- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Anytime Ron just let me know.
Hope they clean up after themselves!
Hmm, I put this on Facebook 3 hours ago and no one likes it.
I have a brand new ULTRA sensitive microphone. Too sensitive. It picks up everything.
So during my morning coffee, I thought I’d try something soft, up close and – for the most part – quiet.
It’s extremely l-o-w pitched for me!!
The fun for me is in the doing. I don’t enjoy listening to myself and won’t blame you if you feel the same way. But, that said, I kinda like this.
Oh, if I thought I was going to upload this, I would have buttoned my shirt. I don’t exactly have a six-pack going on for myself.
But you can see my pendant.
Perfect timing – workmen are here. See you later.
Hehe, TLKC, that’s OK, I don’t even know at this point who plays either one. It’s just a larc anyway, right? Very entertaining storyline anyway.
I’m very happy that Glee fans seem to have really embraced Adam and have done their homework, upping his YT views and IG likes(after that first day when a few grumbled about Adam somehow linked to Cory’s death, but dropped it immediately when the drug thing came out).
I hope Adam gets to chat with Ryan Murphy at the shower and gets a first-hand update on Glee! Cher/Tommy is a nice add-on for me.
When is the shower?
I got lost in the fanfic and lost track of reality!
Soon, yes?
ETA: nvm, google caught me up. This weekend.
Really risky? The things people come up with…
I know, mieps! The timing was unfortunate. I’m glad the Glee fans never got carried away by those very few on Twitter, and rallied their common sense.
Btw, following your journey on Twitter. Hope to see you with cherwhen you get to South Florida.
LOLOL had to share this from Twitter (fashion dilemma unique to Adam)
Absolutely! If, of course, I ever get there. I’ve been working on this job for just over a week, but it feels like eternity. I soooo want to continue my trip. It’s amazing how quickly the travelling felt like normal
mieps You are on Twitter? Tweet me @musicagain so I can follow your journey!
Kradamour, agree with you re the Guardian article. Was a bit surprised, too. Also loved the cute pic of Adam with that overcome fan. Hadn’t seen this one before.
Hi Calgary, I’m sure you’re not the Italian @musicagain, but just to be sure, maybe you can tweet me first @allibabs.
Hi mieps,I am following you now, too. I imagine that you won’t get to me on your travels, though.
Maybe not, rs
However, I’m already researching ways to keep travelling for a while longer, without it costing too much money of course.
And I’ve never been to Israel, so that is definitely on my list!
Looks like no other Queen show is planned.
Re the Guardian article.I am trying to get more info about the project AJ was involved in. I met her on several occasions and I know she did some design work for Tommy.
This is a video she did:
Love his performances with Queen – but if there are no more, that’s fine with me. Been there, done that.
Hi there, new here.
Just wanted to tell get it straight about the article http://guardianlv.com/2013/07/adam-lambert-in-glee-iheart-and-followed-by-glamberts/
My wee friend AJ started The Glambert Project.
Kradamour the article takes poetic licence in saying she started a movement.. the movement was already there. She just did her best to enhance it a bit more and among many it was. How they even came by her wee Project for the article is beyond us. She would be horrified to think that she was given credit for the worldwide fame of Adam..
My wee friend AJ created The Glambert Project
Published on YouTube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WffMYNveX7Y 24 Sep 2012
An insider look into the lives of fans of Adam Lambert, known as glamberts. This short film/documentary aims to portray the positive impact of pop culture on society. Through interviews with fans from all over the globe, we find out what it means to be a fan, the impact and the messages from the artist and the community in which being a fan brings. I would like to thank all of the people involved in the making of this video.
All videos belong to the respected owners. This is non-profit. Created by fans, for fans and for Adam Lambert. See credits for further details.
She also did design work for Tommy’s merchandising line, has done work for Xander (I have too) and knows Danielle quite well.. in fact due to AJ I have met Danielle on Skype and with her help created a video..
AJ is the sweetest girl around and has always done her best to promote Adam and his band.
Hope this clears up any questions you have.
Hi Lisai
Thanks for that. That clears it up for me as well. I admit to being more than a little confused!
Am I reading it wrong? In that Queen/Adam post I read that the London concert was cancelled…that it doesn’t say anything about “no other concerts after iheart”.
Nope. I said nothing else is planned. As of now there is not. Didn’t say there may not be in the future.
Yes you do have to wonder where some people get their info!! anyway people will no doubt look up her wee project and have fun watching it.. in fact I am in there too…
Very cool lisai. Thanks for sharing!!
Welcome lisai!
Thanks for de-lurking! Am I to understand that you are from across the pond?
Have you seen Adam? Have you met him?
Is this blog getting known even more than I/we know about?
Lisai is another Kiwi….I told her about the Guardian article because I knew she was a friend of AJ’s. She’s a very computer savvy lady.I am in awe of her abilities. When I first wanted to download and convert youtube vids she talked me through it via e-mail and made it sooooo easy.
(she won’t blow her own trumpet!)
“Across the pond” – well guess I am.. I actually only just found out about this place thanks to Kiwi. So havent really lurked at all. lol..
I’m an Australian living in Christchurch New Zealand..been through over 12,500 earthquakes including 3 biggish ones of which one has destroyed my home (still waiting for repairs or rebuild) and yes I’ve seen Adam.. went to GNT .. the years have gone by so fast.. and went to see him in Caulfield in Melbourne, Australia last year (he was brighter than the sun).. met him by total accident at the airport and I know you’ll get this.. got to have words (about 5 minutes worth) hand shake, asked to see his eyes and he showed me, and as he was leaving the customs security area I asked him for a hug and he gave me one.. I was a wreck for the next 2 hours on my way home to NZ. It was so surreal.. forgot to ask for an autograph and because of being in customs couldn’t get a pic so the only proof that it happened is that my 2 fellow NZGlitterTribers were also there and talked to him. A real highlight of my life.
I also gave him a set of Queenbert dvd’s that I put together of the 6 concerts he did with Queen from fan footage. Milwlovesadam are you from Milwaukee.. I have a tattoo inspired by his makeup from that concert.
So that’s me in a nutshell. Mother of 2.. about to become a Grandma in 4 weeks and very excited. Have made friends all over the world due to Adam and am sure I will make many more.
Going out for a while but will be back later. Ciao

Correction to above…sorry Lisai. She is an Aussie, currently residing in NZ!
Shucks Maureen!
Welcome lisai!

So nice to see so many new playmates…!
Hello, lisai and welcome. I am from Syracuse, New York. So nice to see you here. It’s Friday night which is generally a bit quiet-ish on this blog. Always waiting for some Adam news to pop up!
Your encounter with him was amazing. Lucky for you to see those eyes. I did once in Paris and I will never forget it.
A couple of new tweets from Adam. Nothing earth shaking.
Always promoting other people!
eta…here’s gaga’s new image (no makeup)
One other
No album this fall?
I think we pretty much assumed this. But I hoped at least a single for the holidays.
maybe a single. No album could still mean a single.

May wishing make it so.
Well, add mine to the list – lol
Circulating again
PACO ADVENTURE @chunkeymonkey81 6h
So I was not aware there is already Adam/Kurt from G lee fanfic on the interwebz lollll
luval, I’ve been meaning to thank YOU for the nice note you sent regarding Del Mar. So sweet of you.
Loving all the speculation and fanfic being written! More news should be forthcoming very soon.
Happy weekend all!
Yeah hey Luval,

He was so gracious.. it all happened so fast and the whole story is rather long.. but thanks to a wonderful security person who decided to make my day, the combined closing down to one gateway for the scanning and my friend who kept vbeeping I got to just stand and talk to him.. I was a mess afterwards.. I tweeted the universe about it as soon as i could…lol.. My reaction was hilarious..
lisai, so glad for you. Our own cwm also had a spontaneous meeting with Adam at an airport and I think that they are the best kind. Of course you hold yourself together and remain outwardly cool and calm while it is happening, and as soon as it is over you collapse into a puddle of excited mush.
So I just watched through the vids of the whole Del Mar concert for the first time since I got home. I have to confess that I had been feeling a bit strange (for lack of a better word). I had come halfway around the world for this concert and even though I loved the concert when I was there, peeps kept talking about how the show at Universal was the best one he had ever done and later how the Paso Robles show (which I saw on live stream at 7:00am) was the best ever. Another friend who was there with me (who shall remain unnamed) said it was a “good” show, and people were talking about how far away and high the stage had been from the audience, and how in the middle he said “I’m not feeling you!”……………………………………………..

He was so happy to be home among friends and family, his voice was on fire, he was engaging with the crowd and practicing his comedy, it was the first time he sang WWRY in the middle of Dragon Attack, we got the great new version of FyE, and it was the first time he did both Purple Haze and AYGGMY in the encore. I guess that with the comparisons to the other shows I forgot just what I had witnessed. When you go to a lot of shows, or conversely, only see them on video, it is easy to compare, but then the thing that brought me down was thinking that if one show was the greatest, the other show had to, by definition have been “worse”. And that was my mistake (riskylady set me straight in a very long Skype conversation yesterday). Adam is never “worse”. And for me, this one was the best! (I am taking the Queen shows out of the equation because they are in another dimension). This was only my third all Adam show, and for the 2 GNT shows I saw I was farther away, and I have to say that I much prefer the confident,matured “pure” Adam singing on the stage by himself and engaging the crowd extemporaneously to the overly scripted and choreographed GNT (as much as I loved it then).
So I watched my show and I LOVED IT!
I am not sure what I am trying to say here, or what is the point of this post. I am certainly not asking people to stop comparing concerts. I just wanted to share my musings. I think that I have to remember my own experiences and revel in them. As dear riskyady said “Everyone’s own concert is the best!”
rs ITA with your post!! Had I missed FYE I would have been crushed! I loved Del Mar… The WHOLE experience with Adam the cherry on the sundae!
I loved Del Mar – my only experience of Trespassing in concert. Plus Eber and Leila and Sutan and Adam talking to us as if we were in his living room. The WWRY riff was a beautiful gimmie and FYE is one of my favourites.
Rule of Glambert thumb: the last concert Adam gave is almost ALWAYS the best concert he ever gave (or you ever saw.) Proximity to the buzz-and-hum of a particular Adam exposure leaves you ecstatic for weeks.
Not surprised about the Kurt/Adam = Kadam fan fics. Glee fans are major fan fic-cers. They are also take-it-to- the-max fan warriors so beware the Klaine fans. I deliberately left Kurt and Blaine together in my fic. No point in making Adam any enemies before he sets foot on the set.
No more Queenbert concerts this year – is anyone surprised? Adam is committed to Glee at the moment and the other two have stuff going on as well. PLUS, the Queen Extravagannza is playing in North America and WWRY is touring stadiums in Europe. The promoters of both have to have been given some territorial exclusivity.
Adam said a while back that Queen is not that big in the US. Why is Queen doing a radio concert? To promote the idea of a tour and get backers. Why ruin a couple of big markets by playing there this year when they can be part of a US tour next year?
iHeart is a sign that Queen may planning something decent – maybe a couple of months worth of concerts. Save your pennies.
Hi lisai and welcome. Love that little car emoticon. Never noticed it before. Road trip!!!
tlkc, you know I am ready! Got my boots on and the right amount of leather! Universe, please make something happen! Adam can multi-task…he has said so.
rs: You have captured my feelings exactly. As I was reading your post, I thought the whole time how subjective it is and how the best concert is always the one you are at – just like the wise riskylady said. I just enjoy the concerts I can attend (and I consider myself fortunate because there are many that can’t attend any concerts) and for the rest there is youtube. I am so thankful to all the people that take such great video and post it. Glamberts seem especially dedicated in this regard. I saw Bruno Mars last night (fun!) and looked for video to show my family but could not find anything with good quality audio/video. And I want to thank you, rs and mmm222 for taking all those wonderful pictures that will trigger memories for years to come.
aely: I have been off the grid for a while but I want you to know I am thinking about you. Those RL events can really kick anybody, sometimes they have been a long time coming, sometimes they just come out of nowhere. In any case, I am wishing you all the best that is works out for you.
Saw this at MJ’s