- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Ten years ago today (on a Tuesday night) I watched as you auditioned for American Idol. I instantly knew you were a star! I rooted for you week after week and voted my little fingers off. What a joyous ride it’s been! Forever a fan!
It all begin with a tweet! ‘Shady’, the collaboration between you, @nilerodgers
& @samsparro
all performing live together at the We Are Family Foundation gala was funktastic beyond words! (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYGRLR5Vh-I&list=PLn-NHWcSWQPHT60S_TPE_xZUDOk_xkMXE&index=6) youtube.com/watch?v=KYGRLR…
#10YearsOfAdamLambert (video credit: terrapolison]
Replying to @TALCvids
What a thrill it was to watch your 3rd studio album to be introduced on national TV with this performance of title track ‘The Original High’!! Always & forever you will be our original high (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-niIupAOxk&index=7&list=PLn-NHWcSWQPHT60S_TPE_xZUDOk_xkMXE) youtube.com/watch?v=Y-niIu…
#10YearsOfAdamLambert [video credit: BalldManMac]
Eternally etched in our hearts, ‘Who Wants To Live Forever’ dedicated to the victims of the Pulse Nightclub massacre & others lost through senseless violence. (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc-AmpIVJWM&index=9&list=PLn-NHWcSWQPHT60S_TPE_xZUDOk_xkMXE) youtube.com/watch?v=bc-Amp…
#10YearsOfAdamLambert [video credit: Queen]
The 1st time I videoed Adam Lambert was after the AI Tour concert in Milwaukee. I couldn’t leave yet . . . and then had to see him in Madison the following week . .
#10YearsOfAdamLambert . . going down the Rabbit Hole
“Because when he sings…even the birds stop to listen.”
#10YearsOfAdamLambert #Era1
Two of the best human beings!
I am so grateful to this beautiful man for entering my life and changing it so much
Camille- Hail Maximus!
#10YearsOfAdamLambert Thank you, Sir, for the best friends I’ve ever had, we all met because of YOU!! Cannot wait to see what’s coming next!!
I have to say I have never ever heard him sing one note off key.
10 years ago, I wrote about @adamlambert
for 1st time (admittedly very fawningly) when his @AmericanIdol
audition aired. Not to gloat, but I was right about him. Been fawning ever since. Congrats Adam for your success! #10YearsofAdamLambert #Glambert4Life (link: https://web.archive.org/web/20090126185945/http://new.music.yahoo.com:80/blogs/realityrocks/123244/yes-they-can-san-francisco-singers-audition-for-idol) web.archive.org/web/2009012618…
O Holy Night Adam Lambert 1080HD 80’s Show (link: https://youtu.be/FW9WG_m4H_s) youtu.be/FW9WG_m4H_s via @YouTube
Nothing like a Jewish man teaching Oh Holy Night to a Chinese man who barely speaks English. Only Adam!!
And what we would have missed if it hadn’t have been for these lovely TALC ladies. Thank you @TALCvids
I loved Elliot Gilbert on Glee #10yearsofAdamLambert
Sums up a lot – great pic –
Hmmm –
Remembering @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert’s show in Bucharest – which would have never been possible without the GFG.
So huge THANK YOU! Forever grateful! ??❤
@adamlambert You’ve been trending for over three hours in the good ole’ U.S. of A. #10YearsofAdamLambert
#10YearsOfAdamLambert ?❤️?
From AI 2009 first time working w @DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT to latest round #QAL Sept 18 #vegas concert
1.20.19 new edit
PinkFlamingo @ladistardust
I never really took to this one as a Queen fan. Found it exceeded by tolerance for ? ? Now, this is my go to vid when I need a lift. Never fails to make me grin. #10YearsOfAdamLambert youtu.be/A6NUr3461bg
nears $800 million worldwide (link: http://bit.ly/2RCOjCV) bit.ly/2RCOjCV
“Adam Lambert auditions for Idol 10 years ago, the rest is history”
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/music/adam-lambert-auditions-for-idol-10-years-ago-the-rest-is-history/article/541343#ixzz5dBbAyUTY
can’t believe it’s been 10 years since Adam’s audition on American Idol!
he was a little boy full of dreams and today he’s a rockstar, a popstar, a STAR!
he sang bohemian rhapsody in the beginning and today he’s the lead singer of Queen! can you believe it?
congrats babe!!!! ❤️
I didn’t realize Rami wore a prosthetic nose
I looked at people around me, everybody had this expression of sheer joy and disbelieve on their faces. Is he even real?
I will never forget my first live concert of Adam Lambert. It was then when I became an addict
Things we learned because of Adam: Twitter lists, YouTube playlists, fan fiction, AL websites, Urban Dictionary, Mermish, World Clock, UStream, Mixlr, Instagram, Periscope, SoundCloud. What else?
I always thought this was a cool video. Shows the long long line for Glam Nation show… wait for the general admission line
(link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKNJiTXSyI8) youtube.com/watch?v=ZKNJiT… …
Just found the youtube behind the scenes I was looking for!
James Rundle
Adam Lambert Rami Malek Behind The Scenes Bohemian Rhapsody Movie Bryan Singers Instagram (link: (link: https://youtu.be/_JbLeUwNdPo) youtu.be/_JbLeUwNdPo)
2009, 2014, 2017, 2018.
the evolution of bohemian rhapsody ♡
After #10YearsOfAdamLambert this is still one of my favorite pictures
Always loved this one, too
The impact @adamlambert
had when he first appeared on @AmericanIdol
This sums it up for me
1/3 @adamlambert really has changed my life since I first heard No Boundaries on my Spotify account back in 2009! I came across this song and wasn’t in the best of places in my life, the first note something struck with me, I just could not explain it .. #10YearsOfAdamLambert
Suzye ?
“My jacket is amazing” ?
Just a terrific shot –
I have luval If I Had You at National Harbor was all over the place, he was really upset with the sound crew and left the stage to talk to them. It was the one an only time I heard him “off”.
What the heck happened to shoshanna’s news? If she’s in London it’s almost midnight! Some peeps on tweeter are hoping it will be carpool karaoke.
But right now….nothin’!
luval I wonder if it was just the 10 year post that he put up, she said it was something “Cute”
ETA ok I was wrong there is some conversation here. If it is a performance in California we might not hear about it til tomorrow.
Ok, this might be it.
eta: Apparently it’s a special J.Corden show tonight after the football game.
Maybe it’s a little skit or something.
they tweeted it again without Adams @, guessing it has to be a surprise
Johnny’s instagram story
I guess they are filming it now
Lego Movie vs Playmobile Movie
IG story
Who is this?
NEW Late Late Show TONIGHT after AFC Championship!
Don’t miss a special #LateLateShow TONIGHT after the AFC Championship on @CBS
• foodball with @DangeRussWilson
• a visit to @SpaceCampUSA
with @TheLEGOMovie
stars @prattprattpratt
• a big dance routine with @NFL
• and more!
It’s strange if the tweet was re-posted without Adam’s name. Either they really want it to be a surprise or cutting out his bit like they do with SNL. They film several skits but not all are aired.
Gladys Knight To Sing National Anthem at The Super Bowl
DETAILS –> (link: http://bit.ly/2T2D9UG) bit.ly/2T2D9UG
Adam might be on tonight, but not confirmed.
Stream Time – 11:35pm EST
Stream Clock – https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=The+Late+Late+Show&iso=20190120T2335&p1=179 …
Stream via @glambertparty – https://www.pscp.tv/glambertparty1/1RDGlqkDQEMJL …
Ck local listings for time in your area if watching on TV. If football game runs late, it could push back the time.
I’m inclined to think there are guild/contract requirements on these kind of shows — if you show up and are taped – you are aired (but of course any segment can be edited down for time) So we’ll see.
Gorgeous Terrance (swipe for several pictures)
Dimples do it every time!
? Tune in to the #LateLate show on CBS tonight after football. Word is, Adam will appear tonight and laughs will ensue. The secrecy baffles me.
Snow everywhere outside. Stuck at home. On Twitter “Berting” every chance i get when my husband isn’t looking. All because #10YearsOfAdamLambert