- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
eywflyer – how do foreign sales help Adam? Do you think those will have an effect on a future album. Or are those sales not particularly healthy either? thanks.
I hope that Brad,the country dude, will not be AI judge. I barely watch AI as it is now, and with him next to Mariah and Randy dawg it will became snooze feast.
I might be bias due to the fact that I can’t stand country music. Never could. Idol will produce another boring WGWG known only in US.
I still hope for Adam, but if not him, get me someone like Pharrell or will.i.am.
And get rid of Randy….
Speaking of Pharrell, there was a great article in the paper today about his summer pilot program for kids in his hometown of Virginia Beach to help them to develop realistic goals and a plan to get there:
I’m so impressed. The Pharrells and the Will.i.ams (and his STEAM program in California) can make a difference in ways that have never really been done before. They have so much respect from and credibility with the kids at risk.
Just to change a subject – how many songs on trespassing are about Sauli? I am pretty sure that at least 3 – Broken English,Nirvana and The Map. What do you think?
Hi Oksana!
Definitely “Shady”. The song is all about the first time he saw Sauli in the Bar.
Album photo shoot pics. I love these! I think the left one is the cd booklet.
And where are these pants. I like them.
The band on PLL set. (Brian, Isaac and Tommy)
With you, Oksana on country – do these guys ever take off those moronic hats?
Mariah’s Idol promotion pic over at MJ’s – that shot alone would turn me off the show. Awful.
Great (4 star) review of the Queen show in Kerrang!, a prominent UK rocker magazine:
I’ll post it in the July 14 Queen show thread too.
If I see this correctly comparemyradio.com http://comparemyradio.com/artists/Adam_Lambert shows how many times British Top 40 Stations played Adam in the last month.
The station that played it the most (Gaydio) actually used a remix, the digital Dog Remix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrbHUKSDcs8.
I find the website very informative. You can easily look around what everybody is playing, and they even give a measurement for the variety of songs played.
Is there a similar website for US stations?
Thanks Ron!

Glad to see that you are thinking again today!
That CSM post was perfect!
I think that a panel with Mariah, Adam and Will.i.am would be pretty great. Adam and Will have both been mentors before and they were so cute together on the Graham Norton Show. Randy is then free to co-manage Ms. Carey to get the max out of her time at Idol and hang out with Jimmy (and fill in as mentor if they can’t find anyone else that week).
Can’t remember who posted how much they loved that TALC PTL in CA a few pages ago. Just wanted to say how much I agree – saved it and have watched it numerous times. The man can move.
Ron, somehow “Shady” sounds more like lust song, not a love song.
And after listening several times to Adam’s banter before “Aftermath” about not likely meeting love of your life in a bar, the joke is on Mr.Lambert…
Ultima, how come I missed that pool for best summer song in RS ?? I guess Adam didn’t need my help in taking second place..
I think that RS comment was quite tasteless.. I liked your responses..
Thanks, Oksana – that RS comment got my blood going – dopes.
And, yes, the joke is on Mr. L – he sometimes slides around that comment by saying, well, yes, but it was a nice bar.
A special thank you to turquoisewaters who so graciously has spent many hours reviewing the Queenbert videos to select the best for viewing. Since there were so many (4 pages), it was not possible to post the message with all the links directly in the blog. She sent me the info and I created a PDF with the links embedded.

You can find the link in the Queenbert thread of July 14. The downloadable PDF file is after the last video link and before the comments. So take a look and see if any suit your fancy to download or watch over and over again…and if you have some favorites not on the list, please let me know and I’ll update it!
Thank you turquoisewaters! What dedication!
LOL, ulti!
AL: You are welcome. It was sheer torture.
Offtopic but had to show y’all this. Three houses away from mine. I live 12 minutes drive from the closest beach and this saltwater croc came out of the freshwater canal across from me. The only weird thing is the canal doesn’t lead anywhere. It’s a dead end canal. Freaky crazy stuff.
Just popped in for a lurk or two, ha!!! Ya’ll mentioned Shady being about Sauli…NOPE! Shady is about Adam’s hook ups back in the day. He said so in interviews, not about Sauli!
About Shady PlanetFierce I heard him say this in an interview also, but I can’t remember which one, seems like it was in one of the radio station visits earlier this year.
Translation of article in In Rock magazine.
Hah! I knew Shady was my fave for a reason. Now I know the reason.
cher were you out there filming the visitor too?
turquoisewaters you put yourself through incredible amount of “torture” to make that list of videos. Thank You.
cher were you out there filming the visitor too?
Me Glambotgram? That was the news crews doing that. They’ve been in the neighborhood all day. I’m the biggest coward when it comes to things like that. Now I know why a few ducks in the neighborhood are missing.
cher: crazy!
“””rs says:
07/25/2012 at 8:42 am
aw mils, that is too bad. I was looking forward to meeting you. Why don’t you come visit them and get out of the Wisconsin winter for a couple of weeks?”””
Email me, and we can discuss.
Thanks to AL for keeping an eye on things today while I was asleep, and determining that the winner of the toaster oven for the 40,000th comment is ultimatethule, for the comment in this thread at 438 PM!
Here is the prize, also created by AL!
re Shady: Interview with Lyndsey Parker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExIJLpJ2Kgo start at 3:40
I guess one could say you are both right. The night he met Sauli during his last (for now???) shady outing.
Congratulations, ultimathule — you are very deserving of this honor!!
I was just looking at that sweet pic of Adam, Sauli and the baby. Do I see a hanky in Adam’s hand? And a very emotional face? AWWWWW.
Another one bites the dust!
ultimathule…I was the one who posted about the Sacramento PTL. Just watched it again!
luval…. I’m assuming you are referring to the Costa Mesa PTL. I agree that it is unbeatable, and I do watch it quite frequently myself. The dancing — OMG!!!

Just saying the person who has the 1,000th post each month is usually awarded the traveling toaster, but this month my joyous occasion went unnoticed, except by Ceddies. I really would like a piece of toast.j/k. My congrates to ultimathule (and Eywflyer) tho as 40,000 is a fantastic number.
Are you all set for Iowa?? Looking forward to seeing you and Goatiegarden again.
I can’t believe what I have to go through just to get out of town for a couple of days. Didn’t help that one of my foster dogs had to go to the vet with an upset system. And he doesn’t like the medicine. But the car is ready and I bought a kickin hat to keep the sun off. Hope my traveling companions don’t mind an iPod that is loaded with many recordings of each of Adam’s songs. LOL. They will either be converts or may opt to walk home!! jk
re Trespassing songs, I don’t think Take Back is about Sauli, but I always think of the fight in Finland when I hear that song.
Got to say, I love Map, well worth getting the UK version for.
Does anyone have a link to the 2 hr Kiev concert, I haven’t seen it all yet, and the few songs I did see were on a very small screen. I was trying to find it last night but everywhere I looked it had been taken down by UMG.
Cher that croc looked pretty big, scary…
I tried posting a photo the other day of the typhoon (upgraded to a hurricane for a couple of hours) that hit us a few days ago. Taken from an aeroplane flying over it, pretty amazing. Worse storm I’ve seen here for nearly 13 years…
HK fan
I’m so happy your survived your storm. This weather this year is soooo wild. We have so many fires going at one time, there just aren’t enough fire fighters to go around. In fact a dear friend of mine was out with about 100 ranchers this past weekend fighting a grass fire for two days before they got it out. She said she was so afraid the wind would come up and spread it faster. They were lucky it didn’t.
rainbowgal4 and Jojosie so excited to be meeting up with you both, mils, and other fans! Got my hat, my cooling shirt and bandana, my mister fan, chair, phone, camera… Now we just need Adam to be primed from PLL and the first 2 shows. I hope he really cranks up the energy, since Des Moines seems to be the last US show for a while. Half hour between him and Train, so it ‘s fine with me if he spills over and does a 90 min show!
dcglam…sorry, yes…the Costa Mesa PTL!
HKfan…This doesn’t have the encore but it’s great…from the Kiev thread on this blog.
I think we will see a whole different Adam than we saw 2 years ago. The confidence and validation he got singing with Queen – there would be no where else he could have found that. So I think we will get a energized, happy and I hope a little silly Adam. Actually I’m ready for anything!!
Oh dear God – protect us from this…….
Scott Allen @STAR_MrAllen
RT @idaveprice: 106 degrees? What the what?
He’s talking about Iowa!! He posted this only 3 hours ago.
A funny gif of Sauli
rainbow “Cooling” down to 90 and partly cloudy for Saturday. Peeps on twitter in Texas are worried about the heat for Adam and the band. By the time he makes it up north, 90 will feel cold!

Weather Channel shows 80 degrees, partly cloudy, 10% chance of precipitation for Des Moines on Saturday.
Quite perfect weather!
YEAH! There will be dancing in the seats – and lawn!!
luval, thanks, but that video is blocked by UMG…..
turquoisewaters — You are a goddess! Thank you SO much for all of the time, care, effort, and love that you put into compiling that Best Of Queenbert vids list. What a gift!! Bless you
And while I’m at it, I just want to give a big thank you shout out to AL, who is doing a KICK ASS job of administering the recent concert threads! THANK YOU AL!! I don’t think many of you here have met AL, but I have had the pleasure of doing so (at the Puyallup GNT show), and he is a gracious, kind, smart, and very talented guy!