- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Trespassing could work too. And, actually Shady would too. That Queen bass player is incredible. But, I’m still hoping for something with Nile Rodgers in London as a pop-in on a show or something.
Nile Rodgers is playing Guilfest July 13 – 15th, in England.
Shady could very well happen somewhere in that time frame!!
Brian’s soapbox.
I thought Nile and Chic were to play the Montreaux Festival in Switzerland? on the 13th, as Adam answered that he would be in the middle of the Queen gigs at that time. Maybe in London after that!
Love this quote from Brian
And Brian has a ruptured cartilage in his knee and had a doctor drain it before he went on stage. “The Show Must Go On”!
Here’s where I got my info. From Niles Site
Seems like both are true. http://nilerodgers.com/
Since the Guilford is from July 13-15, he (they) will be there on the 15th. The 15th would be a good date since Adam and Queen will have finished their last concert (for now?) the night before. Guilford is just outside of London.
http://www.guilfest.co.uk/2012/lineup.php – Chic on Sunday
Interview on Gaydar Radio
This article seems to be particularly relevant now even though it was written in April 2009:
Wow adamland, even though that article is over 3 years old, the writer was spot on. Very good read – thanks for sharing it with us!
I’d like to wish dflowers a Happy Birthday on her special day!
A few more pics added from the Wroclaw press conference.
Those are some drummer shoes! Love Roger!
Mils, I downloaded this file, http://bit.ly/LvQRa2, (PC Windows 7) copied
over to itunes and is now on my ipad. Then using windows dvd burner, burned
dvd and watched on tv. Tis good
Adamland, that article was very interesting, thank you! I liked this one:
“Still, I can’t help but wonder how cool it would be to see Adam Lambert as the frontman for a band with legitimate talent.”
Yes, it has been cool
So what’s the verdict: Adam is a successful pop star, he is a frontman of the great band, but he’s still a cross-genre star who is searching the final path.
jlurksacto…I have downloaded the same video as you posted, copied it to itunes, no problem. I have been working on this all evening, also using windows dvd burner, but mine says that it can’t use that format, mp4. What am I doing wrong? This is frustrating!
It’s very interesting to read how many of you welcome fierce Adam back. When I “introduced” myself to Adam and the fan sites in spring, there was a great enthusiasm about the new album. At the same time I watched his new promo shows and GNT shows from the past and read about his life during last year. I remember hoping he would keep part of his previous performance style, I really enjoyed it (on the videos). Trespassing performances were vocally very great and energetic but I realized I missed something
And now it’s back
Do you think he has just been holding back during Trespassing promos and now he’s back at what’s natural to him? I really love his moving and dancing and being sexy, but I agree he should skip the blow job of the mic and the most provocative gay style moves in Queen shows (crabbing the crotch is not that bad IMO). The last GNT WLL was really crazy, I’ve seen it too… I hope Sauli gets himself to Poland, Adam might need a calming fix 
LadyNorth, you have learned a lot in a few months! Knowledge that most of us have acquired over the course of years. I can’t even imagine the Adam immersion you must have gone through.
I think Adam is being respectful of the radio stations at these promo concerts since most of them have a station sponsor.
The casino shows coming up may have a different Adam! I’m counting on it!
Video of Poland press conference.
Did the world clock get posted for the Wroclaw concert?
Adam’s fashion evolution! Ha!
That video press conference was great. Loved it when Brian brought up the fact that no one asked how it was working with Adam…about 19:25. And I don’t think the people there got it when Brian said “our dance card is open” when they were asked what they’d be doing in the next two days. The translator/reporter was very good.
eta: haha at the end Adam reaches over to the plate of cookies or whatever they were. He was probably eye balling them through the whole interview.
Thanks for the tech tips guys, but, the problem I’m having is that some vids cause my adobe to crash every time. We have the newest, and are trying both ITunes and Windows media . No matter what we do, we are crashing. I don’t have time today for anything, won’t be home, and my son is fed up. By the time we have time to try again, the Kiev 2 hour will probably be taken down. The best one was taken down a couple of days ago.
Whatever, I’ll try to piecemeal some good vids again maybe later tonight.
Another problem I’m having is that the mp3 converter we used would mis-read and mis-label a song. So I’m not even sure if what I have is what I want. My drive to where I’m going today will be interesting. It will be QueenBert, just maybe in mixed up order or the same song 10 times!!
I almost had the whole two hour Kiev show downloaded yesterday, it took 2 hours , when at 98% it crashed. My son was going to trim the pre-show off of it, so I could get the whole concert on both DVD and CD. CRAP!!!
But, now, I really want some performance vids from Moscow. Especially slinky sexy twirly dancy bare arms and swivel hips Adam. Love that.
Did anybody notice him purposely doing the Elvis lip sneer in Moscow during Crazy Little Thing Called Love? I remember him being asked about the lip sneer during a radio promo and he didn’t know what the Glambert was talking about, very not aware that he did it. But, Crazy Little Thing has that Elvis vibe and he really went for it!!
That press conference was so good – the amount of respect and all around intelligence is so refreshing and appreciated. Can you imagine any of today’s top pop artists being so thoughtful and articulate with their answers? Picture Flo Rida, Nicki Minaj or Bieber? … huh-uh, just no! And the respect they have for Adam is so sweet!
I am losing major sleep over these performances, y’all. I can’t stop watching the videos. As much as I am enjoying Adam in these performances, I am enjoying Brian and Roger as well, and getting another chance to hear these amazing songs performed live again. I had forgotten how many amazing songs they had! I can’t get Somebody To Love out of my head…
Yep, definitely noticed it! My husband and youngest son were in Memphis last week for a baseball tournament and visited Graceland while they were there. When they got home, of course I had to
boreentertain my son with just a few of my favorite videos from the Kiev show – his first comment was “Adam looks alot like Elvis!”I noticed the sneer too! A nod to Elvis & Rock n Roll as Adam would say.
Does anyone have an idea why Brian & Roger decided to do this mini tour? They certainly don’t need the money. They must have known for quite awhile it would happen because I’m sure they have to jump through hoops to get these gigs…Moscow, Kiev & Poland. I understand the Apollo ones…substitute for the cancelled Sonisphere. It probably is just simply they love to perform. It’s in their blood. They know they can’t do it forever and of course Adam. He must have been stuck in their brain since AI. Can you imagine what the first rehearsals for the finale were like…when they heard Adam’s voice?.
I do remember Brian saying that someone told him to check out this guy on American Idol so he did. But there’s nothing like hearing him in person. I love listening to Brian & Roger too. Such gentlemen. This whole Queen thing is far beyond my imagination of what it might have been. They have got to come to America. Brian says he reads all his mail. I’m gonna mail him now!!!!
I loved every word of this press conference! As you said, Texas, it was so warm and respectful. And the way they described Adam (well they just said what is very true, what a shame if the others don’t get it). “He was born to do this”. I love Brian, he just seems so caring and sympathetic person.
And Texas, I am also addicted to this music interpreted by Adam… I watched the Moscow videos again with bigger screen, MP4s. The second half of the show, what a perfect performance, song after song! I could lie on the beach now but I haven’t got myself out yet. Okay, I am going and into to barbeque with friends after that, have to taste some real life too.
you have learned a lot in a few months! Knowledge that most of us have acquired over the course of years.
nkd thanks
I think I just happened to jump in when there was so much going on in Adamlandia and I think I had a right time in my life to join it… I really got hooked. I wanted to see him perform on videos and talk in the interviews, he was so… adamizing. I found following these fan communities very interesting, because I wanted to share my feelings too. You just go with the flow, you know
Thanks universe for the internet!
And I guess it’s also my personality, I love to research and analyze things and happen to be quite organized with that. But I think there’s a lot that I don’t know, and it’s fine.
I know this experience with Queen is a one in a lifetime opportunity and that Adam is really enjoying it. But I wonder about the $$ too! How much do you guys think Adam is earning to do these concerts?
renataademelo…I and a couple of my friends were wondering the same thing too but I didn’t want to ask.
All I did was highlight the file in the download folder, click “burn” at top of
page; the burner opened waiting for a burnable dvd. Then was asked “how do you want to use this disk?” Selected “With a CD/DVD player” and “next”. New page
opens with “Files ready to be written to disk (1)” Select “burn to disk” at
top of page. Another page opens “Prepare this disk”. You can put in disk title
and select burning speed. click “next” at bottom and – away we goooooooo.
Note – this file is a mp4 video so requires DVD burner and disk – too big for
a video CD
Queen on a river cruise, no Adam, but Adam’s manager was there. I wonder if the girl with the long brown curly hair is Brian’s daughter. The pictures on Brian’s blog from the Kiev show were taken by his daughter Emily.
Thanks jlurksacto. I’ll give it another try.
Note – I was smart enough to use a blank DVD!
Yah, I knew this, but my present PC is the first one with a DVD player/burner
that came standard. All others I had to buy an external burner or add one
to the tower. Didn’t know how old your PC is.
I love that Gaydar interview when Adam calls Brian’s hair frothy. Such a perfect description!
I do have a DVD burner in my computer, but now I think it ate the DVD! Can’t get it to eject!
So much pleasure, so much pain from these machines!
Have you tried a little hammer? (or a big crowbar)
Did we have a new poster (lurker) join in the conversation last night? I noticed Ginger and didn’t recognize that name, although something looks somewhat familiar about your avatar. If you’re joining us for the first time, Ginger, welcome to the playground.
I’m back from a busy day. LOLOLOL. My CD that I burned yesterday has 10 Somebody to loves and several other songs once.
All from Moscow. Kiev didn’t burn. Kiev downloaded in individual songs, but didn’t burn. I don’t get it. I have made many Adam CD’s all by myself before. Something is wrong here.
I’ll check out the above advice. Or, maybe somebody could contact me at the fansite, and I’ll pay to have you make me a CD/DVD.
On another note, that Polish interview was wonderful. I just love how they were so inclusive and praised him so much. I love how they feel renewed. They won Icon Award at the EMA’s, and are touring now on the heels of that.
“I Want It All” from Kiev is one of the most thrilling things I’ve ever seen.
ulitmat: I agree. But, I am listening to Who Wants to live Forever from Kiev, and I am brought to an emotional state again. I just have no words.
I remember that Soaked used to bring me to this place, but, honestly, there is a new and stronger intensity to what this song does to me now. This is quite possibly the best blending of song and singer and emotion/performance I have seen or experienced.
I am watching the whole Kiev concert right now. Just started. Can’t wait to get to Under Pressure & Who Wants to Live Forever.
eta: there are almost 62,000 views already for this concert video
Whew! I have been without video for a few days – who knows why (eye roll) but I didn’t have the time to troubleshoot, finally took care of it today and will watch some of the Moscow vids.
Loved the body language in the Poland interview – notice how Roger leans toward Adam and Brian in his single chair? At one point it almost looks as though he is going to pull himself over the arm of the chair toward them!
Ginger, if you are new to the sandbox, welcome! I have seen you on MJ’s in the past, I think?
Adamland, I read that 2009 article with great interest. Today it seems positively prescient.
Now, I would add Vegas as a possibility later in his career rather than or in addition to Broadway. Adam has often said that what frustrated him about musical theater was the sameness and the lack of power to do what he wanted to do when the director had a different vision. I think that after his experiences since Idol, that would be even harder.
I think that this time spent with Brian and Roger may be the best thing that could ever happen to Adam. Not because he gets to play with Queen, but because these guys have been there and done that and seen the rest. They obviously care for and about Adam, and are willing to share what they know about the industry and about their art. Adam is very, very fortunate to have this connection so early in his career with these guys who seem to be very much like Adam: caring, interested and interesting, thoughtful and curious and family-oriented.
It seems like a treat for them, too, to spend time with someone from a younger generation who shares their values and aspirations. I wonder if they see their younger selves reflected in him? I really get that feeling.
I’m still not loving most of the music, but the collaboration is priceless and I am so very happy for Adam.
And I am totally loving how much y’all are loving Queenbert!

Did any notice how often Adam, Roger & Brian seem to touch each other? It’s like there’s a connection, that maybe they’re actually feeding off each other’s energy. To me it shows the trust, admiration, affection and respect they have for each other. They truly enjoy performing together.
If Adam doesn’t want to do Rock, he shouldn’t be so darned good at it. Rewatched the Season 8 videos to compare just how far he’s come. My favorite is Born to Be Wild. He’s wearing tennis shoes instead of boots, and ends up on his knees. :::sigh:::
Randy was convinced Adam would make a record and it would sail to the top of the charts. I think it would have if he’d done a “Susan Boyle” and cover a bunch of rock songs. If he’d come off Idol with an album of several songs people knew, with that voice making them sound more current, I think he’d have outsold SuBo. There’s no shame in cover songs–even the Beatles covered Chuck Berry and others. But we can’t rewrite history.
Paula was sooo right about Adam. He will be iconic. We are so impatient for that day.
I don’t want to pigeonhole Adam in any genre. His strength is fusion–to bring all of his influences together for a whole new sound. He needs to follow his instincts in that area. Just as Elvis, the Beatles, the Motown groups, and others helped music to evolve, I think Adam can pull together the generations and bring a whole new type of music. He’s taking it all in and learning from it. Can you imagine where he will be in five years?
Success! We have DVD burn! After dealing with 5 programs, the simplest thing was the easiest and it works! I went into “computer”, initially trying to eject the lost disc, clicked on cd/dvd drive, chose a format for my dvd, “mastered”, dropped my file onto the page, selected burn disc. It was quick and it plays! YAY!!!
One of the moments that stands out to me from Kiev, there were many, was at the end of the flawless “I Want to Break Free” where Roger was yelling “YES YES”! That was such a proud moment.
I have watched that 2 hour concert so many times in just a few days. I’m not sure I’ll ever get past this excitement from all of this.
I turned on Trespassing yesterday after being all Queenbert for days, and damn that’s a great album!
Just finished watching Kiev. Now I’ll have to go back and hear Roger yelling YES YES! Thanks, nkd..LOL
A couple of things. In the song “Don’t Stop Me Now” when he sings “having a good time” I always think of the Laverne & Shirley theme song. Isn’t it the same or am I nuts?
Also, on Who Wants to Live Forever I swear there’s the guitar riff from Stairway to Heaven in there.
Damn, nekkid…I had no idea that you could burn discs in Windows without additional software!
How cool is that???
dreamfantasy is still that I am going to burn DVDs of videos and CDs of songs and CDs of interviews and get them off of my computer. Maybe this fall…A. Who is Gavin DeGraw?
B. Which song?