- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Welcome, Tothebeat, and welcome back, aely!
I don’t understand how these things surface out of the past – that Fashion Police thing is from June of last year. Still, Adam was way past his glitter days even then. Guess nobody does research anymore.
Hahaha Riskylady, they just need a good pair of bifocal spectacles!
Hehe, mils, or a researcher like you to keep them accurate and up-to-date!
Btw, I waded into that slugfest you mentioned, have to say, anyone who watches that PH/WLL from Cologne and still thinks Adam doesn’t rock, then their idea of rock&roll doesn’t go much further than plaid shirt + guitar a la Kris Allen or One Republic or Script – nice, but pretty straitlaced. We, on the other hand, have “laces.” Different world.
YAY!!! … \O/ … aely .. WELCOME BACK. I’m sooooo happy to see your avi and your posts.

Miss Chaos … Please don’t go. We want you to STAY. I get you. I’m you. Everyday I stan Adam by myself. Many times I want to vent my frustration about those people’s bad treatment and unfair of Adam.
Come back .. to squee and flail with good peeps here. You have this lovely ALL community to come to. Leave those haters and naysayers stay behind their keyboards in their basement.
WELCOME … tothebeat!!!
I’m glad you delurked. Please post more. Good luck with your tickets.
There may be more lurkers out there. Come in and join us. This place is nice. We don’t have trolls who come here to bait and switch. Everybody is super nice and I love them like crazy even though I’ve never met any of them.
Adam .. Are you sure you don’t need a GPS?
tothebeat Welcome. This is the first place I ever posted also.
aely Welcome back missed you not being here.
Miss Chaos No don’t go, I get a big kick out of what you post.
Welcome tothebeat Glad to have another “ballsy” poster…LOL. Sure hope you can get to Paso Robles. Adam never disappoints.
Aely Glad to see you again!
eywflyer Thanks for your clarification. Appreciate all you and AL do for us.
Mils .. the list Queen and you all … any idea what Q+AL set list will be at IHR in Vegas.
welcome out of lurkdom tothebeat, look forward to reading all your posts.
soooo good to see you back aely
miss chaos, please don’t go
new music???
@The_con @Conrad_Sewell 26m
Great song today boys it’s going to be a big one @adamlambert @jamiehartman @HouseofAndy
Just the rumors of new music bring back the excitement for me.
mils: I share your passion for Cologne.
tothebeat: welcome! hope you get good tickets for Paso Robles.
Hi everyone! 2 days and counting until Paso Robles and we’re getting excited! ToTheBeat I hear that you are interested in tickets. We have 3 together in sec 601, row A and 4 together in sec 602, row B. I need to check with my partner in crime who holds the set of 3 but I think our plan is to check out both options when we get there and decide which to use. Regardless they’re all good seats in my opinion. Sec 602 is toward the center, 2nd row and 601 is just left but 1st row so either way is a win win.
As far as I know she doesn’t have any buyers but let me double check with her but as of now I know a set is still up for grabs. Each ticket is $53, face value.
I’ll get back here with you tomorrow when I confirm with her and then if you’re still on the hunt for tickets we’ll make a plan how’s that? I’ll give you my email address then.
Welcome aboard! This is THE nicest group of Glamberts on the planet!
So, Conrad Sewell, of Sons of Midnight, and Jamie Hartman are both signed to Univeral music. The other was let go by RCA and is now solely a songwriter in LA.
lol, looks like Riff is saying, Stop making those silly faces already or I am going to punch you!
I know the feeling
Posted to the planning thread to contact Tothebeat so sorry to bore you with details here. Being new I thought she might return here but saw that she did post on the planning thread as well. Thanks for directing her there instead.
So much news swirling around Adam that now if I mention anything about Glee or iHeart everyone actually says ,”I heard that too!” And they’re not “fans” just my tolerant friends who know my passion and usually just smile and shake their heads.
That’s ok, they’ll come around soon enough!
On a different note, I worked literally all day yesterday on the 400 photos from my trip , and after I put them on Picasa the whole thing suddenly disappeared, both from My Pictures and picasa. I searched for hours and I can’t find them anywhere, even though they have to be somewhere in my computer. And I am still totally jetlagged. Went to bed after 3 and woke up before 7. The photos are still on my camera so if I can’t find them I just have to star all over again. OOFTA!!!!!
rs, your efforts are so appreciated. I understand your frustration though. Please know that whatever photos you share 4,40,400 we’ll treasure and drool over them all. So take a breath, get some rest, and things will be more clear tomorrow. We’ll be patient.
It is tomorrow here and I still can’t find them!
I just have to start over again. But thanks for your patience, my friend
Yes, of course it’s tomorrow there! It’s tomorrow here. I MUST go to bed. Please don’t stress. Hugs to you my friend!
rs: Please don’t lose too much sleep over this.
I haven’t had a chance to post for a few days, so I have a few thoughts that have collected up…
aely – welcome back! So nice to see you again!
eywflyer and AL – thank you for the clarifications, organization, and everything you do.
tothebeat – welcome out of lurkdom! Yay – a new friend in our sandbox!
Miss Chaos – like others have said, “it ain’t that deep.” Please don’t stop posting – we would miss you! Everyone missteps from time to time – we still love each other and we still love you!
Q + AL at the iheart radio show is such an awesome gig for Adam. He must be thrilled for this invitation and the opportunity it represents. I’m still thinking about whether to try to go or not.
My heart leapt today when Adam said he’s been “writing like a crazy person” and that he’s rediscovering his love for rock and was inspired by his experience with Queen. I just love to hear that he’s creating and feeling inspired and passionate about his music. Woooot!!
And I love all of the pics posted lately of Adam –
– Scarlett and Alison listening to Adam’s new sheeeit… makes me soooooo happy. Their happy faces tell me everything I need to know.
– the pic with MKS… I love Adam’s fabulous boots and the coy expressions on his face
– the pic with Riff and Alison is absolutely adorable and check out this exchange on twitter after Adam posted the picture. I love how much Adam and his friends adore each other. Makes my heart glad.
Awwww. I’m such a happy fan.

They are back!!!!!!
Don’t know where they went or what happened, but they are back! Whew!
Now I can start putting them on a web album to share with you.
I think maybe will put the link on the planning thread so that just ALLers who are signed in can see the photos.
cwm, I see you!
ETA. Lol, cwm, when I came back I was so excited to have found my photos that I didn’t scroll up the page to see your long post and only saw your dot. That I why I wrote what I did.
Yay rs! Congratulations on solving the picture problem!! So happy for you!
And happy for us too because now that means that we get to see your pics sooner rather than later
*grabby hands*
It was so very wonderful seeing you in SD and I’m glad that you made it back home safely, despite your travel travails.
Awww, Adam just retweeted this…
I think he’s feeling pretty grounded and happy with his life right now.
He is happy with HIS life, but I wonder who he is talking about. Something must have sparked that tweet.
So good to see you, too in SD, CWM . It was such a great trip. The beginning in San Diego and the ending with the party in Toronto on the day before I left where I finally met ron. It seemed more like a family reunion than the actual rl family wedding in New York in the middle of the trip (which was nice too, but unbearably hot, with my eye swollen shut from the mosquito bite, and “adventures” flying in and out of New York).
Did you guys see that the makers of Adam’s fabioso gold spikey boots and his gladiator boot sandals have been tracked down?
Gold spikey boots ($1595 WOW!): http://lambertnow.com/2013/07/16/adam-lamberts-christian-louboutin-boots/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Gladiator boot sandals (a mere $217):
nkd must be busy because otherwise I’m pretty sure she would have tracked these down within minutes of those pics being posted.
Cwm, I am here! You know what that means…time for you to hit the sack!
When I look at that pic of the godparents all I see is Riff wanting to learn how to do that with the tongue.
Me, too. Riff seems to be looking intently at Adam, as if to say “So that’s how you do it!” or “How come he can do that and I can’t?”
This is for Krad. Posted by @QueenRockBand. Pretty sure some witty fans have already re-tweeted it to Adam…..
Looking forward to the pics rs. I didn’t take any and my boss now wants to see all of them, particularly any with Cher and me. He’s being a perfect dingbat at the moment. He told me “You should go to Vegas!”
mils I love your story of the two sisters watching Queenbert Kiev. One fan at a time.
Hello Tothebeat! Have a great time at Paso Robles and maybe a little recap to get your feet wet? It is always a celebration when someone comes on board. And it is always a joy when someone returns aely.
Miss Chaos Come Back! We need you! Adam has a bunch of stuff going on and that requires a heck of a lot of berting. All hands on deck!
It’s so good to see you posting again aely. You add your own special flavor to this wonderful mix of people and it wouldn’t be the same without you.
Several months ago Miss Chaos, I made my own declaration of independence stating I would keep in touch with friends privately but that I would no longer be posting here. I honestly don’t remember the reason behind it but it must have seemed important at the time.
My self imposed exile lasted about 8 hours!
You’re a valued and loved member of this blog Miss Chaos. Please come back. You will be sorely missed if you don’t!
A special welcome to Tothebeat! Love your name! You’re in excellent hands with tchrsd looking after the tickets for you! Such a loving, caring and thoughtful lady!
You’ll have great seats and a great time!
We need an emoticon for “group hug”.
Group hug!

Is that picture of Adam and Riff current? Because less facial hair and natural shade instead of darkened? Have we seen that shirt before? Chest hair is looking downright hirsute!
Hey, asif – nine here, too. We must be pretty typical Adam stans.
And a big welcome to Tothebeat – what a great name – so happy that you decided to come out of “lurking” mode – the more, the merrier here!
Life is too busy for more than a quick post to welcome tothebeat – welcome to the sandbox! Looking forward to your posts!
http://twitpic.com/d2uz35 (thanks, TLKC)

And to say yes, in fact it is indeed time to shave.
He wore that shirt for the Hope of LA award. The one outside in the evening. I never was able to find it though.
As for those new boots, I looked! Never occurred to me to check Louboutin.

Thanks everyone! And especially tchrsd for sending along the ticket info so quickly. Sorry I didn’t look here first, as this is where you’ve included the price (thanks!) but I did post a reply in the planning thread.
As for me, after proclaiming my, you know, “ballsiness”, I had to slink off to bed to be fresh for work today. Gotta go, but just can’t wait to see this performance, might be the last of this sort, right up close. We should at least get sweaty Adam, as it’s supposed to be really hot at the fair.
I just posted a link to some of the concert pics in the planning thread. I put it there so that it would be a little more private.
TLKC, I will post an album with photos of the gang on our SD email thread when I get it oranized
Loved the pic of Riff and his godparents but would have loved it more if Adam hadn’t felt the need to make a goofy face.
Louboutin? was there a peek of a red sole? I’d be ashamed of you, nekkid, if you missed that!

Thank you so much for taking, organizing, and posting them. You caught so many wonderful poses and looks. Fabulous!
Would you mind posting a note on the San Diego show thread that you posted your photos from the show in the planning thread and at what time? That way, we’ll have a record of it in the SD thread and not just in this thread.
Glad you liked them cwm. Of course I will post a note on the concert thread. It is posted at 07/17/2013 at 10:18 am, by the way
rs-Adam in San Diego Picasa photos
ETA Link added by AL
Welcome, Tothebeat! Glad you have delurked.