- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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The light
Replying to @SvetlanaSVK1992 @adamlambert
never get enough of listening to him sing ?☺️?❤️?
Congrats #Queen #GRAMMYs #LifetimeAchievementAward!!! @QueenWillRock @RecordingAcad #TheyAreTheChampions ????????????????
Wishing a Very Happy? Birthday? ??to Adam Lambert ? ? ? – 29 January. 36 today. #Celebrate. ? ? ? #adamlambert #happybirthday
ITS ALREADY THE 29th IN A LOT OF TIMEZONES SO HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!! we love you so muchhh ??? @adamlambert
Found some old slides, added some new ones ??@adamlambert you are sharing your inspirational talent with us day after day, month after month and year after year! I truly can’t thank you enough !! ☺️ #HappyBirthdayAdamLambert ? ILU 1.29.18
Tina Turner, Queen, Neil Diamond and Emmylou Harris received lifetime achievement awards at the #GRAMMYs
Michelle @Dragonfly194
Not to beat the same drum ya know, but Adam Lambert could have sung every one of these songs on the Grammy’s tonight better than anyone
Yeah, still love that 2011 Grammy look!
He was scrumptious!
Grammy’s tonight were meh.
“Take This Vision Test and We’ll Tell You What Color Your Eyes Are”
Loved Adam Lamberts earlier IG throwback post of his Red Carpet look at the 2011 GRAMMYs but felt it deserved a full length view as well!
And getting out of the limo –
~Megs Koskibert~ @IDontNeedAMap84
It looks like the same people from NYE are at Adam’s place.
Stretchyman instagram story
At Adam’s house for his bday, you see Adam at the back
I can’t take this! Adam is SO cute (lighter ver.) ?☺️? fr stretchyman’s IG post 1.28.18
~Megs Koskibert~ @IDontNeedAMap84
LOL i think that’s True Disaster playing LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!
Yay @adamlambert Grammy #Throwback !! 2011 https://instagram.com/p/BegsmXMBQ_F/ 1.28.18
Ellen Wages @ellen_wages
Replying to @14gelly
@14gelly I love this. I love it when I see a past video or picture I haven’t seen before. It surprises me there is so much coverage of Adam, and that Glamberts have such a good storage system that they can recall things and share them at will.
What I thought too, nkd
Like anything else trends go around and around. Country and pop were in the past…hip hop & rap were the forefront last night. Sorry, just don’t like it. Tweeters were complaining they couldn’t understand the words in the Kendrick Lamar opening. I couldn’t either.
Glad Bruno Mars won big. His music is very happy. With the world and many of our lives in a mess we need this. I know I do. I think the album of the year shutout to JZ & Lamar was a shock. Bruno won every award he was up for.
And yes, Adam could have sung any of those songs so much better. Although I LOVED Patty Lupone! Don’t cry for me Argentina was masterful. Glad to see her included.
So Adam had his birthday party at his own house? Did anyone take him out?
10m10 minutes ago
Brighter aww another angle- abreealoren IG Stories https://twitter.com/14gelly/status/957856701025222658 … #HappyBirthdayAdamLambert 1.29.18
In case this nomination for February was forgotten
43m43 minutes ago
Lighter hi Pharaoh https://twitter.com/14gelly/status/957862272583561216 … TY @14gelly ?? 1.29.18
A nice IG from Terrance. Actually a flipogram.
Don’t think this is going to be a popular opinion
Official Charts
Verified account @officialcharts
2h2 hours ago
Happy Birthday to @AdamLambert! ? Look back at the star’s complete UK chart history, including three Top 40 albums http://bit.ly/2rOVzz9
“When you can’t be with the bestie on his birthday you FaceTime him” awwwww
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise
Terrance’s IG story https://scontent-dft4-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/3e3c6b4aea15e0e242a7a576f5ba9414/5A714AEA/t58.9793-16/27070598_339344389884055_3479919660800253734_n.mp4 …
Amen to this!
I like this one for February, from the fashion show.
Haven’t watched the whole Grammy show, but the president is nuts. Lady Gaga was amazing as was Pink. The only man I liked was Bruno. I turned it off after Bruno so I will have to watch/ff the rest today with Granddaughter. will definitely have to check out Patti Lupone per your comments. Granddaughter went nuts when Alessia Cara won. LOL and was on the phone telling her Mom that girls were wearing butt earrings and talking about their butts.
I also Can’t believe Ed Sheeran won in the pop solo category with all the amazing women he was up against. He is just the epitome of boring to me.
To me, Grammy’s made their own reverse politically incorrect statement when they combined male and female into one award.
Shoulda kept them by gender.
Now the field is just too mixed up and leaves too many out.
Looove that pic for Feb.
21h21 hours ago
Can you imagine that on this day three years ago I didn’t know who Adam Lambert was? I only knew his name from the concert posters with Queen. Tomorrow will be the day that changed my life in so many ways three years ago.
The comments here are sweet. Guess there are many many people who have discovered Adam through Queen. Thank God for QAL!!!
Terrance D. Spencer
10h10 hours ago
Happy East Coast birthday best friend! @adamlambert I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH!!! #MyRockSTAR!
There are sooooooo many Happy Birthday wishes for Adam on Twitter.
Thanks, mils!
This Instagram is so heartwarming, it’s from the first QAL Europe go round back in 2015, the arena in Cologne Germany singing a glorious Happy Birthday to Adam! He was already loved.
Posted by my lovely Brazilian Glambert seat neighbor from the first O2 concert last month. Her Carnival Instagrams are fab too.
Little Adam tidbit: At dinner with 20 yr old granddaughter and she tells me she and her twin sister besties have re-fallen in love with TOH and Adam. Their fave: After Hours! Go figure.
Also, OT, went to see Trevor Noah (Daily Show) standup live Friday night, really fun, charming and entertaining. Had two sold out shows at our Hollywood Hard Rock that night. See him if he comes your way!
That FaceTime with Adam and Terrence is adorable!
Sauli wants us to vote for his sister.
Gay Times @gaytimesmag
Happy birthday @adamlambert! Here are 10 of the American Idol’s most electrifying live performances ?
http://www.gaytimes.co.uk/culture/60735/adam-lambert-best-live-performances/ …
Trevor Noah was in my town about a month ago. Don’t know why I didn’t go to see him. I really like him!
6m6 minutes ago
sashadm Happy Birthday Adam! Thanks for helping this queirdo out her closet ??? you f?cking rule you goodess of a man ??♒️? cheers!
14h14 hours ago
Why I still watch #GRAMMYs ??? ? Ok, this year was to see about Queen… but just a ridiculous mention was frustrating!!! Disappointing!!! Disrespectful!!! Do they know that Queen is one of the biggest bands in history??? OMG!!!
Antinous the Gay God
2h2 hours ago
#HappyBirthdayAdamLambert! #AdamLambert is a modern incarnation of #Antinous, divinely inspiring millions through his art and his love. Art: @dianik_bg
Happy Birthday @adamlambert
Love a beautiful profile pic –
Happy Adam’s birthday ALL! It’s so nice to see all the tributes to him, especially Brian May’s. Like a fine wine, Adam just gets better with age. I’m so grateful to him for enriching all of our lives.
The photos of Adam that luval and riskylady posted from the fashion show are gorgeous. I especially love his hair. Either one would be perfect for February.
Everyone is shedding a tear on twitter about Danielle’s IG to Adam
3m3 minutes ago
Don’t remember seeing this posted. Our friend Angelina Kalahari discussing specifically Adam’s Queen performances, with another expert. Five videos, here’s a link to the first one, then the others are easy to see. Very interesting.
Haha… June is back.
And more of June’s tweets here.
Paula Abdul
Verified account @PaulaAbdul
4m4 minutes ago
.@adamlambert Happy Birthday, Adam!!!! Sending you SO MUCH LOVE, honey! Have a fantastic day! xoxoP
15m15 minutes ago
this pic of pink & her family is classic, her son ? https://www.instagram.com/p/BegzhIQlMiz/
Looks like the Grammys bombed – not so sad about Adam’s not being there anymore
Agree, ulti
Verified account @SUP3RFRUIT
6m6 minutes ago
Happy Birthday to @AdamLambert and his amazing vocals!! ??
ha He’s got an Adam Lambert tote bag
4h4 hours ago
VIDEO browncharl “Everybody has that one extra Full out friend ?
Happy BDay @adamlambert ” hahaha awww
American Idol
Verified account @AmericanIdol
11m11 minutes ago
#HappyBirthday to one of our all-time favs @adamlambert! A superstar in real-life and in our ❤️