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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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“Elton John Announces Farewell Yellow Brick Road Retirement Tour”
RockNRollGlambert? @SvetlanaSVK1992
I dont want falsettos.
I want sick rock pipes like in 20 century boy
lol –
Replying to @adamlambert
9m9 minutes ago
Replying to @adamlambert
I was embracing my falsetto before it was cool.
Saying he had a super fun day taping Kymppitonni and thanking everyone who were there.
i bet he’s sitting there with this look on his face
?? I need ~~~ @adamlambert tweet 50 mins ago 1.24.18 #falsetto
Wow…look at Elton’s jacket. Adam liked this IG
I saw Elton in Vegas in October. It was fantastic! My friend and I got to go on stage for the final song before the encore. Had a blast!
We even made it onto Elton’s instagram and then on the Today Show.
Who said what happens in Vegas stays there?!!
I’ll be going to see him again on his farewell tour for sure!
Adam’s falsetto excites me! Excited for new music!
Here’s a tweet of his from 2012
Verified account @adamlambert
20 Jan 2012
a lil music education moment: FALSETTO. It’s not full, belted out chest voice. It’s small, light pretty head voice. Widely misunderstood.
300 city, three year tour for Elton. He’s even gonna be in my neck of the woods. Couple of hours away but close enough although not sure I’d go. I’ve always liked him but seeing him at the IHeart festival in LV a few years ago was probably the only time I’ll see him.
Verified account @QueenWillRock
16m16 minutes ago
A final, previously unavailable allocation of tickets has just been released for the @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert shows in Australia and New Zealand! On sale now! Australia: http://bit.ly/QAL_AU New Zealand: http://bit.ly/QALNZ18 #QAL
1h1 hour ago
Remember this?? Adam being a professor and explaining “falsetto” during a twitter party, when he saw tweets talking about his falsetto ???
http://adamlamberttv.blogspot.gr/2012/01/twitter-party-tweets-by-adam-lambert-1.html …
Thanks AL, that was great!
✨ YouTube Unveils Plans to Benefit Artists & Songwriters: Consolidating Content, Implementing ID System https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/8095869/youtube-official-channels-isni-id-system-artist-songwriters …
VIDEO @adamlambert’s instagram , Pharaoh near the pool area, so cute!
Posted it at 2:38 above, luval –
Thanks, ultimathule. Will replace my post with something else now.
Billboard article about youtube.
Lisa @asiladam
I still stand by as this being the best recorded vocal from Adam youtu.be/BmmzaeKx8B4 – sooo much vocal acrobatics!!
It’s gorgeous, for sure –
Wow, haven’t listened to Feeling Good in a long time. Still amazingly beautiful!
Feeling Good makes me feel good. Gives hope to this crazy world.
Wonder if Adam’s going to the Grammys?
Wow. Feeling Good. Really shows his crazy ass range. From high to low from head voice to falsetto to singing from his shoes.
When the Idol CD first came out, I listened to it every time I got in my car…couldn’t get enough of his voice. This song brought tears to my eyes. Sheer delight and awe.
I think it truly showcases his skill. Maybe only a few songs truly do this. In the Lap of the Gods, I was Born to Love You, Save Me, Under Pressure, STL, Wicked Game, One More Try, Somebody to Love,
What other songs do ya’ll think show his range?
Been wondering that, too, luval – because of the Queen award –
I totally forgot about the Queen award!
Feeling Good, well that was just amazing.
Bicycle Race is another song that really shows Adam’s range. He’s all over the place vocally in that short song. I was amazed that he could sing such a demanding song live while riding a bicycle on a catwalk. He truly is a rock god!
I also love the vocal acrobatics in Adam’s recorded version of Feeling Good. I put it on a CD of Adam’s music and have listened to it countless times. It’s one of my favorites.
Well then, theres this!If someone wants Adams rock voice!
Feeling Good has always been one of my all time favorites, but I away listen to the live version. It is still on my mp3 player from 2009. LOL
My favorite version of Feeling Good is the recorded one. Same with A Change is Gonna Come I prefer the recorded version.
Hana Frisons
8h8 hours ago
.@ferras got gold certification of more than 500.000 copies of @adamlambert ‘s album #ForYourEntertainment of the RCA records ! source: Ferras’s ig story
https://instagram.fhrk1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/64970a54007404826243ed0736db0176/5A6C3498/t51.12442-15/e35/26186259_881640592004463_337512325554634752_n.jpg?se=7&ig_cache_key=MTY5OTg1OTM3MzE4OTY5NzY5Nw%3D%3D.2 … …
‘Adele is just as excited for our new @adamlambert plaque we finally got 9 yrs later’
I don’t know anymore about these “follows”. I mean why wouldn’t he follow him if he’s a co-writer.
5h5 hours ago
Ohhh hmmmm look who Adam just followed! https://twitter.com/14gelly/status/956240822692974592 …
Agree, luval!!!
I love ALL his Idol studio recordings, except TOMT – that one they ruined by doing the regular song instead of the beautiful live acoustic.
Btw, Ghost Town just slipped past 92 million on YT.
He’s getting so much love lately on most of his YTs, both live and recorded, QAL and solo.
Wonder if the new RCA guy at Warner had anything to do with that plaque….9 years late. Should be Platinum by now.
Terrance’s IG. His mother’s birthday. Adam in some pics.
The word that comes to my mind when hearing the recorded “Feeling Good” is “elegant” –
Great evening glamberts???????
auli Koskinen Info @SKsSunflowers
Sauli yday taping Kymppitonni. About his PT work and short Adam mention. ”I knew, you’d ask that! I always get that question. I’m gonna answer, that Adam Lambert and I are good friends and he is important to me”, Koskinen laughs when asked about Adam.
Adam Lambert is ♔
11m11 minutes ago
TWEET FROM .@QueenWillRock
Final, previously unavailable allocation of tickets has just been released for .@QueenWillRock + .@adamlambert AU & NZ shows
AU http://bit.ly/QAL_AU
NZ http://bit.ly/QALNZ18
John Legend & Sara Barielles on Today Show coming up now to talk about JCS
eta: I didn’t realize Legend is one of the producers. “it’s a really big show”, timely but also current”, “We’re making it like a rock concert…it’s really a concert”. With a live audience.”we have a lot going on but we’ll make sure we’re ready”.
They’re not rehearsing yet. Sara is still in her play The Waitress which was extended until March 11th. John Legend is going on tour in Asia before April 1st. I looked up the dates. Starts March 6th & ends March 21st.
Sounds like all rehearsal is last minute! No Judas talk.
eta again: So my thought that QAL tour would be a problem is bull…if he gets the part.
Neil Meron
Verified account @neilmeron
19m19 minutes ago
For the 1st time together #JesusChristSuperstarLive in Concert stars @johnlegend @SaraBareilles @TODAYshow @nbc
Sara Bareilles
Verified account @SaraBareilles
15m15 minutes ago
They’re never getting rid of me. I’m extending my stay at the diner for 2 more weeks! Come see me and @WaitressMusical till March 11th!! #sugarbutterclinger
Anybody want to audition for West Side Story movie directed by Steven Spielberg?
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Verified account @OfficialALW
6h6 hours ago
Over the past 50 years, Andrew Lloyd Webber has delivered some of the biggest hits in musical theatre. This March, explore his infamous back catalogue in ‘Unmasked: The Platinum Collection’. Pre-order now #TeamALW
2 CD: https://ALW.lnk.to/UTPCstandard
4 CD: https://ALW.lnk.to/UTPCdeluxe
Sara Bareilles
Verified account @SaraBareilles
2m2 minutes ago
What’s the buzz??? Hi JL/JC @johnlegend, we matched. Thanks @todayshow…you da best. Can’t… https://www.instagram.com/p/BeaoiLIFsmA/
5h5 hours ago
This photo is so awesome. My most favorite QAL photo. We had this moment from the back now we have it from the front. IN LOVE https://twitter.com/_coma_berenices/status/956638231596093444 …
Here’s the video from The Today Show
AP Planner
Verified account @AP_Planner
8m8 minutes ago
Monday’s birthdays: Oprah Winfrey (64), Paul Ryan (48), Tom Selleck (73), Sharif Atkins (43), Adam Lambert (36)
0 replies 6 retweets 6 likes
Sauli is quite the busy boy! Hosting, sponsoring, training!