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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Thanks everyone for the good thoughts! I am staying positive. My old boss told me a few months ago he wanted to start a new business and have me work with him, I told him probably not now but then called him Monday and asked if I could change my mind. We are meeting next week.
I just hate to see my friends I have worked with for years and years feel so lost, that is the hardest part. We had a great company. It just sucks to work your way up to senior management and then feel like you have to start all over! Well, enough of that.
Bring on the Adam gossip, news and goodies!

No news on any front this morning but this is my stab at an Adam storyline for Glee:
Any song ideas?
Loving the TJ/Cher connection, because my dream is still to hear Adam and Cher duet.
The TJ link could be a step in the right direction!
aely, I really think that the key is to stay open to all ideas so that when the right thing comes along, you can recognize it for what it is and not have it blocked by a too-firm view of something else.
Wonderful things happen if we allow them to.
Love it TLKC!
Ooooh, TLKC, I’m hooked! what happens next?

(ETA: “Drew” probably wouldn’t cry. He might lick his lips the way Adam does when he’s scared or worried; the way he did on Idol when Simon told him “It’s not good news”.)
TLKC, you have a future in fanfic.
I’m riveted!
Rachel was WRONG! Drew got the part. They are jumping up-and-down and screaming all over her apartment. They hug and suddenly they kiss!!!!! Drew becomes totally flustered and says he has to go out. Rachel is left standing there, looking lost and confused.
In another scene: Kurt is still in Lima with Blaine, who has postponed his move to NYC for six months. He is assisting Mr. Scheuster in the aftermath of Finn’s passing. Blaine proposes to Kurt and he accepts because the moment is so romantic but he immediately has second thoughts….
First Funny Face read-through. Magic.
Personally and professionally, Rachel and Drew click. They’ve been sharing a place for a week now but Drew is always out. He’s so understanding and supportive but he always changes the subject when she gets personal. She is starting to have feelings for him and he is not picking up on any of her overtures.
Kurt returns from Lima. He tells Rachel that he and Blaine are engaged. She is thrilled and tells him that she thinks she might be falling in love, too. Kurt wants to meet the guy who has made her smile again but he thinks it’s too soon and is a bit concerned about her.
The next day, when he knows that Rachel is out, Kurt goes over to her place in the hopes of meeting the new guy. He instantly realizes that Drew is gay.
Kurt goes ballistic. “How could you do that to my friend? Do you know how vulnerable she is? etc. etc. etc. Lots of snappy back-and-forth that becomes more and more intense until ….they kiss!!!!
They stare at each other:
Drew: “Oh my God!”
Kurt: What””
Drew: “How will we tell her?”
Kurt: “That’s only the half of it.”
Drew: “What’s the other half?”
Kurt: “I’m engaged!”
Camera pulls away as they look at each other.
TLKC you’re really quite good at this! Maybe someone from Glee production will get wind of at least the bones of your “story”!!
OMG TLKC, don’t stop now! I too am riveted! Now I am going to have to keep checking back here all day! You didn’t have any real work to get done today did you?
I wrote it last night and fine-tuned this morning. In deference to Kradamour and luval, I had actually imagined Adam without a moustache. I’m looking for the pic right now.
Funny thing: I thought that Krad would hate the idea of a fan fic because TV is not her thing.
I have ten chapters. The remaining ones are shorter.
I am definitely a Glee fan and have watched all episodes, even during some strange twists and turns. I did not like Rachel at first, but admired her talent, but in the past year or so she has redeemed herself as a human being. I sort of hope that Adam does not play a gay character, because he needs to show that he can play both at some point or he will be stuck. If he is hetero, and he moves in with Santana, Kurt and Rachel for a bit, can you imagine the Santana/Adam heat? With perhaps Kurt lusting from afar (although I think the loss of Finn will get him back with Blaine)? And Adam’s positive energy lifts the spirits of them all during this difficult time?
I’m off today, LOL! It took about 45 minutes last night and another 45 minutes this morning. Riskylady’s scenario started me thinking.
I would like to see Adam play hetero as well but…. well, you’ll see where my fic is going shortly.
This is how I imagine “Drew” when Rachel first sets eyes on him. Well put-together but a little bit dishevelled; his hair reflecting his personal state of flux.
I don’t think that you can guess Adam’s sexuality when you look at this shot. That’s the way I would like to see him on Glee.
tlkc…. Thanks a lot! I am supposed to be working!! Great storyline.
That’s why I stopped watching Soccermom. I am a theatre freak and love the premise of the show but couldn’t get into it until I saw the first episode in re-run. The whole show flows from Mr. Scheuster’s discovery that Finn, the footballer, can sing.
After the first two seasons, their relationships became too tortuous for me. I wanted to smack all their heads together.
More LIfeball pics
The woman in the first pic doesn’t look at all into it, ulti.
more London pics
I’m not sure about that Idol tweet, ulti. The tweeter is a fan who probably told the guard she was a Glambert. The guard was probably reporting what he had heard in the news. A similar thing happened at Pittsuburgh Pride.
Unless this guy is guarding someone like Ryan or key Idol staffers, in which case he might know something. Guards are usually local and hired by the venue.
I’d love it to be true, though.
WOW those two iHeart pics really underline how much Adam has polished up since Idol.
love this pic (have the mag)
Just a correction, you keep mentioning Mr. Brewster, but Mathew Morrison’s character on Glee, the teacher in charge of the Glee Club is Will Schuester, not Brewster.
But to me this isn’t TV, TLKC. It’s a novella.
Thank you for the clean-shaven Adam for the character. Love that photo of him.

Love this photo, too, from the same night:
That man has such long, thick lashes, Krad.
This has become an embarrassment of riches!
I opened my mailbox today to find your very thoughtful gifts! It’s so sweet of you to think of me!!
I’d only heard about the black and yellow towel that Evie made for the San Diego Glamberts. I didn’t have one though. But, thanks to you, I do now!
I took a picture of it AND the 2 CD box set of original Broadway cast recordings!
I have the first CD playing in the background now. Ironically, I was in m.a.n.y of the shows that are featured on these CD’s and you know how music can bring you back to a certain time and place. I’m having a great time remembering and reliving what were very special times for me and, again, it’s thanks to you.
It’s SO nice to hear from you! It was a wonderful surprise!
Many people know you from Adam’s concerts but I know that you lurk here and will read this.
You’re very dear and I want to tell you how much I love and appreciate your very kind gifts!
Thank you ladybugs
May we meet again soon!
The boys of One Direction launch a line of makeup and nail polish
Them and not Adam???

Adam’s got an invitation!
Maybe Adam doesn’t want to be known as the guy with the eyeliner anymore since he doesn’t wear much makeup now. But the One Direction guys have never worn it. I think it’s just more low priced junk to put a pop name on. It won’t be around for too long.
I’d still like to see Adam endorse a high end line of cologne or even a cosmetics line if it’s the right one.
Agree, luval – stick with a scent, IMO.
mag cover
Thanks for the correction rs. I’ll fix it. Guess it’s not quite ready for prime time.
Actually Krad, that might be a close-up of the photo I posted. So much better because it really shows off the hair and lashes. He looks so approachable and touchable and the glasses are a perfect touch. Adam’s “Clark Kent” look.
Hahahaha! I love it! He is just so damn irresistible. TLKC, you should send the idea to Glee

As I always suspected – you have no imagination TLKC.
Here we go again:
Glee two-part tribute. No mention of Adam
TLKC, your plot is interesting.
May I re-submit mine?
Rachel and Curt go out to a club in NYC, an underground rock/glamrock band is supposed to be playing, they are popular, and the lead singer is supposed to be awesome, but, he’s AWOL. And in true Glee -world non-reality reality, Kurt ends up on stage as the new lead singer. He gains much fame in NYC as a very glam star.
A new twist, the lead singer is AWOL behind the scenes because he is about to be in the final auditions of the role of Nicky Arnstein, and has to do a run through with Rachel to see if they have “chemistry” before they are cast as the leads. All Glee-hell-angst breaks out when Rachel realizes that ADAM is the AWOL guy, and that if he loses the role of Nicky Arnstein and then goes back to his band, then Kurt will be booted out from the band, but she loves them both and wants them both to succeed, oh, what’s a super-talented star in NYC to do?
I saw that luval. The good news is that, supposedly, they were talking to Adam two weeks ago. News to me.
I am disappointed in Shirley, though. Lazy reporting. She says that the new team has “soured” on the idea of an all-contestant panel. Frankly there’s no reason to think that they were ever in favour of it. That was the old team’s idea.
She pretends that Adam’s consideration is in the context of an all-contestant panel. It is more likely that he is being considered instead of J-Hud. (J-Lo AND J-Hud – no way.)
The possibility of Keith and J-Lo returning makes me happy, strategically speaking. I think Adam was tagged last year as part of a 4-judge panel including Randy, J-Lo and a country judge to replace Steve Tyler. When J-Lo jumped, the panel got totally re-worked and he was out.
If they are bringing back J-Lo and Keith and adding will.i.am, Adam makes more sense than J-Hud.
Also, with Adam as Nicky Arnstein, he gets to play straight and kiss Rachel, and make Glee and Glambert fans very very very happy in a very very naughty way, ahem, AND he would be able to be gay in his “real life” character on Glee, and have singing and dancing and romantic possibilities on Glee as a gay man/character.
OMG. Two birds with one stone. THUD.
What dates have panels on Idols been announced in the past?
Very intriguing mils. Any more aspiring screenwriters? We have to amuse ourselves until August 1st, when Idol announces it’s judging panel.
They announced really late last year – in early September. Mariah was announced much earlier, though. FOX is introducing it’s new season to the media on August 1st. Speculation is that at least one judge will be named at that time.
BTW – on MJ’s, there has been a post about Keith Urban’s new single for several hours. NOT ONE COMMENT.
Recent Adam posts:
Joining the cast of Glee -589 comments
Leaving his label – 1007 comments
Re-discovering his rock roots – 568 comments
Shirley reported on the amount of activity Adam’s RCA split provoked on MJ’s a couple of weeks ago, as if it mattered. MJ’s certainly reflects the interests of Idol’s most engaged fans. Something for Idol to think about.