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Nope. This is the first round of auditions. They end August 11th. The judges rounds are in September/October
It is the second round of auditions, but I think the reference was what Ryan said in the interview. He implied that the panel had been chosen already.
ETA, Sorry, they said “second stop” not “second round”
OhOhOh, Adam holding up 4 fingers! Four Judges? Anything else fit?
Thats it isnt it!!!!!!!Four judges, the smile, what was the song in the background?
I cannot wait to get home and study the clues!
Two great recaps by tchrsd and tothebeat on Pasa Robles thread.
Ulti, I too totally agree about the Freddie pic. Total separation.
Thoughts about the Freddie pic: Most commenters seem to want a graphic pic a la SBC’s vision. Any true rocker from that era straight or gay was probably involved in lots of sex, drugs, etc. but the gay sex seems to be thought of as seedier, nastier, just that same depiction of gay men as more scandalous than anyone else. Hence Liberace only being shown on cable.
Even if they did the PG version Queen wants, the elephant will be in the room.
Adam has finally gotten away from the constant “openly gay” references and is recognized for his excellent vocals on a stand-alone basis. Being on Glee can show other skills as well. Onward and upward.
Any Freddie pic is just asking for trouble – either a sanitized version which would be false or a “truer” version that would reveal things that Freddie during his lifetime never did.
How about an intelligent, up-to-date documentary about his musical legacy and influence.
I can’t believe this turned up on my Facebook feed. Shirtless! Stache-less too!
Thread about judging panel up at MJ’s for those interested.
Wow, even MJ is commenting on Ryans rumors about the judging panel, mentioning Adam as a possible, in fact he is the only one she mentioned. Well the rumors are going to start swirling around about Adam, till it comes out that he is or isnt, and why he should be or shouldnt be. I hope they announce soon, and just get it over with. Anyone thinking yes or no???
OK, Adam has a good bod, why the hiding????
Allison I signed to label: http://music.yahoo.com/blogs/reality-rocks/exclusive-allison-iraheta-halo-circus-sign-record-deal-140902011.html
Think he feels more powerful dressed – more vulnerable naked. Makes it more interesting, too – oooh – we got a sighting of (whatever). He may know that. Actually like it that way – prefer it to someone like Levine where it’s all out there. Restraint is far sexier.
I’m here alone
from all the clues, I think the panel is Keith Urban, Miley Cyrus, since she spouted his name first on ABC GMA, and Adam, thats my story,
But Adams 4 fingers, so maybe a fourth judge 
How many mountains were drawn on the page? Anyone got the vid handy? Thanks.
NO way idol is ever going to field a panel without an African American judge. If those 3 are in, there has to be a 4th judge. John Legend, will-i,am or BabyFace could round out to a nice panel. Who else might fit?
MJ speculates on a contestant-judge; J-Hud or Adam. YAY! Good speculation.
That smile on Adam’s face in TJ’s video is so happy and sweet. He loves his life right now. Hoping that means……
WoW!!!! if Adam is a judge on Idol and is on Glee, it will be hours of Fox!!!!! I’m so Happy

Only three mountains ulti but they were drawn by Ashley. Adam’s contribution is ripping the pages, smiling an amazingly at-peace smile, putting his hands on the MAC. I doubt the others are in on the info. Loose lips sink ships.
Bringing the vid over in case anyone else wants to comb for idol clues.
When was the first set of Idol auditions rs?
The judge panel doesnt go the the first set of auditions, they come later after producers pick, (butcher picking) people. They are allowed guitars tho. And wonder why Ryan said a very special season of Idol? Has to be an Idol contestant on the panel. They are throwing JHuds name around, just dont like hearing her speak,.
Thanks for the vid, TLKC.
That was sort of a cat-that-ate-the-canary smile at the end, wasn’t it.
Adam tore out two pages – nothing on them?
Nothing, but that smile is so full of “I know something you don’t know” and in a good way.
That’s what I thought, Miss Chaos. The first round is held in stadiums and 1000’s show up. (The media is reporting comparatively low turn-outs this year, which is very bad news for the ratings.) They are in Boston tomorrow.
The next round is done a couple of days before the judges round, when the producers go in and pre-select approximately 100-200 of the most talented and wackiest contestants for the judges to review. That is recorded for TV and usually takes place in Sept./Oct. The current round of auditions ends August 11th so perhaps the schedule will be similar this year.
Seem to remember in S8 that the producers told the judges to “look out for the tall guy.”
Did they? Awesome.
Does anyone think that the Glee role might have put him out of the running for Idol? Would he have accepted Glee without checking that Idol didn’t want him? That’s the biggest fly in the Idol theory ointment.
Don’t forget the dancing video???? Maybe the mountains represent a woman judge or two? Tried switching around DREW and got werd–ok??? Brain dead but fun….
Any guesses when they’ll release the names of the judges?
There is speculation that they will announce at least one judge on August 1st, which is when they present their Fall season to the media.
Funny tweet from yesterday, in reference to Adam playing Freddie:
I think sometimes fans want him to have all the thingses they can’t see objectively what are good thingses from bad thingses
How do you interpret that, TLKC?
Josephine, we don’t know whether Ashley or Adam wrote “Drew”. It could be a red herring.
After talking with Ashley about the dancing it didn’t sound like that was anything more than just sheer silliness and not a clue. The drawings on the other hand must mean somthing. Not much of a sleuth myself but it will all become clear when an announcement is made.
Ron, you are one of the kindest men. The beautiful pendant is an expression of their love so wear it proudly!
The tweet? I took it to mean that the people who wanted Adam to play Freddie hadn’t given much thought to whether or not it would be the best route for him to take. She probably tweeted a few more things before and after which made her meaning clear.
I happened to be on twitter when the story broke. A lot of fans were screaming “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” etc. They were oblique but it was obvious that a lot of them agreed with you and aely
torn pages ~ tearing up old contract
mountain ~ on top of his game
tree ~ branching out with endorsements
accident ~ commercial for insurance company
I just got deleted on MJ’s. LOL. Someone said that having Jennifer or Adam on the panel would “piss people off”. I said that Idol had pissed off so many people last year, how did they know that the people Adam and Jennifer would piss off hadn’t pissed of all ready?
Guess she didn’t get my humour.
Please don’t ban me AL. Two rejections in one night would be too, too much.
Tearing up the old contract is the first “clue” that works, imho. What is the significance of the MAC and the fingers. is there a label with a four in it?
How many drawings has Adam made for radio stations and in interviews? I know there is this one http://u.jimdo.com/www8/o/sf80147f911279f77/img/i97a5c0598fc5cafd/1328737623/std/image.jpg any others that may be a clue?
Don’t think it means anything but there is a Four fingers Hand label
Small label from Italy
There are 4 labels considered to be the Big Four ~
1. Universal Music Group
2. Sony
3. Warner Music
4. EMI
There is a MAC cosmetic company.
lines on paper ~ new script for GLEE or contract for QUEEN USA Tour
OMG! MAC cosmetics – yes!!! That’s a good one! Tossing out the old script. New lines
You guys are much cleverer than the fans on adamofficial.
TLKC, Sorry, I heard wrong and was writing from memory. After I watched the vid again I realized that they said that they were on the second “stop” of the auditions, not the second “round”. I read yesterday(I forgot where, maybe on MJ’s Headlines thread) what the audition process was for Scottie McCreery, and how the producers kept making him sing in different genres, including making the whole group learn the same song for one round. So much goes on behind the scenes that we don’t know about.
Is Adam’s relationship with Sony over now, too? Don’t know how all these companies work together.
Saw that post, TLKC – not sure why it would be deleted.
Well I did say “pissed off” a lot but I was only repeating the original poster. I don’t mind. It was a bit much.
TLKC, Your comment wasn’t deleted. I just saw it there.
Just saw this theory on Twitter.
“If you assume Drew equals Drew Lachey and you add Tommy’s vid… you get DWTS….lol.”
And for Mac it would be a cosmetics ‘line’.
I like the dancing one as well.
I wouldn’t have figured any of this out.
Found it! Thanks rs. I scanned right through from beginning to end. There are two posts dissing Adam and Jennifer and I mistook the one I responded to.
Here’s the thing mieps: to figure the clues out, it helps if you are smoking something. Another tweeter had this to say about AO:
“Poked my head in… There is a busy decryption unit at AO trying to decipher Adam’s last few twitter posts. #FullMoon