- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
There are probably 1000s of fans out there who are feeling like they lost one of their idols. How horribly sad to know that this talented man lost his battle to what appears to be an addiction that caught hold of him as a teen. I can’t imagine how Lea and his tv family will be able to start shooting so soon after his death. At least they will be together in mourning his loss.
I too wonder about the impact on Adam and his relationship to his show. The screenwriters are probably going crazy figuring out new story lines, sequencing, etc. Hope that it will work out well for Adam and that what was supposed to be such a joyous experience isn’t too tarnished by this tragedy.
Thanks for all the info re Glee situation. I think I didn’t know Adam had applied for the show earlier!
Like adamized I think this must be so hard for Lea, losing your boyfriend like this and then no possibility to even escape to work because it all reminds her of him…
Based on some tweets I think not even the other cast members know what is Adam’s role in the show. I hope too that this unfortunate incident doesn’t have a too negative affect on his role/experience.
agree, adamized. I have a feeling Ryan Murphy & his writers may just have the scripts and story lines loosely put together for the season…ready to change if need be anyway. They have a huge job now to figure out what is appropriate and how to handle Cory/Finn’s passing. I’m confident they’ll do a great job. And maybe Adam’s character wasn’t supposed to show up for several episodes. Just guessing.
eta: oops! sorry about the block. I really wasn’t shouting! LOL!
Lee Cherry’s photo of the ladies listening to Adam’s new “sheeiit”. Eek! Are we going to get any hints of it soonish…?
I just now heard about Cory Monteith. I am just so very very saddened. Yes, I have been watching since season one, every single episode. Through thick and thin.
I don’t buy the music, but I re-watch certain performances, or keep certain shows in my DVR. One of my absolute favorites, The Scientist, is one that is being focused on in several other blogs and sites. I posted it a couple of pages ago.
Last season, Finn/Cory was absent quite a bit, both due to his character being “lost” in the transition from high school to real life, and being in the army, dropping out, being discharged, and trying to repair his relationship with Rachel/Lea. Then they wrote him out of several episodes while he was in rehab in real life.
He just looked so sad. It was in his eyes….
My heart just breaks for Lea and for his real life family and friends. The cast of Glee must be beside themselves right now.
I don’t think it’s selfish to wonder what impact this will have on Adam’s role in Glee. I immediately thought of it too.
I can see him being a friend to Lea on the show and comforting her, Broken Open playing.
Who knows. Finn’s character was troubled last year. Having him go AWOL shouldn’t be a hard stretch for the writers. Having him die would be the first Glee death. They’ve had teen pregnancy, gay coming out, transgender, anorexia, parent near death, suicide attempts, moving away, betrayals,a school shooting, and other heavy plot lines. IMHO.
RIP Cory Monteith.
Love that pic of the ladies listening – they look really in to it.
GLEE’S response to Cory’s death probably lies in how much of the early season storyline involves Finn. He was written out of the last few episodes of last season because of his problems. They may have wanted to ease his character in slowly at the beginning, so re-writes might not be huge.
Leah Michelle must be devastated, though. They won’t make her or any of the cast start work on Monday.
Yay, Toronto airport has free wifi. On my way home, and just wanted to say what a joy it was for me to see everybody on this trip. There are too many people for me to mention everybody by name, so don’t get insulted if I don’t name you (and since there were so many people in San Diego, I didn’t get the chance to spend as much time and get to know some people, especially luval and adamized). But I have to mention the craziness and fun of rooming with cher, the things mmm222 and I found that we had in common, the joy at reconnecting with cwm, little dutchess and the duke, paulanation, and the other London friends, and the too short time spent with dear risky and hubby. And of course a special mention goes to TLKC and the Toronto Glamberts for the wonderful afternoon we spent yesterday, and the opportunity to FINALLY MEET RON. As he has said, it was so hard to say goodbye, in the end I just shoved him out the door.
I will get right to work on my pics after I get some sleep.
I will close now. They will call my plane soon.
P.s. No bolds. I keep messing them up.
P.p.s. So sad about Cory. Such a waste of a beautiful life.
Adam’s new sheeeit makes my heart happy.
Please please please, an EP or a single.
OMG, mils. I only watched parts of the first two seasons. For close watchers like you it must be awful.
Bye-bye rs. Safe trip.
Safe travels, rs!
Oh boy…SHEEIIT! I love sheeiit! Girls looked like they did too!
I guess I’m having a maternal reaction. He was just so young, so talented, so handsome, had such a wonderful girlfriend in Lea, had so much to look forward to. But, I have seen addiction in my work, it is a demon that takes over, often rooted in depression that can’t be explained. It’s chemical. It’s not logical.
If this was an overdose, where were his counselors? What stage of recovery was he in? If this was suicide, again, where was his support? If this was a heart attack, as often happens with addicts, even young people, what brought it on?
Time will tell.
Glee will go on. More than likely he wasn’t prominently featured in the first few episodes anyway.
So ironic that Adam initially auditioned for Finn.
luval, I responded to your fanmail last night.
There are a host of Kurt/Finn storylines but the biggest one for me involved Finn and Kurt transitioning from wary friends to step-brothers, made all the more awkward because Kurt had a crush on Finn.
This youtube video encapsulates a bit of that:
Thanks, mils.
I was always most surprised about Lea & Cory’s real life relationship. From just co-actors with a love/breakup story line to something real. Usually these showmances don’t work but they seemed very happy.
On a whole different note, does anybody else wonder if Katy Perry may have signed Adam to her label?
They are old friends….
Eber ran a booth at San Diego gay pride days:
I don’t know that Katy Perry’s label ever was up and running. I only see information about it from June 2012.
If it is, that would be a good choice, or Brian May’s or Queen’s or some independent one. I guess there are hundreds out there.
Katy Perry’s label isn’t exactly independent. It was formed under Capitol’s umbrella so I don’t know if she could sign Adam without their approval.
I noticed that too, TLKC. I wiki’d independent record labels.
From wiki
It’s so complicated to me!!
So sad … Cory Montieth… May You Rest In Peace!
It’s a tragic loss of a well loved, sweet, talented young man.
My breaking heart goes out to his family, friends, Lea, the Glee family and fans.
I watch Glee and love Finn.
I was away for 8 days hiking in the Colorado Rockies and away from internet access during what I thought would be a quiet Adam week…and I came back to all of this. I’ll be busy all day catching up.
I’m thrilled that Adam is joining the Glee cast. I’ve watched Glee faithfully since the first show and even bought the DVD set from the first season. There is so much fast paced snarky humor on the show, not to mention lots of great singing and dancing. I was surprised they didn’t put Adam on the show sooner, although in previous seasons he would only have had time for a guest appearance, whereas now it looks like he’ll actually be part of the cast. Lea Michelle said a couple of years ago that her dream was to sing with Adam. So it looks like she’ll get her wish now. This good news is contrasted by the very sad news of Cory’s death. The show will go on, but what a devastating blow for the rest of the cast!
I’m also glad to hear that Adam is leaving RCA. Their poor choices of singles and lack of support for Adam contributed to a large extent to Trespassing’s not being the major hit it should have been.
rs, I hope your trip home went well. It was such a pleasure to get to know you. I look forward to our next meeting!
Hi ALL .. my lovely people here.
I haven’t been on the internet much lately after the good news that Adam joined Glee. It seems like a roller coaster ride in the fandom news.
I’ll prolly can’t catch up. There are strings of house guests coming that I need to install a revolving door. One family is travelling across the US and will stay with us for 4 days. Then a family from Japan and a friend from Chicago are coming after that. The day after a friend and her niece from Sacramento will be here for a week.
Jlurks … Interested to join?
You’ve got my address … just punch in your GPS .. and it is good to go … Haha .. just kidding. But truly. anytime.
I’ll be extremely busy so you guys won’t see me much until middle of August. What a relieve … eh?
The past weeks I just realized I’m not 29 anymore. OK .. 29 and a half. The yard work, lawn mowing and planting my gardens are just time-consuming and exhausting. Hate to take pain killers but I had to.
Where is my energy and my youth?
Wish me luck … I want to be the hostess with the mostest!
Have a wonderful day ALL.
Proposed moment of “twitter silence” at 5pm EST; 10:00 pm UK time. Not actual silence just a tweet in Cory Montieth’s memory. You can sign your fandom if you wish. I saw something that suggests Gaga Gleeks are participating. Just an FYI, not a suggestion.
Adam just tweeted:
Adam always says the right thing.
What a week this has been. The joy of the news of Adam joining Glee to the sad sad news of Cory Monteith’s death.
Krad’s territory
Hi! … fun links on a slow news day. Something to laugh to tears. LOL
They are hilarious .. (for me) … no offend!!!
27 Signs You Were Raised By Asian Immigrant Parents
31 Signs You’re A Third Culture Kid
1002 posts over there – that’s our boy!
Hi asif
I posted that 3rd culture kid link on my FB last week….its funny, but So many of the points are so true of my kids…..when I first read it, I was going yep, that happens..oh yes, that happens all the time etc…
Love ethnic jokes, asif – especially Irish, Jewish, and Polish. Too bad society today has a poker youknowwhere.
No plates – only bowls – lol
Anyone remember the moronic elephant jokes (lol – think you-all may be younger than I am though.)
“What’s gray and dangerous?
“An elephant with a machine gun.”
Or the dumb books jokes –
“Yellow Streams” by I.P. Daily
“Brown Spots on the Wall” by Hoo Flung Poo
“Russian Tragedy” by Katchekockoff
(And many more gems) –
Adam hanging out with Sauli today….
One pertaining to Adam, Lol
Trails in the Sand by Peter Dragon.
Here’s a classic Jewish joke:
A Jewish mother is at the beach with her 3-year-old son when a giant wave sweeps the boy out to sea. The hysterical mother prays: “God, if you return my son I’ll keep a kosher home, go to temple every week and be a pious wife.”
A second giant wave sweeps in and deposits the boy at his mother’s feet. The mother looks up at the sky and exclaims: “He was wearing a hat.”
Well, dcglam, the boy and his “friend” look mighty happy and healthy – good to see.
“Peter Dragon” – cackle
The dumb book titles made me LOL. Thanks, ulti– needed that! I have been a regular watcher of Glee (avid fan the first 2 years) and have enjoyed seeing Cory become a better singer and actor over the past four years. When I read the stories about his troubles and how he checked himself into a clinic, I was so proud of the proactive way he was handling this, so different that the average Hollywood star. I am filled with sadness for this loss.
On a brighter note, happy to see posts from mmm222 and asif, two of my faves and hear what they are doing in RL. Good luck with all your houseguests, asif. If it gets too much , excuse yourself for a half hour and come talk to us!
They were at the same party a few days ago also. Adam is pictured with the cute dog and there were several pictures of Sauli posted holding and kissing the same dog. Since they are in the same area and friends (I’m sure with benefits) that we’ll see them together. They were talking on another site that Adam started following Sauli’s friend Nico. The past few days here have been so full of ups and down’s that some times I hope it settles down, but then it’s I think it’s boring. This old dog will have to learn new tricks as I’ve not been a Glee watcher but that will change. Do I need to do any research of past seasons or is it a show you can easily get into. Mils you should know the answer to that. My joke contribution, “Did you hear about the restaurant on the Moon? Great food, but no atmosphere.”
I love lawyer jokes. It’s okay, because I am a lawyer.

Why can’t lawyers go to the beach?
Because cats cover them up.
ulti, I really enjoyed those French articles. (I need a life, I read them all…)

Apparently two other characters on the show are in a relationship and announced wedding plans in May: Ryder and Marley.
lol – hadda think about that one for a sec, Krad
Can’t get that pic of Sauli/Adam to open.
Was at a nice picnic dinner tonight and , yup, not one but two people approached me to tell me about Adam being on Glee. I just thanked them for the info. and grinned a bit.
Where I’m from it’s dumb Polack jokes. Of the “How many dumb Pollacks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?”
When I lived in Minneapolis it was Ollie and Lena jokes.
I do love a good “Priest and Rabbi walk into a bar” one too.
Want to look at some male pretty?
Like the quick and snappy jokes like that, mils – don’t like the longer, drawn-out ones – never know when it’s time to laugh.
from a Brian May interview
“Krone”: Are you planning new shows or projects with Queen?
May: The only thing we have been pretty ripe on the screen, a few TV shows. One in Las Vegas and one in London. We like to visit Queen play songs with several other artists. We also hope that Adam Lambert is back on board, for we have enjoyed working with him last year a lot. And besides, we’re talking for ages about the Freddie movie. We had been so many problems, which can be an advantage but because you are cautious of it. And because we are very careful, after all we have a huge responsibility to portray Freddie really honest. The job has to fit, finally, we have this one chance.
full interview