- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Good Morning. I just woke up to this cloudless, colbolt blue sky, sunny Canada Day. Nice way to begin the month of July as I have my first cup of coffee.
We’re not going to starve on the 28th as the reservations have already been made, Kradamour.
P.S. Kradamour – one of my good friends that you’ll be meeting soon, AKE, will be winging her way this afternoon to … Norfolk, Virginia!
MadSmall World!Ron, please let her know to contact me if she will need any directions or assistance while here. You can message me on the fansite to get my contact info.
Hope she is here for pleasure and not business, but if business it is, that it still be pleasurable!
Ron, deal is still on. Cher and I could never share a room.
Her food fetish would get in the way.
Weather – winter storm warnings Tues, now headed to 100+
temps for the weekend here.
Haha – Just cleaned my reading glasses because I thought I read that Cher has a foot fetish.
I’ll definitely let you know about Stephan when I know about Stephan.
Slow day! So I’m gonna bring cwm’s link to Damn You Auto Correct to this new page.
This link is from Archives for “Best Of DYAC”
I think a lot of people here are teachers, so to make it’s not OT, I like the one of Parent Teacher Conference. Hilarious!!! The next one about dad is also good. I’m still laughing.
Hmmm – There really isn’t anything on the menu at the SpaWatel that stands out and makes me want to order it.
Just for fun, let’s dissect a couple of the choices: I guess something was lost in the translation.
I can’t imagine Melted cheese, diced melon with fresh herbs, white balsamic vinaigrette and bacon. (Extra $ 1.95).
Melon with melted cheese and bacon?! Say what? 
Beef tartare with a knife. Is the knife for eating or slashing our wrists if we don’t like it?
10-20 scallops dressed in smoked pork belly. Now, doesn’t that sound scrumptious?
10 – 20? Could you narrow that down a bit? 
There is this to maybe (maybe) consider:
We don’t need a private room but a “Group menu” is interesting. I don’t think it’s very practical though that all 27+ of us can agree to order the same entree.
I’m all for Steak & Frites with sauteed onions, a side order of cole slaw and garlic bread. (Afterwards, Scope or Listerine are optional but highly recommended).
I just can’t stop looking at Adam’s beautiful eyes.Gosh! How can a human be so perfect! Thanks for all the QC concert info, I’m in for lining up early. I was expecting to start lining up early in the morning, so this is good, I can sleep in and recover from any hangover. I had the experience of standing in the sun for 11 hrs at last year’s MMVA,I’m a year older,even with depreciation, I think I can still handle 8,9 hrs’ wait
Hey,are you voting on Fleckingrecord’s Best Role Model? Only one vote per hour, they don’t show the result, but they give us a little hint here:
“We can reveal that, at time of press, the celebs in the top five (in no particular order) are: Selena Gomez, Adam Lambert, Demi Lovato, Tom Fletcher and Miley Cyurs”
Let’s win this for Adam
I almost forgot to flip my calendar!
Thank you luval for the reminder. Ahhh, Mr. July! Love that one!
Nkd … I still have my Mr. July poster rolled up in the tube. One of these days I’ll get around framing it.
luval…me too! And the rest of the Adamphernalia!
Still waiting on my signed picture!
Did anyone else receive theirs besides luval and cwm?
Festival passports? Any word on them? Is the postal strike still on in Canada?
Postal strike is over so the mail should start moving again.
And to all my fellow Canadians, a Happy Canada Day eh!!
How about a Tims double double to celebrate?
Oh, signed picture! I had forgotten…still hoping to receive it, but if Adam is using all his time in the studio I can do without.
Haven’t received my festival passport yet, and I bought one of the first ones. And I still hope to use it, my mother and I have been talking about ways that she will feel secure in my absence. She really, really wants me to go but really, really is afraid of my being away so far with little cell phone reception because of the terrain. I was in DC for three days last week at the French embassy with little cell phone coverage and several very unfortunate things happened because I couldn’t be reached.
On another note, it is time to watch the youtube of Adam singing the National Anthem at Miramar in 2009, just got the message from AdamOfficial. I love that they sent that link for us and are trying to keep us engaged while Adam works on the new music. For those of you who prefer not to receive the Adam Official emails, here is the youtube link:
chill-inducing on this hot day!
Read this post from cwm in the Norfolk thread. It applies here as much as it did then:
Kradam, cwm, what a lovely image, the campfire.
Happy Canada Day to all Canadians (and to me, as an honorary Canadian bestowed by NS, I can celebrate too, no? It will flow very nicely right into July 4th
Happy Canada Day to all of our Canadian friends!
And riskylady!
From MJ’s headlines thread….
Adam’s in the studio again today. Sounds like it’s going well … ha!
Having a musical orgasm listening to @adamlambert in the booth! Dyyyyiinngggg!!!!!!!!!!
26 minutes ago
So when do we get to have our very own eargasms?? Hunh???
mils…yeah, that’s what I want to know too.
OT, but sorry to hear what’s happening in your state with the government shutting down!
Luval, I heard some DJ’s talking about our state this morning between Rihanna and Katy Perry. LOL.
They were actually saying that they miss the days when we were all just cheesehead wearing, beer drinking, bratwurst eating, midwest nobodies from the land of Laverne and Shirley and Happy Days and the Packers. Now we are the home of Jeffrey Dahmer, Jeff Walker, union busting, capitol protesting, Supreme Court Justices fist fighting, and government shutdowns. Oh well. At least we give Colbert and Stewart something to poke fun at!!
haha mils… since your mentioned bratwurst, at least your state took the heat off my state for the moment. We had to deal with the Weiner mess.
but to keep on topic…Adam looks better and better. How the hell does he do it?
LOVE those photos!

Was sad that a lot of the pics from the old concert threads are no longer up.
But a lot of them are, and today’s Adam looks so much…not “older”, really, or even more “mature”…not sure what word. More polished? yes, I think that is it. Polished. And more confident. Definitely happier.
And have you noticed that his nailpolish is in better shape? Adam used to say that he picked at it when he was nervous. Either BB is a lot more relaxed, or has a manicurist on call to keep up with his nails
Ha luval, the first tweeteee of the Weiner mess was from my city, and was a graduate of my kid’s high school. To make matters worse, my parents know her parents. Small world indeed.
Kradaomour, these new pics in black and white from the studio are so much like some of my other faves of him. Especially those profile pics we went crazy over last year. I think the black and white lends a more serious look to that gorgeous face.
The nails. Yes. They do look more kept up of late. I’d like to imagine Sauli as the manicurist!
I agree with you kradamour about Adam looking more polished and happy. But, yeah, I’m sure he had his nails done before this shoot. I would have!
Are any of you any good at song writing? I was just wondering how we could get in the studio for days with Adam and have eargasms listening to him record our songs! Heaven!
All this tweeting, teasing, posting, blogging, twitpics, sneak peeks, teasers from RCA, VH1, MTV, …. talk about foreplay.
Is it August yet?????
I think he’s still using that shellac nail polish that doesn’t come off no matter what you do. He mentioned it awhile back.
mils, yes I do remember that “gal” was from your city and I was LOLing about it at the time.
God, Joan Rivers is a hoot. The fashion police is on right now. I’m always waiting to see if she mentions Adam.
Do any of you watch Platinum hit? Ryan Tedder was on last Monday night judging. (he’s been everywhere lately). I love that show. It’s so interesting to me to see how a song is born. Although this is a reality competition show a couple of people on it are great.
ETA…there was one song that won a particular challenge that I could hear Adam singing. I know it’s on itunes. It was haunting…SW Ryan Tedder loved it!!
I’ve seen Platinum Hit a couple of times. I missed Ryan Tedder. Is Jackie still on?
I wasn’t really comparing with these couple of pics in particular, rather all of the more recent ones from the last month or so. It makes me feel really good that it appears that Adam is having the life that he hoped for. May that continue to be the case!
Ah, yes, shellac polish. I know peeps who swear by it. Wonder if it could even work for me? Nah.
Ryan Tedder was on this past Monday night. jackie is still on. The song is called “Love Me To Life”. All the comments say Beyonce should be singing it but I can hear Adam. Just me, I guess.
I hear Beyonce too. I hope Adam doesn’t do songs like this. I want him to rock out-hard. Then, more rock ballads like Soaked. I also would love him to end up in one of those Gaga-Beyonce videos. To put some “male” flavor into their story line where the boys don’t all end up dead!!! Adam could be a bad boy. IMHO
Well, here’s what I want: a double CD album. Rock for mils and whomever else wants it. I can discard that CD after one listen.
The second CD would be wonderful acoustic things and ballads and the sort of serious/real pop music that Beyonce has come around to in her just released album.
I think it is interesting how often we and others speak of Adam and Beyonce in the same breath. I see a lot of musical and personal similarities. Love them both. Would love a duet.
Kradam, we all just want and hope for so much. This I will say, I have a feeling he’s going to make a lot of us very very happy no matter what he does. He just has a special way of finding a way to please so many.
I’ve been listening to this since the Big Man died. Blows me away.
Well, we may have no government in Wisconsin anymore, but, we do still have the beach. Gotta go get some sleep so I can wake up and get out there. Unless Scott Walker has found a way to eliminate the beach too.
Thank you, nkd!
Ha, that reminds me of a review I read of a Rihanna concert. Cee Lo Green was opening, and he told the audience he was just “foreplay,” that Rihanna was going to f*ck them later. So yeah, that’s what’s happening to us LOL, but at least the “foreplay” is coming from Adam himself. And, we all know what happens at the concerts (figuratively, of course). CAN’T WAIT!!! And the tension is building with all these teasers, and THEY.WILL.INCREASE. Oh, patience, don’t desert me…..
Awww, thanks for bringing that over kradamour! I definitely remember writing that, and it still resonates with me. I was just appreciating our “campfire” here last night.
And I’m glad you guys enjoyed the Damn You Autocorrect link I posted. It was fun to read your reactions.
Speaking of funny stuff, adamized, I never thanked you for bringing over that Ricky Gervais routine about Noah’s Ark. OMG that was funny! Thanks!
Jlurksacto, Ron…running a comedy show here huh?
food fetish, foot fetish, Adam fetish, what else? keep ’em coming. 

I’ll have you know that I do share my food…albeit rarely, grudgingly, not happily, I keep the lion’s share, definitely don’t share the dessert, not even crumbs…lolol
Escargot, pate, poutine, baguettes, here I come!! Oh, I have to diet first. Gahhhh!!!! Bring on St.Agathe!
This had me laughing today. some of these are hilarious. British humor at work. Gotta keep ourselves entertained without much Adam news.
Haha thanks cher– that was great! Very funny.
I loved getting an email from Adam today. I don’t know about you guys, but it always throws me for a loop to see “Adam Lambert” in my email Inbox at work. I’m super busy at work right now, with a huge deadline staring me in the face; I’m receiving about 80-90 emails a day, most of them related to getting this project done before the deadline. It’s intense, it’s crazy. And then I see Adam’s name in my Inbox. It’s like a message from a whole different zone of existence.
cwm, yes! and I know that it isn’t really from Adam, but still, to see the name on the inbox…in spite of myself, my heart does a little skip.
Have a great Fourth weekend, to everyone in the US! I’m going out now to put up our flag. Funny how that flag means more to me with my son in Korea. I’m not a superpatriot by any means – we fly the French flag and the Maryland flag as often as the Stars and Stripes – but the 4th of July always seems special.
Good morning, 7/2/10 found the Glam Nation Tour in Charlotte NC at The Fillmore:
I included a MW/WLL video from a very unusual angle next to the sound board. Myrtle Beach coming up on Sunday, but that will not be one of the finer recaps as videos for that show are few and far between, I had to use some of lower quality than I wanted.
Hope everyone in the U.S. enjoys their 4th of July weekend, and belated Happy Canada Day to those north of the border!
Hey, riskylady and all…. Just imagine when we get a snippet of the first single!
We will probably explode by then!!
Very cute, vid, cher!
Riskylady, I forgot to wish you a special Happy Canada Day yesterday, but when I did a shout out to all my fellow Canadians, you were definitely included.
I haven’t received my festival passport yet either, nor my signed photo, but I did get an email last week from Charity Water asking me if I had received it yet.
At Wilkes Barre i sat beside the woman who wrote that fifthsun article. At first I was put off by her being there because I thought they had a media blackout for the first show. Turns out she wasn’t media and she wrote that amazing piece.
Ron, just a short private convers, and look who shows up:
I’m a day late and a dollar short, but I wanted to belatedly wish all of our Canadian friends a Happy Canada Day (yesterday)!
Marco Polo tweet?
Prediction? Anticipation?