Hi everyone!   I realize some of you don’t like the eyes pictures but I think this one is beautiful.  I think of looking ahead to the Festival, new single, next album and tour when I look at this picture.  This month all of us will have a huge treat to look forward to with Adam performing at the St. Agathe en Feux Festival and my good friend Suz526’s videos on 7/29!   Please keep us all updated on the plans of the rather sizeable group of you who will be attending this concert as those of us who can’t make it to Canada will live vicariously through you for this one!

Thursday evening July 7th update: thanks to angelowal, we now have a translated link to FAQs for the Festival!


1,704 Responses to July 2011 Chat

  1. Calgary says:

    Hey NS, how about putting some Montreal smoked meat on those bagels? My son loves it so much he gets his boss to bring it back!

  2. Kradamour says:

    Wow, mils, you certainly rose to the challenge! LOL
    I knew we could count on you!
    Gonna go back to read it again…

  3. dcglam says:

    luval says:
    07/08/2011 at 6:51 pm
    If that’s the big news, it’s not poop-worthy.

    Now what if Adam will be performing his new single for the first time (like kradamour suggested) during this big festival in Vegas which also happens to include many big name celebrities. Maybe David Bowie will make an appearance….. ha!
    Are we getting any closer to poop-worthy??? Wink

  4. milwlovesadam says:

    What is this Vegas news? I am out of the loop here. Too busy making naughty lists. Please go back, I added some more tidbits.

  5. dcglam says:


    riskylady says:
    07/08/2011 at 5:56 pm
    This looks like the Mystery Monday thing:

    Iheartradio will have a Music Festival in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand on Sept. 23-24. The stations are running a contest for tickets to the festival. Big names involved. No mention of Adam (as yet…)

    ETA: By the way, I love your “naughty” and very clever list!

  6. nkd says:

    You are all so entertaining! I love it!
    A few obscure tweets, now Adam is performing his new single in Vegas with David Bowie no less! Perfect! Smile

    Great list mils! Wink

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks dcglam. So this is all speculation?? I’m not wasting a perfectly good pair of Depends on this. Nope.

  8. dcglam says:

    A few obscure tweets, now Adam is performing his new single in Vegas with David Bowie no less! Perfect!


  9. milwlovesadam says:

    Naaw. I heard from a friend’s cousin’s sister’s brother’s uncle, that Ferris Beuler Adam was going to perform with Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilara, David Bowie, Elton John and Brittany, Timberlake, The Lakers girls and Paula Abdul.

    Did I forget that Springsteen and Jagger signed on too? I heard that from my friend’s boss’s neighbor…….

  10. nkd says:

    Maybe we should wait for the real poop scoop before we over speculate and are disappointed when the news is not as grand as our imaginations! And there are definitely some grand imaginations here! Wink

  11. dcglam says:

    Naaw. I heard from a friend’s cousin’s sister’s brother’s uncle, that Ferris Beuler Adam was going to perform with Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilara, David Bowie, Elton John and Brittany, Timberlake, The Lakers girls and Paula Abdul.

    Did I forget that Springsteen and Jagger signed on too? I heard that from my friend’s boss’s neighbor…….

    Now, seriously, I am ROFLMAO!

  12. nkd says:

    Now mils, don’t forget Plant! He must sing WLL with RP!

    Or maybe he was writing with Plant while in London and they have a new song! Wink

  13. milwlovesadam says:

    Oooh, nkd, that’s it! Yesss ( rubbing hands together now ), he was writing with Plant in London. They were at a seance and channeled Freddy Mercury, Hendrix,James Morrison and Janis Joplin. They all wrote the greatest songs ever and voted Adam to be the one to sing them!!!

  14. Ron says:

    I hope whatever this news turns out to be will make it necessary for me to use a Super Duper Pooper Scooper to clean up afterwards. Smile

  15. milwlovesadam says:

    Ummm. Ron, thanks, but, if we are wearing our Pull-Ups, that won’t be necessary!!!

  16. milwlovesadam says:

    Gotta go, just when it was getting fun here tonight!

    Work in the morning, bah humbug.

  17. nkd says:

    Why why do I take a drink then read comments?
    I may never learn!

  18. nkd says:

    milwlovesadam says:
    07/09/2011 at 12:38 am
    Oooh, nkd, that’s it! Yesss ( rubbing hands together now ), he was writing with Plant in London. They were at a seance and channeled Freddy Mercury, Hendrix,James Morrison and Janis Joplin. They all wrote the greatest songs ever and voted Adam to be the one to sing them!!!

    Now that’s poop worthy!!!

    This is what I was afraid of, now can any news be as great as this? Wink

  19. milwlovesadam says:

    Lulz. Did I mention that Slash will be playing guitar? And Mick Fleetwood on drums? Kenny G on Sax? Timberlake on back up vocals with Andy Samberg for sh*ts and giggles.

    ( According to my kids, Slash is the guitar “whore”, as great as he is, he plays with “everybody”.)

  20. nkd says:

    No Jimmy Page?

  21. cher says:

    The only way I would put on a pair of Depends is if Adam is doing a collaboration with Queen!!
    I would seriously consider them for a David Bowie collab though. Smile
    I’ll be in Vegas for the Sept 3rd weekend, so unfortunately if he does do that iheartradio thingee later that month, it’s a no way again for me. Bah humbug!! Frown
    I just hope whatever the announcement is that it’s gonna be epic and make me squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Smile
    BTW librarising has been awol for quite a while now. Just dropped off the radar a couple months ago. Frown

  22. luval says:

    Maybe librarising noticed we all “left” and doesn’t know where to find us. She’s at the fansite. Maybe I’ll try and contact her there, although Ron may have already. But it’s funny, I almost never go there. After a couple of weeks I remember the fansite and check to see if I have mail…none Frown

  23. adamized says:

    Morning everyone.

    Ron, thank you for sharing your BP story. I too believe that taking an Adam-centric view of life is way healthier than the norm.

    Mils- great list as usual.

    Here is another report on the iheartradio event. BB is not mentioned. I personnally love the ideas you all have come up with better than this anyway. Don’t know how solid this report is BTW:


  24. luval says:

    Hi adamized!

    How did Adam’s name get lumped into iheart radio anyway? I’m confused on how it all started? Alison’s tweet? Although I suppose they could add him on last minute. Honestly, if his name is added, I don’t think I’d go anyway. Unless he’s a headliner (like Quebec…with no opening act) or is ANYWHERE as a solo I doubt that I’d go. Of course if Bowie or Freddie Mercury (lol) was with him I’d certainly change my mind. Smile

  25. Northern Spirit says:

    Calgary, you’re right! How could I forget Montreal smoked meat. So, so far we have the following must-tries for those of you heading to Ste. Agathe:

    -Montreal bagels
    -Montreal smoked meat

    luval, I wondered that, too, what makes us think Adam’s is associated with the iHeartradio announcement? Funny, Adam is such a major focus of our waking lives, that we think that any major announcement of any sort must be about him. (Hope it is in this case Smile )

  26. dcglam says:

    How did Adam’s name get lumped into iheart radio anyway?

    Luval, I think it is just from the few tweets leading us to believe that Adam has some big news to share combined with the “big” iHeartRadio announcement. The messages for both happenings all seemed to be coming together. That is all. There doesn’t seem to be anything else connecting the two. As I mentioned yesterday, I’m still hoping that Alisan’s tweet has nothing to do with the radio event.

    ETA: Ha — meant to b-quote, not bold.

  27. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Wow, if Adam’s name makes that iHeart list, I might be able to make this! Anyone else thinking the same?

    nkd, I’m just down the road from you! We’re in Beaumont, checking our daughter in for a camp at Lamar Univ. Smile I was stunned by all the dead trees in the Huntsville area – we need rain, y’all!

  28. nkd says:

    Hi Texas! *Waves* The Huntsville area has had quite a few wildfires through there. We do need rain, desperately.

    I don’t think Alisan’s tweet had anything to do with the iheartradio event. I think that there is something spectacular going on with the album, or maybe she heard some of it. I hope what she thinks is poop worthy meets our standards! Smile

    The Vegas event is a no go for me also, that’s baby time!

  29. nkd says:

    Lidbud Jillian
    We are constipated RT@Trishnz : @alisanporter We haven’t pooped at anything yet. Any more clues you care to give?

  30. luval says:

    Been curious since day one. How did sainte agathe find Adam or maybe Adam’s people find them?

  31. Ron says:

    Hi luval! Are you at work or at home?

  32. nkd says:

    Luval, I’ve wondered the same thing about Adam and the festival, since they don’t seem to know much about him. Maybe we did imagine it into happening! Or someone did!

  33. luval says:

    Ron…am home now.

  34. riskylady says:

    Mils,that last list is definitely your masterpiece (up to now, anyway)! Just BRILLIANT!!!
    It should go in a Poster’s Hall of Fame! In fact, not a bad idea, and I would suggest adding a few recaps in there too. Can someone remind me, who did those EPIC recaps, and which show was it, that we had to wait even a couple of days for the full recap to be finished? They were like really excellent mini-novels.

  35. riskylady says:

    OK, Alisan Porter’s credibility is on the line here. Whatever she considers “poopworthy” better be up to our standards.

    And just to up the game, I’m going WAY out on a limb: THIS would be poopworthy to me: Adam performing for the Royals at the big BAFTA party for them. (I know, I know, but one can dream, can’t one?)

  36. luval says:

    riskylady. That would really be poop-worthy for me too! Can you imagine? Maybe Katherine has heard of Adam…maybe went to club concert in London (lol)…maybe is a Glambert!!! maybe maybe maybe……

  37. luval says:

    eywflyer will probably put up a thread but 7/9/10 was the Cleveland, Ohio show. This was when Adam and the Glamily went boating on Lake Erie. We never got a glimpse of him on the boat but rest assured he was fully clothed! I think we may have seen his toes.

    I think you may be referring to Goatiegarden who did the great recaps.

  38. nkd says:

    Yes, Goatiegarden’s recaps which she never finished for the LA Nokia show! Still waiting!

  39. eywflyer says:

    Hey guys, sorry I was late with today’s recap but I’m traveling this weekend. As luval mentioned, 7/9/10 was the Glam Nation Tour show in Cleveland:


    Hm, I wonder if Alisan’s big news was that the Canyons website is up? Like Adamland, I had thought that it was probably too soon for a new single, assuming that the album date is still November.

  40. luval says:

    eywflyer…As a Glambert if that turns out to be the big news, sorry…ain’t for me. Just not poopworthy. IMO

  41. dcglam says:

    I agree, luval….
    I went back and took another look at Alisan’s tweet. It seemed to be specifically aimed toward Adam fans, not fans of The Canyons. Just my take on it all…..

    Personally, I feel that she is just talking about (and praising) Adam’s album in general. I can totally see Adam sharing his accomplishments thus far with his very good friend.

  42. Northern Spirit says:

    Guys, some exciting news for those of you who have been following the NOH8 campaign, photos taken by Adam Bouska.

    Open Photo Shoot @ W Montreal
    START DATE: 07/30/2011
    END DATE: 07/30/2011

    “”While the specifics for this photo shoot are still being confirmed, the NOH8 Campaign is excited to announce plans for our very first Open Photo Shoot at the W MONTREAL in MONTREAL, QUEBEC in CANADA on SATURDAY, JULY 30th!

    We’re incredibly excited to announce this shoot date; our very first stop in Canada!

    Please make sure to check back in the coming weeks as we confirm additional details for this event.””

    W Montreal
    901 Square Victoria
    Montreal, Quebec H2Z 1R1


    This ties in nicely with our Ste Agathe concert, and those who want to get their photos taken can head to Montreal on the Saturday after the concert to participate

    Thanks to KDD43 for first spotting this on Twitter.

  43. milwlovesadam says:

    So, I just took off my Depends. Sorry, Alisan’s website is just not poop-worthy. It’s nice for her, but – meh.

    Riskylady, thanks for your compliment. I just love making an inspired list. It’s a lot more fun here than my grocery list, my to do list, or even my honey-do list!!

  44. milwlovesadam says:

    I’m fishing here. I’ll be in Manhattan next week, and I’m trying to get some Broadway tickets that won’t kill my income level too badly. Does anybody know how to I can do this? I heard the ticket place in Times Square isn’t there anymore. I’ve been online a lot searching. I’m not trying for any new hot Tony winners or nominees. ( Drats ). Just looking for, believe it or not, Lion King.

  45. milwlovesadam says:


    I just tried to print my list from the last page, and it comes up blank. Nothing wrong with my computer or printer. I just printed something else from another site. Can you try to check into this please? No emergency. I know you are busy. Thanks.

  46. Kradamour says:

    Been curious since day one. How did sainte agathe find Adam or maybe Adam’s people find them?

    There were a LOT of emails going to a lot of people in Quebec province and LA. I thought you sent one, luval.
    The universe took over after that. Smile
    He had a great reception at the Montgolfieres balloon festival last year, remember. So it wasn’t a total stretch.
    And if he wanted to perform this summer, but only once, how on earth to choose a venue in the US? and that singular venue would be mobbed.
    But Canada…just choose a fairly obscure site and it is equally inconvenient for everyone, and a mob scene can be avoided. If he wants to try out some new music or some new styles, he can be assured that it is only the serious fans who will make it to Ste Agathe de nowhere.
    Like us! Grin

  47. riskylady says:

    Oh, right, luval, nkd, it was Goatiegarden. And has she been here? Does she know of this site?
    And Mils, all your lists are inspired = I wish now I had kept prints of them, they were so perfectly aligned with whatever was going on. Have you saved them?
    Remember the Wembley Stadium trip list?

  48. Kradamour says:

    Goatie posted in the June thread, haven’t seen her for a while. Frown
    Didn’t she say that she had massive RL stuff going on and we wouldn’t see a lot of her? Or am I making that up?

  49. riskylady says:

    Haha, kradam,Ste. Agathe de nowhere lol.
    Now that NS mentioned the NoH8 campaign, I understand what my friend @kinkykiedis from England was talking about. She has two friends going to Ste. Agathe (one from Prague) and said they are both getting their NoH8 pics taken. I’m hearing about more and more people coming from outside Canada – I just hope LOTS and LOTS of Canadians go also….

  50. milwlovesadam says:

    Riskylady, I printed as many as I could remember of them!! Somebody told me to, maybe it was you!! I’m so glad I took the advice. Otherwise they would just disappear into cyber-space. Some of them are just done off the top of my head, some take a little “research.” I do remember many Wembley lists. That was fun stuff. I think my most fun one was the end of American tour list. I think it was over 100 items long. … Not counting the GB. Bah dum dum. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Smile

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