- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Hi everyone!

I woke up early enough to read all 246 comments on Adam’s VH1 thread on MJ’s. Now MJ closed this thread to clean it up of all Scotty.v.Adam crap. Will it ever ends?
On the other hand it gives me something to read with my morning tea…
I am sure that all of you folks will have great time in St.Agathe, eating great french food, talking about Adam and as an icing on the cake – going to his concert!
Please, please share your good time with us, there must be Internet service in Quebec, right?
Luv you all.
Oksana, that MJ’s thread was pretty entertaining, huh? Some Scottie fan got his/her panties in a wad, for sure! Can’t wait for the show to air. And I can officially say that I am over the emo hair. He looks so much better with the pompadour and its many variations, IMO. His frosted style now is one of my all-time favorites.
I am soooooo bummed that I will be traveling on Friday night and won’t be able to sit at my laptop and enjoy “whine” with all the stay-at-homes! I’ll have my iPhone, but it’s not nearly as good. I’ll catch up with all the fun when I return on Saturday. So excited for all our friends traveling to Canada.
Safe travels to everyone on their way to Canada. It must be so great to be able to all meet up with each other and chat for as long as you like about Adam with no eye rolling!!
Those of us left will be waiting with bated breath for recaps and videos.
OT, was just checking Adams twitter feed, and noticed that Kitchee was trending…was really surprised as they are a HK based football team. my husband and 2 sons were just watching them play football against Chelsea..
Good morning, another traveller on the move here. Having an early lunch at the Key Largo Subway. On to MIA then a long day of flying. Sounds like I’m lagging behind the main South Florida contingent, you guys enjoy your day up there! I’m gonna try to get up to St Agathe tomorrow around lunchtime to get this numbering thing done – if they are still doing it I hear the news is all over twitter now.
Safe travels, eywflyer! Remember, no detail is too small for us starving fans at home. Have a great time.
Texas, MJ deleted 77 comments.Ha!
I’m glad that I had a chance to read them all, it was really entertaining. That Scottie fan is always all over any Adam’s thread trying to prove superiority of Scotty over Adam. Just wait when both albums will be relased in the fall. Since it’s Scotty first post-Idol album and Adam’s second, most likely Scotty will outsell Adam. We’ll never hear the end of it…
Oksana, I just knew mj would have a meltdown when she got back to that thread! Some of the comments literally made me laugh out loud. Brought back good memories.
G’morning all. Safe travels to all the lucky folks headed to Ste Agathe. I will be there in spirit and hopefully be online to join the whine and chocolate party.
I don’t have much time to post these days and don’t get to MJ’s very often (so I don’t know what was said). Can someone please explain to me why anyone would use Adam and Scotty in the same sentence? I get the Adam and Kris stuff but Scotty….really?? Oh and I’m really serious, can someone explain what/why the Scotty fans are getting their panties in a bunch?
What was so funny about that MJ thread, was that in the past you could have replaced Kris with Scotty, lol now its Adam vs Scotty, why is everyone set on finding someone to put up against Adam, they are nothing alike, and wont have the same fans buying their music. So silly. But what do you expect when you put up an Adam thread, I wonder if this weekend concert will get its own thread after this, lol. Well I have this home to come to, so happy here, and for laughs we always have The Home Planet. Safe travels again everyone, my laptop will be glued to my lap starting Friday!!!!!!!
k_in_cal I don’t get it either, but there is this one Scotty fan, who always has to add his/her 3 cents in ANY Adam’s thread. I think that MJ is this close to BAN him/her forever.
That fan reminds me of the worst cray crays from Adam fandom.Scotty has the biggest “it” factor of all the Idols.Really?Really??? He is going to be the biggest seller EVAH.Oy vey.
adamland and eywflyer — just wondering if you ever worked it out with MJ about what we should and shouldn’t say over at mjsbigblog about the concert thread here. Do you have any guidance for us? Thanks.
Miss Chaos, in between Adam v.Kris and Adam v. Scotty we had also Adam v.Cookie. Now, when Cook’s sophomore album is not doing so well the comparison died of natural causes.
Somehow Adam always brings the buzz, which bodes well for his future.
k_in_cal — there was quite a bit of discussion about what Danielle meant by her “cookie cutter” remark in the clip. Obviously the clip included pictures of Jordin, Kelly, and Carrie. A poster said that they thought Scotty and Lauren were also cookie cutter. The Scotty fan then came in and defended him against that accusation, but then went sideways and all over the place about comparing Scotty and Adam on potential sales, earning potential, stardom, etc. Several posters tried to redirect the conversation back to the thread topic, but just enough people responded to keep the discussion about Scotty going…and going…and going. And then it became a long argument about whether this argument was an appropriate topic for that thread. It was ridiculous. I knew MJ would blow a gasket when she saw it. LOL
But honestly, I hope we don’t do a lot of rehashing of MJs threads here.
Excited for all those going to the concert. It seems Cher and her entourage have already started the
feastparty! Hi Cher! Hugs to all there from AL!Have fun and keep the reports coming in…all the other homies are eagerly awaiting any tidbit sent our way – well speaking for me anyway!
Saw this on the Festival site confirming what Ron mentioned earlier. No mention of pre-numbering though.
And they have a Facebook page to follow:
7 out 10 responders to the question “What artists are you going to see?” replied Adam Lambert!!
cwm, even when they are Adam related?
Thanks all for answering my question. I just wish people would stop “comparing” their fave to Adam because frankly, Adam will win every time…imho. He brings such joy to my life. I love that man!!
I agree cwm. A little is okay though.
Adam threads always seem to generate the most traffic so fans of other artists will probably continue to stir up the pot a little. Regular posters at MJs should know better and use the scroll to “move along” and ignore those posts! I don’t envy MJ but have always appreciated her “no nonsense” blog.
I bet someone at MJs will host a thread for the concert like was done for Maxidrom. It’s his only confirmed concert this summer so will be welcome by Adam fans there at least. I will be here though along with the other “whiners and chocolateers”!!!
I get so freakin’ jealous I find myseld avoiding all these “planning” posts. But, on the other hand, look at the representation we’ll have and the recaps & pictures and tweets!!
Last of the Glamnation era. ENJOY. I’ll be at my computer – living vicariously through all of you!!
P.S. Hope I’m still on the “dinner on a platter” list.
From the Ste-Agathe paper today:
The frenzy moves into the city
cwm, Adamland let MJ know that this site exists and what we would be doing, but I’m not sure we quite have permission to advertise or mention over there. I suppose a single mention in the concert thread if there is one would be ok, but I wouldn’t mention this site otherwise. I’m still quite confident that MJ is not going to have threads for every show on the next tour, we will naturally gain traffic then.
As for discussion of MJs threads here, I’d say that it is tolerated but not encouraged. We don’t want our threads dominated by dissection of threads on other sites. Let’s keep such discussions to moderate levels.
Thanks for the pre-show play-be-play, cher it does east the pain a bit!
Maybe we could get “dinner on a platter” twice – once for tomorrow evening in the SpaWatel dining room, and once on Friday night!
Ron must be there with jlurks by now! This is so exciting! Who will we hear from next in PQ?
Okay this is my last post! Mils was it you speculating about Adam’s sdet list? Matt Carter (on Juneau&Xena’s blogradio) was predicting the GN list with maybe a couple of other songs from the album.
One more thing – we haven’t talked about where Adam is staying! Hmmmm… there’s no really special hotel in Ste Agathe; maybe he’s staying up the road at Tremblant or St. Sauveur. I wonder if any fans will find him.
Why do I find it funny that Kenny Rogers and Adam are talked about and performing there. Kenny is called king of country, lol, and Adam pop star, thank god they didnt call him king of pop, lol. They have their security in place to meet Kenny at the airport, LOLOLOL!!!
My thinking is that Adam will be staying at someplace fancy in Montreal. He’ll fly in maybe tomorrow…have a low key evening, then bus it with the band, etc. to Ste. Agathe on Friday morning. Sound check, show, return to Montreal late Friday, go clubbing. Party, clubbing again Saturday night, then return Sunday to LAX (unless a stop in NYC…bizness haha..again). I’m sure I’m all wrong!
Confirmation from Monte that he will be at a show in Quebec with Adam. They’ve been very quiet about the concert.
Monte was interviewed on LA Talk Radio -The Sheena Metal Experience – yesterday.
Starts about 86 minutes in where Monte talks about playing with Adam and the concert.
Everyone in Quebec, enjoy the show and your time together! I’ll be awaiting your reports.
Safe travels back!
I just had to drop in to wish everyone going to the concert Godspeed! I don’t think I have to tell you how all of us “homies” will be hanging on every twitter or post we can get. I have been MIA for awhile but if there is a stay a home list I would love to be on it. I can bring pitty patties to be served on poor me buns covered with sad sack sauce.
seems to be a giant whoopee cushion!
ok everyone…the adventures have REALLY begun. Adamized and Kradamour as some of you may know, are heading up to my house from Virginia and Baltimore to stay over night tonight.
Just got a call from Adamized… Kradamour’s car (her son’s actually) overheated. Luckily they were in the vicinity of a car repair place. Turns out, they needed a new belt and one of the tires was pretty much shot! So after repairs instead of getting to my house around 6pm it will be around 9pm.
Am still waiting to hear from Ceddies. Hope everything is fine with her. Should be seeing her soon (I think lol)!
So the Road Trips have begun!!!Please be safe everyone, and keep up posted, we are traveling along with you even in the safety of our own homes. Is there a count on how many people we need to know about getting there safely? If you all had left when Adam and Sauli did, walking, you may have taken longer but no break downs, only wore out shoes LOLOL
To all you travellers who are posting – your updates are SO much fun to read! Thank you and keep them coming fast and furious. It almost feels like we are there!
To all you “happy travlers” out there, have a phenominal time and think of us “whiners” back home. Unfortunatley I will not be able to participate in the “whine” and cheese party as it happens, cuz I have a performance Friday nite (some of you know about that) BUT I will get on line as soon as I get home to catch up on all the news, pics, vids, swooning, etc.!! Have fun!!!!
I am also loving all the updates from travelers. I will be around for the dinner recaps and everyone meeting up but will miss the actual concert as we have a wedding Friday night. I also will get online as soon as we get home. this is so much fun just following everyone I can’t imagine the joy of actually being there.
So I just heard from Ceddies. She was delayed an hour and a half near Woodstock, NY because of an 18 wheeler/car accident holding up traffic.She should be arriving at my house about 8-830pm
And the fun is officially on its way. In my/our (Ron) room.
Cher, Risky-lady, nkd, floridagirl, ladybug. Vodka/lime – lets go.
jlurksacto…is there a nice corner in that room where I’m sure you’ll have to send nkd to?
“Homeys”, I think it’s officially time for us to pour ourselves a glass of whine – it’s party time!
Corners available – anyone is welcome to join all who happen to be there.
Drinks optionial.
jlurksacto, I think someone needs a spill checker if drinks are optionial!

And I thought you were going to say clothing was optional since nkd and corners are involved.
Glad everyone so far has made it there safely. So what’s this “Adam moment” at the border Ron mentioned yesterday? Spill! (not your drink though! or into the corner you go!)
Awww i didn’t get there soon enough the party has already started! I’m at the gate in MSP, get into Montreal at 1030 tonight. The friend I’m staying with in Montreal lives right around the corner from the bar (Sky I think it was) that Adam went out to last summer, but doubt Adam is in town yet and probably gonna be too tired to go out anyway tonight. I believe Sky has a VIP lounge so would likely be a New Orleans scenario in any case.
Hey I just opened a can of beer, I am not a beer drinker,but its all I got. At least I dont need a ride home, be safe out there you traveleers, keep us informed K?? This is kinda getting exciting!
Ok peeps…my guests are here and we’re having a late dinner. Will be getting up early to make our way to Ste. Agathe. Adam Jr is very excited (lol) and is chaperoning our gathering. Watched Sasha on SYTYCD…amazing. Haven’t heard anything from the hotel room (jlurksacto, etc). Must be crazy wild there.!!
Sasha was amazing again tonight. I loved the last dance with her and Melanie and I have not cared for Melanie before this.
luval They need a naughty corner not a nice corner. LOL And when you talk about “Adam Jr” I always have umm something else in mind. OK I am putting myself in the corner now.
hope you are all having a wonderful time
glambotgram, I thought the same thing! Guess our minds are in the gutter.
Haha, Jay Leno just mentioned Adam regarding the Top-Earning Idols – mentioned Carried at #1 with $20m, then said Adam was second with $6m (didn’t mention the tie with Chris D
, then made a joke about Sanjaya. Yea – every bit of media helps!
From what I’ve seen, Leno really enjoys Adam’s company. And, yes, every bit helps our wonderful guy.
I’m just catching up on our thread, computer was off due to massive thunderstorms here. I thought lightening would knock us off the planet tonight. Not kidding. And in the midst of this, I actually thought, oh no, this storm will travel east, and hit in 2 days. I’ll keep all my whatsis crossed just in case.
Missed all the drama over at MJ’s. Oh well. I usually skip all the fan war BS anyway. I just don’t have any patience for it. We know who is the biggest best most fantastic and talented of all Idols, or anybody else out there anyway. Don’t we?
And yes, Leno does love Adam. I’m looking forward to adding more Leno to my DVR sometime soon.
Safe travels, and best wishes for everybody meeting each other.
Cher, as to the whoopie cushion bed. Hmmm. Sounds like home to me…Don’t ask!!
And, Ron, AL, please keep all your corners available for me. I plan to need several of them. Adam does bring out the naughty in me. I’ll share though. It looks like glambotgram may need a corner or two also. Adam Jr indeed.
Night all!! Please keep us posted. We must know details. Who has met, who has arrived, send pix of decorated cars, any Adam sightings, etc.
And, please, we simply must have poutine reports.
PS. Picture on 24/7 with new highlights in the hair. Very tone on tone, streaks of light blond and very high. Hair looks almost on fire. Could be a theme.
Wardrobe speculation, please. I’m going with white blousy shirt and zebra pants. What the hell, it’s my fantasy anyway……….