- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Mils- Yes to dinner on Friday. @Lamberlust said on twitter that he was going to be serving!
Nice to see you back, aely and Miss Chaos
And welcome to Tothebeat, have a great time on the concert
As well as everyone else who’s going there.
riskylady, I’m sad to hear official Queen fan site (?) peeps are being so disrespectful to Brian and still hate Adam so much
Certainly not helping that if some fans send tweets about Adam topping Freddie etc… That’s stupid and not helping Adam, as well as sending hate tweets to RCA. And lol for that storm in the British water glass
This queenbert show is important to introduce queen+adam to US peeps, so it should be (IMO) just queen songs, not Adam’s own ones. I think when Queen performed with Paul Rogers, they played Queen’s songs, some Bad Company’s songs and songs from the new album they made together. But it was the whole tour (and PR could not sing all the Queen songs, his range was not enough). But I remember thinking sometimes that it would be cool to hear Adam perform Runnin’ live with Queen…
I can’t help but I am not so enthusiastic about guest appearances with Queen+Adam. I want peeps to hear as much Adam as possible. But on the other hand it is interesting to see who they are. I have read that in that festival it is usual to do collabs, duets etc. So it kind of belongs to the concept? Just wishing a lot of air time for Adam
rs, thanks for your great photos from SD! Was your seat close to the stage
Hi everybody! I thought I’d take a moment to say hi, since I spent about 6 hours today catching up on the blog(I know, get a life), in my usual never quite get there manner. I’m exhausted. What a busy few news days. Only to be topped off this evening, as I was watching AGT, by Adam’s beautiful voice singing his ROCK ballad TFM!
I’m another who is totally stoked by Adam’s announcement of returning to his rock roots. I let out a holler that probably caused the neighbors to wonder what I was smoking…
I’ll be going to Vegas, and sure hoping to get tickets. It’ll be my 60th birthday on Sept. 22nd, so hopefully the Ticketmaster gods will smile on me. If not, my sister-in-law, a friend and I are gonna go to the MGM and look pathetic, and see if we can score some affordable tickets!
Anyway, that’s my 2 cents worth. I don’t post much, but just so you know, I’m usually somewhere in the shadows. I appreciate you guys so much. Haven’t seen anyone since London, but maybe in Vegas!
Hi LolaGlamb, Good to hear from you. It is too bad that you couldn’t make it to San Diego. Aside from the awesomeness of Adam’s concert and the fun of meeting up with so many ALLers, we had a great London reunion. I can quickly think of 11 of us who were there. I know some of them are going to Vegas so you will be able to catch up there. Just stay healthy! OK
Glad you liked the photos LadyNorth. I was in the 8th row, but the stage was quite high and the seats did not begin right next to the stage. Still my camera has a great zoom and it was the closest I have ever been at a concert.
By the way, Thanks to brilliant P (of P and M fame) and his Photoshop, I have added two “fixed” photos at the end of each album. In one the shadow of the mike has been removed from Adam’s face and in the other a distracting head has been removed from the corner of the photo. The results are beautiful and worth looking at.
mmm222, I loved your photos! thank you. I debated whether or not to bring my “real” (DSLR) camera, like yours for this trip, but I was afraid that I would be hassled by security. If I had brought it, I would have had many more clear shots without blurring and fuzziness. Ether that, or I wouldn’t have had any, because my camera would have been taken away :Big Frown:
This is a lovely blogpost about Adam from a young gay man. Love it:
Adam and his glasses:
A silly little video with the band:
Ran across this interesting picture on twitter – Alikat took it at the ATT/Live Proud concert:
Congratulations LolaGlam. Fantastic that your whole family is into Adam. You must have lots of chances to talk about him in real life. Lucky you!
I guess that corndog columnist didn’t see the AMAs or know much about Adam’s PG14 rating.
Twitter is an impulsive medium and brings out the worst in people. That’s the only thing you can say about the RCA and Lambrit tweets. A lot of people probably feel stupid a day later.
I went over to the Queen site yesterday and it didn’t actually look too bad to me. The thing is, most Queen fans will click on a few YouTubes out of curiosity and make up their own minds. They may not like Adam “taking Freddie’s place” but, if they have ears at all, they know that Adam is good. In fact, I think the real problem for the haters is that they know Adam IS good. If he was bad they wouldn’t be worried or have to protest as much.
Thanks for the links cwm. Adam rocks glasses like no one else. Makes them look sexy. Love that stubble look, too. The band video has quite a few pics and video snippets that I hadn’t seen.
Thanks, rs. Your camera took fabulous pictures without the hassle from security, so you made the right choice. I had to be more surreptitious after being reprimanded by security, and sometimes didn’t take enough time to properly frame or focus the photos at first. I figured that out mid concert with better results later on. I didn’t want the hassle of having security confiscate my camera. Of course, after the streaker, DSLR cameras with telephoto lenses were small potatoes.
@TLKC I agree with you totally. They know Adam is very good. I just wish they could appreciate his talent although I’m sure a lot of Queen fans do.
@Lolaglam Good luck getting tichets
@cwmThanks so much for that blogpost…
Morning Peeps! Welcome back aely and to new posters.
I had always told myself that no matter where and when Queenbert next appeared I would be there since I missed the London performances. Unfortunately I have a wedding to attend that weekend and it would be crazy to fly out for just one night. Now, if it were an entire performance of just them I might be crazy enough to do it. Some folks on Twitter are suggesting that this will be just the beginning of additional North American performances. PLEASE BE TRUE!!!! If not, there is comfort knowing that we will see it on TV just a week or so later.
I am rationalizing this decison by thinking that none of my $ are going towards supporting Chris Brown who is performing on Friday as well. I’m hopeful that he will be pulled from the show since his probation has been rescinded. What more does he need to do to get some true help or be behind bars????
Kradamour, I’ve been thinking about what you said regarding the bit of sadness you feel in having Adam enter the bigger world of super stardom. I used to worry about that but agree with RS that Adam has an innate need to “feel” his fans. In SD there was a point about a third of the way into the concert where Adam expressed that he/we weren’t feeling it. I think that had to do with the odd accoustics and set up of a horse track venue. Though I know we were a very enthusiastic group of fans, I don’t think he could hear or see us all that well with the exception of the folks on the ground level. After he made that statement everyone bumped it up a notch. I love how Adam works to get that connection even if it means laying down on stage and making funny faces.
Our relationship with him as fans has already evolved from the days when he could/would post hour long Q&As with us to now when he connects via short vines, tweets,etc.
Sorry for the long post but I’ve been pondering… Have a great day everyone!
PS. RS and mmm222, thank you for the pics! They are fantastic!
Calgary, I think that is what bothers me. Adam doesn’t usually follow the crowd. Maybe he is trying to blend in a bit. It would def be harder to notice him in the melee of everyday life.
(Except for a hardcore fan, of course.)
Lady North, I just wanted to give you a shout out regarding how well you write in English although it is not your first language. I forget you are from Finland. As a fan of a global star, we often read comments from fans all over the world and although I can usually figure out what they are trying to say, it is sometimes a challenge. With you, I would swear you are my neighbor. In fact, I am in Duluth, Minnesota and this area not far from the US border with Canada has lots of people of Finland origin. There is even a Finland, Minnesota! Although we are between the 40 and 50 degree latitude N and you are between 60 and 70, we have similar climate, particularly since we are on the shore of Lake Superior, one of the largest of the Great Lakes. We essentially have a maritime climate. Although I think we get colder than you do in the winter. It is not unusual to be in the minus 20’s Celsius in February (-10 Fahrenheit) and sometimes even colder.
A funny story that you might enjoy. My husband works in a hospital and when he was being recruited for the job in Duluth, he asked how many interpreters were on staff since his prior job was in the inner city of Minneapolis where there were 5 or 6 interpreters on staff (Somali, Hmong, etc). The interviewer looked at him like he was a bit crazy and responded, “well, every once in awhile we need to bring someone in that can interpret for the Finlanders, but that is about it”. lol!
Hi all, the last days I was able to catch up a bit, but I have to tell you, it ain’t easy! That was a lot of reading.
I’ve started my trip and have arrived in Ontario! Unfortunately a big job came in, so it looks like I’ll stay put for at least a week. Right now I’m staying with a ‘friend’ just outside Thunder Bay on Lake Superior (Hi Soccermom!), right on the beach which is quite awesome. Friend is in quotes because it really is a friend of someone I met a few days ago. I love travelling!
I will be looking for a hostel or something, because I can’t stay here too long, naturally.
To my Ontario friends, I read that you had a great time with rs (glad you had such a great trip, rs, and I’m sorry I just missed you), I hope to spend some time with you soon, maybe in a few weeks. I’ll e-mail my plans.
It’s wonderful to read all the great Adam show recaps and stories. And I’m excited for the future. If Queen and Adam will tour the US I hope it will be when I’m there!
OK, enough of a break, back to work
I wonder what he knows that we don’t???
Zach Light @zachlight 2m
@BigSt3ph3n Queen is still a band, except with Adam Lambert as the singer. Playing in Vegas this September. US tour next year
Iam not a fan of those large sun glasses, especially the ones that reflect. I know Adam seems to love them and they they are a fashion statement. I read The Meaning of Adam Lambert blog. It comes in my e-mail every day. Juneau from there won one of the meet and greets at the AT&T Live event. She took an older lady named Thea as her guest.They have written a three part article about the experience. The thing that I want to mention about it is that Adam wore these glasses during the M&G. Thea was really disapointed as she didn’t get the aura that most talk about as she couldn’t really see his eyes. I’d have been sad too. I know facial hair and large sunglasses are in style right now but hope they both have a short fashion life. Loved the pictures from SD. Looking at those pictures of his folks I think Adam got the best of both his parents in looks.
I loved your post, adamized, and I think you are right that Adam will always need that direct connection. You and I were both at Ste Agathe, the first live concert in a very long time, and Adam seemed to want just to sit and have a conversation with us, like catching up with old friends, remember? He sat on the edge of the stage and leaned out to us and asked “So what have you guys been up to?” and seemed to really want to know.
And when we were in Wilkes-Barre, and went out after the show to see if Adam would be there (of course he was), a security guard pointed and said to us with some urgency “He is over there and he wants to see you” and he seemed so surprised and bemused! because it is likely that other performers duck into their buses. Adam stayed until he had signed for or chatted with every single fan, relaxed and happy and seeming very much among friends, albeit friends who needed to be managed a bit as he “directed traffic” so that everyone could get up to him in turn.
True…it has been a long time, hasn’t it, since the last twitter party? And I have noticed that his tweets now seem to be more professional than personal, but that may be just my perception.
He so often reached out to us for connection when waiting in airports, waiting to go to sleep, on a tour bus, etc.
Well, it is much the same with my adult sons. And that thought makes me so glad and proud to have been there for Adam when he most needed us.

I forgot to mention mmm222, I loved your shots of Adam’s parents. Leila looks gorgeous. I love this natural look so much better than when she is overly made up for “events”.
Really great slideshow, mmm222 – some beautiful closeups – enjoyed that very much.
And loved the pic you put up at the end of the albums, rs – so cute.
Forum entry at Queenzone. LOL
Love that, jlurk – and “Special Request!” – “We Will Rock You.”
Speaking of Queen, there’s a poll re: Adam on the Queenzone site. Scroll down a bit; it’s on the left. If you’re inclined to vote in these sorts of things, might be good to give it a vote. So far, the results are looking pretty good for support for Adam.
Thanks for sharing that blogpost, cwm, it made me cry. After hearing some of you sharing about the magazine, Aura, I’m wondering if I can still pick up a copy. I got something in my emails about it, if I can find it again. I had thought it was so expensive, and wasn’t sure what quality it would be, so I didn’t order it, but ya’ll have me convinced.
Hi back, rs. I, too, wish I could have made SD.
TLC and LoverofTalent, thanks for the well wishes! I still get mostly eye rolls from most of my family when I talk about Adam. However, since it involuntarily spews out of my mouth on a regular basis, they’ve learned to tolerate me. But I gave a copy of Trespassing to my sister-in-law, who lives in Vegas, and she became a die hard Glambert, along with her friend Stephanie. This would be their first concert, if we get tickets.
Ummm… yeah….that’s hot… *cough*
A sighting last night:
LambertLust on the ROAD!
Hi Mieps! What’s the temp up in Thunder Bay? Very fierce soccer players in Thunder Bay! Temp here in Duluth is is 90 degrees (up to 10 degrees cooler next to the lake vs up on the hill where I live).
Sound positive!
You have it much better Soccermom. We’ve had rain and (faint) thunderstorms all day, and still no sign of letting up.
Loved that! (from the popcrush article)
mmm222: I love your photos. They bring back great
memories. Thanks so much for posting them.
So I was thinking about Adam’s duet with Angie on the AI final this year and I decided that it was that performance that either made Ryan Murphy think about Adam for Glee, or if it was already in the works, then it clinched the deal for him. Adam is a solo performer with a huge voice who could easily overpower anyone he sings with. Even with his musical theater background, it could have been seen a risk for an ensemble troupe when so many duets today turn unto battles to see which singer can outdo the other one. So when Ryan saw how beautifully and sensitively Adam accommodated his voice to Angie’s, toning himself down to let her shine and making the perfect blend of their voices, rather than either one of them alone, the goal, he must have realized that even if he is a Global Superstar, he is no prima donna or diva and will work well in a team. Oh, and I really don’t think that he will be like Jessica from last season’s AI who didn’t do much more on Glee than sing a few songs.
Those are my musings for today.
rs, that’s your story and I am sticking to it!

A very thoughtful post and likely quite true.
LambertLust – more on the trip
This is a golden oldie
Old pic – new to me
He said his head is big – sure looks it here.
Anyone into collecting?
Have watched TSMGO that Brian tweeted a few days ago so many times – today, too – it’s just unbelievably stunning.
rs your version of why/how Adam was chosen for a gig on Glee seems quite reasonable to me! Great musings!
Too funny!
Boy, am I lovin’ that, aely – said they loved the guy, even though couldn’t agree on music.
The guy’s charisma and personality are just off the charts – lol.
May I post that elsewhere, aely?
Or do you plan to do so?
Go for it
Been listening to the Queen debut album – songs I don’t know. It’s an extremely interesting bunch of songs –
Great King Rat
(Adam’s doing anything with this in concert would be mindblowing.)
Doing All Right
(Gorgeous song)
Great unexplored catalog for me.
Maybe others (mils) are more famliar.
Great artwork on top
I love the first album but my favorites are Queen 2 and A Night at the Opera. Still listen to them on vinyl. Actually just bought new copies a year or 2 ago. My originals were all mangled. Hot Space is a trip and quite fun, as much as I used to hate it kind of love it now.
Hey – thanks, aely – saw them mentioned and was going to check them out. Any particular tracks you like?