- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Yawn….truly off to bed now.
G’nite, sweet peeps and pumpkins … and cauliflowers…
Ron is (more worldly). He has lived in NYC so by definition he wins.
No! Wait! I lived in Paris! I win!
But it doesn’t count because I’m not here pulling a kradamour. I am in bed pulling up the covers.
Dear Krab, I mean Krad, (
shitshoot!), I mean Kradamour.Yes, that’s it, Kradamour
Gottcha beat by one year.
I’m asleep, Ron, so I won’t ask one year in which direction.
So Ron is Patty!
Head 1 mile North, dear, sleeping Kradamour.
I should get back to work on my project. It won’t get done if I stay on here!
Good night Bubba!
For a change
, you’re absolutely right, nkd! 
Yes, I’m Patty. It’s right there in the song: a hot dog makes me lose control!
I’m not going to tell you what kind of a hot dog, though.
But, I do “relish” one when I have it! 
Good night!
I could say something, but I’d have to go to the corner!!!
If anyone should go to the corner it’s me, dear nkd. But instead, I’m going to bed.
Good night. Always a pleasure!
JoJosie Thanks so much for the tumbler. What could be better than beautiful pictures and beautiful music in a nice little package.
Happy belated Canada Day and 4th of July. Got back from my trip late yesterday and have been cleaning and doing laundry to catch up for the work week ahead.
Have a good week everyone.
Krad, hope your Mom is making good progress.
@Cecycat1 Just released (leaked) AMAs rehearsal footage of ADAM singing FYE http://fb.me/umugPAjH
Wow! THANKS, jlurks! I’ve been hoping since the performance that a rehearsal snippet would turn up, and here is the whole thing! Wonderful oppy to compare, since Adam made the point many times that he changed up the final performance after the rehearsal, that was the one thing he apologized for.
Yes, a hot mess. Too many people, too much action, crazy stage set, too complex synchronized choreography…and all of this for a guy who can forget the lyrics under the best of circumstances lol…! but Adam soldiered through it. Was the singing off? How could it not have been, sheesh! I have always wondered how much input Adam had into this ridiculously overblown production…or whether abc decided to go with his sexual performances and rack up ratings (thus the constant announcements that Adam was going to perform later in the program), with no real idea what genie they were letting out of the bottle. Of course, it is entirely possible that Adam put himself into this predicament himself, the abc version of the flaming headdress.
Whatever, it is great to see the rehearsal! Thanks again!
Good afternoon ALL.
jlurksacto, thanks for posting the rehearsal video. That was a rather ambitious performance. It is interesting to watch, now! Wow!
The rehearsal footage is painful. I suggest turning off the sound and just watching.
He has learned a lot in the past year and a half. He probably still wants flames coming out of his f’n head, but he now has a better feel for the audience that would be open to the flaming headdress! I do love impromptu, unpredictable Adam!
His performances of FYE on tour, promotional and GN, were incredible! I do wish he had included it in the NA concerts. Maybe we’ll get it in Ste Agathe!
ITA, nekkid. Adam is open to learning from his
mistakesexperiences, and that will take him far.Only a glimmer of eyebeams here; definitely a measure of uncertainty at the back of those gorgeous eyes. By the end of Glamnation, he totally owned the stage and his performance and it showed in every move. So different from his early performances – I saw Adam perform in June, September, and November and the development of his stage confidence was wonderful to see.
The contrast with this vid is pretty stark.
First I was afraid to watch the rehearsal video. But then it was not as bad as I anticipated. It was better than the live one. I guess nerves got to Adam that night.
Poor baby, got hyped all night long and then had to follow his idols.
I’m glad I watched this rehearsal footage.
I haven’t been back to watch the AI season 8’s winner announcement yet.
It doesn’t matter now. Adam makes me proud to be his stan.
There is an Adam’s AMAs rehearsal footage thread at mjs. Fan wars all over again.
I am very busy today. I apologize if this has already been posted. Good for our boy!
Here’s the whole article.
Alrighty … mjs had cleaned up the thread. A few minutes ago there were 80s posts; and now only 40s.
Adam’s thread always gets a lot of hits. People will come out of woodwork to post and then Adam’s stans will defend the boy to the end.
It has been a slow week or month and now he is here for your entertainment.
Pass on the popcorn.
Looks like Adam is being honoured again:
Just watched the rehearsal vid…
Other than the few obvious moves, there doesn’t seem to be much difference from the actual performance. In my opinion, Adam seemed to be pushing way too hard, doing way too much, and just plain not having fun. Like you mentioned above, Kradamour, what a difference from his GN tour! As the tour continued throughout the world, he gained that confidence back (I’m afraid he may have lost a tad of it after that performance) and was able to relax and HAVE FUN ON THAT STAGE!!
To go along with our revisit to November 22, 2009, we have this to make us smile…..
ETA: Ha – Just noticed you beat me to it, Ceddies!
Damn, got to MJ’s late. All the good stuff gone. Hate that.
Loved that FYE rehearsal video. Yes, it was a mess in parts but boy did he look good! So glad I heard him sing it live. It was perfect.
I know. There is nothing more entertaining than good fanwar..
Does anyone knows what it was all about?
I saw only one quote referring to Cookie’s album.
Thanks angelowal for the link.
Good news!!!
And this is why I love him so much.
asif,you must’ve read the thread before MJ cleaned it up. Spill, girl…
OK!! Oksana … you owe me one.
Actually Not. I got to mjs a few seconds before she cleaned it up. What I saw on that last page was about Cook outsaled Adam ..blah, blah, blah. And then when I clicked to a previous page to read, I got nothing, the sever was down. MJ must have closed the thread down to clean it up at that moment.
Sorry to disappoint you.
But .. if your bit is higher, I will spill.
Ha..ha.. Just kidding.
asif, what have Cook sales to do with Adam AMA performance???
I read somewhere that Cookie had such a low sales cuz RCA spent all their promotion money on Adam, but I didn’t take it seriously. Buy hey, you never know what folks will come up with..
Thank you, asif…
BTW, shouldn’t we compare Adam’s sales with Kris’?? Why Cook?? IMO Cook sales should be compared with Daughtry’s – same genre.
God I love this man…being honored again ……
luval, right? I feel like a proud mama…
Thanks so much for the AMA rehearsal link – I agree totally with you, Kradamour – this is the conundrum: Which came first at the AMA’s, Adam or ABC?
Plus, Cook has been “out and about” for a year longer than Adam. Give Adam that additional year and who knows….. FYE could possibly make it to platinum.
Ah…. Top of MJ’s Evening Headlines Thread…..
Adam Lambert, Facebook to be honored at Los Angeles Equality Awards
Great pic, too!
@ceddies and DCglam,
I voted on that Flecking poll for best role model. Flecking Records seems to be the only UK site that ever mentions Adam, and they do quite often, they really love him there and are working hard to get jis name out there. So I try and give them regular hits.
Congrats to Adam on the California Equality honour, love his comments.
The fan war on MJ’s was delightful. Some Cook fan got her knickers in a twist because Adam had a thread for an old performance while Cookie was being neglected. Followed the whole thing as long as I could, but then MJ intervened and shut the whole marvelous thread down for awhile – darn – well, I had to leave to take someone to the airport anyway. Really looking forward to the Adam appearances on MJ’s the next couple of months – goin’ to just be awash in all kinds of mini-controversies (I hope). Sorry, I’m evil (original sin, you know).
ultimathule, fan wars take on a life of their own and take over the lives of those who fight them. I think of it as sort of like the gladiator battles fought in the coliseum for the enjoyment of the spectators. The key is not to let oneself become a gladiator, just sit back and munch the popcorn.
Re Cook/Kris/Adam…I don’t get the Cook/Adam fanwars. What is the conflict? Apples and oranges! I sort of get the Kris/Adam fanwars for those who enjoy indulging in that sort of thing; they were on the same season and the runner-up seems to be doing as well as or better than the winner, so the sense of continuing competition on the part of fans is almost legitimate. Note the use of the word “almost”, however.
Well, I’m not a lobster yet Ron!! I’m back from several days at the beach. This fan wears lots of sunblock, has a chair with an umbrella, wears a wide brimmed hat and even a cover up to keep her skin healthy. I just love the beach on a hot summer day. And it’s hot here baby!
So, what have I missed? Let’s see. I am all caught up on twitter, 24/7, MJ’s, the fansite, The Home Planet and here. Whew!
-Adam had a pool party on the 4th, and Sasha was there. No pictorial confirmation yet about whether our boy actually swims without a tank top. ( Team Dammit Lose the Shirt Already ).
-Carmit is due very soon and will be a great mommy.
-Riffy is beyond adorable ( Team Baby Thigh Fat Rolls are for Nibbling)
-Sauli + Trampolines = Demonstration of Flexibility
-Adam supports Terrance Twisting while once again defying the laws of gravity with his glorious Hair.
-Adam wants us to look at some mountains, hopefully not while indulging in fillet she oh ( fish).
-Adam will be honored on August 13th along with Facebook for being the wonderful LGBT advocate he is.
-Adam is a Role Model ( as if we all didn’t know it already).
-His vocals really weren’t that good on the AMA’s.
-Us true fans actually miss the “goodies” from the live AMA performance. ( Team Ninja Roll and aggressive Tommy kiss )
-Adam looooves Skingraft. It will be all over MTV. ( Team Fer the Love of the GB, no more Harem Pants ).
Did I miss anything else? Jeepers, it felt good to make a list again. It’s been a while!
Kradamour, I’m beginning to understand Adam/Cook fanwars. The measuring stick.Cookie was quite successful in his season, his album went platinum, so now Adam is being compared to him.
To me it is really idiotic.
And MJ had thread about Adam because MJ is one smart cookie…
And how is Cook being neglected? Didn’t we have gazillion threads about his new album???
mils – great recap as usual
Was just on my twitter feed and someone showed a picture of their Ste Agathe ticket. Has anyone here gotten their ticket yet? I can’t wait to get it in my sweaty little hands.
mils, I almost became the lobster. I was a natural-born redhead (still am thanks to Ms. Clairol), so I don’t tan very fast or very well. Before I go on a trip (this time my Canada trip), I always try to take on a little color. Second visit to the tanning bed for 10 minutes made me look like a lobster for over a week. Never happened like this before. After a whole week, I still look just like I did the next day after the redness hit me. Haven’t tanned in over three years and just today found out that the Metformin that I’ve been taking for diabetes (for the past two years) is the culprit. Thank you Dr. Oz for the info. Looked it up, and sure enough–sunlight and tanning beds are to be avoided. You guys who see me in Canada will be blinded by the light reflecting from parts of me (that’s legs and feet). I’m just glad I never try to tan or bronze my face in the tanning beds.
Old performance, album release – sucking numbers. Recipe for
lots of hits – MJ does know how to play it.
Adamized – pic or it didn’t happen
Adamized – no ticket here!
Maybe we should be checking inside the Wonka bars…golden passports…
Yes, Kradamour – you’re correct – lots of popcorn tonight at MJ’s. What’s everyone’s favorite? (And, as one who read the whole entire thread, before its being thrown into outer darkness, the one Cookie-fan was treated with courtesy and humor.) The underlying vibe was – this is a Lambert AMA vid – why are you here? No convincing reply. Lots of reasons I can think of – love of Adam isn’t one of them.
ultimathule, thanks for the recap.
The explanation of Cookie-fan being in that thread is what? – butthurt??
I usually don’t go to other Idols threads, and if I go, I just read but do not make any comments and I expect the same courtesy from others.
Exactly, Oksana. Courtesy is one of the things I love about this site!
Oksana, I’m like you about the other Idols’ threads. I usually just don’t go there. Adam jumped into my life quite by accident; and because of him, I’m somewhat interested in a few others of his season. But, lately I’m just mostly here on this thread.
Krad, every site is defined by the people who post over there. I just came back from two sites – one that I adore and always makes me laugh “homeplanet.org” and other that is full of vitriol and hatred (no, not VFTW). God, what a difference!
Yes, our site is like snuggle…
Ceddies, speaking about becoming a lobster, I have a friend who was tanning very easily, but is also diabetic and lately has some reaction to the sun due to her ever changing meds.
I am like mils. When I go to the beach I always sit under umbrella, covered with a sunscreen and come back home with a great tan. New Yorkers are blessed with the most beautiful beaches (yesss, yesss).