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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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rs, to avoid a too-long URL, just copy the URL and go to http://www.tinyurl.com – and paste the long URL into the box and click and voilà, they create a tiny version of the URL that will take you to the same site. It’s kinda magic!

Kardamdoll’s creations are amazing! Lots of people have asked if she sells them but she won’t. It would be lovely if she donated one for a charity auction, signed by Adam – I bet it would generate a substantial bid.
And now Adam Levine! I think that what bothers me most about the facial hair is that it is just so ordinary now. Maybe he just wants to blend in and not be so visible for a while.

Whatever. Gonna let this go, I’m getting tedious.
Here’s a video with Adam & Kidd Kraddick (dj who died yesterday) from 2012.
lol, kradamour. Don’t stop talking about your dislike of the facial hair. Maybe the Universe will finally listen if you express it enough times.
This is a news story that may get some press. A lesbian couple kicked out of a cab in Portland. One of them is wearing a familiar shirt. The kind you can usually only get at a merch booth or from a fansite.
Can someone please tweet this to Adam?
Oh. Yup. Adam was a super great sport in that holy hell hot mess of an interview. Sooooo rude and not listening. Sorry the dude died, he was obviously young, however, the key point of an interview is that it’s not about YOU. It’s about your guest.
Re: facial hair. Whatevs. At least he’s in the news. And Levine has a full thick beard, Adam’s is trimmed and neat. Levine’s looks like he’s just been on vacation in the north woods. Lumberjack time.
Those dolls are truly impressive. For those of us who know their way around a needle and thread, even more so. The details, the fabrics, simply incredible. And the speed in which she can churn them out too. I wonder if Adam has ever seen the pics?
Just looked up Kidd Kraddick, he’s not on the air here as far as I know, same age as me. You know, 29. Too young. I guess he was quite beloved and had better sides of himself than what he demonstrated in that interview with Adam.
It’ll be interesting to hear what Elvis Duran has to say about him tomorrow morning. That show can be quite crass also, but, it does entertain during my long commute. However, he is always, to a person, respectful of stars in his studio. Always.
Interesting the responses I’ve been getting to that “Underneath” vid. The idea that fans would create something so sophisticated with his music has definitely made his stock rise in their eyes – especially that he would be the inspiration for listeners as far away as Vietnam. Very nice.
Incredible. Simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
Love his large head
Here, Krad – a closeup for us.
luval, I live in the hills (about 2500 ft above sea level)away from the coast so our winters are colder than the rest of the country, except for the mountains in the north. It can get down to freezing at night occasionally and maybe snow once or twice. The difficult thing is the freezing rain and the houses that aren’t often warm enough. but the sky is the bluest that you will ever see and there are plenty of glorious mild says. The coast and lower lying areas are much warmer an of course Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba is warm all year round, Come visit.
Those dolls are simply incredible. Adam’s fans are just so creative and interesting.
Lol…large head
Large head means large …. Hat!
New date, but seems familiar. No, now think it’s new – and really funny, too.
Capital Cities new album is really good – “In a Tidal Wave of Mystery” – song is on Top Ten iTunes – “Safe and Sound.” Like “I Sold My Bed, But Not My Stereo.” That sounds about right – lol. Younger gang likes the album, too.
That, too, luval – cackle
I LUUUUURVE Capital Cities. “Safe and Sound” is in my head and can’t get it out, have been humming it for weeks…
So…the closeup of the spewing North Wind. sigh. Trying to get into it. Can’t.
Thanks just the same, ulti.
That item about the lesbian couple was sobering. Two steps forward and one step back.
Adam should definitely see it.
So, He’s out partying with the Glee boys. Love it.
As pathetic as the incident with the lesbian couple is, I love that one was wearing an Adam shirt. It just dawned on me recently that within that large group of female fans could be a substantial number of lesbian/bisexual ladies. I think that’s awesome. Good for the two ladies that they talked to the police and the media and did not just suck it up. There need to be consequences or some people never learn.
Did anyone watch this little video that luval posted yesterday from Evita the club?
‘Cause I have a two-part question (very sexy video btw, were there other people in it?, ’cause he takes your attention completely).
First, is there an urban dictionary of tongue signals, because he does things with his that are above and beyond the everyday.
Second, in the Paso Robles “Shout” he seems to be eyeing someone to the side and again doing sexy little tongue thingies. Wonder who? Maybe a videoer he knew? Leila? Those who were there, any idea?
Looking at that pic of Adam with Chris (a very nice guy) can someone tell me how Glee fans could vote him sexier than Adam on The Backlot? (Of course, it happened just before the Adam/Glee announcement, so we’ll see next time….)
Adam looked so soft and sweet in the Kraddick interview. Blame it on the beard or what, but he appears much more aggressively male now. Not complaining. And I think that was my favorite acoustic performance of BTIKM. Sublime.
I’m with you on the “bruise,” Krad.
Yes – agree about the “more aggressively male now.” Think I mentioned that it was the first thing my daughter said at Pittsburgh Pride. I like it and think it may bring him more male fans.
risky, the one on the left is Raja/Sutan. Doesn’t she/he look gorgeous? Don’t know who the one on the right is.
New thread up about the Glee pic.
Has this been posted yet? It is an article about China banning Western style singing competitions and postponing those that have already been taped. Wasn’t Adam supposed to appear on the final of Chinese Idol this fall?
Lotta people gonna be lotta mad in China – we’ll see how that works out.
MJ has posted that pic of Chris and Adam with a little rundown on all the Glee festivities this weekend. And I quote: “Adam looks FAB as always” I think she’s given in.
That YouTube video featuring Underneath looks great but it makes me nervous. The face-painting is so striking that it might lead to face tattoos down the road. That should not be a road lightly taken.
Adam’s voice AND face are his fortune, TLKC – he’s not gonna futz with either of those, IMO.
No worried rs. It is intended to prevent “satellite stations” from creating any MORE reality shows. China doesn’t want street riots. I would bet that Idol wishes that such a law had been created in the US a few years ago. Talk about consoldating the power of the existing shows.
Maybe HK Fan can fill us in a bit more.
ETA: I missed the part about postponing those that had already been taped. EEK!
I don’t think Adam would do anything that dumb either, ulti. He’s past the age of recklessness. It’s just the fact that, between social media and tattoos, an awful lot of kids are making decisions that are seriously compromising their future.
True, TLKC – and those tattoos are the very devil to try to remove.
BTW, I followed up on the tweet that was posted here about Kurt + Adam fan fics and found out that there is already a character named Adam on Glee and the “Kadam” fan fics are about Kurt and him; not OUR Adam. Who’da thunk it?
new/old pic – two others there as well – like ’em all.
Actually, there’s a whole bunch.
Love this one.
You know, TLKC – now that you mention it, someone did bring that up quite a while ago when Adam and Glee were first an item. (Did the guy wear a beanie or something?)
Yes, I wanted to do something special for all those who attended the Sainte Agathe dinner and concert. But it can also be enjoyed by those who lived vicariously throught the tweets, videos and recaps.
So, if you haven’t done so already, check out the crossword and see if you can identify those who were there (and find yourself too!).
Like Ron’s latest a lot – “Dream a Little Dream of Me” – very, very nice indeed.
Can you imagine if during a concert Adam sang the lyric “Say nitey-nite and kiss me” what kind of reaction he would get from the audience?
I do the same lyric and it just kind of falls away and lays there. Nothing.
Anyway, at least this time I have a shirt on!
Eyeliner on too because … it’s Sunday.
Oh, and I purposely
I forgot to put them away!left my gym trunks hanging on the door nob to add to the decor.http://youtu.be/zYh5Fq7O7vw
Of course, any kind of dream about me would be classified as a nightmare but try to look past that …
I actually haven’t watched Glee since season two, ulti, but I think the beanies were part of the uniform for the school that Kurt went to after he was bullied at McKinley High. That’s where he met Blaine. Maybe mils can fill us in.
The show lost me when the gym teacher’s storyline took over. I’m a theatre freak, not a gym freak. (Plus the love triangles were maddening.)
Awww Ron, I finally watched your SING. I couldn’t find the post everyone was referring to. Lovely. You have 48 views. You are working on a nice little fan club there.
Where is “Dream a Little Dream of Me.”? What page?
Hi rs…
no the motor home doesn’t have aircon…..but it doesn’t need it.
Heavy, heavy rain last night, didn’t hear it though, jetlag meant we slept well, our mattress got really wet though, and a couple of caravans had to be hauled out of a flooded area…
Where’s the pic of Adam and the Glee boys?
Just caught up the last 5 days/9 pages… I was supposed to say bye before going into the countryside with family, but ran out of time during packing and been too busy with guests etc ever since. Finally had time to place my butt by the lake side chair with my phone and a drink and catch up. Lol for all speculations and story lines
It was very amusing to read!
I’m so sorry aely to hear about your situation
But I am sure everything turns out fine, because you are such a capable girl
Keeping thumbs up for your meeting with your boss!
Welcome lisai and thanks for the info and vid re glambert project! I recognized a familiar face on the video, a glambert from Finland (where I am from too), have met her twice here. I love it how this fandom unites people from different countries and continents
HK fan, good luck with your motor home trip. I too, like rs, was happy that it wasn’t too hot in London last summer. But I can imagine that a lot of rain really sucks if you have to stay inside a small box…