- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I sympathize with all whose husbands have questionable music taste, my husband listens to
ladynorth That show was on Showtime and you have to pay extra to get that station. It is not on regular or even cable stations. There are a ton on “alternative” or more aggressive or explicit shows that are not allowed on regular TV.
I wish Trespassing would have gotten a bigger bump than that. Being in the low 200’s or 300’s is only about 20 copies, maybe less.
I’m hoping that Adam’s exposure on Glee & with Queen will give Trespassing a bigger boost, even though some are saying the Trespassing era is over. It’s never over for me (nor is FYE) as long as he’s still singing those songs. Probably the people that go to these fair shows already have the album. Guess I’ll take even 20 copies. And of course illegal downloading probably “sells” hundreds IMO!!
ladynorth , I loved Queer as Folk, There was a young character on the show who was given the name “sunshine ” by the mother of another character. I was shocked to learn that the vast majority of the actors on the show were straight, but this guy (Randy Harrison http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0365826/ ) who began the show when he was quite young, is gay. I have often thought that he is exactly Adam’s type, but since he was born in 1977, he is too old for him, lol. By the way, I managed to watched the whole series, albeit in many installments, on you-tube. It was very worth it. Jus make sure you get the American version and not the British one.
Welcome … 808Glam, M and Tothebeat to this fun sandbox and the amazing playmates!
Thanks nkd, that explains it. A lot of extra payment channels here too, but I’ve never taken any. But this seemed like a well done series, not soap, interesting viewpoints to gay life.
Thanks luval for the twitlonger of links, I read one article and got the picture… Sucks.
I just heard a friend of mine is going to have her first baby, on the year she turns 43. And it was naturally “done” but a total surprise. Wow.
Ultimathule…this goes with the pic
And the follow up (I don’t get sound)
Also on Vine w Reaction by @SydneyGlambert: I HAVE WAITED 5 YEARS FOR MY IDOL THANK YOU SO MUCH MARCO MARCO IM… http://fb.me/2DikvUqII
Ladynorth, I have a friend who also had a baby at 44, she and her son are very healthy. It was planned also, not a mistake in any way! We all still thought she was crazy, but it all turned out OK.
And, most of the shows I go on and on about here are on paid cable, they are premium channels like HBO and Showtime and Cinemax. Mad Men is on basic cable though. But, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Californication, Nurse Jackie and others I love are all premium. True Blood tonight. LOVE that show. Eric Northman, oh baby, you can bite me anytime. I’m yours.
rs, thank you! I found some “storylines” of the QAF characters on youtube, but most full episodes have been taken down. I’ve watched Brian&Justin storyline, sunshine really is a cutie
Younger him would really match with Adam
I’ll keep watching and looking for more vids… If the rest of the actors are straight, they are very good ones!
ETA Mils, those shows that you mentioned are seen here on regular channels. I’ve watched Nurse Jackie but not the others. Maybe I should try True Blood. I am a teen fool, I love Twilight movies to pieces
Thanks aely, that was a beautiful Adam vid! Yes he is so beautiful, inside and outside
Nighly night, soon I’ll turn into a pumpkin, so better go to bed!
Oh my, aely. Haven’t seen one of these fan made videos in a very long time. So gorgeous. With make up and without. As usual I think I know where every pic was taken.
Is it hot in here?
Here is the fan to cool you ddown!
The “Melvin” Advisory System…
asif, that doesn’t help for cooling!
Twitter is having a good time with this one!
It HAD to have been “wear leopard night”.
lol, nkd. I went to the urban dictionary. Everything pretty benign. A basketball game…a real horse. lol
The caption on the last picture has hashtag #jungleparty.
ETA. Adam should have worn his zebra pants, just to be different.
LadyNorth,Here is a link to the cast page of Queer as folk.
Peter Paige is gay and Robert Gant came out as gay late in the show. I remember an interview when he was ne of the straight actors talking about playing gay parts. The one who really blew my mind was Gale Harold, one of the leads. When I saw him on Desperate Housewives, playing the lover of one of the women, it seemed so unrealistic to me. He was very sexy and very convincing on the show.
It was a jungle party at Moonlight Rollerway. Katy Perry was there also. Weird place for a party but I am sure it was fun!
The jungle party was Johnny Wujek bday party. He was the costume designer for Katy Perry’s movie, Part of Me.
And the boy still loves his jacket.
He is prolly the only one who is wearing a jacket.
This is, too?
Guess you just gotta have the almost naked boys at the party!
What are those pants Adam is wearing?
I see he has those new boots on. I love them!!
I think this what Runnin may have sounded like if he ever did it live..
OIC, the boots match…..the Milw GN white gloves. BB needed something to match those oldies but goodies.
Now, where’s a staircase when it’s needed?
Ummm. Please refer to number 20, in Urban dictionary under horse, methinks that’s the one referred to… ahem…
ok…back to urban dictionary………
eta: ok, number 20 LOL!
That Salvatore tweet can have more than one interpretation apparently, mils – lol
Love that god damn he’s beautiful fan vid posted…..I want that beautiful clean shaven Adam back.
I’ve prepared myself to see his current scruffy look forever.
Maybe feels the scruff is more rockish, luval?
Will Glee be with or without, yathink?
Mils, I’d hate to think it was number 20 as Chris S. says he beat Adam.(I don’t think so). It also can mean a card game or what I think it was that night, a drinking game, and I’m glad Adam didn’t win. Wonder what kind of outing it was since I see some of his friends there and also Katy Perry was mentioned as being there.
Yes,more rockish, more mature, more current. Really does seem like EVERY actor, model, entertainer has this look Except….actor Bradley Cooper is clean shaven now!
That place may have had some hoops, so it may have actually been a game of HORSE shooting hoops. Adam could very likely lose that one! Sometimes it’s the most obvious answer, many times it’s not.
they are saying this guy will forever be known as the horse guy and I love Chunky’s take on it.
Doesn’t say he beat Adam, JOJOSIE – said he won – doesn’t say against whom. Can’t imagine Adam, dressed to the earlobes, would be involved in anything like that personally. More likely, guy is bragging and making a play for Adam – maybe even humorously – who knows.
Meeting rs for the first time …
Thank you Northern Spirit for capturing the moment!
Facial hair: remember that Adam is single and (presumably) looking, whether looking for forever or just looking for tonight. If he is still interested in the pretty boys, this hairier more macho vibe may be part of that.

(But damn, no pretty boys in sight in those pics. All sort of yucky and hairy. IMHO.)
I just wish he didn’t look so much like Drake with that fur on his face.
And totally just IMHO, don’t mean to offend.
Love this gif, Smiley Adam on his knees
and umm, mic stand
Oooh glambot, I’m here after True Blood, which ended tonight, umm, with a bang not a whisper, and, ahem, all I can say is thanks for keeping up with the theme.
I’m so very glad this last show was so super over the top in so many ways. It’ll have to keep us until the next one, which isn’t for a whole month.
Oh, I’m hoping for some goodies in the meantime. Glee interviews, Queen interviews, photo shoots, etc.
I’m glad I got to see the photos of rs and me before I jump out the window.
I’ve been working on something for over a week and – it’s not working!!
It’s either the song or me. It’s one or the other. I wonder which one it could be?
I think I find it intimidating for some reason. Maybe it’s because of the person who sang it so brilliantly on AI that’s blocking me. That could have a little something to do with it.
I’ve deleted all 47 attempts .
All that remains is 33 seconds of the very end of yet another version that I did last night.
In case I’ve made it unrecognizable, the writing is on the wall.
(I think I may have used just a tad too much reverb)

Hey, 808glam! Welcome. I hope you can post occasionally. Cool to know there is a Glambert on Maui! One of our favourite vacation spots.
LOL Ron! Very atmospheric!
Said it before, sayin’ it again – the lighter color hair and beard is veeeery flattering.
LOVE this comment under the Angie/Adam Titanium video (also love that it is still picking up views quite nicely).
I’m in love with the word “ricochet,” but here’s another take.
Also, Bonnie’s American Girl video is closing in on 1 million. And, I swear, if you listen closely, I believe Adam is actually singing in a couple of places: When he sings “put the key into my ignition” and at 3:23 when he touches his earpiece and wails. Turn it up and listen……
I think it’s on iTunes or goes on very soon.
Yes, I know.
It sounds like I’m singing in a sewer.
Let’s meet for dinner somewhere under a grating in Times Square and I’ll serenade you.
ooh exciting, the new Royal baby is on its way…..