- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I don’t know if it was posted already..
And how not to love Russian fans? They sing WWFM and…. Trespassing!!
World clock for tomorrow’s performance in Moscow.
Thank you Oksana for posting that video.

I love it!
He’s a superstar y’all!!!
Adam wins Billboard first half for Favorite No. 1 Album!
NCOE was #2 on Best Music Video and that was a write in!
Also a write in, #3 Best Style.
I love the videos of the crowds outside of Adam’s hotels. But I wish they were in Anytown USA too.
And soooo happy Adam won favorite 1st half on Billboard! This was an important poll, I think.
Interview with HolyMoly
Just a quick note, my computer is still behaving. Maybe I took care of what was ailing it. Still holding my breath though. If I make it thru the day and tonight, then maybe I can breathe easy again.
Where is that Arizona State Fair, Phoenix?
Hi all, here at the b&b with rs, Cher and her mini-entourage. She’s taking off for Belgium and Holland tomorrow while rs and I get culture this wk, preparing for getting completely bonkers next week (no holding back, Adam will get our naked love).
rs here. I spent my first afternoon after the cruise at the nearby mall using their free wifi to catch up and watch most of the Kiev concert. I could hardly believe my ears. Absolutely mesmerizing. I can’t believe that next week I will see them in person. We have waited for so long and it is actually happening. Will check in again after the show,if we are still breathing.
“You have very deep eyes.” Sigh. I’d like to see that for myself. I envy you guys that have had the up close and personal meetings.
Adam is the bridge from old school to the new pop. We older 29-year-olds fell in love when he sang the songs we grew up with. He makes us feel young again, and current in today’s world. Alive and vigorous. He did that for Queen, but he’s been doing that for the rest of us for the last four years. We are so impatient for the rest of the world to see what we do. The rest of the world is mesmerized, what’s wrong with the U.S.? I think I’m just as Cuckoo as you are. I’m sure my family would agree.
I’ve been working the Queen angle on my facebook page-posting clips from the concert–in particular the WWTLF clip. That one is really getting some positive feedback.
Ellessay…ITA…you said it perfectly!
Wow! Adam has added almost 5000 twitter followers in the last 48 hours – normally he gains about 1500/day. Imagine what it’s going to be like for the next couple of weeks as he blows half of Europe out of the water!
Any American media today? Outside of blogs?
I wonder if the Kiev broadcast show would ever be shown here?
Was checking twitter and somehow stumbled across this website. It is interesting reading, and well taken with a grain of salt. I find it funny–but not sure it’s supposed to be. There are a lot of wishful thinking what-if’s that I wouldn’t mind seeing come true.
No American media that I know of and I watch all the gossip shows. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin wedding… all the hollywood trash has taken over these shows. And I don’t think VH1 or MTV have music news anymore do they?
IMO we will never see this broadcast. Nothing has changed.
Another quote from the psychic website:
Roger & Adam singing Under Pressure. Beautiful picture.
This struck me funny:
Ellessay, thanks for bringing that wonderful photo of Roger and Adam here. I’ve been looking for a better picture that had both Adam and one of the band members in it for the featured July photo – that one is perfect and is now at the top of the thread!
Did you all see trespassing is up from #122 to # 17 on amazon and also #3 on movers and shakers!!
Thanks. I love Adam’s profile in that picture…and the intense look on his face.
Posted this on the Queen Kiev thread, putting it here too so everyone sees it:
Moscow thread will be posted in the morning around 8am Eastern time, the show starts at noon EDT. I do not know of any streams at this point, looks like we will have to settle for the twitter list then videos later.
Someone seems a little anxious to make this happen. I hope we get a good quality video when it does!
That’s great news, aely. Didn’t expect that big of a jump – just fabulous.
And, yes, love the new pic of Adam with Roger – perfect.
In some respects, like the fan videos better than the professional ones – get the feeling of being there – the immediacy. Not feeling so disappointed that the 17 cameras won’t be in Moscow.
And please, universe, SHADY with Nile and Sam.
That is interesting! On the British bubblegum show Friday Download, Adam’s “hot or not” was chess! Apparently he really enjoys playing it!
luval There’s good online coverage. Here’s USA Today: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/idolchatter/post/2012/07/watch-adam-lambert-with-queen/1#.T_Jypb_-SAA
Ryan Seacrest
I had a chance tonight to see the Queen Extravaganza. I was debating whether or not to go, when I went online to check out some Paul Rodgers and Queen stuff, when I happened upon youtubes for the QE show. Rodgers is good, and Marc Martel (QE) does a credible job, but ain’t nuthin in comparison to AL. He has incredible stage presence, like Freddie. I’ll bet that’s what Brian and Roger love so much. I have so much more respect for Paula, because she sure knew the guy could do. Anyway, I felt a bit disloyal not going to QE, but decided to save my money in hopes of seeing the real thing someday.
One at a time! However, I think they’re falling like dominoes this week!
This is a tweet from the guy with that article taking back how he scoffed at Adam fronting Queen.
Byron Cooke unedited radio interview with Adam from June.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Good morning Moscow
Hi to riskylady, rs and Cher in London
Still one week to go… How’s London, rainy? 10 days forecast, don’t forget your umbrellas. C U there is hope!
I posted some Kiev stuff to Kiev thread, including loadable MP3s link…
I love this Queenbertstorm
Good Morning ALL. Just a quick run by posting as I am very busy with gran-babies right now.
I was watching Elton while DH was driving on Saturday. But of course when it was time for Adam my connection went out. The only thing I have had a moment to watch so far was BoRap.
I can’t believe after waiting for this for so long that my time is zero for internet and videos right now. lol
So I will be really be playing catch up after the kids go home. But that is on the 13th so I will miss all the flailing over Queenbert. That is so much a part of the fun being able to share with everyone here. By the time I get to watch everyone will be past it, that is if anyone ever gets past this EPICNESS. At least that is what it looks like from the comments I have been reading.
Love the new pic up top, beautiful.
Thanks nkd, Byron Cook is always so fun
And that video of Russian fans, sweet
A lot of young fans…
Moscow thread is posted:
Another good one:
Ellessay, I love your posts. I think that this is exactly right. I didn’t see Adam on Idol, so I never really saw him sing the “old school” music (and frankly I didn’t like that music much when it was “new school” lol) except for the tour encores. My Adam experience is only pop, but it is a pop that is informed by so much from before that is deeper and richer, unlike most of what is being created now out of whole cloth by kids who don’t have one foot in the past in the way that Adam does. Doubtless that is his appeal to us 29 year olds, whether or not it is conscious.
The quote about Adam’s music being chess…yes, in a simpler checkers world. A wonderful analogy.
Not posting much at all – way too much sudden real life! But I’m reading and enjoying y’alls flailing. I don’t share the love for Adam with Queen, but I do love that so many people I care about are enjoying this so much!
And I love that Adam is clearly having the time of his life, and the time spent with Queen’s Roger and Brian is truly a gift – these are pros of the highest order. Like a master class in musical stardom.
Very glad to see a little bit of mainstream press about the Kiev concert. Oddly, msn and yahoo did pieces right after the concert about Elton’s part, with no mention of Queen or Adam.
Oooooh…I want this for a very, very large poster:
Kradamour – Nice to “see” you here! I’d love that picture as a huge poster also!
glambotgram – No worries, NOONE will ever get past the EPICNESS of Kiev!!!!
I put this here too…
Load your ready Kiev MP3s
I saw this list of top 40 – Adam /NCOE number 32! I don’t know if this is “unofficial” list or what?
Adele is pregnant, that leaves space for some new big stars…
Hi all
I still haven’t managed to watch all of the Kiev concert, but what I have seen, so amazing. That crowd shot that started at the back and slowly panned forward while he was singing Radio Gaga, I just can’t imagine being on stage in front of that many people. I hope whoever the poster on Mj’s was that said Adam is a coffee house singer saw it…..and the emotion on Brian and Rogers faces at times..
I’m really hoping that Adam is going to break in the UK this time round. like I said, I caught him on Friday Download, and I’ve heard him 3 times in the last 2 days on capital radio in the car…..sounds so good on the radio, and fits in well with the other songs that are playing. I really don’t know why US radio didn’t play it.
It seems Adam is up for this too!
And please please please let it happen where we can all be together!

Nile and Sam need to come to a very central location. That would be Des Moines. Just saying.

Russia MTV
Behind the scenes with the Flashmob glamberts
I’ve listed to a couple of interviews with Roger and Brian where they say they are still writing music. They wrote a lot of songs in the past geared toward Freddie’s voice.
I can’t help but wonder if Adam will inspire them to write for him, and include him in the process. Wouldn’t THAT give him great cred as a songwriter?
This collaboration was meant to be from the first time he shared the stage with Queen at the Idol finale. I don’t think he can fight destiny. No matter what direction his music goes, it’s going to be influenced by his experience with Queen this month, and I’m thrilled. I’m tired of the synthesizers (on pop recordings)and love to hear a real drummer. And NOBODY plays guitar like Brian May. What a master! Who said ROCK is dead? It’s going to morph into something much better, with Adam leading the way.