- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
This is the interview with Eli Lieb that Adam retweeted a couple of days ago. Very interesting. Similar point of view as Adam. I like him.
Think this is new
Hope it is okay to copy this one time I tried and got in big trouble fingers crossed…………………..
boygeorge @boygeorge 57m
Anything is catchy if it’s played all day on the radio, even a fart on a loop could be stitched to your cranium!
In a nutshell radio today manufactures hits by deciding what they want to put on heavy rotation and fan requests IMO have little to nothing to do with what they choose. IMO Radio PD’s choose music based mostly on their perception of an artists fan base fitting their desired radio station demographic (because they really only care about the money they make from selling ads and ad people care about the market demo). Plus it’s in the stations interest to be seen as one playing the hits so what better way to guarantee that? Create the hit rather than guess and wait for listener feedback.
I think part of the “radio problem” for Adam remains a miss-perception that Adam’s fan demo is all old and not a pop radio station demo. I think with all idols the first album does better on radio (or has in the past) due partly to radio stations wanting to discuss what’s popular and AI has been very popular. So the first year albums get more mention and play and the first singles have a better chance of being heard even if the idols perceived demographic is not the same as the radio stations. By the second album idols are has-been’s at least in terms of “not current pop culture, water cooler talk” and the station is only going to pay attention to current year idol, again to ride the pop-culture water cooler talk thing (which will probably diminish as Idol market share slips). Yes some of the second album sales drop is due to idol audience moving on but I think it’s also way harder to get radio play because they aren’t given the “current
If anyone wants background music:
I Love this playground here!
I am mostly lurking, but try to keep up.
The discussions & views all seem relevant and mostly pertain to Adam in some way or other.
Information about Adam is all important!
The last few days have been crazy, and all for the good.
Welcome M, to the Adam’s sandbox.
Saying hello to ceddies, who can only lurk, until her compromised system on her computer can be reestablished.

I do hope aely comes back too.

Thanks to you All, for the stimulating conversations!
luval Thanks for the reminder.
This from Shirley Halperin over there:
Hi M! Great to see you popping in. Enjoy your little get together in Toronto with TLKC,rs, and Ron. My greetings to all of them.
Just got back from 4 days in the wilderness and I can tell I got lots of catching up to do. Missed you all.
Playing Underneath now on the flea. Was thinking of the songs I’d never thought we’d hear live. Time for Miracles, Underneath. Hopefully someday Runnin’, Can’t Let You Go.
Whew!! And I thought my treadmill was getting all the
action today!!
I just haven’t seen ANY negative press, either about Glee or his RCA split. None.
Imagine that.
Even most comments on most articles are on the positive side.
Wonder if Niles’ tweet and Adam’s response are code for anything?
I swear, from now on this suspicious mind will always be looking to Urban Dictionary or to some code like reference…
Just sayin’.
Run Forrest Run.
Oh, I’ve been Runnin’
OMG luval, you and I just crossed beams about Runnin!
BTW, you do have unattended to fanmail. Ahem.
All caught up with fanmail, mils! Take a peek!
Run Forrest Run intrigues me!
From a huge Glambert….
luval, you have more mail. Muwahhaa!!
I liked your post, firstimerob. Interesting and very likely true.
And from a post on the previous page:

“Most articulate F U letter ever”
Agree that it is amazing how positive the press is to Adam leaving RCA. Even as recently as last year, I think there would have been press that spun it to being dumped. Shows how much respect he has garnered in the industry and media.

My103.9 Phoenix @My1039Phoenix 1h
@adamlambert Refuses to Do #CoversAlbum, Splits From Label …Good for you Adam!! http://yhoo.it/12mXaE6
I see Liam McEwan from theflea New Zealand won the Shorty Award (whatever that was) for favorite DJ…over Ryan Seacrest.
I just love reading all the different items & reports about Adam leaving RCA. I know there is a list a mile long but individually posted here now and then is great. Thanks, ulti. Wonder if RCA will have a response sometime?
I’ve had about four hours sleep since the big kahuna news yesterday – finally coming down from the barricades – much quieter now – just the occasional distant sound of thunder – Sunday tomorrow – lawd grant me an untroubled sleep tonight – and I thought after the Glee thingee we’d have a nice little respite – lol – so much for that. But never mind, still luvya, BB, you’re worth it – and much more.
I haven’t had time to post…too busy reading comments and articles.
I haven’t seen any negatives either, I agree that RCA have made far too many mistakes with Adam, so hopefully he will find a label that understands him better.
Have there been any other ‘famous supportive’ tweets apart from Darren Hayes and Nile?
M, welcome, good to see you took the plunge and posted.
Aely, please come back. I’m with mils and don’t understand what happened. we all look forward to your posts here.
Hi riskylady!
In the nicest and most affectionate ways, your name came up several times today.
I don’t have to tell you what a lovely and wonderful person rs is – and what a pleasure it was for me to meet her today.
Dear rs, I enjoyed every moment of our time together! You’ve given me such wonderful memories that will stay with me and that I will cherish.
I didn’t want to say good-bye! It was difficult for me to leave you.
Thank you rs! What a great day. I couldn’t have had a better time!
Oh, the lovely box of chocolates that you gave me? They are fully intact. They didn’t melt in the bottom of your suitcase.
Safe trip home tomorrow!
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom 2h
THIS DAY 14 July http://goo.gl/MMiaa + 2012 @QueenWillRock & @AdamLambert Hammersmith Apollo The Show Must Go On http://youtu.be/rjflrdsPSaA
Aw ron, I have tears in my eyes reading your post
. Today was so lovely. The beautiful red rosé that you brought me is is water (I wish I could take it on the plane with me) and the bracelet is still on my wrist. There were so many things that we talked about that we found ourselves saying “me, too!”.
The whole afternoon was so much fun, standing over M until she finally posted here, reconnecting with NorthernSpirit, TLKC, and M and P, San Diego, meeting the rest of the Toronto Glamberts and showing them all my photos from the San Diego show.
Thank you TLKC for being such a wonderful host.
My trip had two highlights, the beginning in San Diego the closing today. The family wedding in the middle was the excuse to get over here.
Sorry for the bold. It is this iPad. I can’t correct on it. Bye, I have to go pack.
Oh rs, have a good flight back. I’ve done the Toronto to Tel Aviv route, it’s very nice.
I’m so glad you all had such a nice Glamily reunion.
And Dr Brian May just sent me to Hammersmith. Me thinks that he misses our boy had had way too much fun to ever forget how awesome those shows were.
Please please please universe, let Queenbert happen again. Mama needs a show….
I wish I was going the Toronto-Tel Aviv route. I have to go back to Newark. Just an hour and a half between flights. If I miss it I will have to wait around for the night flight.
Hi, Ron! How sweet of you to let me know! Happy (and jealous) that you all had such a delightful reunion and that you got to meet rs! She is a very dear friend – we have been through a lot of glamexperiences together, going back to September 2010, the Hollywood FL GN concert with cher and others. I know she was so looking forward to meeting you too. And, I see you all couldn’t resist a little FYE bondage lol, restraining M in a chair until she posted.
Don’t know how she does it, but anything M writes, no matter how brief, is JUST LIKE M IN PERSON. So, hope she learned her lesson and will now post more.
Brb, now going to join Mils at the Hammersmith. It’s irresistible.
Before I go, rs, hope your flights home are uneventful!!!! Universe, make it so!!!
I can honestly say that I had nothing to do with strapping M to TLKC’s computer and forcing her to de-lurk from the cybersphere (I was enjoying my wine too much downstairs) ; however, I am glad to see you here, M. Please stay. And I’ll try to pop in more often, too.
We had such a lovely afternoon today. I didn’t want to leave TLKC’s either. rs, it was so nice to spend time with you today. Please let us know when you’re back in Toronto, and we’ll have another party! Have a safe flight home.
TLKC, thanks for opening
Great to see Angelowal, KD, milkwayfairy, M, and P (mr. M) again.
party centralyour home to us. Ron, great to see you again. You looked dashing, as always. Me, I just come in my casual summer wearJust got back from Hammersmith. It still just blows me away.
Knocks me out.
That kind of talent simply must be heard more.
Gotta admit, every time I see the video of Blurred Lines I kinda wish that would have been Adam’s song. Could you even imagine him in that video? Or the “explicit” one either?
The pic here – how much better he looks now
I love Adams (Theatrical) acting in TSMGO~from Hammersmith, I still liked the best however of the EMA’s, so unexpected, so mind blowing, get tears just thinking about it, ( well except for the Forrest Gump haircut). That was one of the highlights for me for you in Adams career,

That barely looks like him. He’s older, less makeup, more confident, better skin, just glows with health, he has such an aura about him now.
Wow…. You are so right, ulti! That picture seems as though it was taken such an incredibly long time ago. I have to say that I even prefer the facial hair we have now to this former look on Adam.
Miss Chaos, I know exactly what you mean about the EMAs. Not knowing what to expect, I too was totally blown away with tears streaming down my face. That TSMGO still gives me goosies.
Yes – the EMA’s – the thrill of a lifetime for him – when the backing light silhouetted that tall, graceful figure, my heart just went kaboom – watched it a zillion times. And his joy at knowing he aced it was so wonderful to watch.
That boy has given me so many great, great moments.
He sure has gotten better looking with age hasnt he, and well I guess healthier looking to. Now the big debate is about his age, lol, hes too old, haha, look at the ages of a lot of the other popstars, except for Bruno Mars, hes younger than most of them, and and really, you cant tell the age of someone on the radio? Stupid! How old was popstar MJ when he died?
And I get a kick out of all the Rock Bands, Stones, The Who, Aerosmith, UM, the’re young? LOLOLOL
Since I am sitting here nothing going on, I just thought of something else, another clue, remember at his last concert, where is said he is working on his comedy? Well a clue for Glee, hes going to go the comedy route!
Awful! Just saw on our evening news programme that Cory Montieth (Finn) from Glee has died. That really shocked me as we’ve been focussing on Glee for other reasons. Weirdly unsettling that he played the character that Adam originally tried out for.
So sad. It’s true – Cory Monteith was found dead in a Vancouver hotel room earlier today and police just confirmed it in a press conference a short time ago. He died alone; there’s some speculation that it was an overdose but that is not known yet. He was 31.
Wow, the impact on the Glee world is going to be huge. Finn was a very popular character and Cory a beloved actor. Fans are going to be devastated. I’m very sad for Cory, his family and friends and colleagues, and Lea Michele (his real-life girlfriend as well as his on-screen girlfriend Rachel), and my heart goes out to all of them. I also can’t help but wonder what the impact will be on the upcoming season and how they’ll have to adjust storylines, and whether and how that will affect Adam’s involvement in the show. The timing is so strange – they were due to start production on Monday, and Cory and Lea had a promo interview scheduled tomorrow. His poor cast mates – especially Lea – are going to be reeling as they start work on the new season.
So sad. Such a rollercoaster week.
I don’t even know Cory or his character in Glee, but yes this is so sad
And what you say about timing, cwm… At least this may delay the start of the production because of the changes. I am also sorry for Adam that his happy news got such a sad start 
After listening Eli Lieb’s songs I am very impressed. Guy is a talented musician, I really like his music. So is it personal or professional or both…? Do I remember wrong, some time ago (weeks, months?) there was some tweets and/or pics of Adam in the studio with different peeps, was Eli one of them?
I love this song, have to post it here. Tightrope by Eli Lieb
Woke up to the news of Cory Monteith’s death. This is a big blow for the entire cast, especially Lea Michelle. It leaves a huge hole in the show, as well. He is Canadian and therefore has that much bigger a profile up here.
Online reactions from celebrities:
Clicked on the link ulti provided to the Hammersmith performance of TSMGO and it occurred to me that this song applies as much to Glee. So sad.
I remember Cory Monteith’s first scene in Glee. Mr. Shuester, Glee Club leader overhears Finn, popular high school athlete, singing in the shower and has an ephiphany: if he can get a footballer into the Glee Club, it might pick up some respect and a few more members. The key to the whole series. I bet that scene will be re-played a lot this week.
I thought that Adam had been told that he was too old for the part that he tried out for? But Corey was his age?
No matter and I am likely wrong.
I have never seen Glee but the untimely death of any young person is always so sad, and so hard for the family. I lost my brother when he was 36 – it is not in the natural scheme of things for a child to be outlived by his parents.
In a macabre way, Cory’s death will give Glee a blip in the media and the articles will also likely reprise the news about Adam joining the cast.
But as posted above, this will of course affect Adam. The group dynamics of the cast in this circumstance will be a factor in Adam’s integration. They will be feeling personally a loss that he can’t share; a hundred times a day, something will remind them of Cory. Adam’s innate sensitivity and empathy are gifts that will serve him well.
Kradamour…I think they told Adam that he LOOKED too old. Here’s a little blip about it.
Yes, Cory Monteith is the same age but I remember him looking very young…high school young…when the show started. That changed for me, though as time went on. Actually most of the cast was older than high school age. Mark Salling who plays “Puck” is 31 also. So they were mostly in their mid-20’s playing high school kids. I have been watching Glee since day one and feel very sad about Cory’s death. Not sure how many of us here watch. Only one I know of is mils. Or Miss Chaos?
Since the show is being revamped anyway because they are dropping several of the main characters & bringing in new ones, it may not be too bad for Adam coming in. They were going to do a spinoff in NYC with Lea Michelle & Kris Colfer but decided to just do a “split show” sort of thing with some focus on NY and some still at the high school. Good idea, I think last season. Although the main kids graduated, they have brought back some of the characters the audience liked, Cory being one of them.
So it will be interesting to see how Cory’s death will be handled. My guess is first or second episode to move on. Don’t mean to be harsh but that’s just my opinion. The public is so fickle. If the writing is good, show will still be a huge success. Just have to get over this unfortunate incident.
Luval, I watch Glee, its not a must watch, but have probably watched over half the episodes, didn’t see much of season 3, but have watched most of season 4.
Shocking news about Cory….very sad.
I don’t know how they’ll handle it on the show, maybe say he died in an accident, then do an episode where they all remember their favourite memory of Finn.
Is it really bad of me, to wonder how or if this news will affect Adam and his role on Glee?
Not bad at all, HK fan. I feel the same way. And I wonder how Adam is going to address this. He’s probably not even up now. He was out last night.
Maybe a tweet from him but I’m thinking even more. He just knows how to address situations with class.
Luval is probably right on the handling of Finn’s passing. It will be dealt with in the first couple of episodes but they will do their utmost to do justice to fans’ feelings. It will be very emotional. (Any West Wing fans here? The episodes handing the death of actor John Spencer made me cry.)
As many of us do not watch the show, it is to be expected that we won’t relate emotionally but Finn is a much-loved character and the heart of the show. As big to his fans as Adam is to us. I can’t imagine what they are feeling.
Nice pic luval. Marcus looks positively beatific. Someone mentioned a while back that he might have a crush on our boy. Certainly looks like it (unless the person taking the shot is the object of his affections.)