- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
What tickles me most about Adam’s choice of dogs is that he found a dog that matches EXACTLY how he described what he wanted in this interview from 2015.
– “medium-sized”
– “cinnamon brown color, warm rusty brown, sort of a ginger”
– “lean”
– “shorter haired”
– “looks sort of like a deer, like a pretty little fawn”
Check, check, check, check, check. Pharaoh is perfect!!
At 17:50 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAS0bGhSPwE
Exactly, cwm! Wonder if he brought that list with him when he searched for Pharaoh?
lol, Pharaoh
Dreamer Adam @LambQuest 2h2 hours ago
#RT @adamlambert #Five Top 50 Openly Young Gay/Bi Male Celebrities Under 40 https://youtu.be/FrV-8a5RxTI via @YouTube
No. 2 –
Pressparty @Pressparty Jan 14
This one. For you #Glamberts ?#CantGetYouOutOfMyHead @kylieminogue @adamlambert ???
Another father & son
He’s starting to “like” people with dogs IG’s
Tommy’s dog from snap chat (blurry)
Another great moment from QAL Barcelona, the audience serenading them with “Ole ole ole” chant
.@adamlambert ‘s 4th snapchat with Pharaoh
Pharaoh is too beautiful for words. He really does look Egyptian!
I want one ?
.@adamlambert ‘s 1st snapchat with Pharaoh
.@adamlambert ‘s 3rd snapchat with Pharaoh
.@adamlambert ‘s 2nd snapchat with Pharaoh
tut, tut Adam..allowing the dog on the sofa!!!
New @adamlambert drawing – ▲PHARAOH and ADAM▲ ♥
♎️ @tinapglambert 35m35 minutes ago
Pharaoh – 15.1.2017
adoresAdamL @adoresAdamL
Great! We can now watch the official vid in the USA! Saara & Adam Lambert – Bohemian Rhapsody! | Final
josi @josirose
Adam’s dog is so graceful and elegant, perfect for him! Face washing like a cat is apparently a Basenji trait lol
when he keeps calling you cute and you get all shy
“What are you doing, Bren?”
“Ohhhh, cropping and posting photos of some celeb’s dog…”
“………………….get a life!”
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 42m42 minutes ago
My plan for knee friendly 7 Minute Workout —- For details see Bri’s ol’ Soapbox at http://brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/brianssbjan17a.html#06 … Bri
Pharaoh’s photos with captions
So it is the dog from the rescue…
Adam Lambert Pics
He’s a 2 1/2 yrs old Basenji/Chihuahua mix ?❤
1/2 So Pharaoh (Max) is on a 7 day audition w/ Adam but I think it’s a done deal
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 7m7 minutes ago
Adam Lambert Pics Retweeted Adam Lambert Pics
2/2 https://www.facebook.com/Walkmehomerescue/photos/a.1104214246284176.1073741827.1088392164533051/1285439148161684/?type=3&theater …
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:IaOe1uxRIuUJ:www.adoptapet.com/pet/17060492-monrovia-california-basenji-mix …
Awwww, clearly a “Max” made in heaven!
So how many days has he had it? 4? Wonder if it will all work out? It’s a full grown small (perfect size) dog. Bet Hazel is on a 7 day trial too. We have no shelters around here that do the trial run.
lol, be sure to scroll through the pictures on that facebook link. There’s this one black dog with HUGE ears. So cute.
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 6m6 minutes ago
PHOTO|@AdamLambert posted a new pic of Pharaoh on #snapchat
lovesummer22 @lovesummer22 15m15 minutes ago
Awww little did this little guy know how much his life was about to change!
I still can’t stop watching that BR video from XFactor that ultimathule posted at 6:14pm. Getting close to 2 million views.
TALCvids @TALCvids 18s19 seconds ago
screencap of Terrance Spencer’s IG story photo (lightened) “My nephew! Pharaoh” awww!!
Sweet Phantastic Pharaoh Dreams, Adam and ALL!!!
Sparkle, so happy to see you back for your ‘Sweet Dream’ Sign-off!

Missed you a bunch.

Sweet Belated Beautiful Bewitching Birthday Dreams to you!!
luval, this pic of Adam with Hazel is from 11/28/15, so Eber’s had her for a little over a year now.
) if not. I would be so sad if he were returned after being so loved for a few days.
So if we assume Adam picked up Pharaoh the day of first snap 1/11, it’s been 5 days. I’m thinking he’s a keeper, named, photographed, publicized to us lol. The fandom would be very upset (understatement
Thanks Sparkle. I haven’t celebrated my birthday as yet, because we are ‘snowed in’ here in Portland. I also have a viral upper respiratory bug, which has to run it’s course. I guess it’s the best time to get sick, when you’re snowed in for days.
I alway’s liked my birthday, when it landed on Friday the 13th.
It was a stunning full moon, with the snow & all.
Mother Nature’s birthday gift this year.
Here’s hoping Pharaoh has all the good qualities from a Basenji & Chihuahua. Kinda makes me giggle about Basenji’s traits such as :
They need tons of exercise. Good reading.
from this article
I think it will work out fine with Adam & Pharaoh. Yeah, fandom would freak. Glad we’re getting lots of pics although I’d love more with Adam!
Well, fortunately for Adam, he’s 2 1/2 yrs old and was living in an apartment before, so must already be pretty “domesticated” and trained. And, he has that nice big backyard plus Adam’s hikes. He actually seems very calm at least in the pics and even in that first snap, just trotting peacefully along.
Oh yeah, this dog is comfortable.
Who’s this for?
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 32m32 minutes ago
Grad @gradam1 2h2 hours ago
Adam Lambert http://shr.gs/aJqXOs wow his years of hard work paid off well for him, what a house
More pictures from the shelter cutie is from
Gelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
Adam Lambert ig video https://www.instagram.com/p/BPVqJQGjzRg/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/16104582_1317047221679845_3300891338609786880_n.mp4 …
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 21m21 minutes ago
.@AdamLambert left a comment on his Instagram video:’Lotta unsolicited advice on here. Thanks!! I’m ok.’ https://www.instagram.com/p/BPVqJQGjzRg/ ?
This is appropriate for today
Oohhh, luval, I’ll never ever ever get sick of that performance! Ever. I was jumping and whooping just like Paula, and have been ever since. Omg.
Another collection of Adam’s greatest performances, by Popdust.