- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Success!!! Yay!! I have a Kiev CD!! Wooot!!!
Now, tomorrow I will try to do the DVD. I’ll take some Tylenol, keep the area free of breakables, and pay my teen.
Can I say that I wish upon a star that there was some professional video from Moscow? Oh, BB was looking fiiiiiiiiine that day. Yum.
Haha! Gotta watch it again luval!
Really cool Kradamour! It surprised me too. It was just there waiting on me!
I had the same thoughts today, nkd, as I cruised down the highway blasting Trespassing. I hit the open highway just so I could “jack it up”
, as our city has a noise ordinance which carries a $300 fine.
For those of you who have downloaded the 2 hour TV show of Kiev, have any of you had the crash problem I’m having?
Mils, I haven’t downloaded the 2 hour show, but I’m still having the disappearing words since that show. Have to shut down my computer often and bring it back up. Sometimes, when I am on here (ex. reading your last post) only your name and the question mark will show up. Same with all posts on the thread. It’s weird.
Gavin DeGraw – Sweeter
Adam tweeted about this song a couple of months ago. I like it!
So Gavin DeGraw is the whiney guy who sings Can’t Get Over You or something like that.

Totally not in Adam’s league IMHO, but apparently is pretty hot and it is a good sign that he reached out to Adam, even though he is boring and I hope that nothing comes of it.
Ceddies, I think it’s time to bring your computer to the Geeks at Best Buy. It’s worth it to spend 80 bucks and get it cleaned and fixed up. We did that after the second time we were infected with the Viagra virus.
I am serious, if anybody would be so kind as to burn me a DVD of Kiev, I would reimburse them gladly. I have a feeling it would make a great treadmill visual. I might fall off though!
I had no problem downloading the 2 hour Kiev show, mils, I was just having problems getting a burner to work.
Send me your address, I’ll mail you a DVD. The one jlurks posted has a great picture and chapters at each song.
Ooooh, I like Sweeter. OkayIfeelbetternow.

I posted the tweet because he is one of the few singers/celebs that tweet to or about Adam. That tweet was from July 3 btw.
Listening to Sweeter. I like it a lot. He’s super popular right now. This is the kind of duet or collabo he needs. IMHO.
Nkd, seriously? Would you really? ( Bowing and clapping ))
Send me an email, I don’t think I saved your address, and I’ll send you my real address.
You are da bomb!!!!! YAAAAAYYY!!
Mils, I think you’re right about a cleanup on my computer, unfortunately. Small town, no Best Buy. Closest one is possibly 1.5 hours away. Cleanups here start at $120. Oh well, if I can deal with it til after Des Moines, I’ll take it in then. Gotta watch my coins until then.
ETA: Priorities, you know!
Ceddies, best of luck with the computer. I’m watching my money closely too. Still “unemployed” but picking up a lot of temp work in my field lately. I’m looking forward to Des Moines, but, holy moly, all this QueenBerting is so fanfreakingtastic, I don’t know how we’re going to make it there! We still have Poland and London X 3 to survive.
Honestly, after playing an Olympic stadium, and for 500,000 in Kiev, how is he going to be able to play a festival in Des Moines?
You got mail, mils.
Just watched the Wroclaw press conference. Amazing how comfortable they seem together, as if it had been years already not just two shows.
Three thoughts:
– Adam has the perfect attitude for these gigs, perfect answers in the press conference. “Coloring between the lines” was a great way to put how he is honoring Freddie in these songs without mimicing him.
– This collaboration won’t end with the London shows, I see zero chance of that. Additional shows in other countries (including the US I feel sure), recording material together, I think this continues for a while. Maybe not right away, after all it took over 3 years to get to this point, but it will happen.
– Brian and Roger won’t let Adam sink into obscurity if his solo career doesn’t succeed, they feel so strongly about his talent. Roger said that Adam had a “1 in 100 million voice”. Whatever happens with Adam’s solo career, Brian/Roger will be there to help Adam in any way they can.
nkd, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to have one of the DVD’s. I’ll pay too.
Mils, that thought has occurred to me too – how will Adam feel going from performing these legendary rock songs in front of enormous crowds with Queen to playing state fairs, festivals and casinos in Des Moines, Sacramento, Thackerville, Phoenix etc. I don’t know, seems like it could be quite the letdown. We’ll see what happens.
Re the letdown from stadiums to smaller venues in the US: here, in the smaller venues, he will be playing his own music with his own peeps. There is a lot to be said for that. And he will have the more intimate interaction – something to be said for that, too. So I am thinking that he will see it as apples and oranges.
eywflyer, I really liked your thought about Brian and Roger making sure Adam doesn’t slip into obscurity. I agree.
ceddies, speaking of Des Moines, I sent you an email.
Off to check on the email right now, Kradamour.
eywflyer, he may have a change of heart concerning the kind of music he would like to make. He just may lose the desire to be Pop.
Hi eywflyer!
This was my exact thought today! I went so far as to think that Brian and Roger would want to extend the tour primarily as an assist to further Adam’s career. I’m sure they have more money than they could spend for the rest of their lives. They’ve had and enjoyed tremendous fame and are still extremely well known, popular and admired. They’ve already experienced these things in all their glory. These therefore would not be motivating factors for touring. They feel regenerized working with Adam and are having fun making music with him on stage. That is their reward and it would also be in seeing their now good friend Adam go beyond having a toe hold in the industry to having his feet squarely planted on the ground with more financial security.
I absolutely agree with you as well that this show is not going to end in London. I think they would do anything for Adam and that would certainly include concert dates in North America and perhaps beyond. We may have only seen the very beginning of what’s yet to come.
Ceddies, that is quite possible, although I suspect that Adam would be very reluctant to give up on Trespassing. That album is his baby, as he has made pretty clear in a number of interviews. We don’t know yet what’s going to happen ultimately with Trespassing, but with the first two singles not doing well on US radio, rather weak US sales numbers, and not terribly impressive overseas sales numbers (we don’t know about the UK yet), the outlook isn’t very good right now.
Don’t get me wrong – I think that Trespassing is a fantastic pop album. But, with the dumbing down of pop radio in the last couple of years, it may not be the right album for this current time. In the ’80s, I think it would have produced multiple Top 10 singles. Today, the chess vs candyland comparison that was made in that article a few weeks ago (I think it was on that lol-psychic site) seems very apt, and unfortunately pop radio is in a candyland phase right now.
If it does eventually become clear that Trespassing is not going to perform as Adam and RCA hoped, I think he would have some serious soul searching to do. It seems pretty clear that he could have some very fruitful collaborations with Queen, perhaps leading him in a more rock direction for his solo career, if he wanted to follow that path.
His other option as I see it would be to record another pop album with more radio friendly (i.e. dumbed down and generic) pop singles. Maybe that’s what he would want to do, but that really seems like a waste of his talent and unique voice to me.
ETA: hi Ron! I think your comment is spot on. I noticed in the press conference that Roger went out of his way to point out that Adam had the #1 album recently in the US. Brian asked himself a question about what it was like to work with Adam (then had to wait for it to be translated lol), because he was so eager to say how well it was going. I think at first (as in a couple of years ago) that Brian was on board with the Adam idea more so than Roger, reading between the lines of some interviews from that time, but now it’s pretty clear that they are both really enjoying working with Adam and want to continue doing so.
I’d be very happy with a DVD, nkd!
Do you have a PayPal account? It would be the easiest way to pay you.
I’ll send you my address in an email tomorrow because, as for right now, I need to go to bed.
Good night!
I’ll be looking for your email Ron!
Ceddies, I sent you an email.
BTW, I’m not taking money from anyone!
Adam picture from Moscow
mils, eywflyer
Elton John was here in Alberta in April; he played three concerts, in three cities of 50,000 people in small venues. He said he prefers that, as he can connect much better to the audience. I wish I had known, I would have bought tickets and travelled to see him! I’m guessing Adam might feel the same way – of you live to perform, it hardly matters whether it’s 150,000, 15,000 or 1,500.Different experiences, but you are still delivering and getting response.Sure beats 60 folks in a bar!
Adam interview
I totally agree with the same as many of you about Brian and Roger “nurturing” Adam. Those guys have got it all and they have different main “instrument” than the voice, so they can fully enjoy such a talent like Adam. A great musician loves a great musical experience
They don’t want to see his talent wasted. I bet that the challenges Adam has faced, has made them even more willing to “help” him… They are good old time musicians, without envy and competition.
I am sure Adam has fully enjoyed this “Queen trip” after a year and months of work with Trespassing. I have got an impression that he has enjoyed his stay in London very much, the atmosphere, interviews and of course everything he has got and learned from the co-operation and tour with Queen. I have read encouraging news about NCOE and Trespassing in Europe lately, and I think it’s going to be better after all these Queen shows. I am curious how much press interest the London concerts will arise. I hope it will, also in US. How big legend Queen is in US?
His other option as I see it would be to record another pop album with more radio friendly (i.e. dumbed down and generic) pop singles. Maybe that’s what he would want to do, but that really seems like a waste of his talent and unique voice to me.
Eywflier, I couldn’t agree more your last sentence. Adam’s voice and performance style is so personal and unique, that I wouldn’t like to see it squeezed into too simple form. His voice is too strong for that – sometimes I feel like in mainstream pop the voice doesn’t have a very important role…
Article in Showbizspy
Hmm, these guys probably haven’t heard about the two massive concerts which already showed Adam was perfect under pressure… But I guess Huffington post article was interviewed before the Eastern Europe shows.
Good Morning Peeps! Hope you all are staying cool. Many of my friends lost power a week ago and a few are still waiting. Saturday it is supposed to hit 106 here. Pretty scary. I’ve been lucky so far.
Loved reading all your thoughtful comments and seeing the pretty pictures. Adam’s arms do something to me. His lovely instep is something to behold as well.
Adamland, thank you for posting the old interview. Not sure how I could have missed it but it truly captures the many directions/sides of Adam. I’m not too sure about the Indie Adam though. Adam is a club kid who loves dance/pop/electronica with a bit of wild/crazy over the top thrown in. It could be that he will never be part of the main stream pop scene just because he is different and his lifestyle isn’t the generic boy meets girl/boy falls in love with girl/boy gets his heartbroken….etc;etc; ITA that he could have outsold SB if he had gone the singing covers route. Good for him that he is pursuing his own music. Singing Queen covers with Queen. Totally different. Now if only Bowie would come out of retirement and ask Adam to tour with him. I’m hopeful that his UK release will be successful. Looks like he is doing well in other parts of Europe and in Asia and Australia.
Maybe it is the quality of the vids I saw from Moscow compared to the superb vids from Kiev but I am totally over the top for his Kiev performances. They were such a lovely balance of showmanship; respect; and professionalism. More restrained but definitely still Adam.
Loved everything about the Polish interview. To say that these three fellows are bonding is an understatement. My favorite part was when Brian said that they were making history by appearing together for the interview for the first time. I think he was alluding to a bigger historical moment. It may not happen, but ITA that if it were up to him he would keep going and make Queen with Adam Lambert a more permanent arrangement. New songs, touring, etc.
Excited for Saturday’s show. Little Duchess hope you are feeling better and the long flight didn’t wear you out.
Hey you Peeps in London. Eat some scones for me!
Wohoo, many Trespassing reviews… Two of them very good ones
Short review of TSP in Daily Mail .4/5 / @adamlambert pic.twitter.com/bF296ieN
News from the world about TP
Amanda Kelly @pomegranate02
Trespassing is album of the week on Australian iTunes ow.ly/i/Kurj
Eri @eri9
NCOE #2 on NZ MTVHits Today’s most wanted!!! \o/ \o/ \o/ @adamlambert
Good morning! Really great posts last night. I wish someone knew how to edit out the Polish translator in that interview. I’ve sent it to two people and both said they couldn’t sit through more then 5 minutes of course missing all the best parts. There is really something wrong with them!
There must be a tech genius among us who could do this.
And Gavin DeGraw was on Dancing With The Stars too. lol. He was pretty clunky but was voted off the 5th week. Seemed like a really nice guy.
And as several of you said in your thoughtful posts last night, about Queen nurturing Adam so to speak…I think they’ve had many talks about the radio industry today (Roger mentioned something near the end of the interview that he’s not sure how it works…it’s so different today). With Adam being so open I’ll bet that he’s talked to them about Trespassing…number one one week only, radio won’t play his single…what to do, etc etc. I think too that Queen had no idea this kind of crap was happening out there. At least for now…thank God for Queen.
eta: I’ll have to check my Rolling Stone about summer tours. Off hand I can’t think of one I would go to. Brian & Roger must have a load of connections in the biz. Something has to happen here in America! Maybe the fall?These concerts are still in a bubble. There are millions of Queen fans here that know absolutely nothing about what is happening in Europe. And David Bowie…what can I say but hope you are feeling better.
Me too, nkd!!!
So, my begging for DVD help has produced a business for nkd.
Seriously, I can try again to make my own, but, I just need a tip on how to get the data. My problem was with the download. Did anybody get it to a Soundcloud that I can use? Cher’s stuff was what worked for me to make my CD.
I don’t need BlurRAy.
I have a feeling that if we had Kiev quality video and audio for the Moscow show we would all want Moscow too. They were two very different shows. And I have a feeling Moscow QueenBert will be London QueenBert. He’s hitting his stride.
Oh, and here we are several days off between shows lamenting his career again!! I am not worried!! Not one bit!! Our boy is about to hit what we had hoped for so long. He is a true worldwide star.
Why is Queen touring? Not for money. No. They are touring because this is what they do. They are Queen. They keep their music available to the masses. They just won Icon award at EMA’s. So, now they follow that up with a tour.
I love how Brian said that Adam has energized them to play again. I’m a firm believer in “it ain’t over til it’s over.” They are musicians who clearly love to perform. They have an adoring fanbase that is nearly unequaled in music history. And a songbook of power-house hits. When you combine that with Adam’s sheer vocal prowess and performance ability, and you have magic. Not to mention Adam’s fanbase. Muwhahahaha.!!
I simply fail to believe that London will be the end. There will be US shows. There have to be.
Everybody hold hands and chant now:
Queen and Adam please book dates here. Please book dates here. ( and by here I mean in Milw –LOLOLOL )
Oh, and if anyone is doubting that Adam is making money from this, I scoff at the notion!
He’s making a mint. Don’t kid yourselves. The only money in music these days is in touring and merchandise.
The Kiev show was for charity. Yes. But, was the merch sold there for charity too? I wonder. Moscow was not for free!
Re smaller venues – on Elton’s most recent tour (last summer?) he played a smaller venue – about 8000 – here in Norfolk. Tickets started at $26 and peeps who went said it was fantastic, his interaction with the crowd was over the top.
I remember an interview with the Beatles when they stopped touring, when one of them said that touring had lost all its fun and just become work, because the crowds were just monolithic crowds, not even individual people, there was no humanity in it and that he would give anything to be able to perform in a small club again and really share his music with real people. (or something like that, I am remembering through a foggy lens of many years, but it really struck me, as a young woman, that he was not loving every second of the fame and massive response, but longed for a more human-scale performance opportunity).
I suspect that Adam would feel the same way.
Arenas for the adrenalin thrill, and smaller venues to fuel the spirit and connect with fans.
There is also another element: Sauli. Adam and Sauli are still really only in the honeymoon phase, and Adam has made no secret of the fact that this relationship is extremely important to him. I think he will work hard to balance his career and Sauli, which will also be a factor in his plans.
Good morning, ALL! Haven’t seen the interview yet but even from watching the Kiev and Moscow concerts anyone with eyes can see that something magical is happening and, if Brian and Roger have ANY say (which of course they do), there will definitely be more concerts with Adam. And if they want to help Adam the most by these concerts (which it is clear that they would want to do), they have to be in the U.S. So my feeling is that it is just a matter of time and, once again, we Adam fans need to be patient and also do all we can do to bring the magic to the U.S.!!!
I just watched some of the Moscow vids. The synergy between Adam and Brian is amazing, and very physical. It makes me think of the synergy between Adam and Tommy but amped up about a thousand percent. I watch it with the sound muted (sorry, peeps, most Queen music gets on my last nerve, but I do kind of like the quieter songs) and it is almost like a play, watching them roam around the stage and lean into each other, move away, move in tandem and individually – they never stay far apart for long, and it is like a conversation that they are sharing. Beautiful to watch. (I feel bad, actually, that Roger is trapped behind a stationary instrument and can’t join them! but I don’t think that he would – he seems to be someone who is hugely enjoying the experience of working together with Brian and Adam, but he seems less physical than they are. Hope this makes sense.)
mils, I’m holding my own hand, chanting for a U.S. show like I’m possessed, and doing my best Adam spin – in my bare feet (really glad that I’m the only one awake right now!!)
I really enjoyed catching up on the great conversations that took place here last night!! Love this comment from adamized:
Gawd, have to pinch myself again! I really can’t remember the last time I was this thrilled. I’ve been happy, proud, surprised, etc., but it takes alot to be thrilled, lol. I’m like nkd – I don’t know when I’ll get over this. It’s like that song by Diana Ross, “I’ve got the sweetest hangover I don’t want to get over!”
nkd and I were just texting yesterday about the bizarre, bipolar entertainment world Adam is living in right now, lol. Performing to hundreds of thousands with Queen, then flying to San Antonio, TX to perform at Fiesta Texas (Six Flags). Even my mother said, “Why is he doing THAT???” (I sure hope he’s inside for that show – San Antonio heat is brutal this time of the year.) But I imagine he will really enjoy getting back with his little band, singing his material – like someone upthread said, apples and oranges!
Good Morning everyone, just popping in real quick to say hi.
Still busy with Grandma duties, we are having a ball but it is a lot for this 29 year old. LOL
Can someone please point me to the best downloads for Kiev and Moscow(if there is any) for audio and for video so I can burn a dvd and cd. Maybe I will be able to actually listen and watch one day.
Loving all I am reading when I get a chance, and loving all the great comments here too.
Sparkle. You must watch that video!!!
No mils…put your hands and thoughts together and chant “Syracuse NY….Syracuse NY”!!!!!!
I agree with all the comments about Queen and Adam. When they had the press conference, Adam was in the middle protected/surrounded by Queen. Brian and Roger looked so proud of him.
I have a feeling that Queen is going to get out some of their as yet unheard music or write some new music for Adam.
Oops, maybe our universal chants aren’t going to be very effective – we’re all inserting our own city name! “Dallas… Dallas… Dallas …!!!” Adam would look hot in a cowboy hat and a$$less chaps!! (I need directions to the corner, lol
Texas, is this on the schedule? If so, for when? This is the first I’ve heard about this one.
Have a taste of The Map (longer snippet)
I love The Map!
Ceddies, I don’t know where nkd got that information – I looked on their website and don’t see anything, but you know nkd… she’s an internet ninja! We’ll ask her about it when she joins us. We toyed with the idea of going, but it’s the night before we see him at Winstar. Decided that it would be too difficult logistically. (Still haven’t totally given up on the idea though!)