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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Fun tweet stuff – Gleekberts!
Tweeters – think of the talk shows, mag covers, photoshoots, iTunes!!!
“commercial for hair products”!!
Where’s mils – needalist.
Go away from the computer for a few hours, and come back to this….OMG, where did this come from?
So excited for him.
I’m thinking he will be in the NY part of the show, that would suit him best.
Glee gets repeated at least 3 or 4 times a week here so lots of chances to see him…singing on my TV
I just got back from celebrating my 31st Anniversary with my husband. Part of the gift I asked for was Queen + Adam Lambert concert.
And when I started my computer and came here to ALL first and WHAT????? GLEE…….
“jkl;qeevhgj! Zasdfghuytrwer. Fasdfghe;dcasjkliu. Lfghjyhtgnhgiue?!@#ghjkoiuyt!@#$%^FGHJjhgr4tyu.”
Article about Glee’s numbers and 2 year renewal….Sounds good to me!!!!!
Damn it, now I have to watch the 7 episodes I downloaded to watch on airplanes that I have neglected….was going to give up on the show….HA!!!
Jsdfas!@#dftrt!!! Basdfghg,asdf!@trertrfv!!!
Happy Anniversary asif! That’s a long time!
There’s a possible story line that Curt may join a rock band in New York. My head spins with possibilities, including TJR on TV.
Must go to sleep…sweet Glee dreams peeps!
Cool down Chris Colfer!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary asif x
Chris Colfer is such a Glambert!! Love it!!
He’s got our affliction baaaaad!
Thanks … nkd.
Yes, 31 years after 5 years of dating, so it was 36 years.
July 10, 1982… A few months after Adam was born. So it’s easy to remember.
And Glee news is my best gift of tonight.
I’m drunk with wine and happiness.
Queen + Adam Lambert doesn’t seem too far fetch now.
The news is being picked up in a lot of places….
Love those tweets from Chris Colfer
Thanks …HK fan.
Awww asif. Happy Anniversary! Today was my son’s birthday too. Lots of good stuff today.
I’m pulling a Kradamour here.
OMGosh, asif! I’m sure to be able to remember your anniversary from now on because today was our 36th!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.
That is not Chris Colfer….his twitter is @chriscolfer
That is a fan twitter account..I follow Chris. No tweets yet.
Thanks … mils and Ron.
Happy Birthday … to … mils’ son!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! … to … Ron !!!
Thanks .. aely. I thought that was Chris. I guess Chris will be thrilled, as well.
What a happy day today!!!
Happy Anniversary Ron!
What a lucky guy that gets you for 36 years and counting.
Dadbert …
I just came to check my mail after going out to dinner and spending time with my aunt, and I found the Glee news. OMG!, YAY!!! How absolutely fantastic for him.
When he talked at the concert about needing to practice his comedy I KNEW something was going on, but when I mentioned it to others, I was told not to read too much into it. I was right! This is perfect for him. So happy, but he had better keep working on his new music at the same time.
Happy Anniversary Ron and asif
Yay! More happy news!

Just a thought….is Ne Ne Leaks still on Glee? Not caught up so the last I watched she was but remember how funny they were together on Divas??????? He can be a Diva for her!
Maybe there will be a Queen tie-in, too. Would be nice. Or, maybe that is something completely different. And, he still has the Chinese Idol finale ahead – I’m guessing he would do that live, sometime in August, I believe….
OOOh … I remember now … Two years ago I went to see Glee Movie in 3D. Back then I thought it didn’t need to be 3D. They just wanted to charge us a few more bucks.
Now … Adam in 3D … woooo hoooo. I can’t even….
Rolling around and basking in all the happy feelings!!!
Can somebody take me down … please?
Some production information on Glee (from wikipedia):
Apparently there are some additional new female cast members. And they start filming in mid-July! Someone on twitter who seemed knowledgeable said they would probably begin next Monday!
70+ links to sites that have picked up the story (plus an awesome pic). Talk about a news cycle! Woooot!
For those of you who like to track Adam’s followers, here is a screenshot of Adam’s twitter follower count at the time of his “I’m so excited!” tweet.
I have never seen Glee but OMG I’m so happy for Adam
It was wonderful to wake up to this news and your enthusiasm! Have to go and check if we see Glee in Finland…
My mind says if he gets visibility like this, it’s a good place/time to get new own music out too. I should be buying groceries because my mind is coming for lunch, but couldn’t stop reading
Happy glambert day!
Still want to wish asif and Ron happy anniversary
A one year ago I was at the airport on my way to London and in the evening first queenbert show
Cool, I already have glambert anniversaries 
Thanks … LadyNorth.
Happy lunch! Hope they show Glee in Finland.
75+ Web Links RE ADAM LAMBERT Joining Glee this fall! Will add more as they come in! Image via Getty: Adam Lambert & GLEE actors Chris Colfer, Darren Criss at Elton John’s Oscar Party 2-26-12.
Great photo of Adam, Chris and Darren.
See More
Singer Adam Lambert stops to pick up his lunch to go at M Cafe in West Hollywood, California on July 10, 2013.
18 photos of Adam. He has the camo print shirt ( when he sang SSB on Broadway) on.
OMG I can feel the excitement jumping off the pages. What a great thing for Adam and all Glamberts. I have never had a desire to watch this show, so a question, do I have to go back and watch from the beginning of season one? Or can I just pick it up when his hotness appears.
And here I was so frustrated the other day about his career! Great news, great exposure and more $$$ for Adam to keep on doing what he’s doing! I got all verklempt when I heard. Yay
Until I came here this morning the biggest source of Glee for me was that I HAVE POWER!!!!!!
OMFG this is so great! Where is that jumping up-and-down emoticon when you need it. Can’t wait to go to MJ’s where they were holding requium a few days back. Ha! Ha!
Best part. RCA will be re-assessing the whole 80’s covers thing (if it was ever true. Maybe Shirley Halperin knew about Glee and was cheekily inserting the idea into the ether a couple of days early. What is Glee about if not smashing 80’s covers????)
OMG, Adam will be on all the talk shows in NYC chatting up the show before the season starts! He will be an A-lister in NYC and attending all those chi-chi events at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MOMA. He will be doing solos with other major singers at Carnegie Hall benefit events and we will see him in NYT and Vanity Fair and Page 6 society pages because he is a bona fide New York resident and has a national profile.
All you NYC-ers get ready. The rest of us are packing our sleeping bags and road-tripping to NYC every second weekend. Shades of “The Life of Henry Orient”!
You do realize that we will all have to download his Glee songs every week and trend him and whatever he sings on twitter etc. Can’t wait. Pocketbook open. T-shirts please….
At his next concert we have to have a T-shirt ready. Idol will be so sorry when they see what we’re gonna do for Glee.
OOPS! Jumped the gun a bit. Apparently not necessarily in the New York cast. Also, not confirmed whether he is joining for a couple of shows or a season.
Whether one episode or not, I am going to throw out the possibility that Glee may be the reason for the moustache. Maybe he has to look older?
Going to leave my prior post because, when it comes to Adam, I prefer to dream in technicolour.
SO happy your electricity is back on!! Y-A-Y!
I broke one of my own rules last night and phoned you after 9:00pm at 9:45pm when I first learned about “Glee”. No answer! You weren’t home?! Tried your cell and it went directly to voice mail. ARGH! Wanted to share the news with you.
Anyway – now you know.
I broke another rule and went – over there – to read comments. I can’t remember the last time that I did that – it’s been that long ago.
Well, that “elliegirl” hasn’t changed one bit. I remember her. Always and deliberately, for the sole purpose of just doing it, trying to throw cold water on everyone’s enthusiasm for Adam. So unnecessary!
“supersonic” – who’s that? – sheesh!
There are only a few more nay-sayers that I noticed but the rest of the 300+ comments are very positive.
I jumped to the conclusion that “joining Season 5 of Glee” meant Adam would have an ongoing role in all of the episodes. But from the comments, Adam fans pointed out that he might be in a few episodes and that those could be with Adam singing and not acting.
So, can’t help but wonder what Ryan Murphy and the writers have in mind for Adam!

If it’s a few episodes? How many times has a single guest appearance on a TV show lead to the role being expanded due to popular response from the viewership? The answer is many times.
This is an extreme example but Bea Arthur was cast for a one time appearance on “All In The Family” as “Cousin Maude”. Audience reaction to the character was so strong that it lead to Bea and Maude having their own TV series.
I don’t think that’s likely for Adam …
… but it’s a nice thought.
Supersonic. A sad, sad little troll who believes in their own self important bullshit.
I get the feeling from Ryan Murphys wording on his tweet that Adams role will be more than 1 episode….hopefully a recurring role. I don’t know, just something about the way He says he will be joining the cast…not guest appearing.
But who knows…
And apparently that photo of the 3 guys is photoshopped, so says twitter. The original only had Darren and Adam with a woman in the middle, and that Chris Colfer has been added.