- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
@Aquarius_Girl2 Adam talked for a long tome today — like maybe 25-30 minutes! He wanted to take questions & kept picking ppl.
Adam Lambert in the Garage http://www.1075theriver.com/cc-common/gallery/photos.html?album_id=311041&p=18834874
Ben_Tripp: Me and adamlambert he was as sweet as always! http://pic.twitter.com/veQotKXQ
brian_mansfield The picture they said would never happen: @AdamLambert & @Brian_Mansfield, together at last. http://content.clearchannel.com/cc-common/gallery/thumb.php?src=/export/home/cc-common/mlib/2001/03/1331332198120.jpg&wmax=600&hmax=450&quality=80
Adam Events The Adam Lambert Calendar has been updated – more promo & some dates have been confirmed!
Adam Lambert Meet-n-Greet http://bit.ly/A29mWC
@ Ben_Tripp The way Adam looked at me when I told him he freed me is a look I’ll never forget. He was beaming. #perfect
PopCrush “About to Pop” survey http://popcrush.com/about-to-pop-b-o-b-car…jepsen-singles/ Vote for Adam
Adam Lambert Coming soon!!! http://say.ly/RmE1yqe
Intern Adam Video of my interview with @adamlambert available here: http://is.gd/1hZ2D7 #historicwood
“Dressed like a high-end waiter…” Adam Lambert Performs Three New TrespassingTracks: http://popcrush.com/adam-lambert-performs-three-new-trespassing-tracks/
Neon Limelight Video: Adam Lambert Performs Three New ‘Trespassing’ Songs Live http://bit.ly/AywbVV
Bootsy IIHY for those interested :3 http://youtu.be/tODl4-HUXHI
I’m sorry for IIHY being all horizontal! I was trying to get a full length view lol.
Spike Edney <333 (plays keys, among other things, for Queen) https://www.facebook.com/SpikeEdneySASBand/posts/231564843607107
♏ ScorpioBert I’ve mp3’d that second Chokehold vid, but it’s a WIP http://www.mediafire.com/?5vapob55hqyuffn
mp3 DL Folder for Atl Jezebel concert http://mfi.re/?qcr996cwz0ocr
Bootsy Oooh YouTube has a flip option. IT SHOULD FLIP SOON
I just dl the track to my iPod and flip it sideways.
Hanna B BTIKM from Nashville.
Adam Lambert: http://youtu.be/vWYpIPZ1q84
Bootsy Tilt fix at 90% done
♒ there was a girl there today who had written a letter to the station. they read the letter to adam & she started crying – it there was a girl there today who had written a letter to the station. they read the letter to adam & she started crying – it held her for the longest time & was so encouraging.
he was funny, too – he was pronouncing Cuckoo w a Pepe le Pew French accent Adam Lambere Coucou
http://www.1075theriver.com/iplaylist/artist/1152615/ M&G and performance photos
Performance & Interview vids are finally up at 107.5 The River http://www.1075theriver.com/iplaylist/artist/1152615/
Adam Lambert ‘Trespassing’ tracks reviewed – Trespassing, Cuckoo and Chokehold via Popledge http://popledge.co.uk/2012/03/10/adam-lambert-trespassing-tracks-reviewed-trespassing-cuckoo-and-chokehold/
3 yrs ago this week TALC pledged their love and support to the extraordinary @adamlambert. Cheers to our amazing global superstar! \o/ ★
The Q&A videos both cut off at 3 minutes! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Can you pweeezze fix ’em? MUAHHH!
1075 The River We are working on it.
Yeah both cut off right at good parts..Looking forward to listening to the ending of both videos..
Great review from that popledge uk.
I can’t even find the videos from 107.5 when I click on the link, the page I get only has photos.
ITA. Loved this tweet.
I was thinking that the songs were crying out for more instruments…but NOT autotune or other f*ckery!
Maybe I will like this album instead of wishing his voice stood out more alone on it! (like FYI)
The info in the second vid about the politics of getting your music played is very interesting. Apparently a lot going on that we know nothing about.
Really love what I’m seeing and hearing so far of the new songs.
IIHY is straight up now! Cute to see him JUMP!!! I miss that.
“I’m gonna lose my mind like a maniac and lose control”
Oh. Adam. You know us so well.
I’m thinking he’ll have a “clean version” like CeeLoo Green of his F*ck You song for the radio.
I just flove all three of these songs. Each on their own.
Can’t wait to hear them with decent audio and full effect.
Can not get enough of this man.
I can’t stop listening to Chokehold.
All I hear is the Prince influence here. Am I crazy? Does anyone else hear this?
I have a feeling that those Prince concerts he went to last year influenced him just a tad….
Yeah mils, it def has that funk groove to it.
I totally think he should replace f*ck with pluck for PG performances of Cuckoo!
Well, Adam did say he believed in safe plucking on Leno! LOL
Nah, he could just say “damn”, it’ll be fine.
♏ ScorpioBert Chokehold on SC : 3-08-2012 Adam Lambert – Choke*hold -Jezebel Magazine Atlanta http://soundcloud.com/scorpios4music/3-08-2012-adam-lambert-choke
Does anyone remember which interviews he discussed Chokehold?
Such as who he wrote with.
AZGlamFan New full version of Adam Lambert – TRESPASSING from last night w/intro: http://youtu.be/pkxV16Kjhsk
♏ ScorpioBert
Cuckoo: 2012-03-08 – AFL-JEZEBEL party – Cuckoo (ladyrinehart) http://soundcloud.com/scorpios4music/2012-03-08-afl-jezebel-party
TP: 2012-03-08 -AFL- JEZEBEL Party -TP- (ladyrinehart)
Did I just miss it, or did he not sing the straight jacket line in Cuckoo?
eta Nevermind, I found it, it’s after the dubstep breakdown part.
Did I see that both Tommy and Ashley are playing bass in Tresspassing? Wow. That must mean what they have talked about in several interviews with DJ’s who have heard the recorded version, about the “sick” bass line.
Must. Tear. Myself. Away. From. These. Vids.
Ta ta ya’all.
Favorite line of the day: “Historic Wood.”
I’ll be in the corner, if anyone is looking for me…
One more try, and you knoow who you are:
Adamadddict100, please come out and play..
This is a snippet from a comment I made this morning on the March Chat thread before I knew about this thread, so I just brought it over for my part in the discussion.
I’m really, really loving Chokehold. It puts me into a parallel universe of sorts. I was thinking that I must be the only person who was feeling how sexy the song is—but that was before I found this thread. We all think it is sexy, and the comments below the first Chokehold video bear that out too. This will be a tossup for me between A Loaded Smile and Chokehold as to which is my favorite ever Adam song. Am really excited to see what comes next.
Let’s not 4get 2 take a minute & RT/donate 2 Adam’s CharityWater Bday campaign: http://mycharitywater.org/adamlambert30
Adam New Song with lyrics..
TommyJoe Ratliff @TommyJoeRatliff
God damn! Everyone is so friendly in Nashville. Love it here! !!!!
I can’t stop looking at the videos, Adam is simply amazing. If these songs sound this good with the screwy sound system, I can’t even imagine what they will sound like on the album. I absolute favorite is Cuckoo, it’s just addictive. Teens will like it, young adults will love it and everyone else will drool over it. It’s amazing and this album is going to be a phenomenon. I think when this is over, RCA will realize just how smart they were in letting Adam take the reins of the creation of his own album.
Finally, what I’ve been waiting for FYE from jezebel party!!!
Sometimes it seemed at the party that Adam just want to bust out with his GN style on-stage performance but couldn’t because of the type of crowd. Professionalism in action.
The tongue got a big workout, though.
Watch Tommy in this performance. Really getting into FYE! The comments reflected this too. People noticed.
luval, it almost looks like his feet are glued to the floor, he is trying so hard to stay in one place! Great vid, thanks!
. again. Sorry wrong thread!
Wrong thread. This is confusing to me. I forget where I am at times.
This pianist has done instrumental covers of both Chokehold and Cuckoo. Both are quite beautiful and really show off the strength of the melodies.
Chokehold: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGf4g58RD24
Cuckoo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuuRKLaTfTQ
An awesome photo from the Jezebel concert:
Love love love Chokehold.
After a day in real life, which wasn’t too shabby with our warm and beautiful sunny day here, I just love listening to this on repeat. I also love watching how Adam moves to “bring it on back to me”. UNF UNF UNF.
Been missing that!
Added FYE, IIHY and additional versions of Cuckoo and Chokehold to the videos above. Also updated the thread photo (thanks cwm)!
Thanks, eywflyer
I just love Cuckoo! Didn’t notice previously but that’s a very different white shirt. The crystal embellishment on the front is gorgeous. Must have cost a pretty penny!
The new thread photo is just wonderful – thanks, eywflyer – and for the additional videos. (Just love that Cuckoo.)
Hey eywflyer – I love that you posted that fabulous pic as the thread photo! Thanks!!
Also, thanks for posting videos (with different views even!) for the entire set. Awesome!
At the end of MishaRW’s Chokehold, looks like he was pointing to the right and to his ear…sound issue again!!
luval – yes, you can definitely tell that he was unhappy with the sound during Chokehold. He actually looks a little pissed off (or at least very firm in his directive) at the end of the song to me. He made a signal to the sound man in the middle of the song, too. You can clearly see it in MishaRW’s video.
I noticed that there is no video for WWFM from Jezebel posted above. Here is a 30-snippet. Not much, but it at least gives us a sense of what it sounded like.
cwm…I think”pissed off” are the right words!