- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
This is from the facebook page that ulti linked at 7:44.

The whole introduction is a good read – click on “see more” to read it all.
Not sure I love her predictions, but the recap of Adam’s career so far is wonderful.
ETA: that photo should be an album cover.
When I get home and off my phone I will give you my thoughts. In the mean time Queen 2 was written on the “white side” by Brian, one by Roger, and the “black side” was written by Freddie. Similarities? My favorite song title ever? The Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke good song.
PS. Anyone on Twitter that wants to wish Brian Happy Birthday. It is tomorrow the 19 th.
I’ve just been reading the Emmy nominations over at MJ’s….and not only have I not seen any of the shows, I’ve not heard of most of them!!!
Does anyone know what the ticket sales are like for the show tonight….seems to not be as much buzz for it, and saw a tweet saying good seats still available.
Some of my stand outs in Queen 2 are White Queen, by Brian “White Side”, and The Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke (based on the painting that is still at the Tate art museum in London) sorry, forgot the artists name, The March of the Black Queen and the finished product of Seven Seas of Rhye (they had a few chords done on the first album but it was not finished was very different than the finished song), on the “Black Side” by Freddie. He really was brilliant. In Queen 2 they really found their voice and their sound. My favorite quote from Roger was about the title of Queen 2…paraphrasing….I hate that title, so unimaginative…
Interesting they really didn’t find big success until album 3. Sheer Heart Attack (Killer Queen) but MY FAV OF ALL TIME the 4th album A Night At the Opera. I LOVE THE WHOLE THING. But that introduced Love of My Life, God Save the Queen and BoRap. But every song on this one I just love.
Hot Space is Queen doing disco/dance/r&b…..again….sound familiar….Freddie forced this one because of the HUGE success of Another One Bites the Dust – he thought they should go more in the dance direction. Brian and Roger especially hated this but they all went along and it almost cost them. (fyi, Freddie’s manager sold him on this idea and it did cost them in the US) I REALLY hated this album at first…just couldn’t figure out what they were thinking. But, now I find it fun.
Anyway, just my thoughts and likes…..please others jump in….
Thanks, aely, lots to explore. Agree about Night at the Opera – listened and love it.
P.S. You must be a hard-core fan to know so much. Have you been this involved with any other bands? Or music?
Nope. Fell in love at 7 and still am at almost 44. For my 9th birthday (I believe) I asked for a fan club membership.
I love music of all kinds but Queen has always been my love. Adam just renewed that love for me. And in some ways all music. The parallels are crazy. I wish he and Freddie could have met. What a collaboration that would have been. And talk abount wanting to be a fly on the wall at that collab/party.
I am sure you have all seen it but on the off chance you haven’t watch Live Aid and Live at Wembley. I watch that DVD often. Amazing. My favorite from Live Aid is Radio Ga Ga. The crowd is just astonishing and that is where I think Adam got the sing along part he did in Another One Bites the Dust.
aelyITA about Night of the Opera. It is my all time favorite album. BoRap being my favorite song. So when a really cute singer auditioned with it on AI, I was a goner.
Totally agree with all you have posted. You know a lot more about Queen than I do, but I also have loved them for a very long time, since I first heard BoRap and discovered them here.
We have both DVD’s, and when Adam did Radio Gaga at Kiev, and the livestream was so clear and perfect, and we could see the choreography being done by that immense audience, I was moved to tears for some reason. My eyes misted over, I had a lump in my throat, worlds collided, and my heart was filled with joy for Adam, for Queen, and quite frankly, for MUSIC.
Seeing that gigantic crowd chanting Adam’s name and singing along and doing the Gaga moves was simply the most thrilling “Adam” moment I have ever had. On so many levels.
The love for music, for Adam’s talent, for Queen was overwhelming.
I so totally agree, Adam’s AOBTD combines elements of both of Freddie’s performances. Simply incredible.
Oh. By the way. My new Baby Glambert report:
She’s in.
All the f***cking way.
I asked her very coyly if she liked the DVD. She grinned from ear to ear, and glowed, she developed an aura of joy.
I asked her to use just a few words to describe her reaction. “Oh. My. G-d!!!. I knew was good. But not THAT great!! I have to watch it a few more times. I need to invite friends over to see it. ”
And then, my heart swelled with pride, ” what else do you have?” I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF HIM.
I got her email, I’ll be sending her a few prime nuggets of Adamness.
***sniff** I’m so happy. She’s really 24. She wants to see him live.
mils That is such a GREAT story! Well done you!
Just love that story, mils – good job, girl!
cute, from @lambertlust:
Just Cuz
Tomorrow’s stream:
lol – I just watched that vid at least six times in the last hour, Miss Chaos – has me mesmerized each time. Gonna watch it again.
I hope I didn’t just goof in posting the ‘dinner’ plans. I’ve never done it before and forgot that we usually mention the meal on this page.
The New F-Word is fundraising for its campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-the-new-f-word-an-anti-bully-photo-campaign/contributions/new.
Check this one donation level out:
Sing along part Queen Live Aid (only time Freddie ever played guitar live on Crazy Little Thing Called Love)
Radio Ga Ga
Whole show…will not work on tablets
Parallels. Amazing. Love! I swear some of Freddie’s spirit is in Adam.
Ooooh, thanks, aely – wuz gonna go try to read a book – so much for that – lol.
Getting ready for our road trip tomorrow to Paso Robles. I’ve so much enjoyed the conversation on Queen, and especially the mentions of some of their lesser known work. So many of you really do have a deep knowledge of their music, and I’m inspired to seek out some of these songs – can we hope that Adam has a shot of performing or even recording a few?
Yes, indeedy TLKC, I will attempt some sort of recap. I can’t guarantee that it will anything special, but it will be enthusiastic!
Watched first two vids – now on to the whole show.
Question – Is Wembley Show and Live Aid the same thing?
Same place different show. Here is my favorite Love of my Life. I just watched it. Still makes me teary. Foreshadowing? So, so good.
This is why Brian should be the ONLY one to sing this. It is Freddie’s song. So moving. In all 3 shows at Hammersmith I really had tears, as much as I always wanted to be a part of Radio Ga Ga being a part of Brian singing and singing along to Love of My Life was indescribable. So much love. Awesome. Best part for me, hands down. Second favorite, Adam and Roger, Under Pressure.
You can buy the Wembley DVD and it has both concerts in it.
Just beautiful – love that song. Brian sings it so lovingly now, doesn’t he. Yes, the song should remain with him.
My favorite Brian Love of My Life. Freddie’s mom was there. Teary again. What a great audience.
Okay, I will stop. Memory Lane……
aely , I am one of those who casually knew Queen, but has come to know and love their music through Adam. His is the only voice today that can bring this great music to a new generation who didn’t know the original Queen with Freddie (and it might just work, specifically because he isn’t a Freddie sound alike).
I had the privilege and pleasure, like you, of seeing and hearing Brian sing Love of My Life in London last year. I remember that my first thoughts were, Adam could sing that song beautifully, but then when I learned more, of course I realized that he never would (not that Brian would ever give it up). He has too much respect for Freddie, Brian, and this song’s meaning for the two of them.
Hi ALL. Regarding Adam’s part in Glee, he could be the new grief counselor. What do you think?
Interesting, Ginger. Adam has always said he loves talking to people.
Aely, was mesmerized by your descriptions of Queen music. I have one cd of their’s. Grestest hits or something. Now I want to explore more.
So I see no new big news since my last visit
mils, I love your story of baby glambert twins
You should send them a link to this full Hammersmith concert (14th July) too to show Adam can be even better than in Kiev
His vocals are spectacular in both, but performance is so much better in London shows where the atmosphere is more intimate and he’s more playful & relaxed.
That’s a great compliment soccermom, thank you,I really don’t think I’m that good! I’m often pissed that it takes so much time to express myself here
. I don’t automatically think in English, I have to figure out what I want to say in Finnish first. But reading all posts and interviews goes smoothly, I love to listen to Adam, he is so articulate and clear speeker
I like it here, because I enjoy the conversation and deeper information/speculation, there’s no similar place in Finnish. And yes I think you have pretty same climate there than we have in Finland, that’s probably why so many peeps from here have immigrated into the are of great lakes 
aely and others, thanks for all the Queen links! Have to save them and watch when I have a peaceful moment (some friends coming over for the weekend). I “found” Queen in the 90’s, after Freddie’s death. I could call me a “semi-fan”, because I am mostly familiar with their greatest hits and latest (more pop-rock?) albums, should really get into the early years too. But I haven’t got bored with those songs in over 20 years
Adam singing them live is so incredible I get chills every time I watch those vids. I haven’t seen many Queen with Freddie live vids, I didn’t have a fast enough internet connection for that until I found Adam and after that I’ve been too busy with him, catching up past four years 
Ginger,I like your thinking…Adam has said in the past that if he wasn’t a performer he might be a counsellor/psychologist type person……I can see him doing that role
wow aely, you know so much about Queen….I was always a fairly casual fan, liked the music, liked Freddie but never found him at all attractive or sexy. And now when I listen to him sing I find I don’t like him as much as I did, would much rather listen to Adams version of the songs….
Wow aely, you have a PhD in Queen. I was a fan in the 80’s, too, though grade-school level. A friend who was a performing arts teacher suggested I give them a listen. She told me “their voices are their instruments and their instruments are their voices.” I went with her to see the Moroder version of Metropolis, which is scored with Queen’s music and was hooked.
I don’t know a lot of the songs you are talking about but most of the songs from the Queenbert tour are on the “Classic Queen” and “Queen’s Greatest” cd’s. Anyone who gives them a proper listen, will be able to sing along when the big Q +A tour finally happens.
I knew that Queen lost their US foothold but I didn’t realize it was dance that did it. Dance was despised by a lost of music fans. That T-shirt slogan “Shoot the BeeGee’s” summed up the general feeling (unless you were a John Travolta fan.)
I am thrilled for your glambert twins mils. Just proves once again that all you need to love Adam is to know him.
Whew – finally caught up. And I was only away for two days!! While I was away, saw a show of young performers (high school & college age). The singers were quite good but no goosebumps. However, there was a violinist who was absolutely amazing!!! Best I’ve ever heard. So glad that we went.
I loved the whole quiet segment in last summer’s shows: Love of My Life, These are the Days, Year of ’39 (Brian’s rocket man song).
The photo montage in “These are the Days’ made me tear up, not just for the band’s youth but for my own/ours. The song’s sweet little switch between “these” and “those” makes it a treasury of the past and the present, suggesting we also store up the best of now. It was an invitation to commit that moment, the concert, to memory, as well. Whether you saw them live or not is immaterial. Throughout the world, we congregated via livestream and videos to experience something wonderful and it is a powerful memory for all of us.
IMHO, those of us whose age is in Queen’s ball park are actually enjoying a second youth, through Adam, and we are building memories all the time.
Thinking of retjenny, jlurksacto and crew who are all fast asleep right now, but will be ending their day with Adam in concert. Lucky people. I hope there are a lot of people there and have no doubt that the corn dog guy is going to be totally freaked when he sees you. Maybe you should all buy corn dogs and wave them and yell “12 corn dogs!” after every song. That’s the highest score, isn’t it?
Krad, that facebook picture that ulti posted should absolutely be an album cover. Someone should tweet it to Adam. Also tweet that we hope he again wears the laces pants in Las Vegas…He was so beautiful in the Queenbert concerts – almost dewy.
It is too bad that whatever part that Adam may play on TV or movies, that he will be limited in roles because of the gages. If someone just has pierced ears, you can just take them out for a part where earrings are not a fit for the character, and no one really notices. But with gages, you have to wear the bigger flat earrings to hide the gages. My 21 year old beautiful niece visited this summer and she surprised us all with having gages – I think bigger than Adam’s, or at least it seemed that way on her – next to her smaller head, etc.
My nieces are large enough anyway that they would not grow back together – she would need plastic surgery to sew them back. Not sure if Adam would have to as well? Tattoos can be covered up with clothes and make-up/CGI (if Adam would ever take his shirt off in a role). But with the gages, any role he does it would have to fit the character to wear them including a Broadway role. Maybe he will realize this and get the plastic surgery t reverse back to regular pierced ears so his lobes can “go naked” for the right role.
At least as a pop rock superstar, the gages are fine and thank God he did not go any larger (and said he would not).
Soccermom – I guess I knew that Adam had gages, not just pierced ears, but since he always has them covered by wearing earrings (are they still called earrings – thought they were the gages, not the ear openings themselves), it wasn’t something that I needed to worry about. It seems to me that they probably have developed something in a flesh tone so that it isn’t detectable but if not, I agree with you that he should get the plastic surgery so as to not limit any future roles. He is an overall superstar, not just a pop rock superstar, and I would hate for this to make a difference in whether he got a role or not.
Some of Adam’s earrings cover the holes, when he is in a more conservative setting. Others reveal the holes, where you can see through to his neck, but thankfully they are not large. But they are large enough that they would look weird with nothing on them. You are probably right that something flesh tone could work for theater, but not TV or movies I think, unless never any close-ups and I want close-ups.
My niece’s gage holes are large enough that the earrings make her lobes slant outwards from the rest of her ears – away from her face. Thankfully Adam’s size do not do that. And I am sure we have all seen the random retail store worker that has these flat large tiddlywink (those of you under 29 will not know what that is)earrings on to cover the holes – as required by their employer for them to work there. WTF were they thinking. My oldest son had pierced ears in college and but majored in Finance…figured out pretty fast that he needed to take out the earrings for interviews and work, such that he pretty much abandoned them a couple years out of college and now they are grown back together.
under a certain size, the hole from gauges will go back to its normal size on its own, over a certain size it needs surgery. Pretty sure Adam said in an interview or in a twitter party once, that his are small enough that they would not need surgery.
It’s a shame that he went beyond just piercing since by putting on the larger earrings he could have the same effect without having this issue! Don’t understand the desire to basically mutilate a body part but I guess it may be needed for street cred or fitting in, like tattoos, etc.
I have no tattoos, just pierced ears. When I go out without earrings, I feel naked but I don’t have anyone judging me by looking at my ears. None of my kids have tattoos and only one got her ears pierced. So I guess I’m lucky!
Here’s another reminder of Adam’s positive influence on people and this one is from a young lady in Russia that I find especially touching.
Through the years, I’ve read or have been told this same kind of thing over and over again.
It’s always nice to be reminded of the wonderful difference Adam has made and continues to make in people’s lives.
I hope she got her hug.
I hope you are right HKfan – I hope he starts working on that soon…normal size holes can take 6 months or more and may not go all the way back (it is different for different people).
I did some research – the term gauge (I was spelling it wrong)ONLY refers to measurement. Adam has STRETCHED earlobes in which he wears tunnels/plugs/spirals/tapers. The smaller the number gauge, the bigger the hole. A size 18 is supposedly pretty close to a normal size pierced ear hole. A size 6 is a smaller hole than a size zero.
In March 2013 Adam answered a twitter question on his gauge size and he answered zero gauge. Various “experts” online say that going past size 2 is the point of no return (making size zero past this point). Size zeros will shrink back, but not all the way – to about 12 gauge, instead of 18 gauge that is close to normal pierced ears size.
The longer you have the gauge size, the harder it is to shrink it back down. At age 30, humans use much of their skin elasticity, also making the piercing shrinking more problematic.
OK – I am done angsting about his ear lobes!
Ron – may I use that link to the Russian article?
Dear ulti
bien sur. (of course)! 
I want to thank the inventor of air-conditioning! Without it, I’d be sitting on the floor panting because this afternoon in Toronto it’s going to be 109F/43C!!
I can’t wait to hear the sound of sleigh bells somewhere off in the distance.
Didn’t know it got that hot in Canada, Ron – and Adam isn’t even there – lol.
Hmm, maybe it’s fortunate that my visit to Toronto won’t be for a few weeks.
Good morning from Paso Robles. we are now heading out to pick up our ticks befor the fair opens thin morning. hot during the day but really cooled dow last night.
We’re going to be able to get together in a few weeks?!
This is wonderful.
All I do is sit here and people keep coming to visit me all the time!