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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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From mjs –
“Top 6 Best Celebrity David Bowie Tributes!”
Adam – “Let’s Dance” in Japan –
“Let’s Dance” Sydney1 Jan30.2016 Adam Lambert
Just sooooo good! Miss the guy –
Aww LaLaLand RTd Adam
Roger’s smile is so cute
♎️ @tinapglambert Jan 10
⚜️BOW DOWN TO THE KING!!!?⚜️ #AdamLambert
Adam mention
idolator @idolator 4m4 minutes ago
From @adamlambert to @ShawnMendes to @nickjonas, here are 20 pop dudes who stripped off over the past year http://idola.to/2icWFj3
Thanks twilight!
How did you remember???
YAY!!! The Official XFactor video of Adam and Saara is now viewable for us!!! Approaching 1.9 million – we should give it some hits!!
I remembered from my visit, for QAL Vancouver B.C. June 28th 2014. Also our birthday’s are only 3 days apart.
I sent you an e-mail yesterday too. Maybe your e-mail has changed?

Hope you’re still celebrating!
He got a dog!?
TALCvids @TALCvids 7m7 minutes ago
Adam Lambert’s snapchat story “Pharoah” https://youtu.be/aRee0sNuFm8 via @heathermarie_87
if he really did get a dog can you imagine all the pictures he’s gonna post I WILL DIE I WILL NOT SURVIVE
OMGOMG did he????
So cute!!
What a face! Looks regal, mysterious…so fitting (if it is his dog lol)
FONDOODLER @chunkeymonkey81 8m8 minutes ago
You know how they say dogs look like their owners and vice versa? Well the damn thing already looks like him lol
So much responsibility. Early AM walks, regular schedule. Hope he has someone lined up to babysit when he goes away….mom, bro, dad haha
There must be a side by side pic of him and his dog….look-a-likes.
Scarlett Cherry commented on his IG “omg”
Looks like a sphinx dog (or a mutt)…fitting
Pharoah, is a ‘ginger!’
Looks like eyeliner on the dog.

Tracey @kinkykiedis 4m4 minutes ago
I see Adams dog is a Pharaoh Hound from Malta. Native name being Kelb tal-Fenek meaning rabbit dog Generally associated with hunting rabbits
Leah, I
❤ Adam
How Lucky is that dog is?? ??can’t stop thinking about this ! He is Adam Lambert ‘s dog ???
loha @lohablondie 8m8 minutes ago
be ready pharaoh…
People are spelling it “pharaoh”, but he spells it “pharoah”.
Finding this quite apropos, considering it will go ‘a rabbit-hole’.
May be a puppy. More info.
Fascinating in more ways than one.
Gelly @14gelly 19m19 minutes ago
Here is the interview where Adam describes the dog he likes “Dogs that look like Anubis, Pharaoh hound” at about 16
A good thing …
Think Pharoah/Pharaoh will offer comfort to him – and such a nice welcome – when he enters his home – happy he’s finally done this –
Very cute dog…hope this doesn’t mean he has not much plans for overseas travel this year though….wonder who’ll look after him when he is away?
Here’s a side by side
another one
more doggy
Adam Lambert – IG Story https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.9793-16/13699607_1856452904630114_7156385241442025472_n.mp4 …
That doggy is so cute and Adam’s comments are just precious!
Tothebeat, thank you for posting this! I haven’t watched it in a while but absolutely love it!
I remember listening to it over and over in the hotel room in Chicago getting ready for the first QAL concert of the 2014 tour. Amazing!
nkd Hi! Pharaoh kinda looks like a corgi.
Couple more side by sides
These are good!
video with Adam!
Wonder who’s taking the video. Might be this guy. Maybe staying with Adam while he’s in LA
brockjays Always trouble with the gang! Welcome to LA @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BPKRhhwDCJH/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15803318_1072808372827795_8507814924674662400_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQyNjAyOTMwMjc4OTE4NjExOQ%3D%3D.2 …
Oh, could be Adam’s long arm taking the snap.
Eber with his dog Hazel. Definitely a puppy. Hazel & Pharoah can hang out together!
*Yeah Titties* @tattoojo 2h2 hours ago
that’s Hazel
Father & son getting dogs together IMO
He’ll have many peeps from his family & others willing to watch Pharaoh when he goes away.
From the makeup artist
kittylee_mua TBT missing my team || missing X-Factor ? but especially the boss @adamlambert
Sleepy head
Think ALL is gonna have spams of dog pics from now on. Ok with me!!!
OMG, I can’t! Adam has a dog???? When I saw a reference to Pharoah on twitter with a pic of a dog this morning it seemed too good to be true.
Love Eber’s little pup, too (hope took that little cutie home with him.)
A whole new phase. Adam is a DAD!!!!
This is going to sound stupid but that pic of Pharoah in his blue harness sitting watchfully reminds me of Sauli.
That video of Adam with Pharaoh, so wonderful in so many ways. His peaceful repose, eyes closed, the lighting,the light like from the pool area,the glimpse into what is likely his bedroom,the headboard,the sheer relaxation of it.
It looks like a composed Rennassaince painting.
Gah. Who took it?
There was mention that Adam has talked about this breed of dog since he was 16. This kind of clear vision is what has driven his whole life. IMHO
Somebody toooooooo loooove……!!
Hi luval!
I thought that too! His tail is fluffy, not like the Pharaoh Hound standard tail. Maybe a mix.
Adorably cute whatever he is! And one lucky pup!
What great prep for that first concert in Chicago, nkd! Love Kills (had to go back and listen – again!) is just a great display of passion enhanced with vocal control, imho.
But in other news, a doggie?
I think so too, ulti; nice for him to have somebody waiting…
Yep, luval, that’s probably me too. Still, I wonder what Adam is filling his time with these days. Yes, Pharoah will be a huge and delightful priority, but we’re talking about a very restless guy here. Is it possible he is taking a few acting classes during this downtime? No way to know, of course!