- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
HK, I’m thinking part of the delay has to do with music. They don’t just need to write the episode, they need to choreograph musical numbers and get rights to music they may not have had rights to before Corey’s death. IMHO.
mils. ITA with all your posts!
Cute keek
Hope you guys can open it.
Oh no. Dancing with the Stars clue?? Ha! J/K
haha, aely, that is funny!
As for Glee, the original schedule had them returning on Sept 19 with 4 consecutive shows, then a break for baseball, another show, then another break for baseball. Not sure what was to happen after that.
Now they are apparently starting on Sept 26 with 3 shows, then baseball. Maybe they won’t return until January, but that’s a bit of time between now and then to rework the story.
From http://www.thefutoncritic.com/showatch/glee/listings/
Yes, they were partying like rock stars!

We’ve seen coloring and dancing. Cute!
Coloring pictures of mountains, and dancing to a Nickleodeon type song…what’s this a clue for?
I know, I know. He is going to be Captin Von Trapp in the Sound of Music that Carrie U is doing. Hee hee.
Do you guys think it is a clue?
I don’t know aely. I’m clueless!
I certainly didn’t take the eggs, gum, and listerine vine as a clue.
The dancing keek for those unable to view on keek.
TBH, I think it might even have been those AWESOME “trailer” type of promo things that ran for quite a while before it that caught people’s eyes. He was absolutely gorgeous, and the spots were dead-on funny, so well done. Little gems of acting.

luval…its funny that most people consider Lea the star of Glee….as she’s probably my least favourite character, and whilst I agree she has a really strong voice, I don’t actually find it that pleasant to listen to, must be the tone or something. I much prefer Marley in looks and sound.
Yes, HK fan, saw a bunch of Lea vids that Axxxel put up and thought one was very good, the others OK, but none really appealed to me that I would make a big effort to hear her again.
Just watched the first Despicable Me…didn’t realize that Pharell had done the music.
So good to hear the announcements for the iheart music festival, especially “Queen featuring Adam Lambert” (and similar), on the radio throughout today. This will be great exposure for Adam here in the US. Also hoping for Queenbert concerts to follow, perhaps right after the festival while Brian & Roger are here anyway. Adam not only made me listen to ‘music again’, but now also to ‘radio again’, as well as soon watch ‘tv again’.
Lea’s character has shown a lot of personal growth over the years, from a very ego-centric and super-achiever to a more mature and generous soul. I actually like her character quite a bit, and her voice just soars. IMHO. I still hope for a duet with Adam , because it would be divine.
However, Marley does have a fantastic voice, and she is beautiful. I’m glad she has a new contract, ( Melissa Benoist ), she could end up being a break-out star.
Welcome 808glam. Glad you came out of lurking. It’s more fun to play in the sandbox instead of watching, isn’t it.
Ditto for me, except not radio again; Adam and radio have no connection here.
Think he did some in the second one, too, Krad.
Thanks for the welcome, milwlovesadam! You are correct re delurking, especially when you have no one to share your love for Adam with… family & friends just rolling eyes… my dogs and birds are the only ones that tolerate my musings
Kradamour… I tuned in to radio today in order to win tix for the Vegas show, then actually liked the station playing a diverse music selection from old to new stuff.
I think it’s probably good for me instead of listening to Adam all day long
Some more musings…
I am not worried about Adam’s career, rather trust things will work out even if not visible at first. It always does. He is smart and has great connections. As long as he keeps doing what his heart tells him to. And changing things, like music style and looks are part of an artist’s creative life. I love his more natural current look.
My feelings for Adam on Glee are that he will be needed with his healing energies. He will make everyone feel at peace in those tumultuous (grieving) times.
So glad that you are posting, 808glam.

Thanks, Kradamour… or actually… Merci!

Welcome 808glam!
We had to make a brief road trip today, 2 hours each way, and I thought I was going to jump out of the car! I am obviously married to an old man! Speaking of radio, he changed from one XM/Sirius station to the next, landing on the Sinatra channel for quite a while. Not my style!
Not anything to enhance the conversation here, just thought I’d throw that in!
I think he forgot the forever 29 memo. Or is it 17 now?
Thanks for the welcome, nkd! Your story is so funny. It made me laugh. I am single living with my pets, so I can listen to whatever I want. And do whatever I want, i.e. taking that huge AL Trespassing Poster home from Del Mar, then buying a frame the same night after arrival and hanging it up the next day although my place is small and it doesn’t match the interior at all

I think it is a ‘sweet 16’ (or around that time) memo ‘forever’
Oh 808glam ,you were in Del Mar? I wish that you had delurked sooner, then you could have met all of us there! We had a blast. The concert was the icing on the cake of a wonderful three day party. It is so great to be able to put faces and real names to the people we write to here on the blog. It adds another dimension of closeness. And I know what you mean about having nobody to share your love for Adam with. I only know one other Glambert in Israel , but she is in another city, and anyway, she has stepped away from fandom in order to try and get on with her real life. So it makes the blog and all the very good friends that I have made through being an Adam fan especially important
Hi rs! It was in Del Mar that I met turquoise at sound check and she told me about this site, so I have only been lurking for a short time after Del Mar

As Adam promised yesterday there will be more concerts, so I look forward to meeting some of you in the future. I really enjoyed meeting turquoise and had been sending her some e-mails while lurking
I arrived in LA after a night flight with no sleep the morning of the concert. The entire day was like being in a dream. So you live in Israel. It really seems fans from all over the globe are on this site. The thing about delurking is that I am not sure how much or often I can post time wise. We will see…
808glam, Yes, we are an international group here. We have regular posters from Hong Kong, New Zealand, Finland, (axxel, I forgot where you are from, is it Malaysia?), and other undisclosed locations. Any other international lurkers, please show yourselves and say “hi”.
Post whenever you feel like saying something. It took me months to take the plunge, but then it gets easier, and a bit addictive
Good morning,rs and anyone else up. Nice to know there is usually someone around here anytime of the day or night. And welcome 808glam. I usually post early mornings before work. I seem to talk quite a bit at times since I have thousands of posts recorded!
The discussions about Adam and Glee last night were very interesting. Sheesh, who would have thought in a bazillion years that something like Cory’s passing would happen the day after Adam’s casting announcement.
And I am still trying to figure out if there are any clues of something happening in those videos last night.
The heat and humidity has finally ended around here (central New York) so it should be a lovely day.
Couple of pics from last night (??)They are all starting to look alike, hair, facial hair, leopard print. lol
Maybe it was “wear your leopard print night”.
And here are the two youtubes if anyone wants to study for clues.
I personally think they were just bored & were being “kids” again. Adam’s face at the end of the arts & crafts one is just so interesting & cute (is he hiding something?
There’s a surprise gif in this buzzfeed post. And a good one too!
Welcome, 808glam! It’s good to have you playing in our sandbox, too!
OMG, cwm, love that little surprise!
808glam…you don’t have to answer but are you from Hawaii? (area code 808).
I LOVE Lea Michelle. I saw her before Glee, in a production of Spring Awakening. It was a happy accident: Jewish holiday in NYC and my friend was busy so I went shopping and got caught in a downpour. What to do? Bought a ticket to a matinee and ended up sitting on the stage.
The theatre went black, Lea walked out, tiny and vulnerable in a schoolgirl’s tunic, and stood on a chair. The lights went up and she started singing “Mama Who Bore me….” She was only 12 feet away. I was hooked.
A lot of people don’t like her character, Rachel, and Lea herself has a diva reputation but she is a major vocal talent and has a very distinct voice.
Thanks for the BuzzFeed, cwm. Adam would only make the car hotter, of course.
I wonder what the band will do while Adam is busy. If Adam’s appearanc in Glee is postponed maybe they will do a few more fairs.
Maybe it was “80 cent drinks to anyone wearing a leopard shirt” night.
Adam says he likes to “stand out” from the crowd, so that shirt may not be seen for a while.
Maybe it’s different for guys than girls. Guys probably don’t care about other men wearing the same clothes as them.
love that surprise gif cwm…..but why would 1 car not have a/c and the others have it?
That was one thing I found hard in London last year, the underground was so small and hot….no a/c anywhere and no wifi, so antiquated.
rs, if I remember correctly Axxxel is from Indonesia, but I haven’t seen her for a while on here. Axxxel if you’re lurking, come out and play.
@adamlambert’s full interview earlier this week w @RyanSeacrest aired today on @AmericanTop40: Queen, iheart show, Glee & new music talk!
so cute
808–any chance you were at the Hawaii Glamnation shows at the Blaisdell?
Has this one been up?
nkd– I totally sympathize with you regarding your husband’s music tastes. The last time I asked my husband to bring some CD’s that he was willing to listen to on a long road trip, he brought Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Brittany Spears and Madonna. Talk about eclectic music taste! Occasionally he’ll agree to listen to some of the folk music from our youth, the late 60’s and early 70’s, but that’s about it. He refuses to listen to Adam, saying that he “doesn’t like his music”. I tell him that Adam sings many different styles of music, and he really needs to listen to more of his music before making that judgment. But, of course, he won’t. So our compromise for music on road trips is usually no music. Fortunately, most of my driving is done alone with Adam at full volume.
A step back in time – 2009
I see some other peeps also had problems with instagram vids… I can’t open them either
Sorry to hear that no one had luck with queenbert tix. That sounds very much the situation I faced when I tried to buy tix for WAG Helsinki. The whole downstairs sold out in 10 seconds. Maybe also in Vegas big portion of tix was reserved for some sponsors, companies etc. and will be released later? That was the case in Helsinki. Or go to black market…
808glam, welcome
I’m the broken English poster from Finland, but despite of the distance have been lucky to meet some of the peeps from the site
World can be small…
About a different subject, some days ago I accidentally pumped into a youtube vid of the American series “Queer as folk”, watched some storyline chapters and got totally hooked. Characters were interesting, I would love to see he whole series. What came to my mind, how is it possible that a series like this (a lot of gay sex scenes) has come out on US TV, but when Adam kisses a guy at AMA’s it was a big shock? Have the times changed to more conservative since early 2000’s or was that series a big shock? Has any of you seen it or know about the situation when it was aired? I’m just curious
. One character was called “Sunshine”, he was young, blond and pretty, I wondered is that where Sauli has got his nickname too…
Just pick any one of these articles about ticket buying for interesting information.
Nice news, Trespassing back in the iTunes Pop top 300, at 290 today. The week after Del Mar it was up to 274 a couple of days, then dropped back down until today. I’m thinking slow but steady sales going on with all the talk/buzz about his new gigs.
Welcome 808glam!
Interesting stuff here today! Such a variety. Thanks everyone!
LadyNorth, “Queer as Folk” was a Showtime series, a subscription service, so pretty much anything goes on those programs!
That has never been his musical taste. He used to like rock so I don’t know what happened. I really think he was trying to annoy me! I let it go and didn’t say a word and played Candy Crush on my phone.
Brother just called (he’s a radio listener) and said 101.3 (Greater D.C. area) – announced that Adam was singing with Queen – also mentioned Elton – don’t know precise details.