Hi everyone!   I realize some of you don’t like the eyes pictures but I think this one is beautiful.  I think of looking ahead to the Festival, new single, next album and tour when I look at this picture.  This month all of us will have a huge treat to look forward to with Adam performing at the St. Agathe en Feux Festival and my good friend Suz526’s videos on 7/29!   Please keep us all updated on the plans of the rather sizeable group of you who will be attending this concert as those of us who can’t make it to Canada will live vicariously through you for this one!

Thursday evening July 7th update: thanks to angelowal, we now have a translated link to FAQs for the Festival!


1,704 Responses to July 2011 Chat

  1. jlurksacto says:

    Feeding the rumor mill – keeping the speculation generators going.

    insomniac19 rt @Y100MIAMI Major announcement listen Monday morning at 8:15am! Follow now @iHeartRadio http://ow.ly/5zj95

    maybe this?

    Ryan Seacrest To Premiere Pia Toscano single on Monday July 11

  2. Kradamour says:

    Update to list for Ste Agathe: Kradamour is definitely going to be there!
    Doctor today said that my mother will not be ready to go home until August 1 at the earliest. She will stay in her wonderful care facility while I am in Quebec, totally safe, and surrounded by people who have grown to genuinely care for and about her. No concerns about being away for a few days and can.not.wait to meet so many of us in one venue!

  3. jlurksacto says:

    SYTYCD spoiler – – – – – – –

    Sasha good/safe for another week

    Kradamour – glamtastic

  4. Northern Spirit says:

    Great news, Kradamour. Looking forward to meeting you.

  5. angelowal says:

    Kradamour is definitely going to be there!

    Great news – I look forward to meeting you, along with all the rest of Ron’s friends Smile

  6. angelowal says:

    Ah geez – I don’t seem to navigate this site very well – so please ‘scuz the wrong quotes, etc., etc., etc. And how do I remove this: [Click to Edit | Request Deletion] from my comments?

  7. Kradamour says:

    angelowal, only you can see the edit/delete buttons. We can’t.

    Re the blockquotes…you came here as Ron’s friend, yes? He is the master of blockquote fail, it must have rubbed off on you! LOL

  8. Ceddies says:

    Re: the Fan Reviews of the Nashville Concert—-the lady at the 1:50 mark will be at Ste. Agathe. I met her in New Orleans and had seen her at Tunica. New Orleans was her 16th show, and she saw (I believe) 24 shows by the end of the tour. She is one of my friends on FB. RON, she is a friend of a friend of yours as you and I discussed via phone.

    The two ladies at 3:43 were next in line behind my friend and me in Knoxville. We talked a lot, and they used my camera to take several pictures of us in line.

  9. Kradamour says:

    Does anyone know if chunkey (Home Planet) will be at Ste Agathe? There were mumbles that she might be. Would LOVE to meet her!

  10. adamized says:

    YEAH!!!!!!!! Kradamour will be joining us for our glamily reunion!!!! So happy!!!

    It is getting harder and harder to watch the SYTYCD results show. All those kids are such great dancers and really put their heart and soul into it. I admire Cat Deely. She always seems to know what to say and how to make a difficult or awkward situation a bit better.

  11. Ceddies says:


    This link is to the video that I posted on the previous page. I put it here again so you don’t have to go back (since I have a question). Luval (or anyone else), where does the picture at 3:15 come from??? I can’t place it, and it’s driving me crazy. This video brings tears to my eyes because the words speak so well to most of us and the way we feel about Adam (that he will always be within us), and she picked such beautiful pictures of him.

  12. Northern Spirit says:

    Ceddies, I’m a friend of AQ’s, too. What a great spirit she has. I saw her at Monte’s concert recently, in Cleveland, and am looking forward to seeing her again in Ste. Agathe.

  13. Ceddies says:

    Oh, great, NS, so glad you will get to see AQ again. I knew she went to Monte’s concert. She gets so into whatever she’s doing, and she does a lot.

  14. luval says:

    Hi Ceddies…I met that gal at 1:50 too in New Orleans. Very nice person. I think I met her at another show too. What a fan! I love that pic too at 3:15. kinda looks familiar but I might have to do a bit of investigation. Gorgeous.

  15. Ron says:

    Kradamour says:
    07/07/2011 at 8:57 pm

    you came here as Ron’s friend, yes? He is the master of blockquote fail, it must have rubbed off on you!

    Well Kradamour, I WAS looking forward to meeting you. Wink

    See you there … unless, that is, I see you first. Smile

  16. Kradamour says:

    Ron, cheri, it is splendid to be the master of something, even (especially!) blockquote fail LOL
    It is obvious that you are someone who is totally competent in RL, so this little quirk is adorable. I always smile when you fail another blockquote. It is rather like a charming lisp!

  17. Ceddies says:

    I love that pic too at 3:15. kinda looks familiar but I might have to do a bit of investigation. Gorgeous.

    Maybe mils or someone else will know where it came from.

    Luval, yes, you probably did meet AQ too in NO. She was at Oceana’s when our group was there for dinner.

  18. Ron says:

    Kradamour says:
    07/07/2011 at 9:39 pm

    Ron, It is rather like a charming lisp!

    Now I have a lisp! Rolls Eyes When are you going to get around to mentioning the hump on my back?!??


  19. Ron says:

    Ceddies says:
    07/07/2011 at 9:05 pm

    RON, she is a friend of a friend of yours as you and I discussed via phone.

    Hmmm … scratching my head here … and I don’t have dandruff. Smile

  20. Northern Spirit says:

    Ron, Glamazon ?

  21. luval says:

    ron…sending you an e-mail right now.

  22. Ceddies says:

    Hmmm … scratching my head here

    Hi, Ron, we were just talking about whether I knew anyone else who was going to Ste. Agathe. When I mentioned her, you said she is a friend of one of your friends. I think you said you didn’t really know her yourself. No confidentiality was breached.

  23. Ron says:

    I guess what’s confusing me Ceddies is … I don’t have any friends! Smile

    I’ll figure it out. Wink

  24. luval says:

    Ceddies…will check out that picture tomorrow. To bed now. As baebae used to say…I have to get up early to milk the cows and feed the chickens”.

  25. Ceddies says:

    Ron, I, too, just sent you an email. Maybe it will come back to you—maybe not. Grin

  26. Ron says:

    Got it, Ceddies, and I sent a reply.

  27. Ceddies says:

    Ron, thank you so much!

    And, now I’m gone in for the night. Take care peeps!

  28. dcglam says:

    where does the picture at 3:15 come from??? I can’t place it, and it’s driving me crazy.

    Maybe a TV interview, Ceddies…..???

  29. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks so much for that Ryman fan video. So twoo, so twooo.

    The Ryman. Memories. The Shoe Poster. The fist pump- drop to the knees and wail in SFW. The WLL. Pickler and others in the audience. The love they showed him and in the “home” theater of Johnny Cash yet. Joan Rivers tweeting the next day that there was still glitter on the stage!!

  30. milwlovesadam says:

    Just watched the fist pump. Still gets me.

    I’m remembering some “does he shave his pits” controversy at this show too. Check out the SFW from fist pump/wail on, and chime in. FYI. I was on team “shaves.” He obviously wasn’t by Europe, but, during these hot sweaty dripping ((( fanning self now )) shows, ahem, he def did a little manscaping.

  31. dcglam says:

    It’s kind of hard to tell, mils, due to the flashing lights and his fairly light underarm hair. You could be right. We need a closeup still pic — I’m sure there is one out there somewhere. Wink
    It sure was fun revisiting that video once again. Thanks for the recommendation!

  32. eywflyer says:

    Thanks to angelowal for providing us with the translated link to Festival FAQs! I’ve added this link to the top right menu bar on the site.

  33. nkd says:

    OK. What does this mean?!!!!

    alisanporter Alisan Porter
    You. Glamberts. Are. Going. To. Poop.

    WHAT?! I need to know!

  34. milkywayfairy says:

    Popping in say Hi to everyone before heading to bed. Kradamour, so happy you will be going, hope your mom is doing much better now. She will be in good hands when you’re in QC Smile . Another day closer to seeing my God, so excited Smile

  35. jlurksacto says:

    Something in the wind – – –

    Using our mental telepathy. @AdamLambert will tweet something soon Smile

    Hints and clues coming from many directions. Mon morning
    seems to be maybe the time.

  36. Kradamour says:

    I am hoping that someone will be as excited as us, and unable to avoid leaking the news…! (this is the “bad fan” response)
    Well, not really. Adam should be able to tell us when HE wants to. (this is the “good fan” response)
    I am very conflicted! LOL

  37. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Wow! So excited for whatever news is gonna make us so excited that we possibly “soil ourselves”, lol. Could it be the new single?

    Jlurksacto, thanks so much for posting Adam’s confessionals from season 8. I enjoyed that walk down memory lane so much and was reminded over and over of his class and integrity. He would be mesmerizing as a person even if he was tone deaf, Smile. I especially enjoyed the interview following his ROF performance and his enjoyment of the controversy that it caused. It was particularly relevant to me as we were all reminded of the AMA performance this week and gave me hope that Adam wasn’t as emotionally scarred by that performance as this fan was!

  38. dcglam says:

    Wow! So excited for whatever news is gonna make us so excited that we possibly “soil ourselves”, lol. Could it be the new single?

    It very well could be, Texas. He did say we should be expecting one during the summer, and we haven’t heard anything to the contrary since that statement. If this is the case, then you peeps who are attending the concert in Canada will be in for such a treat. Adam, no doubt, would be peforming it live for the first time.
    Agh — Can. Not. Wait!!

  39. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    dc, I really think our friends going to the Canadian festival are going to hear new music!!!! I wish I could go… Just not possible. At least the Adam drought seems to be winding down.

  40. luval says:

    If us at the festival do hear new music not to worry because it will be heard by everyone not long after. Remember suz526 will be there!!!

  41. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Luval, I have my fingers crossed. Yay for suz!!

  42. Ron says:

    Good Morning!

    After visiting my Family Doctor and blood pressure Specialist yesterday, I had a “Wow” moment. It was actually an “Adam Wow” moment!

    My blood pressure has fluctuated wildly through the years … up, here, there, everywhere-in-between and round again. I take medication for it.

    This past year I’ve had numerous and extensive medical tests. My blood pressure therefore has been taken many, many more times than usual.

    My Family Doctor told me yesterday that my BP readings have been steadily normal … in fact, he used the word “perfect” … for all of these past 12 months. One solid year!

    There’s been no change to my medication so he asked if I’ve become mellower, calmer and generally less anxious about life things this past year. He said he found these steady, within normal range readings very “puzzling” and that “something” has changed (for the better).

    I was a little taken aback to hear these words used to describe me and couldn’t answer him. I didn’t know.

    I didn’t know … until I was walking home. Lamp Adam :!:

    This last year, he’s taught me a number of things. At the top of the list has to be knowing and accepting myself for who I am and celebrating the person I am today. If you believe in yourself and have a positive attitude, people will pick up on this and most will respond in kind. Those that don’t … I’m not sorry, I make no apologies and most likely won’t “see ya’ later”. No wonder my doctor asked if I’d “mellowed”. Feeling the way I do now, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! If you like me, that’s great! But, if you don’t, well, moving on …

    This isn’t an Adam quote but I know he’d agree with it wholeheartedly and it’s what I’ve come to believe and live by:

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind”. I guess that’s become my mantra. Smile

    My conclusion, Adam is not only a wonderful entertainer, admirable role model and great humanitarian, he’s good for your health, too!!

    I think someone should figure out how to bottle him. Take one tablespoon of Adam each night before going to bed! I’m sure we’d all wake up “Feeling Good”. Grin

    Sorry for e-p-i-c post!

  43. dcglam says:

    Could this possibly have anything to do with Mystery Monday? If so, there goes our new single theory….


    Ron, I love and agree with your “epic” post and “mantra”!
    Keep Adam in your life and stay healthy….. Smile

  44. little dutchess says:

    Kradamour-just read your good news. So happy for you and look forward to meeting you!

    Ron– loved your health story and agree wholeheartedly!

  45. riskylady says:

    Kradam, That is great happy news! And wonderful that your mom will be well cared for while you are at the Festival!

    Ron, happy news too! Adam is definitely good medicine.

    And, wow at those hints and rumors! Alisan does have credibility, so maybe there will be a run on Depends now lol!
    What.on.earth.could.it.be????? Please, not Mystery Monday…don’t think that would make us poop, right?????

  46. Ron says:

    Hi little dutchess!!

    Hi riskylady

    riskylady says:
    07/08/2011 at 11:40 am

    Please, not Mystery Monday…don’t think that would make us poop, right?????

    Hahaha – that was my first thought! No poop factor there! Grin

  47. dcglam says:

    I’m hoping that Alisan’s tweet has nothing to do with the iHeartRadio event.
    *fingers crossed*

  48. Kradamour says:

    Ron, loved your post. Doctor Adam.
    I know for a fact that Adam and his fans have kept me sane during this awful last year since my mother’s mugging.
    “Watch two Adam vids and see me in the morning…”
    Could even specify specific vids for different ailments.
    (Mils, we need a list; are you up for it? Might require research. Wink )

    Re the highly hyped Monday morning of awesomeness…if it is going to be just some meh radio thing, I’ll sleep in.

  49. Ceddies says:

    Ron, that’s great news you got from the doctor. From your voice and manner of speaking, I would never think that you have been anything other than calm, peaceful, etc. As I have said before, you have a soothing, calming voice to die for. Course, I’ve only “known” you for less than two years.

    “He changed me/my life for the better”, etc., is the kind of thing that many, many of us have to say about Adam. I have bared my soul on here (back on MJ’s) talking about the effect Adam has had on me, so I’ll not go there today.

    dcglam, I don’t know how you found that pic so quickly. I do believe it was definitely from that tv interview as you posted.

  50. nkd says:

    Ron, great post, great news!
    A dose of Adam huh? It seems to work for most ailments!
    Add in this connection to wonderful, like-minded friends, and it’s a winning combination!

    I agree, radio announcement is not poop worthy!

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