- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Wow, yes, it is late. Kradam, I am just astonished (and pleased) that you like the remixes!!! Happy exercising – that’s a good thing.
That last Digital Glitter one “Without U” is interesting, because it also has the vocals of the other guy.
I noticed new remixes of “Pop Goes the Camara” and “Kiss and Tell” too, but I still like the originals. The original Pop Goes the Camara reminds me of those early Queen songs from “A Night at the Opera.”
Anyway, thanks to Ultima who started the whole thing asking about her remixes.
Oh, btw, I discovered through
repeatedcareful listening that THIS remix of “Live the Life” (which isn’t on the EP nor is it the original on iTunes) has the best Adam vocals on it. It’s a BuckMorelo mix. I did buy them all tho, to support Adam and J Scott G.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QL4yfhH_lQ
Night all.
If anyone wants an MP3, let me know.
Wonder who took the picture?
That Buck Morelo mix is terrific – I want that great vid, too.
Y’know, the IRS really needs to tweak the tax regs to recognize the fact that every one of us should be allowed to declare Adam as a dependent on our returns. I think I might be spending more to support him than to support my son…!
Awww, cwm, what a great mini-recap! Those earlier concerts were so special, it is wonderful to relive them through those of you who were there!
Well, listened to all the remixes from last night. I guess I just don’t like remixes!!! I’m a bad fan.
If I had to choose any that are ok IMO it would be Oh My Ra and Feeling Good. But I think that’s because I love these songs anyway. FYE is truly the one I love. Makes me think of GN and gives me chills. But that’s Brad Walsh, not Fonzarelli. And also, I don’t like Live the Life…hahaha I’m full of “don’t likes” this morning. But I will buy it on itunes for Adam. I must give him my money. 
Of course, luval. That must be why you are receiving and harboring total strangers into your home in a few days, and then traveling to a foreign country to see Adam in concert. It all fits together.
To everybody who is travelling to the Saint Agathe festival, have a safe journey, drive carefully, don’t pick up any suspicious strangers along the way, except for Glamberts, of course, etc., etc. Have a great time meeting and reconnecting with each other, and please, please, send a little bit of extra love Adam’s way (if that is even possible considering how much love you will already be giving him) from those of us who couldn’t get there. Have an absolutely, gloriously, incredibly, fabulously, fantastic time, as I know you will (just the teeniest bit envious from here across the pond and wishing I was there).
kradamour…You are right. What was I thinking?

WOW! I totally went to bed too early last night! Not really, I was exhausted. But so many goodies!
I like some of the remixes, especially Broken Open and Ring of Fire. I still need to listen to the remixes of the older stuff. I need to find the time to download some of these!
There are no bad fans here. I don’t think we all have to love everything with Adam’s voice on it. But we all support him, emotionally and financially!
kradamour, I almost spit my coffee with claiming Adam as a dependent on our taxes!
cwm, your SF recap was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. What a great night!
Off to work again. Two more days, I can do it. The reward will be so worth it!
Hi rs! Thank you for the well wishes. We will send an extra special amount of love to Adam just for you!
thanks nekkid
Well, since we’re playing the “truth” game, I have a confession to make, and I know it’s not going to go over well.
I don’t like Soaked.
(now in the “duck and cover” position!)
Well, Soaked wasn’t my favorite song on the FYE album (PUU and Broken Open get that privilege) and I thought that the Gridlock performance of it was just a tad overdramatic (dodging tomatoes here), but I love love love love the GNT version and melted into a puddle of rs the two times I saw him perform it. It was my favorite song of the night as far as the emotions it wrenched out of me.
Hello, 7/24/10 found the Glam Nation Tour at the Thunder Valley Casino in Lincoln, CA:
cwm, loved your recap down memory lane. I imagine Adam sees his young self in fans like your daughter’s friend and feels a lot of empathy.
Hehe, kradam, you were joking? Still have time, as hubby filed for an extension lolol.
Ha, rs, Gridlock Soaked is my favorite. I know, I know, overdramatic taking out hipflask, taking swig (probably not perceived that way by the live audience) but it was the first time I heard the song and the live audience and I were both mesmerized.
Remember I only discovered Adam thru the AMA’s, and Gridlock was the first time I realized he had an album out.
I confess: Not crazy about Pick U Up and tired of the album WWFM, but LOOOVE acoustic WWFM and the RUSSIAN WWFM.
No bad fans here that I can see. (Btw, tomatoes are very expensive now.)
Texas, there are no bad fans here!
(ETA: just saw the previous post! redundant but worth repeating.)
It is understandable that someone might not have loved Soaked, even though I do. It is definitely theatrical, very different from everything else – I can totally see that song performed on Broadway in a play, and Adam’s performance on stage wrenched every little bit of theater out of it.
Adam said that FYE had something for everyone, and the corollary to that is that not everything is for everyone.
Aww, I didn’t expect the understanding (however, mils hasn’t commented yet
. I know Soaked is such a fan favorite, but it’s the only song I skip on the CD. I have to admit that I LOVE the CD and still listen to it. The upbeat songs are my favorites.
Texas…I don’t have Soaked on my IPod…
Guys, look at Adam’s hair:
Looks like we may see this “simulated flames” do in Canada (as opposed to flaming headdress).
Krad, anyone having that spamming twitter problem just needs to change their twitter password. It’s been happening frequently in the past few days.
Rs, Thanks for the advice about picking up hitchhikers along the way….Jlurksacto, did you see that message from rs? uh…Isn’t there a certain someone named Ron that’ll be thumbing for a lift out of Toronto? Maybe you’d better be real careful… Oh, he’s ok. He’s a Glambert!!!
Thanks luval! My guilt has lightened considerably – confession truly is good for the soul!
ETA: I know, I know .. “… our souls will be okay …”
I didn’t care for Soaked on the album that much either. I may have liked it more if it had more of a rock edge to it instead of the symphonic sound. However, I love love the Acoustic Live version from the tour. I gained my love for the live version as I listened to every one of them finding the source for the EP!
nkd, I went to 4 of Adam’s shows and Soaked live was definitely a crowd favorite. Although the “song” doesn’t do anything for me, I appreciate Adam’s performance of it. He sings it absolutely beautifully.
There are two vids from Moscow filmed by NovoseltsevaOlesya (SW and WWFM) that I look at a LOT. Taken from a vantage point where you see the tech crew and security people in the background, I find these two performances absolutely riveting. Adam’s angry gesture at the end of SW is theatrical dynamite – perfect for this song. And the WWFM is, for me, the best he’s ever done. Once again, the conclusion of the song is absolutely breathtaking – those notes – my god! (Noticed the two women in the background were definitely emotionally taken with him.) All I can say is – when Adam’s “ON,” can’t think of anyone today who can match him.
Texas, I hear ya!!!
At my one and only concert, I tried to feel Soaked, but didn’t at that time!
True confessions time!
We may feel soaked in Canada as thunder storms are predicted for Friday in Ste Agathe.
Ok, time for more positive thinking. Rain is fine if it keeps the numbers down and then it clears up right before the show starts.
I have been taking a bit of a stroll down memory lane today while hiding from the sun. Do any of you remember this fun interview about Adam’s musical influences? He looks absolutely yummy.
Keepin’ an eye out for stowaways.
Yeah, my passport has finally arrived, so that probably means others in Canada should get there’s soon. My Adam ticket is #817.
BTW, it won’t rain in Ste Agathe on Friday. Nope. Last year when Adam played Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto, they were calling for thunderstorms all afternoon and evening, but when I arrived at noon for the pre-concert luncheon at an outdoor patio, it cleared up, scary skies went away, and Adam brought sunshine to us all.
Hi NS! Welcome Home!!
SO glad you received your Passport! I guess there’s still hope for the rest of us in Canada!
Thanks, Ron. Yours will come tomorrow. I’m sure of it. I’m surprised mine got to me, actually. They had my street name wrong. Just how does that happen when I paid through PayPal and they have my correct address. Good thing for postal codes, otherwise I would not have gotten the envelope.
From your lips to G*d’s ear, Northern Spirit!
I was so ecstatic over getting my passports, I forgot to post my numbers. For Adams concert I have numbers 761 and 762!
I’m glad that they are beginning to arrive for those of you in Canada.
Ron, there’s still hope for you!!
I got mine!!!! And this time the photo is actually half decent!
Hey there all you bad Adam fans!
To those traveling this week – fly, drive and/or hitchhike safely!
Hey AL — does this mean you are going to Quebec, or are you pulling our legs (which you are known to do…)??
Hi cwm! Pulling your legs – Nah!

Okay, maybe…a little…okay, yes. But my Canadian passport photo is still now that bad.
I will be here with you and the other stay-at-home concert on-linees. Wine, cheese, dessert poutine as appetizers…waiting for the main course from Quebec!
Had a mini Adam related moment today. My son brought a lovely young woman he is dating to dinner here today. She is from Paris and is working on her Masters at a nearby college. I noticed when she was eating she was holding her knife and all I could think of was Sauli’s blog LOL
I was thinking the same thing at dinner, glambotgram! I picked up the habit when I was living in Paris but haven’t given it a second thought until Sauli blogged about it.
I always eat with a knife and fork (unless I’m using chopsticks!), I found that part of Saulis blog interesting that Americans don’t eat holding the knife…even the bit about having to have alcohol in paper bags. See how educational it is following Adam and his friends…and my husband thinks I’m wasting my time on these blogs!
I think most Canadians eat holding knife and fork…at least those I know out west here.
I think that all europeans eat holding knife and fork. I found american way of eating sort of funny in the beginning.
Then somebody explain to me that habit of eating with one hand comes from the past,(wild, wild West) when one had to have one hand on the gun under the table..
I’m the opposite. I don’t like the GN “Soaked” but love the album version. I thought the GN version too over the top and the pause got on my nerves the more I heard it.
The excitement of all the Quebec travelers is palpable. May all your passport issues be resolved in time. I can tell you are going to have a fantastic time (you barely need Adam LOL)! Enjoy! And don’t forget to throw us some crumbs here at the home party.
What is so cool is that the peeps who will be at the home party are just as excited as we are, and there is really the sense that we are ALL participating, even though in different ways.
Interesting discussion about how we eat. As Calgary said, most Canadians eat with knife and fork in hand. I’m really conscious of it when I travel with Americans, who are quick to point out this peculiarity LOL.
So that’s the reason for switching the fork from left to right hand (if also using a knife) before putting the food into the mouth…to have one hand gun ready… Always wondered about that.
I actually think that is an urban legend, though. Seems to me I read a different explanation that made more sense in the civilized colonies. Hmmm…
Finally, from AskAndy:
So choose your theory!
Good Morning,
Day by day, the weather forecast for Ste.-Agathe is slowly improving for this Friday.
It started out the other day with a 90% chance of thunderstorms, changed to 60% light rain, and today indicates 40% isolated showers.
Let’s hope that percentage rate continues to drop to 0% by Friday!
To switch gears …
I’ve been following jlurksacto’s pulsating blip on my radar screen as he continues his journey east. I hope he doesn’t find the tracking device I had planted on his car to louse things up!
Steady as you go, jlurksacto.
Be forewarned future dining companions …
Me eat bare hands toss bones on floor.