful posts, I actually agree with a lot of what has been said here, however, I do continue to love Gaga. Her support of LBGTQ people is unwavering. They comprise a very visible segment of her fanbase, and she reaches out in her songs, lyrics and concerts in so many ways about diversity and acceptance.
Yes, her speech contained a lot of “me, my, I’s”, but it was loved by the crowd she was speaking to.
Changing up the lyrics of the SSB? To a very focused audience? It’s been done many many times before. It’s not like she changed them up at the Superbowl. It was a Pride event.
What Hendrix did with it at Woodstock was legendary. Yes, it was “controversial” at the time, but, hey, it was the 60’s. It lives on in rock history as one of the greatest iconic rock moments ever. Love it or hate it, it was freedom of speech and great guitar playing, by an unequaled s talent.
The rumor about a cover of 80″s tunes CD????
Maybe a good idea, maybe not…but many stars have done this. From Buble, to Groban to Rod Stewart to Harry Connick.
Maybe if he had Michael Orland help him out, maybe he could actually get on the radio. Maybe Nile Rogers could play, maybe Pharrell would help him out. Maybe he could do some re-arranging of some good songs, and have some success with sales.
I’d love to see him cover some great rock songs, and some of the 80’s power ballads. We have all talked about which songs we’d LOVE him to cover, maybe this could be a good move for him.
Wanna start a list of wish songs?
I’ll start it off with:
The Stroke ( Stroke Me )
Anything by Heart
Anything by Pat Benatar
Anything by Prince
Add Journey to my list. Especially Faithfully.
Drat. I can’t think of a single song from the 80s that I would want to hear again.

Thinking hard.
Okay, Mad World.
Coming up empty….
I think Trespassing was an excellent album. All the dj’s who interviewed him gushed over him so you have to believe the radio PTBs were responsible for the album’s poor showing. Plus I think there’s some truth in luval’s comment. Adam is waaaay more versatile than almost any other singer who has come down the pike, at least this early in his career. If you can’t pigeonhole him, you can’t market him effectively. Did someone a while back say he should have his own tv variety show? Like the old Sonny and Cher, or going back even further, Perry Como, Andy Williams? What about the Adam and Cher show? (On a related note, why hasn’t his agent gotten him on SNL? Should we be doing a Twitter campaign to SNL?)
On the other hand, Michael Buble has done just fine singing covers!
mils Great list!
How about a n album of duets? I’d like that even better! Adam and Pat Benatar, Adam and k.d.lang, Adam and …
There’s some GREAT music here. IMHO.
OMG. Blondie. Rapture.
He would nail it. Kill it. OMG. Rapture.
You know, I’m not taking this ‘album’ report/rumor very seriously. I can see Adam doing a CD of covers as an interim while we wait for Album #3. However, I am NOT at all in favor of his baby at this time (Album #3) being a collection of covers. As creative as Adam is, I can’t at all imagine that he would be satisfied with this. JMHO….
Thanks for the list, mils.
Alas, it just confirmed that there is nothing at all that I ever need to hear again from that decade.
Even if Adam sings it.
I could see a duet album before I could see a covers album.
But of course this is all totally just our usual bizarre and wild speculation!

Yikes, I thought I liked 80’s music but scrolling through that list I only saw a couple of songs that I didn’t dislike. Queen of course and Prince When Doves Cry.
Not thrilled with the idea of a covers album, not just yet.
Then again, maybe that would get him more recognition. Not sure how I would feel about it if it happens.
How ’bout if Adam did an under-the-covers album?
Well, that keek/vine – whatever it was – showed the group was spinning Yaz/Situation (early 80’s).
Find this idea extraordinarily depressing.
Okay, being in High School in the late 80’s there is some good music. I agree with not so much with the list on the link. But I just had drinks with some friends and talked about an cover album. Just some interesting ideas that maybe he could switch up. Peter Gabriel, The Police, U2, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Tina Turner, Queen (obviously) but maybe not at all, George Michael, REM, The Smiths, The Cure, The Stones, Bowie, Foreigner, Cyndi Lauper, Pink Floyd. Plus the ones listed, Prince, MJ, Journey…
This made us feel all nostalgic…The pop music was annoying but he really could update some of these. Anyway, still not a huge fan of the idea but my friends were like, oh, why not that would be cool. So whatever, it will be what it is but it is fun to speculate.
Well, to channel the 80’s – “gag me with a spoon”
Why can’t he just release original music with a few covers in the mix? And why just 80’s? Throw in a few 70’s and 90’s too. That would be my preference. But no one is asking me.
So, are you guys saying some of the most successful artists/bands and their music suck? Or just the idea?
Agree, Luval, mix would be okay.
aely, that last list of 80’s artists are fine in their own ways. Sometimes the best songs don’t go to number one. I like all the groups you listed. The Cure were probably my favorite 80’s group. Maybe it was Robert Smith’s eyeliner.
. I loved loved his look. Bowie of course. Saw the Police several times. I remember the videos on MTV. I was hooked. Guess the 80’s weren’t so awful after all. Still would like some new music and Love Wins Over Glamour released. 
Pretty much. I guess I liked them at the time, but they haven’t aged well and now they are on the oldies stations and that is just depressing in the context of Adam.

And I guess to me, “cover” = “loser/can’t come up with own music”.
When he throw one into his concert mix, I don’t mind too much. But an album of covers?
(shakes head)
Too soon for that. He needs to be successful in his own right before he can risk karaoke.
Agree that label (and others) don’t know what to do with him/how to market him.
How would doing an album of covers help that? Seems to just make it worse.
Is he a pop singer?
Musical theater?
Cover artist?
And the bigger question is, can he reach superstardom without a brand?

Maybe someone who is Adam Lambert can.
Hi, dcglam! Haven’t seen many of your posts lately – hope that means you are having a wonderful summer!

Don’t get me wrong, I love what Adam does to an older song. His covers are spectacular! He has so much more to offer with original ideas that I would hate to see them take him down this route so early in his recording career.