- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Lol Miss Chaos
I knew that he had a very rockish vibe on his latest shows. yay!
I wonder luval are they (A+Q) gonna do the same songs as in Europe or something outside that setlist. I want people to hear TSMGO and WWTLF. And so many others!
So I have almost 200 photos of the concert. Where do you want me to draw the line when making the album? OK (a little fuzzy), Good, Great, Fabulous, or Straight to the corner worthy? There are a lot of similar poses with the mike in front of his mouth (couldn’t help that). Do you want them all or just a sample of the best?
Hi rs, I trust in your taste
I’m so glad you had a great holiday in USA
Someone just canceled the summer here, hard cold northern wind blows, not fun at all!
Where can I travel
Hi LadyNorth, It is 31 Celsius here. Don’t know which is worse.
I am so happy about his new way of the Album going, of course there will be some rock type, dance type songs and the frigin CANT LET YOU GO, Please song album Gods, let him redo that song, and put it on the Album. Him saying its to hard to sing live, I say BULL, he has sung many songs like that! And thats all I am going to say for now, till I get another idea in my head

rs: “I want it all and I want it now.” Just kidding, I trust your judgment completely. Maybe you could put a top dozen or so for people who don’t want to dig through all 200, but make the rest available for those like me who would like to see them all. Thanks so much for doing this.
Yes, it will be interesting to see how a more rock vibe will go over. My take has always been that he has to make the music he believes in and enjoys himself, because he is the one the will have to sell it eventually.
Oh, Adam! He knows just what buttons to push to get people discussing. That’s all I’m gonna say.
OK turquoisewaters , just for you, I’ll see what I can do
Friendly reminder…what happens at other blogs (especially reporting about fan warring and expected hateful posts) should stay at other blogs. You may post links to another blog if you feel that others here will benefit from it.
People can then choose to click or not to click.
If you have any questions about this please contact me via email under the administrators heading. I want to keep this sandbox free from having to be moderated but understand that we all care for Adam and sometimes get upset at his treatment on other blogs.
This blog exists so we can discuss Adam and everything Adam. We may not always agree but the comments are coming from a respectful place.
Thanks for reading! AL
ETA – The guidelines have now been updated to include what I mentioned above. It was an oversight and I apologize for that. It is now part of the comment guidelines. See the addition under #2 here –> http://www.adamlambertlive.org/guidelines
all in red
Rawk Rawk Rawk Rawk Rawk.
And Mils is happy.
Rock Rock Rock.
You rocked me all night long.
Titanium passed a million views.
I want Adam’s boots. Stuffed toes and all.
I have reorganized the navigation menus up top. I think we can safely determine from some of Adam’s comments at recent concerts and the events of the past few months that the Trespassing era is officially over. So all concert threads starting in April are listed under “Post-Trespassing” which is an awkward name, but we are in somewhat of an awkward purgatory period between albums this summer.
The Trespassing Era menu contains all concert threads from March 2012 through March 2013 (Jezebel party in Atlanta on 3/8/12 to Helsinki on 3/22/13).
The FYE Era menu contains all concert threads/recaps from December 2009 through July 2011 (Gridlock LA on 12/31/09 to Ste Agathe on 7/29/11).
The Chat menu contains all of the monthly chat threads on the site to date (starting with “Welcome to Adamlambertlive” which served as the May 2011 chat). July 2013 is the 27th monthly chat on this site.
The Features menu contains everything else – AL’s Crosswords, the Planning threads (both Adam solo and Queen + Adam), Pre-Idol and AI pages, our site Top 16 as determined in December 2011 at the end of the FYE era, and the rather forgotten Glambert & Recap thread.
In response to some recent concerns – my decision to step back from posting threads or commenting on matters other than site administration issues has nothing to do with anything that was said here, nor with any actions taken or not taken by anyone on this site.
Thanks for all you do eywflyer. And thanks for setting the record straight about your decision.
AL, thanks for all you do too. And for updating blog rules.
I have an update: remember I mentioned a possible new 24 year old Glambert, well she has a twin sister, and they will be watching Kiev on their big screen tonight. I won’t see her again until later this week, but, I will report on what I think will be Twinberts. Oh, the joy.
I wish Adam would just come out and say something about not wearing black & yellow colors anymore! And not just from the stage asking “what is it with the stripes?” LOL! I mean he has to know that peeps are wearing Trespassing colors…not Beyonce related bees. But he probably doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Many in the audience are well meaning and he realizes this, I’m sure. Like I had mentioned previously, I think the next era will be subtle…black/white/grey…rock n roll-ish I guess! I think of that whenever I look at the Lee Cherry photo of him at the microphone. Black & white totally gorgeous Elvis-looking.
I had another Adam moment at work today. My favorite doctor who always kids me about Adam jokingly asked if I would vote for him (the doctor) for state senator (weird, random…I know). I asked what his platform would be. He said he’s working on it but the first thing he’d do was declare a national Adam Lambert Day! Of course he said this in front of loads of people. I agreed…YES I will vote for him!!! Got a lot of laughs.
In case anyone needs it, the podcast for the Ryan interview with Adam this morning.
Does anyone know if the Virgin Radio interview happened?
I would like to say that it is my fault about the post guildlines. I posted something that I shouldnt have brought over from MJ’s and was nicely asked by AL to change my post and I did. I just got excited about Adam and his new era, and went to read what other posters thought about it, and brought some of the negative over here. I just wanted to vent a little because I hate reading the unnecessary things that start getting said, and I refuse to post anywhere else. Again I am sorry, and I will continue reading everyones wonderful posts, but will not post anymore, its to hard to keep myself under raps so to speak, so enjoy Adam and I will enjoy him thru all of you. My life is going bad enough and I cant have something else to be upset about. Again, sorry for this, carry on
Clearly the Glamberts blew it! From Ryan’s website:
Didn’t even know that poll was going on Calgary. hmmm?
ET plays clip of Adam’s interview with Ryan in their story about Cory Montieth.
Aw, Miss Chaos, it ain’t that deep. We all get “spanked” occasionally. You are just like Adam! No filter! Embrace it! And it’s good that we are reminded of the guidelines every now and then. It’s the same with any blog. So please post!
Calgary, I think I voted for Kris Allen a few dozen times. I really like the guy.
Was that poll only of winners of AI?
If so Adam wouldn’t be included.
Miss Chaos Don’t worry! It’s not a big deal. Your posts are always enlightening/entertaining. Don’t go away.
That makes me feel better, nkd
Ah, don’t go away, Miss Chaos – took mine down after AL’s reminder and just put a “Whoops” in its place. No biggee.
hehe…loved the “whoops”, ulti! It was so generic, could have meant anything, and there is a lot of whoop-worthy stuff going down at the moment!

Someone posted that there’s a video? of a soundtest at Del Mar of Cream’s “Sunshine of Your Love.” Anyone familiar with that?
Fuse News clip from 7/15 on Adam leaving RCA. No new news, but people talking about it.
Anyone follow The Glee Project?
I’m BACK!! This is the first time I have signed on since my last post and have been told you guys were saying nice things and I really appreciate that gesture. I am not going to go back and read everything, I just want to move on. I was not trying to cause drama, I just needed to step away for bit and remember it is not that deep. I probably could have handled it better but it is what it is and I am happy to be back. AL is a very sweet man and was really great to talk to and hear his vision of this site plus a little Adam gossip!
Did I miss much????HA

Party Time – aely’s back!
I am supposed to be asleep but had to say hello to aely! Yes, Ulti….Partay!!!!! (Tomorrow lol. Good nite!)
Yes, a jab but still funny. Plus, mentioned with MJ and Justin Timberlake not to shabby….
Yay!! Aely is back!! Miss Chaos, come back and say hi to Aely!! No Aely, not much has happened the last few days….
So Mils is the list maker and nkd is the wardrobe inventorier… we need an Adam clue reader….
Well, umm, this is my first post – ever, anyplace – and I do plan to tell an Adam story later on, but I am, at the moment, a “29” year old bent on a mission. I saw a post by TCHRSD some pages back that mentioned some great tickets to the Paso Robles show that she had to sell. Are they still available? I’ve talked my husband into going, and don’t want to miss the chance. Of course, I can also buy tickets from the venue, but just had to check.
I think I can find my way to the planning thread, if that is the right place to exchange information.
Lurked literally for years, love the community you’ve built here, and hope to participate, at least from time to time!
tothebeat Welcome!!! Yes, sign in to the planning thread to leave info. I know some people from here are going and would love to say Hi to you and your husband. Yay! New friends!
Thanks, aely, I’ll head off that way and see if there are first or second row tickets to be scored!
Miss Chaos, please STAY!!! We’ve all been naughty!! I almost got banned at another place this year!!!
Sometimes it is good to just lurk for a bit, then realize it ain’t that deep, and since you’ve never really left, just pop back in!!
BTW, have any of you noticed the sheer volume of posts at, um, another,blog in the Adam threads?? Close to three thousand. In one week. 80’s covers, leaving RCA, Glee, and rock.
Have I said lately how much I love being a fan of this man?
BTW. LOVE the comment on the Heidi Klum article. “Oh please. Adam has better taste.” LOLOLOL
Oh and yayayayaay!! Aely is back, yayaa!
Welcome tothebeat.
So glad when fans get the balls to come out of lurking!
Anyone else feeling courageous?
C’mon in, the water’s warm.
Welcome Tothebeat!

I sent tchrsd an email so that she would check in here about the tickets. I hope that you get to go and have a wonderful time.
Only 9 applied to me. I’m not cuckoo after all.
Ball? BALLS? My balls have balls! Well, thanks for the welcome, folks, I’m working on my story…