- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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LOL Just saw this tweet from a UK fan… erm… Lambrit who I follow, know and love very much, so I’m not putting her name:
“Need a petition we can all sign letting shosh no how nuts ukglambert is then she may at last block her She gives us sane Lambrits a bad name”
Ah, the life of a Glambert is never dull…..battles, celebrations, singing, feasts…… battles, celebrations, singing, feasts…… Exactly like Lord of the Rings.
Great article. A lot of people in the entertainment media are rooting for him.
My copy of Aura magazine finally arrived today. So beautifully done and filled with personal stories and stunning photos of Adam. Alice Miller, editor, was kind enough to include my personal story as well as a comment about the WAG tour I had posted on Twitter. Our friends, ovationimpact, and paulanation are also featured.
Reading the many stories of fellow Glamberts who’ve been moved by Adam really brought tears to my eyes. I hope he has the chance to take a look at this lovely tribute. It really speaks volumes to the impact he has had on people all over the globe.
And the pictures are glorious!! Peter and Rena you should have submitted some of yours from past concerts as yours are equally as stunning!
I didn’t buy it but have been given to understand that I’m getting one for my birthday.
It’s amazing to read other fans stories and see the creative work that Adam inspires. I downloaded the online one – it was terrific, too. I hope Adam sees both of these. They should be shown to media people and radio stations etc. as proof of how much he inspires.
Al’s crossword belongs in there somewhere, as well.
I agree! He’s been underrated by the media long enough. I forgot to mention that lamberlust also contributed several personal reflections to the magazine. And I found another SD Glambert I just might need to track down here in my own backyard!
re RCA: I can imagine that in this business it is important not to burn any bridges. Adam worded his letter rather carefully, and I am happy for it.
I think it is stupid to send ugly tweets like that to RCA. (I have seen lots)
It is not cool and Adam has more class than that. RCA could have just dropped him but let him leave with dignity and grace and on his own terms. I give them props for that.
Still irritated about TP of course…..
And they lost close to 2,000 followers in a day after Adam’s letter. That is a strong enough message.
I wouldn’t be surprised, knowing Adam’s personality, that the RCA people, though they couldn’t support his album, support him personally. And sure that there are people there who are sorry to see him go and assisted in the graceful exit.
I’ve been catching up here, there and everywhere about both Adam and Glee/Monteith.
What is evident is that Cory didn’t live two lives. He had one life-of an addict who knew how to play the game until he couldn’t play anymore and had interventions at several points in his life. What was also evident is that he did not spend a long enough time in rehab, he should have stayed at least 6 months. But instead, he left after 30 days, went back to work and old habits. By going back to his hometown and his old friends, he was simply back in his old haunts and knew where to get drugs. By using again after detox, all it can take to kill you is just one incident of a dose at your old levels, and boom, you’re dead.
I still feel so very sad about him.
As for Adam’s making funny faces, I’m thinking he wants to appeal to younger kids and his future Glee audience. It’s just that simple. IMHO.
I’m thinking his tweet today is in response to the unbelievable douchebaggery of the UK Glamberts/Lambrits, etc. Remember the Lambskanks? I remember he thought that name was hilarious. LOLOL . Doesn’t he have enough to do than to keep track of what fan groups are called??? Sheesh. Major chill pills needed there!
Glee needs a major re-write? Sure. A major player is gone. But he was on the outs most of last season. His character was very troubled and in real life the actor had track marks to hide, was getting visibly thinner and thinner and had sad sad eyes. It would have been foolish for the writers NOT to have several plot options lined up just in case he relapsed and needed to be gone again from filming. IMHO.
Gonna go see what else is new in Adam rock news.
Wow. This post is kinda “listy.”
Thanks for the gif Ron. So true. So twue.
Just saw Vintage Trouble perform at the ESPYS.
They keep building a name for themselves and getting more exposure.
Adam has talented friends.
I agree that the hurt feelings over a reaching out tweet to UK fans by Adam was just ridiculous.
And I agree how stupid it is to tweet such nasty things to RCA. However, they probably don’t pay a lot of attention to a few stupid tweets.
These are the tweets to Queen, Brian that piss off their fans and make them not give Adam a chance. It is so disrespectful. And it drives me crazy! At least spell Freddie correctly. Jeez. Yes, my Queen snobbery is back.
Is Queenbert closing out day one of the shows?
I wonder how long they have for their set?
I’m sure they’ll do Champions, Bo Rap, Show Must Go On, and Dragon Attack. AOBTD, Radio Gaga and Somebody to Love would be great.
As far as guests, wow, it could be anybody. Jessie J, I would loooove to see Pink come out and rawk with Adam. Maybe they’ll do a Glee crossover, and Lea will come out. OMG. They could duet Who Wants to Live Forever.
Maybe, they’ll do that song on Glee.
I wonder if they’ll have a full hour or more? A surprise guest is very interesting. Wouldn’t it be beyond amazing if Bowie came out for Radio Gaga??? Or. OMG. Gaga. An Adam/Gaga duet. THUD.
Not JJ, please – a screen hog.
OK mag
aely, you can be a Queen snob as much as you want. Your heart is in the right place.
Yes. Freddie, it is a pet peeve of mine as well.
On another note. Those sparkly Laboutin boots, very niiice.
But, I don’t think those are his sandals. His have thinner straps and don’t seem as solid as the ones pictured.
On another note, yes, it would be an honor for Queen to play an Adam song, but, it’s just not gonna happen. It’s Queen’s gig, and Adam is THEIR guest.
Unless Nile Rogers is a surprise guest. Then, Shady just might happen. Then maybe, just maybe, it could be part of his next EP and get noticed. Shady paved the way for Blurred Lines. IMHO. And is so much better than anything on Timberlake’s new CD.
Interesting point made in a comment to an article.
ITA, ulti.
And very graceful it was.
Guests? I know they talk about doing collaborations with other artists in the show, is that what you are talking about? My guess would be Elton. He was awesome at Freddie’s tribute concert.
Weeeeeeeeee!!!! Time for Miracles on AGT right now. Pretty much the whole song.
Yes, agree, mils, and mentioned earlier, that the producers, knowing what Cory was doing, must have already been thinking of different ways they might have to go.
They just played the full Time for Miracles as background for telling the America’s Got Talent people getting the yes/no for going to New York! Had to come here to flail!! And he was singing loud whenever they were not speaking! I love that song and yes, even the video.
haha luval beat me! Definitely whole song!
Are you guys thinking Adam might be a guest performer on AGT? Possibly to set up his Glee era? Different network, I know, but still….towards the end of the finales…
Yes, Elton was very very good at Freddie’s tribute concert. So was George Michael. Hmmmm.
Great for Adam! Looked to see if there were credits at the end but didn’t see any. Maybe I just missed them.
adam lambert algeria @leila007777
i love @adamlambert i’m glambert !!adam lambert is my life adam is my everything !!i will be single forever just for @adamlambert !OMG!! i love adam lambert
(Sweet tweet received from Leila in Algeria after I commented on hers linking to Starlight at GMA.)
Mils, I have been watching AGT since day one and for the life of me I can’t remember if they have guest performers on their results shows. Don’t think so.
O-M-GOSH ….. TFM … the whole song.
Are they going to play it every week at the end?
Not sure if this has been posted yet, I didn’t see it, sorry if it’s a repeat.
It’s sort of funny the preview this writer gives for Adam’s upcoming performance. He has NO clue!
4 corndogs? pfft!
O. M. G.
Who has that naughty corn dog pic of him from Andy Cohen’s show??????
My last post for the night. I did not see that before, Nkd. We should remember to check out this guy after the concert to see what he had to say.
Clueless is right.
I agree, aely, those tweets to Queen are just ridiculous. But, just curious, did I read somewhere that during Paul Rodgers’ stint they played some of his music?
Anyway, was reading the QueenOnLine forum about the Vegas gig, and for the most part they still hate Adam and are very disrespectful to their own Brian and Roger. And don’t mention any tweets. They have this quote from Nile saying that he didn’t even know Adam, that it was Sam who contacted him; it runs all through the posts. Of course, no mention of all Nile’s glowing praise, and giving Adam an award. I would post it, but the moderator deletes anything not “on topic” especially if it’s about Adam, who he plainly said he does not want to hear about.
I know Adam has some entitled fans, but wow, the way they denigrate Brian especially is very disappointing. He like Adam is such a sweet man. He just loves to perform.
I just posted a link to the edited version of my San Diego concert photos on the planning thread. I was hiding the camera from security and bouncing around too much to take too many pictures, but I was pleased with how some of them turned out. I hope you like them.
BTW, that’s my first web album ever. It’s amazing how much more computer literate I’ve become thanks to Adam.
This one? http://media.whosay.com/177840/177840_la.jpg

I guess 4 of Adam’s corn dogs equals 10 regular sized ones!?
Okay, this ignorance is kinda refreshing, actually.
So can we be 17 instead of 29? Just for a little while, please?
Someone needs to tweet him that corndog photo. LOVE the expression on Adam’s face!
(from back in the day when facial hair didn’t obscure his expressions…sorry, I can’t help myself…
Here it is mils.
That’s at least 2 corndogs right there!
AL, ya beat me to it! Naughty comment and all!
Anyway, great picture!
It’s so funny that we have a picture for every occasion.
Thank you mmm222.
Can’t wait to go look!
Thanks !!!
That picture was seared in my brain!
I always thought I liked mine with mustard!!!!!
((((( corner )))))
Oh yes. 17. That was a good year. High school. Young loves. Ha. Notice my plural?
( Mils had some fun back then. Ahem.) Music. Beaches. Friends. Already accepted to college, senioritis, big time. Waitressing. Music, music, music. Frampton, Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Beatles, James Taylor, Stones, Elton, Billy Joel, Earth Wind and Fire and a little group called Queen.
Sure. I’ll take 17.
Maybe AGT is trying to get in on the ratings that Adam Lambert brings? I sure hope they keep playing it on future shows.
What time is the show on Friday? Is he headlining or part of a lineup?
Time For Miracles on America’s Got Talent.
According to Mr Corndog, the show is at 7:30.
Adam is headlining, with Allison and her band opening.
I swear, this disease called “Adam on the Brain” has me so seriously infected…..
I’ll be seeing my new baby Twinbert tomorrow. Full report to follow.
LOL. I gave her Kiev.
I hope she survived the tsunami of greatness!!
Any hope of dinner Friday night?
I think I know what’s on the menu. I’ll bring the mustard.
And ready the corner.
So, on the issue of facial hair… I just got back from a concert by one of North America’s most exciting new opera singers. His name is Philippe Sly, he won the Met scholarship last year (or the previous year) and made his profesional debut at the SFO Opera earlier this month. He’s 27 years old.
But the most important thing – he has exactly the same facial hair style as Adam! Exactly. It’s obviously the in thing.