- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Love the pics, rs – but then, I always love your pics!
Was just listening to the Cat People/David Bowie posted on the Backlot Hump Day, and wooooowwww, with this song you can really see the similarities in style and voice with Adam. Of course, Bowie’s voice has a different tone, but there is vibrato and similar phrasing. Some people say !Adam’s voice isn’t “rock,” doesn’t have “grit.” Well, listening to Bowie, he doesn’t have “grit” either. For the kind of rock Adam sings, he doesn’t need it IMHO.
ETA: If Adam ever covered this in concert, I think it could cause fainting! He is just so sexy (which IMHO Bowie isn’t but love his voice).
If the cast and producers knew of Cory’s horrific heroin addiction (as was posted they did), can’t imagine they weren’t preparing in some way for his possible departure from the show.
Just listened to the Bowie song risky. If Adam ever sang that song in concert, the floor would be littered with bodies by its end (and I am not sure that I wouldn’t be one of them
So, so sad for Cory’s family and friends.
Think Adam tweeted this –
Didn’t see the 80’s “Cat People,” riskylady – but did see the 1942 one (no, NOT in the theater – lol – may not be in the first blush of youth – but that’s stretching it even for me) – B&W movie – guess saw it on TV back in those years when I still watched TV – anyhow, it was spooky as hell – can’t imagine the 80’s one being scarier. (Must say, the pants up to his nips on that guy in that video made his hips look gigantic – maybe they were, for all I know.)
Have to think a bit about Adam’s doing this.
rs- Thanks for the link to your photos. They’re really great! You’ve inspired me. I didn’t take as many as you did, but I have a few good ones myself, including pictures of Leila and Eber. I’ll put them together in a web album, hopefully later today. Work has been kicking my butt and getting in the way of more entertaining endeavors since I returned from vacation this week.
I’m seriously considering going to Las Vegas, but have concerns about the availability of tickets, not to mention the price. Too bad it’s not a full Queenbert concert, because then the decision would be much easier.
I am thrilled about the continuing good news from Adam this week. Returning to his rock and roll roots… That sounds so good! I was really hoping his next album would have more of a rock vibe. Rock Adam is incredible, especially live!
Love the pics in general, but that outfit still doesn’t do it for me.
rs…thank you for sharing your amazing pictures!
I looked at the soles and they did not appear particularly red in that picture. So so ashamed.
I agree, Adam singing “Cat People” would be just deadly. Anyone who experienced that live would never be the same again.
aely, good to see you back posting. It was a pleasure talking to you and we should do it again soon. Maybe one day, I will actaully get to meet you and others on this blog in person (and re-connect with some whom I met in Puyallup).
Welcome Tothebeat! Glad that you decided to de-lurk and join the conversation.
And Miss Chaos, I am so sorry to hear that life is challenging for you right now. Many of us come here to share our admiration of Adam and that gives us a break from other stuff. Please don’t stop posting because of one “oops”. You have nearly 1000 posts here so you are batting almost .999 which is a helluva great stat. Everyone’s voice is important here and yours will be greatly missed. Please reconsider.
You can contact me anytime to discuss this if you like. AL
this is funny
rs: Thank you so very much. Already picked out some favorites.
ulti: I am with you about the outfit. You and I should be wardrobe advisors (with nkd’s help.) Except I don’t think even on this little blog people can agree on his best look. To me it needs to involve the right ‘mount of leather, and boots and a jacket/vest. And NOT those pants, luval LOL.
Ulti, just listen to the song, without looking at the video lol.
I saw the newer Cat People, being a fan of Nastassja Kinski, and then went and watched the first one too. Very atmospheric movie in both cases, and loved the song back then too. But hadn’t heard it since, really kind of forgot about it.
I just don’t understand how Cory Monteith’s girlfriend wouldn’t know about his relapse and the cast intervention. Wouldn’t she be closer to him than anyone else? If they saw the bruises and tracks on his arms, how could she have missed them?
Anyway, it’s so sad. I thank the Universe that Adam seems to have willpower and common sense, especially after the Finland issue, and seeing this must reinforce it for him. I just cannot imagine how terrible it would be for all of us to ever lose him suddenly – almost like losing a dear friend, so totally understand what the Glee fans are going through.
Ah, AL and everyone, It just hit me the wrong way yesterday, and I felt like I let everyone down with my post and making AL and EWYFLYER, having to post the rules, cause I really try not to break any rules, just got carried away first thing the morning reading the crap on another site. I’ll continue to read everything here and post when something strikes me, you all know I cant keep my mouth shut. So it probably wont be long!
Hope not, Miss Chaos – please keep on posting.
That’s priceless, luval – so funny.
Hi Miss Chaos! Glad to see you posting!

There is a concert in 2 days so there may be something that stikes you soon.
Allison and Adam are back together again just like GlamNation! Should be a great concert.
OK, you gluttons for
punishmentAdam. You asked for it, or some of you did. I am adding a link (on the planning thread) to an album of all 175 photos. Some are out of focus or overexposed, but if you see it as a slideshow with just a couple of seconds for each pic, it gives a nice impression of the energy of the concert. By the way, did you see the one with a bit of belly porn?Apparently Cory lived two totally separate lives; in Vancouver, he used and abused. In the US, he was professional and sober. Or so several articles have indicated.
I totally get how that could happen. My brother (def not a celebrity, but with a large circle of acquaintances and friends) also led two lives before his death of an overdose. It can be done.
Kradamour….was going to post something very similar to what you said. People living two lives. Very common in all sorts of situations. Men (could be women I suppose) that have two families on different sides of the country, situations like Cory, hidden eaters…never lose weight but claim they don’t eat anything. LOL, maybe I even have a double life. At work I am Ms Perfect…so much that people think I have OCD, yet at home casual, don’t give a darn if bed’s not made or dishes washed.
MsChaos: I know how one can get caught up in these exchanges. Happened to me before. But trust us: it was no big deal at all and we want you here. I always love your spunky posts.
Here’s our mils ‘s typical reaction to one of Adam’s more “fetching” photos.
Someone mentioned, Krad, that since an intervention was done here, and the cast and crew were involved, Cory must have been doing drugs in LA as well.
Big decision!!!!!!! to go to Vegas or not????? my wonderful daughter and son-in-law want to get tickest knowing my love of Adam and Queen but I don’t know if worth it after going to concert in Sacramento and seeing him for 10 minutes because of time restraints—–yes or no??????

Loved that gif, Ron! and totally on target!
True, ulti, but apparently he did manage to keep his continuing use from many people.

It’s all just so sad. A life lost to drugs is one of the hardest to deal with, because (at least in the beginning) entirely voluntary.
Tough call, Josephine!

The option of seeing it on TV – knowing it will be a professional video – a bit later does enter into the data set.
Me, I am looking forward to seeing the show on my big screen, but I wouldn’t consider going out west anyway.
Whatever you decide will be the right decision.
ALMOST 16 MILLION VIEWS!!!! @ADAMLAMBERT #NCOEVIDEO | http://youtu.be/u3dkVk3F57c
From Daniel Albuquerque
Albiku @Albiku 33m
https://twitter.com/shoshannastone/status/357558592502636544 … “He’ll just stick to Glamberts”, she said. Agh.
JFC… So the stupidness of some fans got to Adam… FFS…
@UKGlambert @TrespassingAL ok guys. Don’t argue. It’s just a name, he didn’t realise. He’ll just stick to Glamberts.
JB @Flyteness1 54m
Shosh has had to address this idiotic fan group name fracas? I’m so embarrassed
Some idiocy occurring somewhere.
huh? what idiotic fan group fracas?

or maybe I don’t want to know…
Didn’t see any further information, Krad – probably just blow over.
What a blatant lie that is! How dare you. Evidence please by the end of the day or an apology and a retraction of your unfounded claim. “@TrespassingAL: @shoshannastone Sorry to bother u. Just FYI : UKGlambert is friendly with “Adam Lambert UK”, and has been trashing “The Lambrits” for years. ”
Lol – even dumber than I thought.
new to me
Just want to say have a great time and enjoy Adam to the fullest to all of you going to Paso Robles. I’ll be dying inside as I’m leaving for a short trip to Crater Lake/K.Falls tomorrow morning (sadly planned prior to the PR gig announcement). I hope there will be awesome vids and pics for us to see.
And, I had a thought about the “other special guests” that will be with Queen at iHeart…..David Bowie (although I doubt it). He is normally a recluse however, he does have a new album out that needs promoting.
Ahhh, I know it’s a pipe dream, but quite a damn nice one if you ask me!
Have a great rest of your week and weekend folks!
I saw the twitter fracas as well ulti. Apparently a British Glambert took exception to being called a Lambrit. Not exactly sure why but it might have something to do with the fact that there were competing fan clubs at one point and the Lambrits were one of them. It’s the only thing I can think of. A tempest in a very English teapot.
I loved that photo, ulti. Not only is Adam gorgeous in profile (and it minimizes the facial hair, imho), but the composition of the overall photo is so appealing. Even the coloring of the photo looks as though it was composed. One of my all-time favorites.

Love that photo too, ultimathule.
Competing fan clubs??? YGBK…

(you’ve got to be kidding…)
Okay, I already know more than I need to know about that.
Thanks rs. It is so quick to flip through pics so the more the merrier.
This is very pretty
I’m not much for tattoos, luval, but that is definitely the nicest one I have seen with an Adam theme. Somehow both strong and delicate.
This is the asinine tweet that started it.
And the follow up.
Okay, imagining Adam’s response to the twats that aely just posted…
Head exploding…
LOLS Krad. Human nature. It is what happens when a star suddenly gets big. We were talking about it the other day.
As I recall, Brit radio stations put out all-points bulletins for Adam fan clubs when he first went to the UK. Several fan clubs spread up “overnight” in response to the promised freebies and M&G’s. The club that had been plugging away when no one knew who Adam was nearly got run over in the stampede. Instant fan war.
The same thing happened in China. @glamidol had been working her heart out for a little-known star and, when Adam’s currency went up overnight, there was an attempt to unseat her from the privileged possession of #1 fan spot.
In both cases Shoshana got whacked for not understanding the “subtleties/stupidities”.
“I hope this matter is not trivilized…” This person seriously needs to get out of his/her own head and look around for a while. Sorry, this matter could not be more trivial. I think Adam knows that some people/groups have done a lot for him, but in that moment, that was not what he was focused on and he just bundled the UK fans up as lambrits. He is only human.
Tweet – angelsuxx:
Sorry, folks, but that made me laugh.
Albiku –
LOL I see Christina and Kesha’s fans are mad at RCA. Why doesn’t it surprise me? ;-