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Pharaoh is his car. Passenger seat
Maybe he’s on his way to share the new puppy with, his Godson Riff Cherry. Now that would be such adorable photo’s of them together. Lee would definitely make that happen.
I’m so happy for Adam that he finally was able to get a dog. Pets enrich our lives so much. I’m a crazy cat person myself but I do appreciate (and even love) some dogs belonging to family and friends. Pharaoh looks like a handsome, sweet, intelligent guy just like his human companion. Adam can spam us with all the adorable dog pictures and videos he wants! This does seem like a fairly clear indication though that Adam plans to be in LA for the next few months, probably working on new music among other things.
Handsome dog!
cocoo @cocooyau 2m2 minutes ago
?#WoFF #ruff continuation of @adamlambert Dog Story ????#pharoah https://vimeo.com/199240960 #cutebert
Miles Tougeaux @milestougeaux 18h18 hours ago
@adamlambert Can’t wait for Hazel and Pharaoh to hang out #CanineCousins
Eber spells Pharaoh correctly. Lol
Another thought on what the breed of dog is
No dogs in this, but I just came across it and though it appropriate for our boy! IT starts off seriously, and then at about 2.40 it gets to the part that’s more relevant.
Hehe he’s obsessed! Adam’s Instagram & more Pharaoh
“EXCLUSIVE: Rami Malek Reveals He Will Sing as Freddie Mercury in Queen Biopic ‘Bohemian Rhapsody'”
I agree that it is probably a Basenji.
Oh my!
16 Basenji puppies
Love this!!
adamlambert Like Father Like Son https://www.instagram.com/p/BPMbYTmDxIq/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15801906_1472967882730659_1171728187143487488_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQyNjYzNTU5OTUzMjQ2MjYzNA%3D%3D.2 …
an edit
That Basenji video is soooooo cute! Looking at the mom that’s what Adam’s dog will grow up to look like. Long legs, kinda looks like a fawn. Only difference is the white coloring which basenji’s have & his doesn’t. The “barkless” dog from Africa. They have a stubborn streak a mile wide.
Can’t be left alone in a yard. Accomplished escape artists.
The characteristics fit Adam exactly!
Hey @adamlambert you & @JasonDundas should take Pharaoh & Ollie for doggie dates!!!!!!! ❤️❤️love Rosie xxx
. @adamlambert’s art TOHTour Mega respect this guy for being such a badass rock god activist & super down to earth” https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1678166278876005&set=a.106351819390800.12688.100000479481814&type=3&theater …
Adam Lambert’ fans @AdamLambertRUAB 4h4 hours ago
Kids from Ukraine made great cover on @adamlambert #GhostTown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zecX7nCwNw … take a look!
I like the spelling Pharoah better!
I don’t think it’s a Basenji at all. Doesn’t have the distinctive white markings, black nose, much darker eyes.
This dog has pinky-tan nose and skin, clear greyish-Amber eyes and barely any white. Plus seems more serene in manner.
And Adam clearly is in a pharaoh thing. Maybe a pharaoh hound with a little other, but from him saying before that’s what he wanted, that’s what I think.
And these characteristics seem perfect:
Temperament: Playful, Active, Intelligent, Affectionate, Trainable, Sociable
Colors: Rich Tan, Chestnut, Tan, Red Golden
The “barely any white” made me wonder just a little whether it was a Basenji. Would love to know if he went to a rescue. Same with Eber. Maybe they went together and by luck Adam found his perfect dog.
~Megs Koskibert~ @IDontNeedAMap82 12m12 minutes ago
OMG! I can’t
I don’t know if this is Adam’s dog at a rescue or just looks an awful lot like him petfinder.com/petdetail/3677…
Wow that dog at the rescue really looks like Adam’s dog. Like I said earlier maybe Eber & Adam went out together and each got one. I should call the rescue & see if it’s been adopted although bet others have already done so.
petra proost @teacher_01_ 2h2 hours ago
In case you are bored, you can play with your own Adam paperdoll ?
I tried to do a side by side of the two dogs. Coloring is just a bit off.
Dozens of oil pics of Adam and friends –
Nice!!! (only shows Pharaoh)
Adam & Pharaoh in Runyon Canyon
Wonder if he brings a poop bag with him?
Beautiful color – so like the mop of the young Adam – love the purple leash –
That pet finder pic is not there anymore so can’t compare…Pharaoh has the same lead as our dog but ours is red…we wanted purple though as its my daughters favourite colour.
Beautiful looking dog.
Those portraits from olambertik are amazing, she really has some talent.
There are lots of photos of pharaoh/basenji crosses that look like Pharaoh. A pharaoh is a hound and Adam’s doggie doesn’t look much like a hound. I wonder if he’ll tell us more!
Lord Snowdon passed away. He was the husband of Princess Margaret and a photographer. Took photo on cover of Queen’s Greatest Hits. Here is Brian talking about him.
(Brian hasn’t been tweeting. Was getting a little concerned we haven’t heard from him)
Brian is really a lovely writer. I’m glad to see him posting.
Adams puppy love
? Adam Lambert’s Snapchat “Woof”
July 13, 2016 + ? Pharaoh
#FlashBackFriday We’re not worthy! Head over to http://bit.ly/IdolsGlobal_YT for even more!
adam is posting pics like, “you think your dog is cute, fierce…take a look at this” lol
T€€TANIUM™ @TeeTanium_SA
@adamlambert is boss… My fave Artist
Agree about Pharaoh’s coloring, but the tail!?!?!
Whatever his breed or background, he has a heart and just wants to be loved!
I think he found it! Cute cute dog. Cute adorable master!
Terrance D. Spencer @LoveMrSpencer 11h11 hours ago
Terrance D. Spencer Retweeted Nat Pampis ツ
Can’t wait to meet my nephew!! He’s so cute!!!
Dorothy @dolusglitz 5h5 hours ago
Adam liked my wip drawing of him and Pharaoh on IG ?❤️?
Hadas @Glambert4everAL 16m16 minutes ago
Loll even Adam’s sister in law following Pharaoh
I don’t know if this is true. When I search for Pharaoh Lambert there is an account but it doesn’t show any followers. Maybe it’s fake?
I love this! Farmer’s viral dance (over 5 mill views). Love the song too…Sia. And his story is great.
Ah, karaoke
Glamberts_Thailand @ReeseLinh 34m34 minutes ago
You’re my Miracles Adam Lambert – Just want to say so ?? Goodnight my Gorgeous iDol & Sweet Pharaoh ?
Has followers and follows. Not me, I don’t appreciate people stealing A’s dog account. I can see the pics on Adam’s. Maybe he wants to set one up himself. Like all the hundreds of people putting his official vids on their YT, stealing views from the official ones. *sigh*
jdc @jdc3306 7h7 hours ago
Flash ⚡️Just for the thrill of the falling curtain ! @OIQFC. Memories of Barcelona 2016. #QAL
I too am so happy that Adam got a dog! What a wonderful companion for him – and a hiking buddy too! Pharaoh looks very sweet, intelligent, and regal, and it’s obvious that Adam is already falling head over heels for him. They’ll be a great pair. Really happy for both of them.
I think that Pharaoh has a lot of Basenji in him. Although he lacks the white markings on Basenjis, his build, his size, his facial structure, and his tail are definitely right for a Basenji.
Pharaoh Hounds are much bigger than Adam’s Pharaoh, and don’t have the same build; their faces are much narrower and their tails are very different, too. So maybe he’s mostly Basenji with a bit of Pharaoh Hound or Lab in him to account for his even-colored coat.
And since Basenjis are ancient Egyptian dogs (probably the first domesticated dog in Egypt), his “Pharaoh” name still fits very well!
As the owner of a Corgi, I can confidently say that he doesn’t have Corgi in him. They both have large erect ears and sweet faces, but that’s where the resemblance ends!
Never saw this pic before. Hair looks unreal!