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Good one
jlurksacto says:
07/23/2013 at 9:41 pm
Honey Boo Boo, Kim Kardashian, Vladimir Putin, Prince Harry, Rupert Murdoch, Anthony Weiner..
LOL, really?
Meanwhile, Margaret Atwood has issued her own set of clues about Adam’s future:
The video couldn’t be more perfect to Adam’s situation.
“The MaddAddamites must remain vigilant”. LOL!
Ha, this is how my mind works….
Waning Buck Moon > New Moon > Twilight Series > vampires > True Blood > Chancellor Drew is a character in True Blood. LOL!!
You guys are so great in trying to decypher these “possible” clues!
…and Adam is probably just sitting back in wonder at the sh*tstorm of speculation about what was not intended as any sort of clue at all!

Think he’s not above deliberately creating a little fuss just to keep us entertained, Krad – had that look in his eyes at the end of the vid.
Anyone else in love with that hand pic above – his hand movements are just so graceful for a big guy.
I put the phrase “remember when we drew” on the on-line anagram solver. Came up with nothing.
If these are clues, I think the fandom is overthinking them. More likely that Adam would have had a spontaneous idea and just gone with it, rather than doing the plotting and thinking that is being read into it.
ulti, I’m another who enjoys his hands. The nails have such a lovely shape, too.
Fan art
Actually a reverse photoshop:
This is interesting as believe Adam and Nile were with him – forget when.
Johnny Depp is the new front runner to play Freddie Mercury in a movie – oooh this could be very good! @FreddieForADay
New tweet – Hard Rock London
OMG…Johnny Depp as Freddie Mercury?

I would go to see that movie. It will be a fascinating train wreck.
Ha, well, hope Johnny doesn’t go for his now cliché Keith Richards/Jack Sparrow/Tonto, making a freak of Freddie.
I think Sam Sparro would make a good Freddie. Don’t know if he can act, though.
Post-ho mode.
Here’s my completely made-up theory about Adam’s clues.
I have never watched Glee, so this may be a huuuuggge stretch LOL.
He has become a bit of a Johnny-One-Note acting-wise, riskylady – almost becoming a parody of himself. Besides he’s turning 50, short, and can’t sing. Last pic I liked that he was in was when he played J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan) in “Finding Neverland” – Kate Winslet/Julie Christie – wonderful pic about ten years ago.
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 2m
There are pictures of one of our artists which haunt me. They are horrid and get the keep appearing! Yet there are newer ones!
(Wonder who she’s talking about.)
Adam tweeted – pick me off the floor
Ah, yes, Ulti, “Finding Neverland” was lovely. Hope after the fiasco of Lone Ranger he will look for better roles.
ETA: And I don’t mean Freddie Mercury.
Am I the only one on earth that hates Robin Thicke’s song Blurred Lines…video too?? Like him, not the song.
Nope, luval, not by a long shot. Most in my Twitter feed hate the song and video, too.
Sorta liked it when first heard it, but hasn’t worn well.
Have loved the Avicii song, Wake Me Up,” embedded in that article above ever since heard it a while ago. Kids like it, too.
One of the better fan drawings.
Don’t remember seeing this one
riskylady, for never seeing Glee before that is a very interesting and plausible scenario for Adam’s character.
I have to get my “wheels” spinning and think of something. Would be fun to keep a list of all of our speculations regarding the so-called clues to see if any of us were close to being correct.
ultimathule, I really like that song Wake Me Up too.
Allison is not aging well.

She looked older than Adam in that photo.
I really want her to be successful – so glad that she is signed again. Wonder what if any part Adam played in that, given that she opened for him.
But she needs to e.nun.ci.ate.more.clearly when she sings.
I loved her acoustic Holiday so much.
ranslation: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rli5vc#sthash.32DBJ3Ol.dpuf
ADAM LAMBERT POPSTAR! Adam Lambert (28) is the interesting product of the worldwide casting-show system, an openly gay superstar with humor and courage.
The reason for Adam Lambert looking like he does is the fault of a Berliner hairstylist…
Full translation -> http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rli5vc#sthash.32DBJ3Ol.dpuf
Old stuff – but didn’t know about the hair coloring
ETA – Edited by AL to have only a sentence or two and then link to the complete translation.
Interesting article about Beyonce
New/Old pic from Lifeball Jet
Sooo much speculation, so much fun.
Anna Kendrick is going to guest judge on SYTYCD.
This is Darren Criss ( oh look, he’s really going bald in real life LOL ) with Michelle Chamuelle
Very interesting Beyonce article, ulti. You would think an artist would know where they wanted to go with their next album.
I guess it’s harder than we think.
Doesn’t matter to me if the songs are all different in an album. I personally don’t care what direction an artist takes. Just good songs!
lol…Honey Boo Boo and her family are facing off with the Cake Boss family on an upcoming Family Feud…for charity.
And the charity the Boo Boo’s are playing for?….drum roll…..
There was a big discussion at MJ’s about Criss’s balding – Mod even entered into the back and forth. Agreed – balding.
Wouldn’t you have loved to be a fly on the wall on that Lifeball Jet, glambotgram?
Thanks, AL – was gonna do that but got called away for a sec.
Mountains = No Boundaries
4 = 4 judges ( I still say Miley, Adam and Keith. The fourth one is prolly JHud UGH )
DREW = I have no frigging idea
Buck moon = True Blood. Maybe a role. Maybe a song. Chokehold would make a great closing song.
FWIW, I actually really like Blurred Lines. The song just hooks you in and has become an earworm for me. The video, both versions, is simply scandalous, and helps sell it.
Love the alternative version Adam tweeted. I also find it hilarious. LOL, yes, Thicke’s video is “unfair” to women, and exploits women, objectifies women, yada yada, I’m actually quite the feminist in real life, BUT, the video is over the top on purpose, and it just doesn’t bother me very much. Maybe because they are all having such a good time. Yes, the guys are all fully clothed. I get it. I just like it.
Cher’s following Tommy.
Cher and Adam and Queen?
I’m agreeing with several of you regarding clues. Mountain, no boundaries & 4-4 judges. So far, that is it! DREW is killin’ me, however.
Yup. And I heard that the jet was a-rockin’ in several definitions of the word.
“Clean-up in aisle 7.”
A drawing
A bath
Names out of a hat
A lottery
More clues Adam, more clues needed.
Or a press release. Seriously, fans are imploding here. Brain cells combusting. Glitter flying.
Okay. I’ve got it.
By moonlight, Adam appears on True Blood, as a shape-shifter, and is a Buck. A big 4 pointed buck, in the mountains, and then, Lafayette finds him, and the buck turns into Adam, and then Lafayette DRAWS him a bath…
Yup. Me likey this code-breaker.