- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I would be too mesmerized to have the presence of mind to try to record anything. He didn’t say if it was beautiful faces slack-jawed with tongues hanging out.
But I get what he says. It’s easier to feed off the crowd energy if he can see their eyes rather than a bunch of cell phones. But on the other hand–God bless those who do record and share it with us who cannot go to a concert. He doesn’t have to worry about those recordings affecting ticket sales negatively. They just make us want to see him live even more!
Funny–Rock concert audience evolution
Oh, Adam – I get what you mean about wanting to see us living in the moment and interacting with you and putting away the cameras.
I experienced the virtual hand-slap in Paris when you caught my eye while I was focusing and WILLED me to turn off the camera (one of the most surprising events of my whole life, actually, I suddenly knew EXACTLY what Adam wanted me to do and he locked onto me until I put the camera down and then he smiled and looked away.)
But the concerts are too short! We are too afraid that we will forget! We want evidence that we were there and saw you, because afterward it seems like a dream.
But I do get that he doesn’t want the cameras to come between us. What’s a fan to do???

I’m finally back home after nearly a month without internet and my daily Adam fix. I got home late on Saturday and planned on catching up on Sunday, but had no power, internet or phone service due to the storm. The power finally came back on yesterday, and I found some amazing treats waiting for me. I’ve given up on sleeping. How can I close my eyes when there are this many incredible new videos to watch?
I just finished watching the 2 hour video from the Kiev concert and some of the Moscow fan videos. Even though my expectations were high, I was still amazed by all of their performances. Adam was fabulous, of course, but Brian and Roger also sounded great even after all these years. And Brian’s guitar skills are unsurpassed. (I wonder if Gene Simmons still thinks Adam doesn’t have the voice for rock, and should stick to ballads?? He’s such an ass!)
As for filming during the shows, photographing or filming an event puts a layer between the photographer and the action and decreases the intensity of the experience. On the other hand, looking at photos or videos helps bring back the memories. Ideally, the shows would be filmed by only a limited number of very skilled photographers, allowing the rest of us to just be in the moment. I really appreciated the professional filming and audio track from the Kiev concert. I got a much better feel for just how spectacular this concert was by watching the show in its entirety without a break.
I can’t wait for the recaps from all of you going to the London shows.
Finally catching up and heartbroken that some of the Kiev stuff is already taken down. Non-tech me didn’t save anything yet.
I saw the Mp3 that someone posted, and will have my son help me burn CD’s. Thank you. However, I have a tech question.
Is it possible to burn a DVD? I just must have visual.
I do have a feeling Queen will put out a DVD eventually. But my needs are more immediate. Muwahahhaa!!
Maybe we’ll finally get a 3D IMAX. ( please universe )
Oh, and not only did we see the tootsies for the first time in a long time, but I do believe I saw another old friend make a comeback tonight as well. Not that I was looking.
Oh, and I have a job posting, of course I would gladly volunteer, but would need airfare,
Leather pants butt taker-inner.
What is up with his saggy ass pants? The frontal laces are still amazeballs, but the butt is needing serious renovations.
Oh, and research indicates that these are the laces from the later part of the tour. The laces form the earlier part of the tour were made of swatches of various leather fabrics in an asymmetrical pattern, and were almost blue in color. These made an appearance, I believe, in Japan after the earlier laces tore on stage and revealed “peach” underneath. He then alternated old laces with these dark solid leather laces. Also, the actual laces in these are much darker and thicker. The former laces were thinner and lighter in color.
Geez, I just amazed myself with this bit of research! LOL
No kidding! Either stretched way out or Adam has lost his backside. No problems with the front!
Random thought, wondering if Nile Rodgers is still in London, or in Europe, and if Adam would do a pop-in on his show and do Shady???
Or, if, in any way that Niles would pop-in at the Queenbert gigs and do Shady????
And, I do believe that Queenbert will play Wembley someday. I really do. So, Adam at Wembley, I believe will happen!!
Funny–Rock concert audience evolution
Ellessay, that was fun
And, I could not film in the concert, I’d be wild dancing! I did it already during the stream at home… And what you said in some previous post (you manage to express so well what many of us are thinking), Adam’s life and career won’t be the same after this. I’d love to see some future Queen-Adam co-operation with the new songs! I get so much more out of this kind of music than any autotune or electro.
Mils, about the tech issue (I am tech dummy but I consulted my bf a little…). He downloaded something (a program?) on my lap top, so I am now able to save the youtube videos easily in MP4 format. I watched it, it was perfect, the best picture version (lacking 2 encores). About 480Mb. Now I at least have it in visual form. I was also asking about burning the DVD. He said it’s probably possible, but again you have to find a program which can do it from MP4. I think about it later… And probably the DVD has to be “Two-layer-DVD” because the concert is so long. I hope you have someone tech freak to help you.
Today I was bicycling and had my MP3-player with AdamQueen on, and I almost ride in front of the car. Couldn’t hear anything, because… you know.
Re burning a DVD – totally simple. You just need the right software (and, of course, a drive that will burn CDs and DVDs, but virtually all computers have that these days. My desktop computer is several years old and DVD-R drives were old hat even then.)

Software: I use Roxio Easy CD and DVD Burner. (Nero is another good one.) It will burn any video in pretty much any format onto a DVD. A single DVD can contain several hours of video, no worries on that count.
Hope this helped!
About the “saggy ass” pants…dunno, I kinda like the way they drape over the buttocks now. That one photo was (IMO) very hot. And I do think that they are stretched, to be able to drape so well.
Mils, that was a lot of…um…research. I’m impressed. The attention to detail…damn.
mmm222 – welcome back! I was wondering if you were back yet, been following the weather issues in your neck of the woods and hoping you were still away on your adventures to avoid that.

mils– You know way too much about the history of the laces. Too funny! I noticed the saggy seat too. It’s probably from a combination of juicing and all the hip action stretching out the leather during the GNT.
I made a CD from the mp3 from Kiev, but would also love to have save the video. I am praying for a DVD AND some North American concert dates. An IMAX would also be much appreciated. I thought of that too while watching the 2 hour Kiev show. As for making your own DVD, I tried to do that with Adam’s American Idol videos which I had purchased from I-tunes. I didn’t realize that you need a special disc for the visual and wound up with the sound tracks only. That was actually great for using in my car. I have since bought the correct blank discs for DVD, but remain ignorant on how to make an mp4, much less burn a DVD from You Tube.
Ideally, every concert would be filmed by a professional team that had someone filming from the perspective of each individual concert-goer, so that each person could relive his/her personal concert experience over and over again, and the films would be downloadable for free within minutes of the end of the concert.
Now THAT would be my idea of “ideal”!

Kradamour– Thanks for the info on the software for burning DVD’s. I’ll have to try it.
I love traveling, but it’s good to be home, even though the first 36 hours were spent sweltering in isolation due to the power outage. Thank goodness for AC, phones and the internet, not to mention You Tube!
The eagles have landed in Poland.
“… We are the first in Poland and we feel great, but not young – the musicians
said the Queen after arrival to Wrocław. This was the first press conference in the history of the band with Adam Lambert. …”
more …
I love that photo of the three of them!!!!!
I’ll post this on the Mocsow thread, but, you simply must go to 24/7 for the HD videos from Moscow. If they aren’t already on our thread, they need to be. Excellent quality. OMG. Adam’s moves and drama are just fluid. Hawt. Sticky and sexy.
Oh yeah, and he sings too!
Thanks for the video tips. Gonna get my teen right on it. Of course, he probably already knows all of that simply by osmosis.
And Home Planet is beyond today. Just beyond.
Hi all-
Welcome back mmm222!!
Wish I could’ve gotten through the Moscow vids. We saw a few this AM but time’s running out. I also thought I’d be able to make a CD and DVD of Kiev but apparently not from what I’m reading.
It’s that time!
Today’s the day! I leave in minutes for Miami airport for flight to London.Wish me luck! First time flying sick this far. Still on meds (2nd round)for over 10 days and this infection still hasn’t really turned around (not contagious so the rest of the plane is ok))…just my problem!
I hope to keep up with the blog but won’t be back in USA until 25July…unless I need to come back early. (hope not).
Thinking wonderful Adam thoughts in hopes that the endorphins will pull me through! Can’t wait to see Queenbert live but want to feel better first so as to really enjoy.
little dutchess, feel better soon and have a safe and wonderful trip! We will be thinking of all of you having European vacations and seeing Queenbert live.
From Q3 at Atop:
“2012 mid-year musts”
Polish news article and photos from the news conference:
Google translation
More Polish coverage!
Google translation
From the news conference:
Civil rights video set to Trespassing.
And more…
Google translation
I remember this interview on 60minutes with Roger Waters of Pink Floyd from about a month ago. It is a great interview. He is 68 yrs old. If you don’t want to listen to it, move up to almost the end 11:15 when he’s asked about how hard it is to do this. This is so funny because people wonder how Brian & Roger can tour because they are older.
example: we get woken up by people, get driven to where we need to be, get on a gorgeous plane, work for three hours, then go back to sleep. WorK???? work is watching a 2 yr old! That’s work!
Not the exact words but take a quick listen. It’s very short.
And even more…
Google translation
Interview with Russian “Love Radio”
Meeting the Flashmob
They are trying to gage the interest in a live stream from one of the London concerts. Leave replies on AO.
Oh indeed!
Last week’s album numbers from Idol Chatter, about what I expected:
NCOE is now losing spins on both HAC and Top 40 radio, looks like it’s pretty much done. Adam, his management, and RCA will need to think very carefully about their next move once Adam gets back to the US from his Queen concerts. If there is going to be a third single, IMO they should pick something bold and uniquely Adam, since the first two more generic singles (not written by Adam) didn’t do very well.
I’d be surprised if there aren’t a few North American Queenbert dates scheduled too, probably for the fall.
Happy 4th to all you Americans!
Little dutchess, happy to hear you manage to catch your flight! I Hope you get better soon to enjoy London.
Thanks for the stuff everyone, I crawled thru the translations… I wasn’t sure if I understood the meaning of everything. It felt like in Russian concert there was in the air some dissatisfaction towards Adam? Last night when I followed the tweets from the Russian concert list, a young girl (glambert) tweeted that when she was leaving the concert she noticed shitty talk and hatred towards Adam by many Queen fans. I wonder if it’s because for those people no one is good enough, or is it that there are things about Adam which irritate them… That he is not rock enough etc. I’d like to get the whole picture of how many Queen fans are in and how many still don’t like the presence of Adam.
In my opinion, I guess there are some die-hard Queen fans, to whom Adam is too “pop” or lacking something crucial. But there are also many, who were positively surprised and would like to see him fronting again and think he’s a perfect fit. AND I bet there are also a lot of new people, who find this music interesting after these concerts.
Some people talked here earlier about Adam making the bridge between the old and the new. This is probably slightly more “pop” Queen than the earlier productions, because of Adam’s different voice. But maybe it is something new, that attracts today? Pop-rock? My bf (who is a walking “quality-music-wikipedia”) told that Queen’s latest albums were more pop than than earlier ones. Maybe it’s time for a new era of Queen (Bri and Rog really seemed to enjoy playing again)? Those who want to live in the past can listen to the old records, I bet there is still plenty of people who can enjoy Queen’s great music live with Adam as a vocalist. I will indeed
I agree with many of you that Adam needs challenging music, that’s what brings the best out of his skills. We’ll see what happens next – maybe some totally new projects? What I have learned about Adam so far is that he’ll always discover something new, he doesn’t get stuck to the old if it’s not working. Adam’s every album and style can be different – he’s so impulsive and creative! He’ll keep us Glamberts alert until the day WE collapse
This Glambertism seems to be a full time job but all I can say I enjoy (almost) every minute of it! During last 3 months I have got more joy and excitement than the whole previous 5 years!
Adam Lambert steps up as Queen frontman
MTV News Russia
Twitter list for Saturday:
Kudos to Adam and his PR peeps. In spite of jet lag, a high from a fabulous concert,and numerous other demands of his time, Adam took the time to meet with this group. This is something these kids will always remember.
I am wondering if Adam may tour for more shows with Queen. He feeds off live audiences and this may give TSP some new legs.
My Adam moment …. I was stopped at a railroad crossing for a long freight train. Four lanes, nobody behind me. Radio cranked up .. (btw … volume won’t blow speakers, distortion will) Car full of teen girls pulls up next to me. Windows go down, they listen and they yell ADAM !! They start waving the CD and singing the song I was playing. It wasn’t TSP or NCOE .. it was Runnin’!!
I was one happy 29 year old.
zz: I looove your Adam story!!!! And teen girls , YAY!
On another note, I am soooo frustrated. I don’t know if it’s a computer fail, a converter fail, or that so much fan video is from Russia, but, I cannot simply cannot get a DVD to burn without something crashing, and I cannot get most of anything from Kiev to burn as a CD or DVD. I have spent quite literally all day on this with the help of an 18 year old who has lost any sense of patience with me and multiple systems.
I’m giving up. I am hoping for high quality video from London. I just loved several of the vocals from Kiev better even than Moscow.And I still want a CD from Kiev. Oh well. In my humble opinion, the vocals were smoother and stronger in certain songs in Kiev, and the visuals were intensely better in Moscow. Actually, they were delicious.
Ahem. Oh my, that needs another “Ahem.” Whew!!
And, if I may, the loosey goosey slinky sexaaaay naughty Adam is making a big come-back. ( Yay again ).
I just hope he doesn’t deep-throat the mic in London. I never cared for that. Licking–okay. Over at Home Planet there is talk that some Queen purists were actually offended that Adam grabbed his crotch in Moscow during Fat Bottomed Girls.
I seem to remember Freddie grabbing his, rubbing his, humping drum kits, wearing very lewd outfits, leather S&M style, yellow short shorts, sequins from head to toe, etc.
Adam is tame next to Freddie. Maybe those few complainers never saw Freddie perform and only ever heard the music on CD’s. Maybe they never saw Freddie strut his stuff. Too bad.
Love your story, zzatrms.
Mils, agree with you about the mic. And would Adam do this with his dad in the audience? Well, maybe.
On another whole note, we had record breaking heat again here today. No parades or picnics or fireworks for our family. We watched fireworks on TV last night. Milw does a HUGE lakefront fireworks on the 3rd. Hundreds of thousands of people go to them. But, they are also shown on TV, so instead of battling crowds and heat, we watched from home. Felt like a 90 year old doing so, but hey, popcorn, fireworks and air conditioning were more than fine!!
Hope everybody is enjoying today and staying cool. We are certainly not the only place that is hawt today. ( 98 and climbing, over 100 expected tomorrow, and humid as hades ).
luval, his parents were there for the LA finales. I just remember Adam getting so naughty during his WWL finale, and sitting on the floor next to Monte doing all that stuff to the mic, almost putting it in his mouth, then sheepishly -not doing it and looking up with a suddenly sweet boyish grin, as if he had seen his parents and they shook their heads at him and said ” nope, not today.”
Oh, how I’ve missed naughty Adam. I’m so glad he’s coming out to play again.
( LOL, wipes tear of joy ).
I guess I just want every Queen show to be perfect for the thousands, millions, whatever people seeing him on the world stage. I don’t want one thing to mess up the amaze-ness we’ve seen so far. I want him to be accepted by mainstream (it will never happen
). And there hasn’t been one thing in the media here about the shows. I don’t count the on-line blogs except maybe THR but that is still in insider’s site I think. If he is too “naughty” on this worldwide platform, I’m afraid AMA-ness will start all over again. This of course is IMO. So far so good and I hope it stays that way!! I want sexy Adam too, but not too sexy! 
luval, you are so right, if he does get any media attention here it will be for naughtiness. Remember on GN, he was so fricking amazing in Europe, and the only media he got here was for smoking a doobie in Amsterdam on stage.
little dutchess, here’s hoping you travel well and feel better in time to see the shows. From personal experience, having gone to Hawaii to see 2 GN shows sick ( on round two of antibiotics ), seeing Adam will make you feel better instantly. But, I hope you are better before then anyway!!
My Fantasy: Queen-Adam version of Runnin’…ahhhh!
That’s interesting, fwachdr.
Makes me think of all of Adam’s songs from both albums, which one would be a perfect collab with Queen. Will have to think about that one. Only one I can think of right now is Sleepwalker…Brian May playing the brilliant lead guitar.
Mils, Try these:
(Kiev) I converted the 6GB MPEG from QueenZone http://bit.ly/N5qpX4 to an iTunes-compatible mp4 w chapters for DL (1GB) http://bit.ly/LvQRa2