- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
ultimate. Nope. It’s still there. Sheesh again.
risky LOL! Then I had to actually go to my office (Not my home office, actually had to shower and get dressed, bummer)….and work! Out of meetings….going now to check in.
Oh, the tweet is still there just click on “all” tweets and it shows his replies.

luval, you have more fan mail.
Thanks, mils – thought that odd.
Checked the RS article, mils – peeps have already posted the mistake – plus the Sonisphere one. For pete’s sake, do they pay people to write these lazy articles?
“new track or two cookin'” – ears perked up at that one, asif.
Old pic – new tweet
“I wonder if Adam has been taking acting classes or hired a coach… “No Adam, you can’t replace forgotten lines with a wail & ass shake”
Another inconsequential poll
Someone asked before about this and whether anyone bought it – I haven’t (yet) – anyone else interested in this?
Wrong info.
“I’m so excited” tweet is still posted.
The Home Planet
What a surprisingly LOVELY article!!!! One of the better ones!
And here is my paper’s article……so true, “Russell Crowe can weigh in on Adam’s acting”….Gotta say I am a little worried about that….Hopefully he is taking some lessons!
Just for fun.
I am soooooo not reading any more comments on those articles.
Who ARE those trolls and idiots?
20 secs on E
One of my all time faves from Glee. Just gorgeous.
puteri abdul @puteris
@adamlambert just so u know the excitement glee goes all over the continents and seven seas of the world..because ur an international star!!
mils – that link didn’t go to Glee?
Okay, could Cher do a guest spot on Glee and sing with Adam? Or doesn’t it work that way?

Went to WWZ tonight with daughter and 12-year-old grandson. Ending fine – left room for sequel.
Thumbs up all around.
Cute Hollywire vid
I have been playing by the rules trying to defend Adam but I just lost it. ellegirl just pushes my buttons. She wrote some passive aggressive slam and I answered:
Yep, poor, poor Adam. Sucks to be him.
She writes back: if you say so.
So I answered (which may get me banned- not sure how many times it takes)
I do. I mean he is world known(see above articles), asked to tour with Queen, has concerts for thousands all over the world, hosted Divas, will be on Glee, made millions (Forbes), consistently on Idol, frequently in the media, just attended a world movie premiere (world war z), featured performer at Life Ball, asked to sing NA on Broadway, #1 and # 3 albums on BB, gosh what else sucks for him….I am sure you will tell me. Oh, right radio play…yes, that does suck, I agree, but I think he is doing fine.
Adam at 1:25 – CNN
Yes, krad He would have Cher on in a minute I bet. It could happen. They have lots of guest stars that just do one show, one or two songs.
I saw your comment, aely. BRAVO, girl! Shouldn’t be removed – you were just stating facts.
aely Its annoying over there isnt it, I have been following every word, but not posting cause I get too stressed out, I know we arent supposed to talk about it here, but it really is a big deal for Adam, and any comments we can read anywhere deserves our support. He really is on his way to being a Super Star isnt he, and not in the way Beibs is, Adam will never be in the news for stuff the Beibs is, I and we are so proud of him, for all he has and is been thru, and holding his head high, It really has to be tough, he is quite a person isnt he, so he does deserve to be supported anywhere we can do it, so many people are trying to bring him down, and they cant can they. You know what I hate the most, when there are posts and after every single one there is a down arrow, for no reason, just to be negative about every single post. I wish the posters names would show up, they are so petty.
aely I have been liking all your comments
I think overall the thread over there has been very positive, there are only a couple of persistant negative posters.
Thanks to all of you posting support of Adam on other sites, I can’t go there. Went a couple of days ago and there was too much doom and gloom.
I’m thankful that we don’t have those troll types here.
Regardless of our discussions of everything Adam, there is an understanding that it’s all from a loving place and we all want the best for him.
Don’t think I’ve seen this pic
Thanks guys! I have kind of figured out a system but that last comment made me brake my rules and it may get me in trouble. We will see. I will share my system but not here.
Anyway, I have learned to love the down votes. I feel like I did something right (because they know I’m right), it makes me laugh because it is so transparent and generally it is the same 3 or 4 people every time. I can name them because I watched them up vote and saw who was doing it before I called them out. Then when I called them out and asked why they agree with the negative post, no one ever answered. (surprise) Lately, though they have started using “guest” so they can hide. Dang it. Even though I know it is still the same ones.
Honestly, there are nasty comments on other sites but they are just being hateful to be hateful and those don’t bother me as much as those that know him (not just that blog but other idol sites and you tube)and write nasty comments and slam him because it is him, not for any other reason..i.e. stupidity.
But, I agree anytime I feel like it is important to speak the truth for him and still not personally attack another person I will do it.
So, we will see what happens but as long as I can I will keep posting!
Disqus stinks – shows up votes now, but not down ones – creepy. Was thinking of going the “guest” route, too, but then other annoyances – don’t think you can get replies – looked it up, but forget the details.
Have never used the down vote on MJ’s – I’d rather be upfront about any disagreement.
Anybody see this movie – SHARKNADO – tweets were REALLY funny tonight.
And the comments on the vid – priceless
Morning. Off to work – busy week – but a word to the wise: you are playing right in to supersonic’s and elliegirl’s hands. They are baiting you in the hopes that you will be banned. They probaby don’t even see Adam anymore. They just see Glamberts and an easy road to upsetting people. Disagreement is a way of life for them.
The situation for Adam and Glamberts on MJ’s right now is is “glass 95% full”. The other 5% is those two (and a person called “stchick” who obviously gave up after the first 24 hours).
I saw MJ’s comment about deleting a lot of posts, which explains why the post count didn’t move up that much between 9-5 yesterday but I don’t know your online name over there aely, so I can’t tell if your comments are still standing. I suspect one of mine is gone.
Here’s the thing: as Bill Clinton would say, for Adam’s sake you have to preserve your “political viability”. There needs to be maximum positive response to good Adam news. Fighting takes away from that.
I am just enjoying watching supersonic and elliegirl swim upstream at the moment. I am also imagining MJ looking at the high post count. She wants to keep this, if she can. This is killing supersonic and elliegirl and they need us to go away or be sent. Don’t let them win.
Guys, I thought we had agreed to keep what happens at other sites at other sites.

There is a reason that I don’t go there, and it is discouraging to find that I can’t escape it here, either. Look at the last few pages on our blog…it is full of the other site and people there who frankly are entitled to their opinions as long as they don’t bring them here.
If I am the only one that feels this way, then I’ll be quiet and just come back later.
But I thought our overall consensus a while back was that there was no need to bring that mess over to our happy little sandbox. If for whatever reason you feel like dealing with those people, let it stay there, please.
Thank you TLKC and Kradamour. I left a long time ago also so as not to hear or read about the trolls. I also agree that the nasties are just baiting and ecstatic to get a response. ITA with both of your posts.
Kradamour– ITA with you on not discussing other sites here and yes, we did come to a consensus about this. I find myself getting upset about what’s going on elsewhere and I really don’t like that feeling.
Did someone already post here about the Vine that Adam did a few days ago that was Glee clue? Clever boy…Gum, Listerine, Eggs, and Lana Del Ray (real name Elizabeth).
Regarding other blogs, I like to hear about positive mentions about Adam at other sites, including blogs (not just entertainment article websites). I like to hear that others post positive facts about Adam elsewhere too, that MJs has attracted over 500 posts, etc. Since this can only be good for Adam and improves the mood here as well. This sandbox is relatively isolated and does not draw near the traffic of other sites to be beneficial to Adam.
So I think we do not need to have a ban on occasionally mentioning what is going on at other blogs, since there are occasional references to 24/7 and The Home Planet (I always enjoy those links). I think most of us do not like it when the conversation starts to obsess about the trolls or negativity (including when we generate our own angst and negativity). This of course is just my opinion and I mostly lurk so perhaps I do not have the same right to an opinion as frequent posters.
Also, just my opinion, as long as we are talking about blog guidelines (unofficial), I would prefer that instead of stating that they need to leave the site due to the conversation trend, that perhaps influential posters could instead suggest we change the subject or offer posts that change the subject, to keep the conversation moving?
Good post, Soccermom. I agree that it is the reporting of the negative not the positive that upsets me, particularly after 2 or 3 posts.
Yes, ITA. I love when positive things are brought here – and some of us depend on others to bring goodies here, since we do avoid the other sites. I didn’t mean to say that we should not bring other positive things here. I think we decided that it was also okay to mention (briefly) a post or series of posts that are interesting but not necessarily positive, so that posters here can go to check it out if they wish.
eywflyer posted a very good recap of expectations a couple of months back, I think.
AL, do you think you could find it?
Soccermom, every poster’s opinion is equal, IMHO, no matter how many or few posts. I always enjoy yours.
I agree, I do not mind the occasional post about what is going on at other sites, even if it is noting a negative trend, since if we want to support Adam properly as fans, we should not be oblivious to what he faces. It is only when it proceeds for 2-3 posts that it gets slightly annoying, particularly if negative quotes are brought over. But since it is still on topic and relevant to Adam, I do not mind it nearly as much as when the conversation goes political like it did during the election.
So I guess I don’t think all negative info should be banned (or we shouldn’t have spent pages angsting about an album of 80s covers…), or we will all be living in an unrealistic bubble. I think no one should be afraid to occasionally mention what is going on at other sites. If it gets to be too much, someone suggest we change the subject.
Still wondering if Adam’s vine clue had been posted here?
Kradamour, thanks for clarifying. However, I do think you have more influence than the mostly lurk ears. We would all miss your posts. So use your power wisely, lol!