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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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That should have been “lurkers”-some sort of auto correct made it lurk ears, but I guess that fits too!
If this was about me saying I left, let me clarify, I meant that I left MJ’s in order to avoid the trolls and in particular MJ’s attitude toward Adam. I never meant to say I was leaving here. I don’t myself like posts like that.
ETA I have been trying to fix my blockquote on my phone for ages, not fun posting on a phone.
hehe my position of nonauthority…

Yes, soccermom, the vine clue was posted here. I can’t hear sound on vine vids (not sure why) and I think that the only words posted were gum, listerine and eggs.
We are so used to random Adam comments that no one made it too deep…but I am frankly a little sheepish that we missed it!
And I am fine about our own angst-y posts, as long as they come from a position of affection for the object of our obsession, just as we would want to share our concern for anyone else we care about.
There is no one in my RL who cares a fig for Adam or would be willing to hear my thoughts, and it means a lot to be able to come here and be reassured when I express a concern, or to share the thought process with others who care as much as I do.
Or to add a cheery thought to someone else’s angst. Heaven knows that our boy provides us with lots of things to worry about, just as he gives us lots of things to rejoice over. It’s why I stan the man, with all of his complexities.
I don’t see posts like that to be in any way negative.
Actually most all Adam fans are sheepish they missed the clue and in the YouTube someone made of the vine, he does say Lana Del Ray really quickly at the end, which of course is the stumper since how many people know her real name is Elizabeth? Adam clearly had to stay mum but wanted to put something out there that we could all look back on and realize he told us if we were only clever enough to read his clues! Maybe just like when he said he needed to practice his comedy – which I definitely noticed. Hey maybe once he is on Glee he could also finally be on SNL?
Glambotgram, that is what I thought you meant – that you left here, so thanks for clarifying that you meant MJs. My reference in my post was more for Kradamour, thinking that maybe she could just make suggestion to change the subject without saying otherwise she would need to leave.
I have never left MJs, although I have never posted there. I go there for all news, not just Adam news. I actually find the trolls very entertaining, particularly now when the positive facts to state about Adam (thanks Aely and others) and the trolls have been reduced to some pretty ridiculous statements and whittled down to just a couple of posters. Although I suspect MJ has finally started to delete the other haters because she cannot ignore the over 500 posts on an Adam thread when the best most other threads get is about 50 and some only 6 or 7.
Totally agree with your last post Kradamour.
And for some fun
One more mj related comment. Just noticed at top Adam article it says 610 comments but when you scroll down to comment section it says only 548 comments. Wonder if that means 62 comments deleted. If so, that is only 10 per cent. Perhaps the haters are running out of things to say about our boy? At least in the face of the Glee news, which is hard to construe as anything but good, unless it keeps him from making new music. Of course, I suppose if he will be leaving RCA or something soon, this could be a strategy to soften that blow of loss of major label news? I wish that H.A. Poster would spill what he/she hints at as the coming events that will make our head explode. Anyone following Shoshanna? Is she saying anything? And if she isn’t, isn’t that wierd?
Gotta get outside! Beautiful day in MN! Hosting 30 high school grads at our cabin tomorrow. Last son heads to college this fall! Whee!!!!
Occasional post ho out!
AH, I had a big long post in my head, but instead, I just want to say that After reading all the posts about his failure of singing an 80’s album (not here) I was depressed in RL. Then reading about the Glee show, I am in such a good mood, no matter where I read posts besides here. I gotta say, this is kinda sick, that my feelings revolve around what Adam is doing, but no, it does pick me up when everyone is so excited about all this. Now maybe I can tackle my own problems!

My, on the Doctors show just now they are going to talk about how too tight of jeans can make a man loose a testicle!!Adam, loosen up those jeans boy!
@BradBessey: exec producer omg! Insider.
Catch up later. Busy day!
ClevverNews – different from ClevverMusic?
Lol – more heads exploding – both ways, methinks, aely
Wikipedia page
Such a nice pic Ryan put up
“There aren’t any more details just yet as to what kind of role — regular, recurring, character-based or playing himself — Lambert will take, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that face, that voice and that attitude will be returning to TV.”
Love that from Kissfm921 – sums it up well.
Gosh it’s exciting to be an Adam Lambert fan
! Even though sometimes it’s a bit angsty… I try to avoid negative/troll sites because I don’t want to get too upset. Sometimes I go to 24 / 7 to catch up stuff but I don’t read any comments there any more.
Thanks mils for linking some Glee vids. I found out that we see that in Finland, but it will be season 4 this year, we are one year behind
So it looks like I have to rely on fan vids of Adam clips
But Adam’s Glee cast has been in many news here too.
“Floating head”
Fashion criticism
That’s my girl!
Best post of the day. Bottom line, having Adam on both shows would feed on the fan bases of both. Makes total sense from FOX’s POV. At the every minimum, Adam’s uptick on Google in the last 48 hours has to have Idol Execs thinking, if they weren’t already.
I read that his Google mentions have more than doubled. 95 million and counting…
1877 glittery stars for that, aely.
American Idol, Oh My, what was that noise, OH, more heads exploding~~
http://youtu.be/5I_QzPLEjM4 Sorry to be so off topic, but if this doesnt make you smile and gasp a few times, you arent alive, and no it isnt one of my dogs, lol.
Wonder how hard they had to search to dig up this footage –
1877 – lol – good one, TLKC.
Haven’t seen this one, don’t think.
I’m not sure what post you mean but I did a search and found something from eywflyer in 2011 that covered the topic. Just posting this as a friendly reminder.
The latest list of links of media mentions about Adam and Glee, as of 11:00am eastern time this morning. There’s gazillions of them! Incredible!
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of those amazing, awesome Queenbert shows at the Hammersmith in London:
And just because he was so dang funny and fun on VH1 Divas Live:
I’m so so so looking forward to seeing more of Adam’s comedic gifts on Glee!
Speaking of Glee, wetpaint has synopses of previous seasons/episodes here:
Fun to go through those articles, cwm and see what pic they use.
ulti posted this interview upthread, but it bears posting again, so that it doesn’t get lost amongst all of the Glee stuff.
This is a great interview with the Advocate that Adam apparently gave on the red carpet of the ATT/Live Proud concert. He talks about being an out celebrity, being a role model, the Trevor project, etc. Love it and love him!
On a related note, the “Shred of Hope” project (celebrity-designed T-shirts) ended up raising $28,000 for the Ali Forney Center to help homeless LGBTQ kids in NYC. So cool!
Adam’s shirt brought in $2525 – the highest amount of any shirt!
jlurksacto – were you the lucky winner of Adam’s shirt? How does it look on you?
Thanks, AL, that is what I was thinking of. 2011? My, how time flies!!!
Ulti, loved this link you posted:
Loved it especially because the comments were so snarky but didn’t seem ugly at all. Some cute little conversations in the mix of comments. Mostly negative, but gotta say I have to agree that the outfit doesn’t work. On the other hand, Adam was just picking up lunch, no need to expect him to dress up for that.

And if the facial hair went away, the outfit would be ten times better…
One more thing, just for fun… I got a kick out of this video of the Westboro gang getting owned. LOL
Dang, they are a bunch of crazies. Fun to see someone with a sense of humor actually take them on.
Great Advocate article, cwm – as a guy posted “elsewhere,” Adam has so much class and – an interesting word – “dignity.” Very true.
That Westboro group – like any doctrinaire organization – not very interesting people.
Now that we are back on the subject of American Idol
, we may want to give Adam/Angie a few additional views. Their video is inching its way ever so steadily toward the one million mark!!
Kardamdoll is more and more amazing…that fabric was not easy to duplicate!!!
I love those dolls, kradamour.
Adam really is titanium, isn’t he? Shoot him down and he doesn’t fall.
Like that, Soccermom – perfect lyrics for him.
Not sure if it was here that I saw people querying about how much media Adam was getting regarding Glee gig. Was just on another site and saw the list longer than my arm. I don’t know the protocol about posting another blogs web link here, but I’m going to take the chance and if it’s against the rules, AL please inform me. Thanks.
Hi Reese! No, not a problem. If you look at the menu list on the right under BLOGROLL, you will see that we link to many other Adam fan sites, ADQ included.
New pic for me
This is new to me. The Lambert brothers.
Boys so different in looks and temperament.