- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I’ve only been responding in emails. So I’ll try to remember to post my rambling thoughts here. I just don’t know if this is the right thread for this. Plus, I like to see when people respond without having to scroll down, and I like seeing real names, too! Gotta a lot to learn. Here’s one from a couple days ago:
Adam is a pretty saavy business person, on top of all his other talents. When he spoke in that interview recently of what success he achieves in the moment, and what counts is how it’ll be seen in ten years, I felt the twinge of change in the air. Record companies are notorious for demanding a hit! But 80’s cover songs? Where did they get that idea?
It’d be cool, but that’s just because he can sing anything and put his on spin on it, like “Shout”. I never liked that song, and look what he and the band did with it.
I want to hear what’s in his head and heart. And we’ll probably have to wait awhile…though probably not like Trespassing. I truly believe RCA sent him on that radio promo tour too early. They kept delaying the release of the album and he kept having to say “soonish” probably because they were waiting to add the Bruno Mars NCOE. And several of those songs should have been a hit.
At first I thought he was delaying it a bit because of his perfectionism, but really, most artists don’t have that kind of control, and it was plain the longer it went on the more uncomfortable it was for him to keep explaining. I don’t think that was his decision at all. That was their major mess up, in my opinion, and not getting him on more shows.
Off subject, I think his new butch look might be to attract more males into his audience. Gay men generally aren’t into androgyny. Just look at their club magazines. It’s all hyper masculine.
That’s my speculation. Or maybe it’s for his role on Glee! or he just feels like he needs a break from his glamorousness.
Anyone else wondering about Adam’s performance next week at Paso Robles? I’m thinking with all this recent news (Glee and RCA in particular), the show may be epic – especially since it is the last concert on the schedule at present and Glee starts filming soon. Do we know who is going from here and who will be doing videos?
I had a feeling Adam was having trouble with RCA and something was in the works. I have no idea why, but I just felt it. Personally, for him, I think it’ll be a good thing. I don’t think trespassing was handled publicity wise in the best way possible. Certainly not the opinion of other dedicated glamberts, as well.
I can’t wait for some new music! I’m so ready for it. Though I know we’ll have to wait. Hope it’s not too long.
Lambert Lust said he was doing a ustream, I think.
Also – I’m thinking that Adam will be getting some opportunities to sing the SSB for various events, particularly if he is a regular cast member on Glee. I would love to see that. And I still believe that Queen + Adam will perform the halftime show at the Super Bowl. This year’s Super Bowl is going to be in NJ without a dome and we know that Adam, as long as he’s bundled up in many layers, would be fine with that. It would be so amazing to see and hear “We are the Champions” live in the US with all the world watching!!!
Darn, Paso Robles is 5 hours from me, and the drive there would be fine, but afterwards couldnt make the drive home, and dont know about staying overnight. Dont have anyone to go with, so near yet so far. Oh the dilemma. Lets see, do I want my husband to drive me down, sit in the parking lot for 1 plus hours, take the dogs, let them sit in the car too, drive home in the middle of the night, probably argue about why am I doing this? Dont you have someone to go with. Try to drag the 16 year old Granddaughter that likes Adam, but refuses to drive the Surburban, cause its too big? Geesh, I will be stressing over this for days.
From AQD
My two musician friends here in town are ecstatic about Adam’s integrity and bravery to leave RCA. They feel that he has a credibility of musicians from another era.
nice pic
GLEEKBERT #6969 @chunkeymonkey81 54m
Hmmm the “defriended” song tweet now in all caps now makes even more sense. Heh heh heh . RCA u been defriended.
Luval, This is exactly what his PR people are hoping for and planned for. By floating the 80’s cover album idea, Adam’s refusal to go along to keep his contract reads he has a musical vision and will not compromise his principles to stay signed. It
‘s almost heroic. Job well done.
I really do think that RCA did offer the oldies idea just because they wanted to drain every last drop from his fans before cutting him loose. So to spin it this way is not dishonest but exemplary management and PR work.
Q_3 • 14 minutes ago
Looks like part of the story went to Billboard —
ahampp@ahampp 3m
Even more news coming Monday RT @THR: EXCLUSIVE: @AdamLambert Quits RCA Records in Protest of Covers Album http://j.mp/13VUdQg
Billboard reporter, karaoke enthusiast, water balloon neck holder. Formerly L.A. Bureau Chief, Ad Age
New York, NY
From Adamtopia
Read more: http://adamtopia.com/thread/1803/adam-leaves-over-creative-differences#ixzz2Ywc7dt8S
I need to go back and read between the lines to try to figure out why our aely has left.
What is going on in our nice sandbox that I am clueless about?
I certainly hope that nothing I said is part of it. I am not on twitter, I don’t have the opportunity to see any other off-blog communication that may be adding insult to injury.
First eywflyer walked away, now aely.
Could somebody please enlighten me?
I’m here for the sh*ts and giggles of our fandom. If it gets personal and hurtful, I’m out too. I’ll become a lurker. I’m not here for personal pain and angst.
I would love to keep my “angst” to having fun with hair and wardrobe and other minutia about our guy. It’s all in the name of fun and entertainment.
As I, and many of us have said , we have all gotten to know each other here, and in a lot of cases, in real life. I understand that we are real people with real feelings, but, SHEESH. What the frack is going on that I don’t know about?????
I’m ranting, I can’t believe it…..
Ron and rs and all of you, have a great day in real life. Wish I could be there with you!! If for nothing else to see what Ron will or won’t be wearing, muwhahaha!
Found some comments from paulanation in the AT&T thread and moved them here.
Check them out above and comment if you like.
Think – not sure absolutely – had something to do with bringing stuff here from the other place, mils – but don’t quote me on that.
This week’s crossword is now available.
So how do you spell “G.L.E.E.“?
If you are having problems accessing the new crossword even once you are logged in, please let me know. Thanks! AL
Yay! I am at TLKC’s lovely home and I JUST MET RON!!!!
Say Hi, ron, Hi! So happy to have just met rs!
OK! Back to the party
Well Crap, I am staying here till the lights go out, on the thread or me
Just trying to add a little levity here, I enjoy everyones posts, and so sorry about people that have to leave, but in terms of Arnold S, I hope they are saying (I’LL BE BACK)
Now I gotta go back to my work, something that should have taken a half hour to do, I am into 3 hours with reading about our Dark Prince and his Kingdom antics!

Have fun at Ron’s everyone – will he put on a Broadway performance for you-all?
Thank you luval and cwm for the great information. I truely do “trust a bitch” and think Adam and his PR team have things well in hand. Whenever I worry about Adam I recognize that I am coming from a totally different place than this young, talented, and incredibly competent man. My fears for his future are usually founded on very little to no information. I DO know that he has been off the grid the past couple of weeks and that this has culminated in some fantastic news. I think the good news will keep on coming and that we have nothing to fear.
I haven’t seen anything but positive comments on twitter and other sites about this decision.
ps. Miss Chaos loved the dog vid. I am embarrassed to say that I could not have managed many of the moves performed by that dog. We thought the surfing dog in SD was spectacular but WOW!
I believe a few folks from this blog are going to Paso Robles. Have you checked the planning thread to see if you could find out what hotels they may be staying?
pps. I didn’t do a recap on the Del Mar concert since the others did such a spectacular job. One thing I did want to mention was the thrill I experienced hearing and dancing to Adam’s music in a bar. I don’t remember the last time I danced in public other than at a wedding and it was GREAT!!!
Hope aely comes back soon – miss her posts.
Thanks ultimat.
Does anybody have that picture of TJR with Brian May and Abrea?
Tommy’s hair was pink, FWIW. Between that and Adam’s tweet of Queen today, wow. I know it’s teh anniversary of Queen’s first album, but, with our code-boy, it could mean other things.
Shout = Attitude
AYGGMY = Are you coming along with me? Better. Or I’m leaving.
Stay = Fans. I’m here for you.
Gum, Listerine, Eggs, Lana del Ray = GLEE
No makeup and no nail polish = I’m much more macho that you ever get a chance to see.
Goofy faces in pics and vines = See? I’m young. Glee fans have nothing to worry about.
used google translate – nice article
Wow! Real life took me away for a few days and I come back to so many things going on…..
First: Aely you left? Will have to read back to find what happened there, but just wanted to say that I did go see your comments with elliegirl and I LOVED them. I understand the frustration that can happen with other fans that can be very snarky or negative (esp. on that site), So Aely…I’m behind you 100% Please come back!
Second: Adam leaving RCA and joining Glee. Two very good announcements IMO. Glee (although not a fave show for me, but will be now), will give him a greater level of exposure which is what I think was the missing link in the roll-out of Trespassing. Glee will also allow a slightly different audience to experience his talent. (I’m told Glee already has a large adult female viewership.)
Now, IF the AI judge tie-in rumor happens, that would be epic for him…although that remains to be seen. Someone on a blog mentioned that FOX was trying to re-brand their ultra-conservative slant. I think it’s much more about making money. I believe that they (and so many other interested parties) are finally realizing that WE Glamberts aren’t going anywhere, so he comes with his own very large and dedicated fan-base. And unlike other stars whose fans may come and go, Adams fans stick. We support him through thick and thin, so there’s no possibility of fan exodus…he will only continue to GAIN fans as more and more people are exposed to his unequaled talent. That is very desirable to prospective future projects.
Obviously I’m not suggesting that it’s all because of us. Adam is of course in the driver seat with everything he does. I said from the very beginning that he was incredibly intelligent and very focused on what his path would be. I’m so proud of him for standing up for his desires and beliefs. I’m certain that walking away was not an easy decision, but likely the first of many hard ones to come as he continues to grow as an artist and entertainer. I’ve always had complete faith that he had a grand design, and would work tirelessly to bring it to fruition.
As I posted a week ago, I will ALWAYS support him UNCONDITIONALLY….quite simply because I truly believe he:
has 1 in a million good looks and penetrating eyes,
has 1 in a billion vocal talent and all around charisma,
and is 1 in a trillion quality human being.
As for this site and its posters…I hope that we can all continue to learn more about each other, be allowing of others differences, and above all be as respectful to one another as we possibly can. Lord knows there is enough bullshit negativity and vitriolic crap out here in the real world. I’d like to view this site as a “safe-haven” for us to come and seek “like-minded” fans who can relate to our flails and squees over a most perfect example of goodness: Adam Lambert.
BTW, I’m not suggesting we all become BORING clones. However, I would suggest that we keep in mind that we have no idea of WHO lurks within, and what impression they get of us as AML’s fans.
Lots of great comments and insights up-thread…cwm, mils,and many others. Thank you all for your vision and contribution.
Have an excellent weekend ladies, and gentlemen. For those of you going to Paso Robles: may you have the time of your life, and take lots of pics and vids for those of us who cannot be there with you.
I will be going to Paso Robles Mid State Fair (along with Mr.retjenny of course) There are still many tickets for sale on the Fair Web Site. I fear we may be a small amount of fans but we will make our presence known!
Anyone else here going?
Gaga’s new project. I don’t think I can add anything at all to the description, it speaks (or not) for itself. She is so talented and so nuts.
Totally agree with all that has been said about the trajectory of Adam’s career, and his musical integrity. An album of 80’s covers? That didn’t fit into anything we thought we knew about Adam’s plans for his career, and I am so proud of him for stepping back and refusing to go down that road when it didn’t fit his vision!
His own label? Katy Perry did it.
How much did he raise for water? Pretty sure he could raise that much and more for his own label if he asked us for backing.
Thank you Reese
A wonderful post agree with everything you said.
CinEnkeBert @CinEnkeBert 55m
LOLOLOL……….. RT @jam2885: Beginning to think Melvin holds more secrets than Brian Mays hair.
Aely was doing a great job of stating positive facts about Adam “over there” and some of us were thanking/encouraging her in that effort over here. I think that perhaps she took this as an OK to further comment here on what she had said over there, which per Eyflyer’s guidelines, is frowned upon here, which Kradamour mentioned.
My comments yesterday, were actually intended to be somewhat in defense of Aely’s comments here, because I think it is OK to hear what is going on at other sites and we should not live in a “bubble” sandbox here. But that is just my opinion and we can all have different opinions on that I guess.
So anyway, I think the only place Aely might have stepped over the guidelines of this site was her one comment where she quoted an interaction “over there”. Unfortunately, Aely may have taken the law invoking (as TLKC referred to it), personally. Or perhaps it just caused her to reflect and decide she was becoming over-invested or something and decided to just take a break and she will come back in a few days. I hope she does come back, because I enjoy her posts and she is one of the talented people that brings goodies here.
In terms of a safe haven and feeling cozy instead of uncomfortable, I feel no discomfort when we angst over Adam, or when posters mention what is going on at other sites, positive or negative, unless it gets overwhelmingly negative. I do however feel a lot of discomfort when posters state they feel the need to leave due to others comments and as I posted before, I also feel discomfort when the convo runs off into political opinions that only tangentially related to Adam.
So I guess that if the convo is running off the rails in some manner, my preference would be that posters just attempt to change the subject without “shutting down” on the past comments of others, or if the law must be “invoked”, I guess I would prefer that it only came from AL as moderator. Again – just my opinion.
Just jumping in to say I love Adam (ha! surprised you, right?) and support his decisions. Got my seatbelt fastened, ready for more! Bring it, BB! I love taking risks, and love adventure, hence the name. Managed risk is the way to go, IMHO.
All of your posts have been interesting and reasonable. There just isn’t any other site as enjoyable as this one, again IMHO, love the personalities here.
Just…..aely, please reconsider….
glitter rocket – lol
I like to say Hello to everyone, because rs ,ron,& TLKC has tie me to this computer & force me come out of hiding to joy the ALL family.
Right now we are at TKLC house sweating my a## off with the Toronto glamberts & our special guest rs.
Got to go bye bye.
Thought I would make a visit, maybe to compare the fried food
offerings to those at Del Mar. Oh, and to take in the last
scheduled “one off” Adam concert.
Good to see you M – welcome! ! ! ! ! !
Let us know the details of the menu, jlurk – maybe in the future you could write a book – the Larousse Gastronomique of Food from Fairs (meals that I’ve survived, that is).
New pic from last night:
It might be this guy:
Yes – posted at same time.
Hi M! Nice to see you here. Hope to see you in the future! Keep practicing the bold!
Hmm – a duet with Eli – and maybe a vid? Pushing the boundaries? (Always racing ahead here – lol.)
Hello again! I haven’t been here since our planning for Del Mar but since then so much has happened! Just let me say that it was a pleasure meeting so many of you and wish that everyone could have joined the festivities.
Moving forward, I too am bursting with pride and joy over the news of Glee and departure from RCA. Adam is a perfect fit for Glee and it’s a global platform in which to showcase his many talents. I’ve watched Glee pretty faithfully over the years and you won’t have trouble catching up to the back stories. Last year the cast took their show on the road and toured singing and dancing across the country. It was a fun energetic show so Adam’s going to really be in his element with the cast.
As far as RCA goes, that was the most eloquent F U letter I’ve ever read! Good for him to follow his heart and vision regardless of what the “suits’ were pushing him to do. I couldn’t be more proud of him or more excited to see what’s on the horizon for him and us! He is one hot topic right now so I hope people are sitting up and taking notice!
I’m also going to Paso Robles next week along with ovationimpact and adamfanann. We’re staying at the Marriott Courtyard near the fairgrounds. We will also have a few tickets to sell. They’re in sections 602 and 601 in second row and first row respectively. We haven’t decided which we’re using yet but if we use the 602, there are four seats together and we’re only using 3 so there’s one available. Sec 601 is a set of 3 seats.
I know that was confusing!! Let me know if you have any interest and we’ll figure out something. I need to talk to ovationimpact as well before I go selling her 3 tickets.
Did any of that make sense ???
To our Canadian friends, hope you’re having a fabulous time! So much to discuss!!
Hugs to you all.
Adam is such the Alpha Male. Can Eli handle that?!? He is a cutie though!
Just listened to and watched several of Eli’s songs and vids. Who is he? His name sounds familiar….** wikipedia here I come…
And I see the fuzzy face is getting darker and longer
Interesting bio. He practices transcendental meditation every day.
So funny – says “kale eater” – been in New York ten years – looks closer to 30 than 20 – like his music.
From New York to LA – visiting or permanent?