Hi everyone!   I realize some of you don’t like the eyes pictures but I think this one is beautiful.  I think of looking ahead to the Festival, new single, next album and tour when I look at this picture.  This month all of us will have a huge treat to look forward to with Adam performing at the St. Agathe en Feux Festival and my good friend Suz526’s videos on 7/29!   Please keep us all updated on the plans of the rather sizeable group of you who will be attending this concert as those of us who can’t make it to Canada will live vicariously through you for this one!

Thursday evening July 7th update: thanks to angelowal, we now have a translated link to FAQs for the Festival!


1,704 Responses to July 2011 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    Just saw the U.K.video – love Twitter. Fabulous.

  2. jlurksacto says:
  3. ultimathule says:

    Funny tweet – gal(?)said there’s more action in Adam Lambert’s pool than in her life. (Can’t verify – lol.)

  4. ultimathule says:

    Gawd, those two vids are so funny – thanks, jlurksacto.

  5. jlurksacto says:

    The making of “Labor of Love.” Riff will be six months old
    the day of the concert.


  6. nkd says:

    jlurksacto says:
    07/02/2011 at 3:12 pm
    Weekend distractions:



    Those were so funny! Fluffers! Haha! Grin

  7. cwm says:

    Great videos — thanks jlurksacto! Loved the Grower one. What a crack up!

  8. Kradamour says:

    Loved the vids – thanks for posting!
    Naturally, the rose reminded me of, um, another rose… Wink

    Can’t believe Riff is already 6 mos old…the time has SPED by, which is a good thing for us who are impatiently waiting for album #2…!

    In and out with a single post tonight – g’nite, peeps!

  9. Kradamour says:

    Well, maybe not. Wonder if there is any way to find out how many tickets have been sold for the concert in Quebec?
    Okay, that’s it. Wouldn’t want to pull a Kradamour… Rolls Eyes

  10. nkd says:

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Stare at this http://say.ly/PHQsXU

    Now he’s just f***ing with us! Wink

  11. eywflyer says:

    Good morning, 7/3/10 saw the Glam Nation Tour make its only stop in the state of South Carolina, at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach:


    Apologies for the missing videos and poor quality of some of the videos that are included, but it seems that this venue was very tough on cameras and there just isn’t much selection on YouTube for this show.

    The tour had a couple of days off for the 4th, so the next anniversary recap will be Knoxville on Wednesday, followed by the important Nashville show at the historic Ryman Auditorium on Thursday.

    Kradamour, there doesn’t appear to be any easy way to find out how many tickets have been sold. I guess someone could just call and ask, but I don’t know if the festival people would give out that info. I’m concerned that ticket sales may have been slow, since this festival is new and doesn’t seem especially well organized. Also there is very little promo coming from any other sources on this, unlike the dates last summer which all had heavy promo. Oh well, if there is a smaller crowd it means fewer people for us to compete with to get close to the stage.

  12. dcglam says:

    Many “gorgeous” memories….


  13. Kradamour says:

    OMG that vid has everything I love! Thank you, dcglam!

    eywflyer, I frankly am happy for the concert to not sell out and to be just under the radar. It won’t reflect badly on Adam, because he is part of this very new festival, and for him it is a one-off concert in the middle of nowhere. I am hoping that Adam chose to perform there for just that reason, so that he can perform some new material for peeps who are not part of his hard-core fandom and get some less biased feedback; I am guessing that most of the passport holders did not buy their passports primarily (or even at all) to see Adam. It is a heavily francophone crowd, based on comments on the site and the lag time for translated pages to be put up. I am really, really hoping that I can make it, I think it could be a very special concert. Smile

  14. luval says:

    haha…this has been brought up before but I’ll bet most of us can tell exactly where every photo in that video was taken. I know I can. We are so smart. Smile

  15. Kradamour says:

    We are so smart obsessed. LOL

  16. nkd says:

    Haha kradamour, I was about to say the same thing!
    luval is not obsessed! Wink

    dcglam that video is great!
    The only picture I didn’t know was at 1:04.

  17. dcglam says:

    OMG that vid has everything I love!

    I know, Kradamour….. She truly did capture a collection of winner photos! Smile

    And yes, luval….. I was doing the exact same thing and thinking about when and where each photo was taken. Not too difficult of a task for us die-hard Adam addicts!!! LOL

  18. dcglam says:

    nkd says:
    07/03/2011 at 3:23 am
    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Stare at this http://say.ly/PHQsXU

    Now he’s just f***ing with us!

    Okay, I give up, Adam….. Spill! Confused

  19. nkd says:

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Stare at this http://say.ly/PHQsXU

    I think it’s supposed to get a 3D effect, but my eyes start burning before I reach that! 29 ain’t what it used to be! Wink

  20. cwm says:

    Okay, I give up, Adam….. Spill! Confused

    Haha It’s in 3D! Get just the right distance from your screen (a little bit close but not too close) and let your eyes relax and unfocus so that you get a row of 3 images rather than two. Look in the middle of the picture and try to merge the middle image into coherence. You’ll see that the middle image is in 3D! Smile

  21. dcglam says:

    Thank you for the instructions, cwm, and for helping to solve the “mystery”. I do now see 3 parts — the smaller part seems to be up front.

    This was fun and all, but I’d rather be staring at something like this…


  22. cwm says:

    haha dcglam! Oh the furrowed brow!

  23. nkd says:

    This was fun and all, but I’d rather be staring at something like this…


    Me too! So how do we get a pic of Adam in 3D? I can think of a few I’d like to see in 3D!!!!

  24. Kradamour says:

    Me too! So how do we get a pic of Adam in 3D?

    Um, some pics definitely have that 3D effect going on…well, for certain parts of the picture… Smile

  25. jlurksacto says:

    Everyone must be out enjoying the weekend. Here are a couple of
    items from twitter for those on ‘puters.




  26. luval says:

    Hi jlurksacto…am back from “my day” and enjoying anything you find!

  27. dcglam says:


    Hmmmm…… Do you suppose Baby Riff’s t-shirt was a gift from his Godfather??? Wink

  28. Kradamour says:

    A sort of random question: was anyone who is going to Ste Agathe also in Paris for that concert (other than luval and me)?

  29. jlurksacto says:

    too much Sunday for Riff:


  30. cwm says:

    Riff is adorable. And it looks like Carmit is pregnant too now! Lots of baby happiness in that circle of friends. It’s lovely. Smile

  31. Kradamour says:

    Wanted to know more about Carmit, googled her. This from wikipedia:

    It has been reported that she wishes to form a non-profit organization called “Smile With Me”: “I want to have my own charity for children and adults who are born with a cleft palate. I was born with one and I want to educate and inspire people by saying that inner beauty is more important than looks.”[7][8]

    Bachar is an ambassador of “Operation Smile”, a worldwide children’s medical charity that helps improve the health and lives of children and young adults born with facial deformities.[9] In November 2007, she participated in an Operation Smile international medical mission in Bolivia, where she and her team organized creative stations for the kids like face and body painting, bookmaking, music and dance.[10]

    Adam’s friends could not possibly be more interesting and diverse and talented and generous. Amazing.

  32. Calgary says:

    Happy Holiday, y’all!

  33. ultimathule says:

    I love America. Happy Fourth of July to everyone.

  34. asifclueless says:


  35. cwm says:

    Looks like Adam and Sauli went to see Twist The Musical with Tamyra Gray tonight…

    @tamyragray: Look who was at @TwistTheMusical 2nite.@adamlambert. Thanx 4 supporting us!!! http://yfrog.com/h3xu8gccj

    And here are a couple of additional little goodies — two cute blog posts from a photographer at the Russia Maxidrome show:



    And yet more awesome pics from Maxidrome (they must have lots of great photographers in Russia, or something):


  36. jlurksacto says:

    Looks like Adam and Sauli went to see Twist The Musical with Tamyra Gray tonight…

    And Terrance Spenser (GNT dancer) is in the cast.

  37. luval says:

    Good morning everyone. Am working today. No problem. Heard WWFM when I jumped in my car this morning so the day started off just fine. Love to see the photos of Adam walking!!

  38. Northern Spirit says:

    Happy 4th of July to all the Americans here!

  39. dcglam says:

    Wow — More stunning photos!
    Thanks for all the holiday yummies, cwm. Smile

  40. dcglam says:

    Kradamour, thank you for sharing your Carmit research with us. It is amazing how Adam’s friends are very much like him — interesting, talented, and generous. I have to admit that I actually got tears in my eyes when I first read Adam’s reply tweet to Carmit about being a GREAT mommy.
    He is so sweet and always knows just what to say! And it all seems to come effortlessly as well.

  41. Kradamour says:

    Great comment from the first site with the Moscow photos:

    I’m from Austria and still waiting for him to become a big deal over here. …I’m just saying that Adam is a force of nature and he exudes talent (amongst other things like… uhm. sex? lol) and it would be great to have everyone recognize that and give him the woldwide career he really really should have.

    Whether people like him or not, let’s admit he’s an awesome musician, in his own league by far and a true balm for my soul (and ears)

    And this comment just made me roll my eyes, remembering our 20 second M&G in Paris (and that isn’t an exaggeration)…

    There were like 20 people at Meet & Greet and he talked PERSONALLY to everyone and posed like 10 times with every fan in front of the cameras.

    But Russia waited a LONG time for Adam. I am so glad that the Russian fans were finally able to hear him live. So many of them made such heartfelt videos, posted such longing comments…and it appears that he lived up to their expectations (of course! Smile )

  42. bridgette12 says:

    HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! I hope everyone have a great day and appreciate what a wonderful country the USA is.

  43. Kradamour says:

    Happy Birthday to the United States!

    Everyone please be careful with any fireworks you will be using. Even the little sparklers can be dangerous in these dry conditions. Frown

    Bring on the red (lobster, strawberries, fresh tomatoes), white (vanilla ice cream, white corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, pale melons) and blue (blueberries and…um…more blueberries) food! Smile

  44. milwlovesadam says:

    Anybody that can’t use a sparkler where they are can come over here! We are lush and green and well watered from our wet wet wet wet rainy spring.

    Happy Fourth to everyone!! We are off to the beach.

    Love the picture of Adam with Sauli enjoying and supporting his friend and ours, Terrance. Wonder if they appreciate Dante like we do. ( Snicker )

    Question of the day. It has been asked before, but, what the hell, How in the world does his hair DOOOO that?

    My theory is that he saw True Blood and it just went there!!

    Smile Smile

  45. jlurksacto says:
  46. luval says:

    Mils…you and I are all about the hair Smile

    It’s like one big cowlick on the top of his head. Where most of us have a few hairs that stick out, he has thousands that just stand at attention. Very appropriate for today.

  47. luval says:

    Is it me or does adam not look like adam in that photo from Twist the musical?

    And he’s wearing suspenders I think.

  48. milwlovesadam says:

    Delay in getting to the beach…

    Hey, lookie here, no nail polish on one hand, the other with a painted thumb, other fingers turned under. No eye makeup. Looking like he just tumbled out of the pool ……

  49. luval says:

    I knew it wasn’t him!!!! Smile

  50. luval says:

    Adam takes after his father in ways. I remember during idol Eber would be wearing shorts and flip flops like he just came in from mowing the lawn. Everyone else was dressed appropriately for national tv.

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