- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Looks like he has eye makeup on and nail polish
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 2h
brianlondon’s video http://instagram.com/p/b-9MZpJ_DZ/
How did we all miss “Welcome to the Jungle”? Adam really has toned down. Looking back on it, Glam Nation was beyond amazing. I would love to see that wild child again but none of the stuff he’s doing right now tends towards that. Hope this is what he means by returning to his rock roots.
I can’t get the instagram video to play. Been trying all morning.
try this – pics from the instagram
Nkd: I’ll never forget WB Kickin In either
like the quotes
Ticketmaster is crazy. Can’t even get one ticket. Stub hub prices right now range from $460.00 to $19,000!!!!!
Hi everyone! I haven’t posted in forever, but still lurk regularly. I met a few of you at Winstar in OK last year with Ceddies.
Luval, I couldn’t get one single ticket either. It’s completely ridiculous! I guess I will be waiting and hoping for a Queen + Adam tour next year.
Have fun to those of you who managed to get one, and let us know your secret. I was on ticket master and trying the second they came available.
I think back to last year when the festival in England was cancelled due to poor ticket sales for that festival all over Europe in general, and it is hard to believe what a huge difference it is in just one year and a change in location. This one seemingly sold out in less than one minute.
Stub hub tickets may come down if they are not being sold. Amazing…sold out in less than one minute. Wonder if this is for the Friday only show?
As soon as the tickets went on sale at Ticketmaster they said “only a few tickets left”. So it looks like most of the tickets were gone before they went on sale to the general public. Cwm and I were both trying to get tickets for us, and needless to say, we weren’t successful. I even had 2 browsers open and kept flipping back and forth between the two until I realized they were sold out. I’m not willing to pay Stub Hub prices unless they drop a lot, which is unlikely. Oh well! At least we tried. Let’s all offer up a prayer to the rock gods for more Queenbert concerts in the near future!
mmm222…I tried the same as you. Now I have to probably give myself a limit as to how much I want to spend on stubhub.
Sellers are still putting tickets on stubhub. It started at 199 tickets available, now it’s 254. It goes up and down.
More Queenbert concerts PLEASE. AMEN!!!
Talking about fan videos, there was a very early one called “Adam Lambert is a bad influence”. I loved it, maybe because it was the first one I saw. It seems to have disappeared from you-tube. Does anyone remember it or know where to find it
Well we tried along with a lot of you with four phones going and computer but no luck—noticed on twitter feed last night at concert that some tweeters already had tickets–wonder how that happened as they said they bought them on line?? oh well the Queen-Adam Gods will reward us later- I am sure–

Adam Lambert News @AL_Examiner 34m
Adam Lambert Thanks Fans: ‘The Journey Is Just Getting Started’ http://bit.ly/15wM9Cr
Guess the Lambertlusts got tickets too.
eta: yes they did:LAMBERTLUST @LAMBERTLUST 1h
I just paid $3,173 for me and @MRSLAMBERTLUST tickets for both nights at iheartradio! This will be our honeymoon before we get married.
Maybe this one, rs?
Here it is, rs. It’s one of my favorite fan videos. I’ve watched it dozens of times.
Here’s another one of my old favorites: Planet Fierce Uprising
Aren’t a lot of the iHeart tickets going to be distributed through radio contests? Plus, won’t a lot of them go to industry people who will release them closer to the day. Don’t give up hope.
I think people who are paying several thousand dollars are crazy. Adam + Queen may only sing half-a-dozen songs. Plus we will see it on TV shortly after.
This concert is probably a promo-event for a Queen + Adam tour next year (and a demonstration to potential US promoters). Better to put money towards a nice little road trip of concerts with full 90 minute sets next summer.
This week’s crossword is now available. And it is timely since the tickets for this concert went on sale today and were sold out in minutes.
We ALL “iHeart Adam!”
Soccermom, my pleasure! I was afraid that you would ask that.
Let me see if I can explain it…
The “LINK” tool is also for linking but allows for the link that is seen to be a phrase or word so people don’t see all the http stuff.
To do that, enter your comments, get the link and then highlight the words that you want people to click on to send them to the linked site.
In my post above about the crosswords,
1. I entered my comment then
2. I went to the crossword site to get the link info (open in another tab)
3. then came back here to the comment window, highlighted “iHeart Adam”
4. and then selected the blue “LINK” tool and pasted the link in there.
If it worked, the selected phrase should be blue indicating a clickable link. I also bolded the phrase in this case. The last link was just a straight copy and paste to provide a link to the crossword page.
Hope that makes sense.
It’s also good to use if you have a super long link so that you can just have a short phrase that people can click on.
That is the one mmm222! Thanks so much. I thought it was gone forever. It was made just after the AI tour, long before the GNT. Just watched it again and it made me grin from ear to ear all over again
. I especially love the bits with Allison……..and the tongue in cheek of the title.
ETA: And I loved the part in the Planet Fierce video where Michael talks about how much he learned from Adam, and not about music.
Where is that Adam from the Bad Things video? Will we ever see him again? Or has he moved on to being normal, thinking it will get him more offers for things. Ah, we will just have to remember, cause I dont think we will see that or him again. Probably a college Professor on Glee, glasses and all. Not gonna see the slithery, sexy, glittery, Adam anymore I’m afraid

Miss Chaos…I believe the slithery, sexy, glittery Adam is still there. Just in hibernation now. I’m positive it will return. Adam has many sides and that is just one of them.
Does anyone remember the video by skylarvon BEFORE the one mmm222 posted? It was amazing. It was taken down and shown as private.
Well, Adam is also older than he was on GlamNation, and has less to prove and more to prove, at the same time.
I think what we see next time depends on what the music is like. Adam always “performs” the music.
A new old picture:
Nice backstage pic
Here is another vid I really like from the “old days”:
skylarvon has 25 of his favorite compilation vids grouped on that page (he didn’t make them)…sadly, a lot of them are no longer available, they were on terminated accounts, or they are now private. It really made me think that I need to download more than I have. Why would I expect something to be on youtube forever?

Hmmm…looks like I need to go out and buy
anothera few more hard drives…Miss Chaos says:
07/20/2013 at 3:56 pm
Where is that Adam from the Bad Things video? Will we ever see him again? Or has he moved on to being normal, thinking it will get him more offers for things. Ah, we will just have to remember, cause I dont think we will see that or him again. Probably a college Professor on Glee, glasses and all. Not gonna see the slithery, sexy, glittery, Adam anymore I’m afraid
For some reason I got a vision of Superman with this–mild mannered professor with glasses by day, slithery, sexy, glittery super-singer by night. Will his students put two and two together that the hot singer is their very own professor?? Reminds me a bit of the Better Than I Know Myself video too. Two Adams. Both hot, but bad-boy Adam a little hotter!
Hey – like that, Ellessay – this role thingee sure brings up a lot of possible scenarios – fun to let the mind wander.
I wonder how much they will be writing for Adam, with the recent events that have happened on the show. I know its not all about Adam, and he knows that too, and he will be professional, but I wonder if things have changed a little for his part.
As far as singing with Queen in Las Vegas, I hope he goes all out, shows America what we saw last year! One little thing tho, I hope he keeps the spiky shoulder thingys in his closet for now
Looks like Adam’s debut on Glee could be delayed further. A hiatus?
Truth be told, I quit watching Glee a long time ago. I started because it was set in Lima, Ohio, which is my hometown. But it was filmed anywhere BUT Lima. It was so unrealistic to the mentality of that area.
From the lush green outside during a time of year that should have had the beautiful colors of autumn, to the idea that a school would allow a slushie machine in school, especially if it was being used to assault other students just insulted my intelligence.
The idea that they couldn’t pull together a glee club was unrealistic too. Lima was always big on music, we grew up on Detroit’s Motown, and passed our love of music down to our kids. We never had a problem getting people to sing–my school had three choirs and two glee clubs. And then having people available to play instruments on a moment’s notice. Evidently they are unaware of the cut-back in arts in the schools. There’s no paid staff to play accompaniment, it was always another student who’d had piano lessons. Kids in band and orchestra had other classes during the day. They can’t just leave their real classes to go play a song for the glee club.
Singers weren’t the bottom of the social ladder in school, the band members were. We always had to lug those big instruments around, practice marching across the school parking lot, down the street, and when the football coach would allow, we could practice on the field. Being in band was a commitment that wouldn’t allow us to participate in any other extracurricular activities during the football season.
I could tolerate all of that when they were singing songs I knew and liked. But when it came down to songs I didn’t like and the productions that were unrealistic, I just quit watching.
My favorite episode was the interaction between Kurt and his father when he came out to him. It was handled with such love and sensitivity that it was truly touching. The rest of it I could take or leave. I finally just left.
I had just resigned myself to start watching again for Adam. I hope they don’t delay him too long. We are all so anxious for the rest of the country to love him like we do, they just need to see him and hear him sing!
Love the last sentence, Ellessay – so true – “love him like we do” – always my fondest wish and greatest hope.
Sad time for Detroit now, Ellessay – the pictures of the place are just terribly depressing. What had once been such a vital city for so many decades – all gone.
Well, Glee wasn’t a reality show so the producers could take whatever liberties they wanted IMO. I loved the show and the fantasy aspect of it. In real life no one just breaks out in a song at any moment. I don’t think anyone expected what was going on to be what happens at a real school. It was loads of fun. Hope that they can figure out a way to continue. In that article it talks about 500 people with mortgages, etc that depend on the show continuing. Sure hope it does.
I didn’t expect Glee to be a reality show. I love musicals. I was just disappointed to not see more of the Lima I knew, but that’s a personal issue. Having been involved in musical programs there, there was a lot of things that bothered/annoyed me, but I overlooked it because it could be fun and the music was good.
I stopped watching a couple years ago, because it just didn’t seem fun anymore and I didn’t care for the music.

Lima has gone through a bad time too. A lot of manufacturing jobs were lost, drugs were rampant and many left the area, including my family. It was pretty violent for a while, with Detroit and Chicago fighting over the drug trafficking in Lima. They’ve really turned things around, but a lot of the places I remember are no longer there. It is sad to see the decay in some of those towns and cities up north.
Doubt there will be a long hiatus, Krad – this is months from now and people will be ready to go on.
I suppose the delay will give Adam more time to work on his music. Trying to figure out the timeline if Ryan Murphy is correct, I would think new shows wouldn’t be out until January at the earliest. Hope I’m wrong. Would be nice to see new shows during the holidays. Guess all we can do is wait and see.
ultimathule, just read your post. Yes people will be ready to move on. Life goes on.
Yep, I’m a bit worried as well….

I’m going to try and take a positive attitude. (shocking, I know
). Glee will probably get huge ratings for those first three shows. People that haven’t watched recently may return to see how the producers will handle Cory/Finn’s passing. And I can’t stop thinking about the number of staff affected by this whole thing. I even think if Lea decides not to continue (they say she’s a professional, however…that the show must go on ), the whole show will be re-tooled in a way that will be unexpected.
Show must go on. TV schedules must be set. Contract and financial obligations must be fulfilled. Sorry to say it, but reality must set in.
Adam will be on Glee, hopefully in October. Isn’t he going to also be back on PLL this year? I’m praying for patience. I just have a feeling he will be having many opportunities this year.
I think his Divas hosting was noticed by many in the biz. He was simply superb. His comedy sketch ( that pillow tearing bit of histrionics is what I’m sure clinched the Glee job ), his performing, his hosting, his style, all good on him.
I would love to see him sit in with Kelly Ripa as a guest host, on The View on Guy Day Friday, and of course, on SNL with Queen. They would tear the house down.
Glee normally takes a break in the middle of the season doesn’t it????
Seems really strange to take one after 3 episodes though.
I just don’t see whats so hard about writing him out, killed in a car accident or something, and have an episode of flashbacks of people remembering their favourite Finn memory.
As to new story lines, they could start writing those now…..
Glee was renewed for 2 more seasons. Several cast members left the show at the end of the season. Several newer ones were renewed as regular cast members. Then they announced Adam.
This is the business of show. Contracts and financials and ratings. Unfortunately, ratings will go up because of Corey’s death. And I’m sure cast members who decided not to renew their contracts and leave the show will be back to pay tribute to Corey.
When the season and episodes are ready, Adam will be part of Glee. I’m sad for Corey, and thrilled for Adam.
I just hope they write him right. This is a killer of an opportunity.
HK fan, I was thinking the same thing. I believe because Lea was his real life girlfriend as well as on screen, makes it a whole new ball game. She is the star, I guess and may dictate what they should do.